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If you are anywhere near Kansas City, check out the Justice Files on 90.1 FM Tuesdays from 2 am to 5 am. We'll be talking about this and more. Join the Justice League!! Send stories to: Stream the show station link on the side.
be free to the silver screens of liberal democracy. be free to the democratic democrats. be free to the fallen. be free to the risen. be free to the risen who will fall. be free to them all. be free. be free. be free.
i gaze upon them, them bones the bones of them all. them feet and tails and bones, bones for everyone, bones for the weary, bones for the weak, bones we make on the peak. bones of right, bones of left. bones of forward, bones of back. bones of center. bones of top, bones of bottom. i will crush them, crush them all I say until there wont be any left. them bones, them bones, them bones.
Why are you diminishing the quality of this blog?
America is not a democracy. We are a representative (or constitutional) republic. Hence, a house and a senate for our legislative branch. Battle Hymn of the REPUBLIC...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.
As far as being free, the socialist democrats and the fake republicans have turned us into slaves of the socialist state. We work for over four months to pay the bills of this outrageously large government. So, are you suggesting that we drastically end our slavery by cutting taxes and spending? No, of course not. Your dumb ass quotes...alice in chains. hook from mid-court...count 'em
who is russ, who is mike? i wanna know who is who.
the first rule of war is know thy enemy. and i know this, the broccoli must die!
Comparing me to Russ is a high compliment but he is far my intellectual superior. "Thank you and good night."
so there are two people in this whole blog? russ and mike?
The Covenant
We thought we ranked above the chance of ill.
Others might fall, not we, for we were wise--
Merchants in freedom. So, of our free-will
We let our servants drug our strength with lies.
The pleasure and the poison had its way
On us as on the meanest, till we learned
That he who lies will steal, who steals will slay.
Neither God's judgment nor man's heart was turned.
Yet there remains His Mercy--to be sought
Through wrath and peril till we cleanse the wrong
By that last right which our forefathers claimed
When their Law failed them and its stewards were bought.
This is our cause. God help us, and make strong
Our will to meet Him later, unashamed!
-Rudyard Kipling
I sense Rich the Brilliant on the previous posting.
Hispanic-rights groups are enraged over U.S. efforts to criminalize undocumented aliens—yet since 1974, sneaking into Mexico has been punishable by up to two years in prison. Foot-dragging on amnesty? Fox has spent the past five years urging the United States to upgrade the status of millions of illegals from Mexico. Meanwhile, his own government has given legal status to only 15,000 foreigners without papers.
i am back, i am the fear, i am the hate. i am the feeling that burns inside your thighs. i am the mindkiller, the machine, the hedonistic bringer of justice. to all who are righteous in the world, i am here for you, here to come and come i will. pain for the weak, fear for the strong. i am back.
'i am back'
You need to lay off the ditch weed.
This is neat if you want to zoom in on your house or city.
Don't download Google Earth. It is pointless. Quit writing bad song lyrics here.
I just learned a new drum beat called "the Haditha Hypothetical." You could have heard it all week last week on every media outlet. Apparently, the obviously left media needs no investigation to hang American soldiers. I hate democrats.
Border Fences + Microchips + War = ?
-Miles From Indep
do people really even know what a police state is? can one say there is a police state when one has never lived in one? can you even have this fucking blog if you are in a police or impending police state? i am serious now, no song lyrics here. besides, they arent lyrics, its nonsense that comes from my brain, to my fingers.
Man who has power seeks to retain that power.
We are only 2 cents away from:
Tu Quoque
Loose Change
Careful, I was just watching Another 9/11 doc, Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime And mysteriously every computer on my network rebooted. No power outages or fluctuations. Not even the cable TV or Phone which is also hooked into the same networking devices had outages or issues.
I saw that loose change movie, Miles. Before examining the content, first we must consider the source. Alex Jones is a twenty-six year old boy to me. He is just the american David Icke to me. At one point, David Icke claimed to be Jesus if you do some research on him. Though that last statement is admittedly a red herring of sorts, I can't help but to consider Alex Jones as what I call an Art Bell democrat. Once I made this declaration, I can no longer take the man seriously but let me continue.
There is so much to consider from that movie. Were the WTC buildings demolished? I don't know and never will. Did flight 93 happen as it is presented? I don't know and never will. Did a plane truly hit the pentagon? I have no idea and never will. Am I willing to consider the loose change theories? Yes.
I will tell you something my father told me a few times. If you ever do have a UFO/alien sighting/encounter, never tell anyone. It does not matter how truthful you are being, people will look at you as if you are crazy, or worse a liar, and your professional future is over.
How can I, a "right-wing extremist," use that loose change movie to my advantage? This movies inspires a firm distrust of government, which is great.
In closing, the government is not the solution, it is the problem. The government does not care about the people, it cares about itself. This is proven in so many ways. Though I know the intentions of many of the american left are good, the results and intentions are opposites.
Bottom line...marry a smart woman who will be a stay-at-home mom if you plan to have kids and vote for every tax cut. We have no liberty without economic liberty. What the government does is predictable. Why doesn't the american left see this is my question.
This one goes out to big dog as well as all of you. Do you think you could resist with all that money at your finger tips? Make sure this guy gets certain contracts and you get $50,000. Make sure the other guy gets what he wants...and another $50,000. Help out this guy and get free trips. I mean, "everybody's doing it, man." The congressmen on both sides of you are doing it and not getting caught. I dare say that few people could resist such temptation every single day for two-, four-, or six-year terms. Though I understand your point, big dog, I believe you are slightly off target. The problem is the money is there in the first place. Drastically cut taxes and vote out big spenders like Bush. Remove the temptation. I'm not sure where you all live but just drive around. Look at all those nice government building. Those bastards don't even try to be humble. They'll build a huge federal building in KCMO and KCK and you ain't gonna do shit but pay for it. I mean, we have terrorist threats in this country and lawrence is banning celling phones...or making more fines to raise more revenue to spread amongst themselves.
But then we have democrats. These people actually think the government is helping the little guy. They steal 50% of our money and the ghetto still looks the same. As John from Pleasant Hill/Lee's Summit always points out, black folk, the main and voluntary target of socialism in our country, have been essentially ruined in two generations. We all know the stats.
Democrats are just stupid, insane, or are trying to "bring it all down, man." There are no other explanations. So, libs, you choose. Are you stupid, insane, or outright america-hating scum?
Mike...66-yard field goal to win the game
Black people to look up to.
When I grow up I want to be just like this guy:
First off I dont claim to "run" on Alex Jones' side of the fence, but he does put out there some of the questions that need to be asked, and Loose Change has little to do with him.
Things like Loose Change, Able Danger, UFO conspiracies, and the like are the reasons why people criticize Bush and the like. It's not that we WANT to believe he broke laws, or that he is above the law. It is the complete lack of answers. I am one of the people who can look subjectively at 9/11 and still say "hey it may be an inside job and still not be our government." So I turn to my government for answers and justice.
The ONLY justice we have gotten is the imprisonment of someone who was dispatched long before the attacks, and Saddam.
The Price for those 2 little feelings of Justice in the public's eye? 3000+ soldiers, The memory of 3000+ civilians and public servants, The Truth, Privacy, An endless war, ONE branch of government who holds monopolies on the other two, Money(I'm just gonna say money because I cannot even begin to fathom how much), these kinds of arguments where patriots fued with patriots,
I would gladly pay all of these prices for TRUE justice. If our government would find the right men responsible for these acts, show us how they did it, how we are going to prevent it, and have the PROOF that we KNOW exists, then the distrust wouldnt be there.
President Bush claimed to have Political Capitol prior to the war.
If he fought for the truth, and showed americans he can be the ONE polititian who can break the double paranoia and let the government trust the people and vice versa, then I dont think many people would object to his invading of countries for resources in the name of Manifest Destiny.
For god's sake it's what America has stood for since 1776.
Industry and commerce wasnt born here, it merely took the place of honesty and land as the most important values of an american.
I don't blame capitolism, nor our government.
I blame the same thing Mike was talking about...
We're just gonna roll over and take it, because the patriots arent the people eating cheetoes driving SUVs with support our troops stickers on the back while listening to Nelly and text messaging their cousin about the previous episode of desperate housewives.
90% of the people I email "Loose Change" to are the same people who have emailed me christian propaganda in the past...I read it...but when I ask them what they thought of loose change, they either didnt watch it or they fell asleep or something came up. I talk to people about politics and they are stupid.
My mom tells me "I'd vote for Hillary"
I ask her why "I thyink she'd make a good President"
"based on what?"
"I dont know, she's been through alot"
"alot of what? her marriage?"
"Ok so someone should control a government baised on the qualifications of scorned love?"
"ok then...why in the hell would she make a good president"
"Leave me alone"
she's not the only one I have conversations like this to.
If it wasnt for KKFI I'd have 0 hope.
KKFI only brings me enough to think that one day a majority will discover alternative thinking as I have and choose to become enlightened.
But for every time I see a decent piece of news info, I see Buck O' Neil wearing a "Vote Yes for a Rolling Roof" shirt.
Face it. They know they can out-info and out-propaganda those who are enlightened, and with the impending police state, it won't be long before our own mothers, brothers, and sisters sell us out to the machine that will take away our voices, our rights, and our freedom.
Wow, Miles. You write with more emotion than you speak and for once, I am not being sarcastic.
Point 1: capitalism and political capital
Point 2: people from the left criticize Bush because they are partisan hacks. The pseudodeity of the democrats, Bill Clinton, could have done the exact same things and only the fools on the far, far left and the fake republicans would have said something.
Point 3: people who listen to Nelly do not have Bush stickers.
Point 4: I will not comment on your mom out of respect.
Point 5: KKFI does not represent the enlightened; they represent the far left: communists, socialists, gay fascists and a few more.
Point 6: As far as propaganda goes, I am not sure of what you speak. Republicans speak like conservatives to get elected but once they are elected and commissions become available, most of them turn into socialists as well. So, they act like me but then do the leftist will and still the left cries.
Bush is a liberal. That is why we real conservatives don't like him. But we voted like you voted. We voted against Kerry while you voted against Bush.
Even though Russ, and you know I love you Russ, speaks as if 50 years in the future is today, he is right. It is over. Leave foreign policy out of it. Our government is writing checks it can't cash today after stealing 50% of our money and the baby boomers haven't even really retired yet. Just wait until all those baby boomers live until ages 80+.
I wonder if anyone else is waiting for Hillary to reveal herself as Satan today.
Mike...wondering if building a bunker is even worth it at this point
Intel's Andy Grove is more blunt. "America ... [is going] down the tubes," he says, "and the worst part is nobody knows it. They're all in denial, patting themselves on the back, as the Titanic heads for the iceberg full speed ahead."
The US is going down because multicultural countries don’t work.
The national academies' report points out that China and India combined graduate 950,000 engineers every year, compared with 70,000 in America; that for the cost of one chemist or engineer in the U.S. a company could hire five chemists in China or 11 engineers in India; that of the 120 $1 billion-plus chemical plants being built around the world one is in the United States and 50 are in China.
We are too busy teaching 'can't we all get along classes in school'
We ignore the fact that a third of our public schools are totally dysfunctional because it doesn't affect our children.
The 'Fifth Element' has done a good job.
Arab-Turkish neighborhoods, a whopping 83 percent of its students don't speak German as their mother tongue.
He could easily have said the same of France, Spain or the Netherlands, where so-called black schools have become synonymous with poverty, underachievement and violence
Makes you wonder when people are going to wake up.
Big Dog, only a fool would doubt your research. I am still trying to get over the fact that you read that 9/11 Commission "report." Yes, the media sure has been quiet about the Haditha Hypothetical which becomes fact on "well, how shall we say," certain outlets. One can only assume the truth has come out and now its time to find another hit piece on the military which is Bush's fault.
It makes no difference. 2008 will be 1992 all over again...the only way a democrat becomes president. Republicans put up a fake conservative or an outright lib like McCain...democrats run whoever...and the conservatives vote deportation party. Democrats win...terrorists run wild. 9/11 again...and by then, we have 50,000,000 illegals. Ladies and gentlemen, my interest in American politics ceases as of today.
"Thank you and good night."
Mike...upper 90 from 30 yards out to win the World Cup
Big Dog is the shit. In fact, from now on, Big Dog is officially Mr. Big Dog. He just called out Ben, the epitome of the typical white male lib (arrogant, anti-semitic, and unable to reason), for sympathizing with the holocaust-denying, enemies of america. Ben will be on NPR in no time.
Mike watching Big Dog two-hand reverse slam dunk over Shaq
Here is a more indepth interview with Ali Ibrahim Al-Tikriti
Ibrahim is a bad mo-fo. It is almost comical with him chumming his nightly Roskolnikov complex. Maybe he is back in Basra pointing out crooked date trees. Wonder if Adolf Eichmann had such comforts tanning on bleached beaches sipping off a fruit drink. Only if our friends had such feelings for Bormann. There is no doubt the USSR was involved in the Ba'athist Revolution of 1963. Even into Syria, where the Communist Party social induction was almost copied to a B. And there is no doubt that Red Mafia was operating on behalf of their interest duiring 91 through mid 03. From the delivery of night-optics to the posting of troop operations on the internet, Russia had her hand in another persons cookie jar.
Mr. Kalashnikov's book sounds like a fun read. Ah, the Russians... I could almost love them, mabe in another half-life.
Bigdog, Mike called into Wavestation X a couple months back and asked Anthony if he knew the name of the Iranian President. When Anthony stated he did not know his name off-hand, Mike then informed Anthony that this is proof that he did not know what he was talking about. Asstastic Radio!
- Ivan Drago
I love Michael T. Justice.
Ann Coulter
Yes, that bitch loves Michael T. Justice but so do I.
Hillary Clinton...reverse grannie from mid-court for 3...count 'em
If I were 80 years younger, I'd take Michael T. Justice home with me and have my way with him. My goodness, I almost forgot to mention the culture of corruption and I love Satan's other wife, Ann Coulter.
Nancy Pelosi...90-yard touchdown reception to win the big one
Why are you bearing false witness against me, "ivan drago?" Well, I guess that would be a good resume builder to be on NPR, KPR, KKFI, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, all state public radio, all print media (except WSJ), all "community" radio, all foreign media outlets, and whatever other leftist megaphones exist. Oh wait, there is no left-wing media...and then reality set in.
Mike...count 'em
You have to sigh at how missused black people are:
In fact, the supposedly straightforward correspondence between student achievement and money spent, which educators had been insisting on for decades, didn't seem to exist in the KCMSD. At the peak of spending in 1991-92, Kansas City was shelling out over $11,700 per student per year.(123) For the 1996-97 school year, the district's cost per student was $9,407, an amount larger, on a cost-of-living-adjusted basis, than any of the country's 280 largest school districts spent.(124) Missouri's average cost per pupil, in contrast, was about $5,132 (excluding transportation and construction), and the per pupil cost in the Kansas City parochial system was a mere $2,884.(125)
We do not need the CATO stink tank to prove to us that the school board is on the take, Mikey. Do you really want me to post that audio on the web? Just tell me you coveted thy neighbors wife, and its settled. I've got more productive things do be doing at this time of day.
Hooligian type H.
(I'm betting on the Czechs)
And yet another misrepresentation of the facts. Clearly, the CATO reference what that of Russ. You seem like such an angry little white male lib. I just can't determine yet whether or not you are an Art Bell democrat or a union democrat. These are the remaining two options. To be honest, you are leaning to coast to coast si entiendes. You know, I bet NPR would hire you today if you came out of the closet. They prefer that kind of male.
Mike...just passed Barry Bonds
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