Thursday, December 11, 2008

a few pharmaceutical dots to consider:

In 2001, an estimated 150 million prescriptions, or 21 percent of prescriptions written, were for off-label use, according to the Archives study.

There is little question that what Dr. Gleason did was legal as companies can hire independent physicians to discuss he drugs and physicians are allowed to use FDA approved drugs for off label reasons.

Maker of Narcolepsy Drug Pleads Guilty in U.S. Case

Maryland psychiatrist Peter Gleason pleads guilty in federal court in drug “misbranding” scheme

XYREM(R) (sodium oxybate oral solution) net sales for the third quarter of 2008 increased 48 percent to $14.2 million, compared with $9.6 million for the third quarter of 2007.


Jerry's Blog said...

I got some new stuff up on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have some more gay sex with Jerry "Don" King.

Anderson Cooper

Jerry's Blog said...

I don't how to respond to that comment Mike.

Anonymous said...

The Marcus Web Site

Anonymous said...

The belief that Congress poses the major threat to our liberty and well-being is why the founders gave them limited enumerated powers. To our detriment, today's Americans have given them unlimited powers.

Dr. Williams

Anonymous said...

According to a report given by Dr. William Strauss, senior economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, titled "Is U.S. Losing Its Manufacturing Base?" the answer is no. In each of the past 60 years, U.S. manufacturing output growth has averaged 4 percent and productivity growth has averaged 3 percent. Manufacturing is going through the same process as agriculture. In 1900, 41 percent of American workers were employed in agriculture; today, only 2 percent are and agricultural output is greater. In 1940, 35 percent of workers were employed in manufacturing jobs; today, it's about 10 percent. Again, because of huge productivity gains, manufacturing output is greater.

Marcus said...

According to a report from Chester "The Molester" Wilkins in response to the question "Did you rape those children?" the answer is, "No". He maintains it is "what they wanted".

Jerry's Blog said...

Hey guys I got a new thing up on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jerry I got a new position I'd like you to assume on my bed tonight.


Jerry's Blog said...

Your words hurt my feelings.

I just want you to know that ok.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

According to Forbes, the top 10 celebrities and athletes earned an average of $116 million in 2004 compared to an average of $59 million earned by the top 10 corporate CEOs.

Anonymous said...

The 1984 National Organ Transplant Act, which prohibits payments to organ donors or their families, creates benefits in the form of feel-good ethical values at a huge cost of lives. That's because organs must be supplied to recipients at zero price. Huge shortages are the result, as it would be if cars, homes, food, dental services and clothing had to be supplied at zero price. That's precisely the finding by Professors Randolph Beard, John Jackson and David Kaserman in their article "The Failure of U.S. Organ Procurement Policy," published in the Winter 2008 edition of the Washington, D.C.-based Cato Institute Regulation magazine.

Anonymous said...

TARP = Taxpayer Anal Raping Procedure

Don't get excited, Marcus.

Marcus said...

Do you think you're clever because you pretend I'm gay? I suppose that you'd be considered clever by someone who has spent less than 10 years on Earth. Anyone like that on the blog? Didn't think so. How about you go post your stupid comments on Big Bird's blog or something? You'll probably get a few "lol"s there.

Anonymous said...

American Santa

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ossama has been found. This should get you nutjobs riled up...LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...



Jerry's Blog said...

Hey guys I got a new thing up on my blog.

Anonymous said...




Enjoy Christmas.

Mild said...

M3rry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Mild said...

Anonymous said...

Watch Mild and Jerry at


Anonymous said...

In his book The Truth Vibrations (1991), David Icke proclaimed himself the Son of God, destined to help remedy the imbalance of Earth's energies and ensure the survival of the planet. When MTJ mentions David Icke, grab your tin foil hat. Typical lib jew hater.


Mild said...

My god, MTJ even said on air to be careful when getting into David Icke because of the questionable content of his speeches.

But yeah, David Icke is what we should be discussing...not the troops in America or the Israeli bomblets that are killing Palestinian children

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...its the story of the evil jews versus the innocent angelic nonviolent palestinians. What a lib!


Anonymous said...

Mild...isn't it time for you to deny the existence of the Holocaust. Let's see here...Mild is a socialist..and he hates the jews. Sounds familiar.


Mild said...

Yeah, that's the ticket! Pigeon hole me firmly into the left just because I don't like war and don't trust the global masters.

Marcus said...

Mike has led me to realize one thing, albeit accidental, through his ridiculous comments...the 'coo' of a pigeon sounds very much like the 'gobble' of a turkey.

Anonymous said...

Marcus...Leviticus, 18:22.


Marcus said...

Mike...Ezekiel, 25:17.

Mild said...

Ezekiel 25:17

Anonymous said...

Anti-American jew hating christophobic heterophobic socialist atheist minds think alike. Adolf would be proud.


Jerry's Blog said...

Guyz a got some new stuff up on my blog. It is about a National DNA Databank that now exists for new babies.

Jerry's Blog said...

Also Mike comedown.

Marcus said...

I was mostly playing "devil's advocate" with that reflective booty stuff. Like I said, I don't like when my niece does it, but like you said, I have my own ideas of the meaning behind it. How many six year old boys started thrusting their hips after Elvis? I think we've survived THAT moral dilemma.

Mild said...

..I disagree, Post-Elvis came the "Love" generation of the sixties and seventies.

Just look at the types of communities that sprung up around the hippies and disco. Drug parties, swingers, etc.

I don't directly blame the Elvis incidents with this, but it was one of the things feared when it became a controversy.

In fact I know full well that these things were going on long before Elvis...

The problem occurs however, when these become media promoted mainstream "Hip" things to do.

Regarding specific incidents of children "booty shaking" or doing things often regarded as reserved for older people.....I think there is a time and place for it. In one's own home or around friends and family, maybe...but not in a public shopping area....even if you are unaware if you are being noticed.

Same goes for "booty shorts" and "word on butt" clothing. Okay when girls are hanging out at slumber parties and girls night, but lets try not to draw sexual attention to our children in public while we're putting people on databases for the rest of their lives for sexual offenses towards the underage.

Marcus said...

I don't find anything inherently wrong with "drug parties" and "swingers" are easy enough to get along with. I think you're quite right about the media hyping aspects (and not informing) to make it popular, being the main problem.
I'd like to know what everyone believes American Culture is. It seems to me that the culture of ANY nation is a combination of different sorts (i.e. Art culture, Political culturer, Economic culture, Scientific culture, etc.) each to varying degrees. For example, in the middle east, they seem to put a focus on their religious culture, while here in the U.S., the focus seems to be on our economic culture (culture of greed and consumerism, in my opinion). It's not that we completely lack the other kinds of culture, it is simply differing focus- family to family, town to town, state to state, and so on. I don't think we can conciously control what the culture is going to be, or how it is going to seem to be (becasue of it's 'subjectivness'). Preserving a culture seems to be an exercise in futility to me.

Anonymous said...

Marcuth...go back to Europe.

Marcus said...

I was curious whether it was you or bigdog that started spamming my blog with that drivel from the LCG?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what you mean by that; however, go back to Europe where you came from, Marcus, you liberal fag.


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure we can all agree that Obama was the worst president elect we've ever had...and that Marcus is gay.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Marcus, here is legal precedent for atheism as a religion, you little government worshipper. Bow before those in black robes which determine your moral code.


Marcus said...

It looks like a fellow wanted a "study group" to be protected like the "worship groups" are. I think it's not very bright to call it a religion, but we're dealing with the justice system here, "bright" isn't one of their qualities. I'm glad he got his study group- even if they call it a religion. Why does it bother you?

Anonymous said...

BTW Marcus. I wont be posting on your blog anymore because you changed the login criterias.


Anonymous said...

Did he change it to gay only, BIGDOG?

Marcus said...

I DID change it. I wanted to know who was posting the crap from LCG. It's been back to allow all comments for a few days, now. You can stay anonymous with a name made, they just want an e-mail address. You can completely fabricate all the personal details, I'm not sure why you wouldn't just make a profile. Anyway, it was just to stop the spammer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Duh...i dunno da oaf of offith.


Anonymous said...

I don't pay my taxes...but you will, slave.

Tim Geithner

P.S. That's Mr. Geithner to you, mere American.

Anonymous said...

I hate the jews.


Anonymous said...

I like Patrick.


Anonymous said...

Allow me to translate lib code. To libs, Christian fundamentalists are people who actually believe the Word of God. Therefore, when Val rips on Christians, she is ripping on the new and improved Michael T Justice amongst others. Why doesn't he stand up for himself? Was saying nothing in response to Val's bigotry Michael T denying God...before the cock crowed thrice? Don't get excited about the cock, Marcuth...wrong kind, queer.


Marcus said...

I think we all know whose "cock crows" when they think about schlong...Mike.

Anonymous said...

Lame, Marcuth. Like Iran, we are on the normal have no members of the sexual-preference challenged.


Anonymous said...

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