Monday, October 02, 2006

Here's the case I mentioned on Sunday

Masri, a German citizen of Lebanese descent, says he was taken off a bus in Macedonia in south-central Europe while on holiday on Dec. 31, 2003...Finally released months later, the still-mystified Masri was deposited on a deserted road leading into Macedonia


Anonymous said...

I meant to mention during one of my 15 calls yesterday that I remembered it, but forgot...anyway, glad you found this travesty to civil rights, and are getting the word out.


Anonymous said...

Mistaken Identity or not...

Imagine the factor of the new law....

You arent given the CHANCE to prove it.

You arent given anything but maybe a lifetime behind the gates of guantanimo


Michael T Justice said...

god forbid that your identity is mistaken, bigdog. One of the things I remember about the morning of 9-11 is the conversation I had with my brother. I was at his house when it all happened and we were watching it unfold. He started ttalking about people should just start grabbing arabs and I had to point out to hiom that WE (me and him) could easily be mistaken for arabs or muslims. Now I know it is a little less likely for you big dog but remember the guy in America right now (Adam Gadahn?) is a white guy. let's hope he doesn't get the notion that he could get a job as a carrier in the midwest to drive around planting bombs in the middle of the nioght. look all i'm saying is do we really want to go locking people up indefinitely without something like due process?

Anonymous said...

shhhhhhhhhhhh...the dow jones industrial average passed its all-time high. No wonder they have to pull the Foley card.


Anonymous said...

I SAID...THE DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE JUST PASSED THE ALL-TIME HIGH. WOO HOO!!! Oh wait, what's the matter. Are you a lib and does American economic success upset you? Awwwww!!! Poor little libs. And you thought tax increases were good. Blah blah blah. STICK IT HIGH AND DEEP, LIBS!!! HIGH AND DEEP!!! Uh oh, the Gay-Gay-F-I types are getting excited. I am outta here!!!


Anonymous said...

stock market = all-time high