Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More civil liberties nonsense

This from the Daily Kos. I'm sure that disqualifies it for consideration for some.

In the last few weeks we've had Bush's executive order which gutted the Intelligence Oversight Board, bring all "oversight" functions under the executive. We've had the the revelations from whistle-blower Babak Pasdar, Wikileaks published a purported letter from Cablevision Systems Corp. to the FBI showing that "the FBI using the Patriot Act to obtain information not related to terrorism. In this case customer data from Cablevision is obtained which is used for non-terror related investigations." And today was the WSJ's explosive story on the massive scope of the NSA's reach.

If that wasn't damning enough, this information ends up in the utterly incompetent hands of Michael Chertoff at DHS. How bad is it? Check out this extremely well-timed interview by Jeff Stein, national security editor at CQ, with DHS director Michael Chertoff, who claims Sgt. Schultz style, "I know nuthink!"


Anonymous said...

Think that's intrusive? Look at your form 1040.

Anonymous said...

What does the 1040 have to do with Government Oversight?

I mean, The IRS being able to know what tax-able purchases you may not have claimed is a far cry from the FBI data-mining your television and Internet activity.

Now that doesn't mean that I buy the IRS is only using that info for Tax purposes, but still, this is an openly admitted executive branch operation targeting the habits of citizens.


Michael T Justice said...

Here's what I don't get with you Mike, the lib hater: you are right about the taxation of our society and the ever growing socialist tendencies of our engorged government. But why are you so silent on the actual issues raised here and on other posts that I've put up about the expanding military/police powers that said gov't controls (or that controls said gov't). It seems to me that you would have something to say about that as well. especially considering that we may actually see the "libs" take control of the White House and with it the reins of power on this Stasi like aparatus.

Anonymous said...

Dali's Lhama

Anonymous said...

Well, gentlemen, I find it somewhat disingenuous when libs, like yourselves, have complaints about wiretaps on a few americans but nothing to say at all about the all-intrusive form 1040, which all Americans must submit to government under threat of imprisonment annually. There is a far cry between using a relative few wiretaps compared to outright subjugation of the entire American population.
