Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Am I the only one who completely missed this?

Judiciary Committee chair Orrin Hatch eventually admitted the hacking. He suspended (with pay) one of his own junior staffers and declared himself "mortified" and "shocked," adding, "There is no excuse that can justify these improper actions." It now appears that Manuel Miranda, a senior aide to Senate majority leader Bill Frist, distributed the e-mails to right-wing lobbying groups and propaganda outfits. Miranda previously worked for the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee and was a public advocate for defeated Bush nominees like Miguel Estrada.


Anonymous said...

Ah the partisan mind...or there lack of.


Anonymous said...

How can we humans expect to keep up with the shenanigans of the evil reptilians (I mean republicans)? So far as partisan minds go (or of lack there, I mean, lack of there, wait, luke the love? fuck it) you ain't nonpartisan, shitboy.

Anonymous said...

Well, to the libnorant wimp afraid to sign their name, I have no political party. I equally distrust both parties of record. But you, young lady, are a lib which makes you among the dumbest of them all. So, thank you for enslaving me and other innocent Americans to five months of every year to pay the bills for the government conglomeration. But I would far more appreciate you hanging from the nearest tree: the rightful place of all American libs.


Anonymous said...

When did it become the "libs" fault that you and the rest of us pay bills, taxes and waste away under florescent lights? I mean if you're so bold as to single out one group, shouldn't you consider it a little more carefully?


Anonymous said...

Sure, other groups can be pointed out like the modern republicans. But the libs are the marxist journey. The libs are the ones most responsible for the government having as much of our money/time as they do. Besides, part of the lib mind is treason. That is why you all should be hung.


Anonymous said...

Modern republicans... don't make them sound like they've evolved any, please. As for the marxist journey, I don't think the "libs" are the only ones on that path.
Treason of what? Against who? What it boils down to my friend is not whether you're a "lib" (whatever that maybe be to you), Republican, democrate, black, white, purple, jewish, catholic, or buddist... what it all depends on is the individual. Whether they are fair, honest, fight equally for others. Have we all grown so far apart that we've forgotten the common passion shared in other commuities around the world for eachother and the knowledged that can be gained from one another?Or am i being too nice? should i let the capitalist pig in me take over and take you over?Take over the company you work for changing all the policies, taking away your holiday pay, raising your insurance and give you nothing higher to work towards such as my favorite fallacious little incentive - management. But thats all just good old money saving management techniques right? No harm no foul as long as everyones too preoccupied living and working for that almighty dollar.

From one extreme to the other~

Anonymous said...

The very idea of mixing capitalism with greed is purposely to mischaracterize it. Capitalism is freedom. It is only with our capitalist roots that we where able to compete and win world war one and two. It is capitalism which has turned our baby of a country into a superpower. Enter the libs. All prices articifically rise. When businesses compete (capitalism), we have price and quality control and ample supply. When they don't have to compete because they are intertwined with the government (socialism), we lost most power over quality but we still have some control over price...and supply becomes less available. When government is the answer, we have no control over price or quality and no excess. It is amazing how all libs missed the obvious lessons of the 20th century...if not the 19th.

Mike...libs and capitalism are opposing forces

Anonymous said...

Greed is what gave birth to capitalism, shitboy.

Anonymous said...

NestleQuick Share the wealth...
Capitalism is not freedom it IS one of those money making/saving techniques. As for the mischaracterization of rightiousness in capitalism... it is benifical but nevertheless has its downfalls such as the quality of our products has dramatically gone down due to capitolism and every one pinching pennies at every corner. So, now I have to buy jeans alot more often and at a higher cost than ever before. The "theory" that capitalism promotes competition has been disproven over the past 50 years by the conglomeration of major corporations. The little dog cant run or even keep up with the big dogs anymore, monopolizing the country with walmarts, targets, and home depots. Oh, and don't forget. Oh, and don't for get your Happy Meal - Did some body say McDonald's?

I'm lovin it- Thristan

Anonymous said...

So, then, you agree with me, Thristan. The formerly great nation of the USA has become the USSA. We are now a socialist nation due solely to libs. You are pointing out the signs. Businesses and governments are working together...Mussolini. If there were no taxes on businesses (which are just extra taxes on us) and if the American people were not overtaxed, then more competition would exist.

Capitalism brings about competition in terms of business. It is that key element of competition that brings us the highest quality at the lowest price. I wouldn't call that theory either.

Going further, it is by capitalism that our poorest live as well as they do compared to the poorest of other nations...while subsidizing Mexico.

My greatest fear is not outsourcing...it is insourcing unskilled to low-skilled labor. This is the knife at Uncle Sam's Akeles tendon. But with the libs in the dnc and the libs in the rnc, we are screwed. It brings us back to when we finally get a chance to vote. We have to stand there...holding our nose...feeling in need of a shower soon after...and pick some bastard because he or she isn't going to be as bad as the other thief.

Isn't it Tristan? The Tristan chord...the character with his own chord...my music history classes are fading.


Anonymous said...

So, what exactly is your out look on libs today and how they should be? I'm not sure that we agree just yet. As for the poorest in our nation living better than the poorest of other nations, I do agree. We are a nation of over abundant consumption with an excessive amount of waste to leave behind. The homeless in this country can stand on a street corner with enough passers by he'll have a meal or the means to get one soon enough. Hobo's golden thumb-garbage into gold!
A SouthPark's depiction of voting between canidates:
You'll always have to choose between a Turd Sandwhich and a Giant Douche. I agree there as well, with little hope at its chance to change within my lifetime. Though I can't hold the libs solely responsible for that and what else is it.... ahh, yes the total decay of our nation. I'm not quite sure I can pin it on anyone other than the richest in all the nations contributing to eachothers pockets. And everyone loves to spend money that's not their own...greed and glutteny are just a few potholes down such an uncertain path. Of course, there are so many uncertain paths to life.
The Tristan Chord I'm not familar with and I do believe Tristan is a guy's name. My true name is Thristan - a character from a SciFi book I'll be searching for the rest of my life :D I do believe the character is female just as I am. I scour the "internets" once in a while but come up empty handed as always.
Lots of luck and amusement in your everyday living ~ Thristan

Anonymous said...

As with many things that are relegated to one's brand assumption[s] of inherent reference to knowing THE STORY: the subject, eventually, will fall into a syncoptic state, where the space suit becomes restrictive, forcing an emotional barrelroll. Until, that barrel stops at an obstruction that path will continue to Newton's gravestone.

The nominal factor[s] which come into focus discussing our particular blend of social make-up in a free market economy are merging into the new human vs. machine problem. Presently, as this new model's situation convenes, in reference within the shrinking world of our planet, memetic contingencies lapse into the understanding of ones' placement in the world.

With a placet understanding of ground zero in the matrix, one is still in danger of analgesia in the garden.

Juste entre nous
Morning coffee with an Architourist

Anonymous said...

As I recall, Tristan is a character in "Tristan and Isodella" or someone like that. He is the first character to ever have a sound associated with his presence given by some early composer. It is like how we see the bad guy and can almost hear the fully diminished seven chord...which comes directly from the piano with the bad guy in silent movies.

As far as the homeless, well, the same guy is always working the same corner. In fact, most of the time, they don't even have holes in their clothes. I know a few of their regular corners and I have found this...10% of the homeless I have seen recently in KC are black...the rest are white...and all of them are men. So, racially, the demographics are equal except for non-whites and non-blacks; however, they are not equal by gender. I'm sure we'll be hearing PSA's about men and homelessness...oh wait, PSA's for taxpayer-funded social engineering only have time for blacks and women.

As for what to do with the libs, well, what can one do in America but state the truth. The libs are the greatest threat to American prosperity and safety. High taxation and an attempt to mischaracterize the muslim terrorists clearly demonstrate that. I have found that it is best to engage the relatively apathetic and sing the conservative song to the libs who have never heard the true notes. Oh, yes, and most importantly, point out partisanship whenever possible. Its not about democrats and republicans...its about government control or our control. We all know what those in government want to do or not to do. Clearly, "we the people" is not we the people. America became great on virtually non-existant taxation. The 1040 form only came into existence in 1913 and that was for world war I. Even then, only 7% of the population was affected by it. Those who believe in government as the answer are just area 51, black-helicopter types.
