Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Trouble With Transcending Race

From a blog called the Root
Thought provoking indeed:

If some white people are rethinking their feelings for Oprah and Obama, it's because those people's unrealistic expectations of the two have been betrayed. Oprah and Obama were idealized blacks. They were supposed to be above reproach, neutral on all matters of race, unencumbered by the tiresome legacy of American race relations, colorblind in their politics. They were not supposed to associate with people like Jeremiah Wright, let alone consider them friends.

They were supposed to reflect blackness in the way that made white people comfortable, a blackness that lacked any hint of anger, resentment, or dare we say it, "bitterness." They were also supposed to pretend their blackness didn't matter. Oprah could be the black girlfriend who white women felt good about themselves for having, Obama could be the black candidate they felt good for supporting.

Whites have long felt comfortable with black people entertaining them. Politics is not entertainment – at least not intentionally. Still, it's hard not to wonder if the massive white crowds that came out for Obama's speeches early on weren't also seeing him as some kind of eloquent performer, and now it's sinking in that Obama really isrunning for president and not for American Idol, and that he comes, like all Americans, with some racial baggage. Could this be why so many white people are now asking, more than a year after Obama launched his campaign, if they can really trust him and basing those doubts not on his political record but on the speeches of his minister?


Anonymous said...

It's a trickery. When people talk like Obama isn't bringing race into his campaign, I think it is subconscious.

It's an identity issue. I know this is probably going to sound a great deal racist, but I'm just throwing out an opinion on an observation.

For as long as I can think, the black struggle in America has become an identity. Black men and women across the country connect on that one level like nobody else can. While struggle is a negative, the unity it has provided has given black persons a power that has overcome tragedy, oppression, and slavery.

I think that to a large degree when you hear a black man with a shot at the most powerful job in the world, speak of "Hope" and "Change" and make populous speeches, It may not be directly racial, but it is meant to invoke that feeling of black unity and empowerment.

Maybe that is why I come off as racist sometimes, because I see that power as being divisive as well as uniting. I'm not afraid of some "black takeover" however, I do wonder what our nation is becoming when whites are excluded due to skin color. It's not because I'm white, I just refuse to ignore the poor and downtrodden no matter what color, black, white, asian, arab, etc.

I hear C-Hill call and speak of the mexican immigrant problem, and wonder if he sees it as much of a struggle of poor folks trying to make a dollar as I do, then I hear him call in speaking of the problems that black folks have it in this country.

I ask that you see through the racial issue and try to cipher if what you're being told is another power issue, or if you really have real issues in front of you.


Anonymous said...

the root = racist blog

the article = clearly written by racist. Google "Marjorie Valbrun" and you'll see that she makes her living off of racism.

MTJ, rise above the racists please. You are better than that. You are shifting from an Art Bell Democrat to a Spike Lee Democrat. No wonder Lady Justice is blindfolded.


Anonymous said...

No! You're the racist, you honkey! 400 years etc. 40 acres etc. And, of course, don't forget that capitalism is them honkies. Juneteenth, biatch!


Anonymous said...

So if 9 out of 10 blacks vote for Obbama would that be considered racist?

Anonymous said...

No, it would be ignorance, because Obama is half white and all elitist. If you look at the policies that he HAS stated, they are backwards doublethink.

He comes across as anti-war, though he has stated his support for Israel and mentioned how much he wants to focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

He wants to provide health care for all kids, when the real problem in this country are the vets and diabetics needing medical care at age 35

Beyond that His platform isn't really publicized. But here's my rundown

He votes for PAYGO and then votes for all the supplementals and the omnibus.

Obama's campaign promises seem to be just another attempt at winning black people, promising more hopes and dreams because he doesn't actually state how he is going to accomplish any of the racial issues, and to be honest it makes me nervous to think that a president would try to solve deep systemic problems from such a calculated stance.

He criticizes NAFTA, but then comes out and wants to re-negotiate it. Anyone with a brain learns that unregulated trade with a less wealthy nation only does 2 things, A. drives our goods' prices down due to competition with an influx of cheaper goods (which is not a good thing, Wal Martians..low prices doesn't equal happiness, it equals negative growth domestically) and B. Encourages jobs to move to the nations that make our goods since we're more likely to support our workers (for a while at least) and C. When our jobs and economy (trade policy) push around the less wealthier nations we run into problems like Immigration, Terrorism, and Food shortages (like Haiti today)

Obama participates in pulling the wool over the eyes of Americans. On almost every issue his platform works against itself.

He wants free trade, then wants to raise the minimum wage. (and expand FMLA, and Sick days, and expand these platforms at the state level)

If our jobs cost corporations more, and we're freely trading with other countries, where is the job protection? Oh thats right, a Tax Credit, from a tax system that even he believes is broken.

Thats why he's for giving tax relief to every worker. (forget about those who are on unemployment or supplemental benefits, they don't need tax breaks, right?) So lets give tax relief to workers and employers, so why again do we have a work generated income tax again??

While we're for lowering the tax revenue, lets spend more money. One look at the issues sections of his website shows the vast number of programs that he wants to fund. He wants new or to expand current government programs for housing, poverty combat, urban renewal, Nuclear documentation, Water security. Probably more, I'm getting lazy and sick of looking at his site.

He is for Cap and Trade, Fuel standards, and expanding Biofuel, which will only drive energy (and possibly food) costs up for all us poor people he wants to give programs and tax breaks to.
His only "hope" or "change" in energy policy? Require 25 Percent of Renewable Electricity by 2025.

25% in 16 years, that is as good as hope and change can bring us to being independent from gas gouging and middle east conflict?

His Elderly Care and "Protect Social Security" idea??
Eliminate taxes for poor seniors, Create automatic pension plans, and
then reform and strengthen Medicare and Assistance programs.

Did you catch that? By protecting Social Security we're gonna ignore Social Security, cut taxes, and increase spending to programs. (which is what we're doing now, and raiding Social Security to do it.)

Man this guy is brilliant. No Wonder he talks about Hopes and Dreams, it's the only way any of this will work.
