Sunday, October 29, 2006

Infant Twins Have Different Skin Color

the boys were both born white but as they've gotten older one of the boys got darker and the other lighter.


Anonymous said...

Our stock market is reaching all-time highs every other day...and the race-obsessed remained focused.


Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson slept with their father.


Anonymous said...

You know I love this


Anonymous said...

Rope-a-dope: is obvious. Get dizzy.
Pagan soup. Sip, sip. Crunchy, bones.

Bob Barker

Michael T Justice said...

as a matter of fact I'm not race obsessed. I just thought it was a cute story. I happen to have a child that is blonde and another that is a little darker. I just posted it you freak

Anonymous said...

A cute story? I guess the KKFI gays are getting to you.

dizzle said...

Not sure if you've heard this yet, I know its kind of top secret but these crazy inventors made this thing called a tanning bed.