Friday, March 24, 2006

An interesting poll on

Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?
click on view results


Anonymous said...

Sounds like somebody let the Art Bell Democrats out, again.

If there is one thing I have learned from MTJ, "The Justice Files," and this blog, it keep an eye on the jews at all times. Thanks, MTJ!


Michael T Justice said...

you miht try keeping an eye on you rgovernment irrespective of the party in control. The unfortunate thing about you sir, besides your penchant for usingg the shit word, is that you are locked into protecting the Republican party and the Christian right. This seems to render your reasoning capabilties useless. If you could break yourself away from the left right paradigm you might find it a little less easy to explain everythingg that you see here. Just think back and tell me if you remember Payne Stewart bein followed by fighter jets minutes after he left course. Just ask yourself when the last time you saw a building fall from a fire. When I was in an emergency landin last year on a commercial airline, I couldn't call my wife to tell her what was goin on until we were on the ground. When was the last time you made a call from in the air? you may have some insight on this from your job. maybe you could use REASON to show us why you disagree rather than relying on your membership, affiliation, and/or preference for a party or side.

Anonymous said...

You keep assuming I vote FOR someone. Since the GOP took over the legislature in 1994, the federal budget has doubled. I have no political party.


Anonymous said...

I am no longer a republican, caficho; however, that was funny. It is so strange to hear those in favor of gays using homosexuality as a pejorative. Then again, I don't expect much from mere white libs.

Mike at an illegal alien protest...armed, of course

Anonymous said...

Part 1

part 2
Part 3

Watch these three and then tell me you believe the official story.


Anonymous said...

Mild, I had no idea you were just an Art Bell democrat.
