Tuesday, May 16, 2006

From Fairway Mike

Ths is the document that Mike from Fairway referenced last week:


Anonymous said...

Worse, too many of them are pedagogically dishonest, so thoroughly massaged to mollify competing political and identity-group interests as to paint a startlingly misleading picture of America and its history.

The above article illustrates why multicultural societies don't work.



Anonymous said...

Its like an exspensive sled, you in your reverie cannont muster strength for the hill.

What you assume is not your soul -- will be no more -- in any waiver you support. Order by numb3r.


Anonymous said...

And I thought your name was [dipshit] all this time.

Anonymous said...

This is what the West is becoming as we slide into chaos.


The bottom line? Instead of a borderless, well-functioning, economically efficient communications network, the Internet is poised to become a quagmire of special interests, competing political agendas and international bureaucracy

Anonymous said...


Mexico double standard.

Americans are stupid...and fat...


Anonymous said...

Russ, I doubt the Lord would grant you children. I was thinking about this today at work. Of all the people I have encountered throughout my lengthy 29 years on this planet, none have made me feel so helpless and near suicidal than you. Though I tend to share your thoughts, I do not think any child could withstand your thoughts with daily regularity and ever want to live. This is no sleight but simply acknowledging that...I think about you, baby.

Pax Romani

P.S. Since I saw the Da Vinci Code, I worship satan (and his wife, Amy Goodman) and vote democrat.