Sunday, May 25, 2008

Paul Revolution update

Ron Paul Wins 15 Percent in Oregon

from the Oregon Sec. of State web site


Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is like a stripper on a coke binge. Sure all is gravy until she gets some good cut, stays up 4 days straight, drives into your back porch with her leased excursion, stabs your coy with a table fork and cooks your favorite pair of crocodile skinned kickers in the jorge foreman grill.

All I'm saying is women need some structure.


Anonymous said...

Needed bumpin!!


Whats this? Crickets i hear MTJ and Miles. Shall i drop a scientific bomb on you

I real expert analysis and also my evidences how seismic readings (applied sciences) prove there was NO DEMOLITIONS. This is a key component to the 9-11 so-called truth movement. Once again science supports more and more that demolitions was NOT used in WTC 1,2&7.

Copy then paste the below address in your browser for a full read.


I know more silence will follow. Be prepared MTJ i will be calling in soon about this particular examination by implosionworld. Read it carefully. I know you wont, but i thought i would try.

Anonymous said...

Ron who?

Anonymous said...

How did the buildings come down, Big Dog, specifically Building 7?

And how does the pentagon get hit and no heads in charge of defending the military headquarters gets fired?

Seriously, like last week spouting off your usual rhetoric on Ben's show.

Accusing the government of murder? Who is? Any credible 9/11 truther says they have no fucking clue what happened on that day.

Think of it this way, Switch the words on the Truth Movement and the Debunkers. The so-called Debunk movement are the ones that claim to know exactly what happened that day and believe whole heartedly that it is the truth. While the so-called truth movement is there to ask questions about inconsistencies in the official story and ask questions.

You talk about all these, me, some university, Popular Mechanics, David Ray Griffin, Barney the dinosaur

The truth is none of those people have the power and ability to take the guilty parties and put them on trial for war crimes.

The "investigation" we did get was shady at best, and we're now charging 6 guys we know very little about except for KSM who we know was waterboarded, and Atta who we know was in jail on 9/11 and had close ties to military installations, and carry on luggage.

I want to see those who were either involved with carrying out the attacks, and those involved in complacency or a cover up, brought to justice.

We know there are those in the US who were either covering up or complacent by all the reports of calls ahead of time for people not to fly or go to work, or the stock put options.

Why don't we hear anything regarding ongoing investigations into any of these truths?

Look, I'm not advocating some space ray theory here, I'm just saying that it seems that those in the US were complacent when it came to warnings of Al Quaida and Mohammed Atta. Something happened in the channels of communication that the shoot down orders were supposed to come through, and you can explain it away though flight times and time zones all you want but the fucking PENTAGON should NEVER, EVER, EVER, be attacked by ANYTHING.

I blame the administration for any bureaucracy that led to these so-called failures, and anyone who has worked to cover up facts about what happened that day should be tried for conspiracy and treason, regardless of how the buildings crumbled.

But none of this even comes close to explaining the big pink elephant in the room.

Ok, so according to you and these expert seismologists no demo was used that day, so that isn't what happened to building 7, No plane hit building 7 to "weaken the structural integrity," We know that a small fire started god knows how couldn't have brought down a structure that large.

And if demolition wasn't used, explain first hand reports of the molten river

As far as this report, I dismiss it on 3 accounts.

First, they say the buildings didn't fall straight down...They fell straight enough for me to be curious...I mean the buildings owned by Silverstein, gone....all the closer buildings that aren't owned by Larry are still standing

Second, They claim to have contacted all these people (demo teams, "Various others not involved with the demolition process")who were at ground zero on that day and the hell can you know if someone is standing on a specific street on a given day, especially when we've seen the videos of the madness on the streets of people running from the dust cloud. You can't confirm everyone who was there on that day and can't confirm who was there in the following weeks.

Third, they come right out and admit in the "study" that they were involved in the removal of the evidence. They claim that everything was documented by forensic investigators, Where are these documents?? They would provide a great substance to a specific theory if NIST, or independent investigators could examine any proof of trace elements in the rubble....then they claim in every other point that there is no "evidence that could be found to support this theory," convenient.

At the bottom section of their study they go on to state that their machines alone weren't reliable data, stating for one reason, that they weren't AT ground zero.

Then they go on to tell you how these other seismographs back up their machine's data, thus making it credible.


And that isn't saying that any of this data could be planted, replaced, or any of these reports are correct. but that is a reaching conspiracy theory, which I'm not going to even try to believe myself.

The whole thing is, this report, as the ones before it, makes claims that obviously can't be fully backed up, doesn't provide definitive proof of really anything other than some machines not even at ground zero didn't get hit with seismic spikes, which If that was their big reveal, I wonder why they chose to specifically go down all the talking points of the "conspiracy theorists" when they could have just said, "Seismic data...blah blah...."

This is clearly a classic debunk article written with a predetermined end scenario and built around, and where data and eyewitness reports were lacking.
They probably just called Guiliani for their eyewitness testimony

"Hey rudy, did you hear explosions or see a molten river? No? Ok," **proceed to write** "No eyewitnesses we contacted....."

This article is just spin Big Dog, It is interesting though, and does make a great just still doesn't explain away building 7....nor the other questionable aspects of the day, like how a paper passport survived the "inferno" but not all of the black boxes....or the pentagon....or the military stand down....or the warnings...or the stock options....or why Bush would deliberately put political appointees in charge of the 9/11 commission....etc..


Anonymous said...

This so called spin was spun by alex jones and Later to be corrected and shown to be wrong...PERIOD!!

Your boofing buddies got it wrong, per usual. To bad you cant except the science of it all. Your just another lost mind. Just like your boofing buddies you deny any damage done to #7. A single point of failure is all it takes.

Ben agrees with me about accusations of murder against our government . I heard your fellow boofers make this claim many times over.

This huge piece of twisted and smashed steel was claimed by Professor Jones (yeh the one kicked out of college) as being proof of molten metal. It wasnt molten, because you can still see the paper letter heads. Molten steel, Jones claimed yet how did the papers survive the molten status of this huge chuck of destruction. Guess if your professor can make a claim with paper surviving molten metals, so can a passport.

People who call science "spin" are looney.


Anonymous said...

Silence is golden so i shall stir the pot. One point to show how easily the rest is twisted BS also..

Miles Rehtoric EXPOSED!!!

Miles: "First, they say the buildings didn't fall straight down...They fell straight enough for me to be curious...I mean the buildings owned by Silverstein, gone....all the closer buildings that aren't owned by Larry are still standing"

The pointed out that all the buildings didnt fall in their own "straight down" Ben admitted to seeing, he wasnt sure, it was 30 floors still standing, but i read that somewhere. So Ben admits it yet these Bullshit factoids keep changing amongst you guys. You know like fine tuning your arguements, truelly laughable.

Misinfo #1 (lie)

Look up the real facts: "I mean the buildings owned by Silverstein, gone....all the closer buildings that aren't owned by Larry are still standing"

Three buildings not part of the complex were also destroyed: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was destroyed by the collapse of 2 WTC. The Deutsche Bank Building was damaged beyond repair by the explosions and collapse of 1 and 2 WTC; and Borough of Manhattan Community College's Fiterman Hall was damaged beyond repair by the collapse of 7 WTC; these are currently being deconstructed.


Anonymous said...


I basically tell you that your argument is bullshit, lies, and propaganda, and you repost a fraction of what I said, and attempt to use it to attack me.

This is why it's pointless to keep going with this. If you want to speak intellectually and present your science, that's one thing, but to pick and choose what to respond to, when 80% of the holes I pointed out don't get discussed, and you even repost me putting holes into it and call it proof of me agreeing with you.

Again, they may not have fallen exactly 90 degrees to the ground, and may not have fallen exactly at the speed of gravity, but they fell fast enough and straight enough where I question "Resistance" of pancaking of lower floors.

Real resistance and we would have seen entire floors worth of outer wall crumble outward, to the degree that the surrounding buildings (not just the ones Silverstein owned) would have also been ruined.

Once again, I don't claim that to be "Proof" of any one theory, not even demo, but to me it IS proof of what DIDN'T happen. Planes and pancaking steel under "stress"

You criticize for changing of factoids, then you criticize us for not looking at the numerous "investigations" out there.

When we're presented with new information, that still doesn't prove 100% the official theory, we're going to alter possible theories accordingly.

Thats what you do when you don't know what happened. Kind of like the Big Bang, scientists weren't there, but they examine the possibilities and try to determine what was POSSIBLE, and modify that when small details are ruled out.

Once again, yes, there are those who use the fact that it wasn't planes that brought the buildings down, and the fact that it's been covered up, and accuse those who had motive. But I have yet to hear one person who claims to know what happened other than the pro-government side.

That's why they are theories.


Anonymous said...

It is pointless to continue anything with you on this matter because you never have a factual point when it comes to CD. Thats why i say science supports the pancake theory moreso than CD. You point out complacancies all the time. Yet this was totally about the CD vs PC theory.

You like to mislead people as i obviously pointed out. I dont need to examine anything else you said, because you havent a clue to what you are saying. You repeat what these other bafoons say and i called you on YOUR and THEIR RHETORIC!! PERIOD!!!

You are proven wrong once again, on what you say, and then all hell breaks loose because you are wrong. I havent had the time to examine all your contentions but i dont need to proceed any further because you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Therefore i dont need to continue when your first point of contention was so far off base. I wont be wasting my time to further your refinementations of your arguements. I love how you boofers stories change when proven wrong. I have read the entire report and examined its contents. What you say as a whole and your first point, defines your lack of knowledge on this issue. You have 0(ZERO) credibility now, you have been proven wrong and you wont admit your errors. Who does research and who listens to other boofers? Without question you fit the later.

Anonymous said...

I know my opinion doesnt matter. What i wanted to say is this.

Miles you have been shown, by many counts. Bigdog has shown you to be wrong and well short of any facts on several occasions. In fact considering his response i bet he was waiting for you to admit your error and move on. Without a doubt bigdog has shown science definetly supports the pancake theory more than demolition. In fact, i'm glad i have followed you two in this great debate. I was beggining to believe there was no physical evidence showing one way or the other.


Anonymous said...

Ok, when did I ever say I believed in Demolition....

I merely said that I didn't believe the official story, and I explained why, Sure i repeated several times how CD could be believable, against these so-called facts you express.

As far as my "Credibility" goes, I have stated numerous times, I am no expert. If someone is using my thoughts on this to decide for theirselves, I say please don't. Go elsewhere and research on your own.

Which is also why when I pass on information I've heard, and you have questions about it, I ask you, bigFrog, to research these points on your own.

As far as your last comment........ -"Who does research and who listens to other boofers? Without question you fit the later."-.....

Where do you get your information, BigFrog? Other people, right?

In fact, I've called you multiple times on getting your talking points from the classic "debuff" websites.

And again, you attack me over and over again.

Why don't you take 10 minutes and cool off from your steroid rage and actually debate my points and not where i get it, or how i display it, etc.

As far as "Factual Point" I'm sorry, but I don't see any "Factual Points" on either side of the debate, because the only credible organizations, to me, are the ones refusing to even look at this.

Anyone else obviously has a stake in the spin, You bash Richard Gage, but how many copies of the Popular Mechanics issue were sold?

We could go round and round about where the information comes from, but you still have yet to answer the silver bullet question, Why hasn't a state sponsored criminal investigation happened??

You're probably going to go on and on about evidence, thinking I'm talking about taking bush to court or something, but I'm talking about taking the knowledge that there are 3000 dead and destroyed buildings and planes, and investigating the crime and trying to find the criminals responsible for carrying out or covering up that crime and charging them for war crimes.

This could be anyone, but we have been given no responsibility in a true court of law.

Again, Rumsfeld and Cheney should have been out of office as soon as anything hit the Pentagon, on mere failure to act while our nation was under attack.

Face it, Demo nor Pancake can be proven beyond shadow of doubt. We will most likely never know how those buildings fell with 100% assurance. We can debate how the buildings fell all our lives and not get any closer to the truth. I'd rather talk about How it was allowed to happen, and why nobody in government wants to answer those questions.

I also want to focus, not on 9/11, but on why Congress and the DHS want to continue this "Terrorism" lie that now we have blonde blue eyed pregnant terrorists who write on 9/11 websites is pure rhetoric, that has no place in law or a free society.

I want to discuss why the Bill of rights needs to be shredded in the name of security.

I want to know why 9/11 is your big thing, BigFrog.

Do you not see your republic crumbling?

You are so wrapped up in this "How the buildings fell" that you can't look outside that paradigm and see that in the end it doesn't matter how the buildings fell anymore.

What once was an outrage about 3000 deaths on 9/11 is now 5000 deaths in Iraq, the destruction of our civil liberties through the Patriot Act, Warner Defense Authorization, Signing Statements, Homegrown Terrorism and Radicalization Act, and Real ID.

So keep sitting there yawning while your country crumbles.


Anonymous said...

We need to unite against globalism and fear mongering.

You can go to New York and tell this man he isn't a true American.


Anonymous said...


Miles i showed you were wrong about only the silverstein buildings being destroyed or however you put it. Im truelly done with you. You errored in your research or you are perpetrating the same lies your fellow boofers are doing. Grow up conspiracy nut a become an oak tree.


Anonymous said...

Once again, you use the term Lie. Where have I lied?

You call my research errored. First show me where I've researched, then show me where I've errored.

I mean keep with the attacks instead of responding to truthful criticism of your findings.

How about the video I posted? If Brent Blanchard truly "Have come across no evidence to support this claim" of molten metal in the debris, all they had to do was go to ground zero, and talk to the guy in the video, he is there every day.

I'm just saying that the info you're posting seems pretty biased, considering they had a stake in the cleanup.

But keep attacking me instead of examining my points, or defending yours. Keep talking about "Boofers" and lies and murder. Keep ignoring the fact that there ARE NO FACTS.

Keep ignoring the fact that I've called you out several times to deny what you are, and you refuse.

Just know, bigfrog, new world order puppet scum, that when the troops are marching down the street and you're standing in a bread line with your microchips and fingerprints. Know that guys like me and Alex Jones were screaming from rooftops. Don't let your conflict with 9/11 wrap you into blindness of what is going on in our police state.

Regardless of how we argue, I love you as a human and as an American citizen, and I'm begging you Bigdog, in all seriousness, listen to some of the "conspiracies." You don't have to believe the 9/11 conspiracy, or JFK, or the ones of the past, but I beg of you, be informed about what is going on with posse comitatus, the 2nd amendment, the dollar, food prices, and oil.

Be informed, and get your affairs in order. Even if you don't believe in global government new world order enslavement, at least you could do is be prepared in case it does happen. The worst that can happen from being prepared is you have extra food and your income is protected.

But go ahead...this is the point where you go even further with your calling me names, "cook" "conspiracy nut" keep calling, I'm just trying to be active to protect your bill of rights, and your kids' right to life and liberty.

I'm doing it because I love all human life, especially those who show concern with our nation, like you Bigdog.

I agree with you on many points, like Race relations and such. And I'm hoping we can come past this difference on the 9/11 issue because it's not going to go away on either side of the debate. We need to stop arguing about 9/11 and get down into worrying what the Supreme Court is going to rule about the 2nd amendment, and what Obama and McCain have in store, and if we're going to sacrifice even more dollar value and life in another pointless war in another oil producing nation.

Nah bigdog, I can't concede that your right, about most of the things you say...but I do hope that we can come together in agreement that this country needs saved from its saviors, and come together to win back the freedoms that the Bill of Rights has protected for over 230 years.


Anonymous said...

You lied about the Silverstein buildings. WTF is wrong with you man. Dont read your own post? My post "Miles rhetoric exposed" was your first clue.

BTW if you consider me pointing out your lies, mis-information, non-research,...etc. Why say im attacking you? Im not attacking you...WTF!! you a victum now? In actuallity im pointing out your belief in the lies perpetrated by your nutjob cronies, passed on by you. Your own words Miles, grow up and face the medicine.

Until you admit you are wrong. I cant proceed any further on any more points you said are flawed/have holes in them. thinks you are making more shit up as you go, shown this to be true on many occasions. Hence me stopping with your first grand point and easily dismissing it as rubbish, by use of facts. Something you havent grasped yet. Is this the mindset of a rational thinker? I think not.

Flip knows. Why wont you answer him or rebut what he said about science supporting PT moreso than CD. I actually enjoyed his post, you didnt....LMAO!!

Oh just so you know, i know you have heard me say this on air. I have always said and have taught my children, that this country was founded on fascist principles (Bill of Rights inclusive). We the rich people, for the rich people, by the rich people. Because if it was just we the people...etc. Then blacks, all women of any color, indians and other races; other than rich white men, would have been able to vote from jump street. However "its" idea is fucking amazing.

You want to get past all this BS admit you are wrong and we can move on. If you cant be honest with me, then how the hell can you be honest within yourself?

If you want to move on and you admit your error. Then repost the other holes and i will examine them with the same scrutiny as my one-world-governmental-scumbag-eye-scans will take me...LMAO!!!


Anonymous said...

BTW Miles since you brought up Alex jones. I have to admit his paranoia got the best of him. Follow this thread to screw loose change. Heres an example of your like minded delusions played out and Jones gets punked.

Alex Jones: Punk'd!


BIGFROG He who gobbles up lies...i mean flies....LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

Again, no "winning" with you, you just hijack the discussion.

I've seen the screw loose change website, and when I read the first paragraph of their critique of "Endgame" was criticizing the music selection, it was clear to me that this was only a propaganda site not interested in honest debate.


Anonymous said...

I did a word search for "endgame" at screw loose change. Didnt find anything you mentioned. Even if their critique was about their music selection, wich i doubt was the only critique. It still doesnt change the fact you are totally wrong about the Silverstein buildings. Now admit you are wrong and lets move on to all these other, propagandizing lies, you have been bestowed upon to carry out. So where are all these holes and the apology for being dishonest?


BTW dont patronize me again. I was thinking about how you were saying I am fighting for your childrens rights...etc. Spare me your bullshit and save yourself. The last thing i will be thinking about is you, even if your delusions ever manifest itself in my lifetime.

RFID in peace.....LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

How was I wrong about the Silverstein buildings?

Every building owned by him was either destroyed or removed no matter where the placement was.

Closer buildings that sustained much more impacted damage than building 7, not owned by silverstein are still standing today.

But you want a confession...yeah you're right, I said "all" didn't wasn't a lie, per say, I mis-spoke. What I meant to say was the above paragraph. I was wrong, I'm not afraid to admit it, that still doesn't answer how Building 7 was damaged so severely.

I've stated many times that I haven't done the research on 9/11...and that's pretty bad that your arguments can't convince me that 19 arabs from caves pulled this off.

Again, You "Debunkers" talk about accusations of murder, and some of you go so far as to call us crazy or even "Violent radicals"

I admitted to being wrong, just as you asked Bigdog...Are you willing to admit that maybe your "evidence" and "proof" doesn't really prove much of anything?

Are you willing to admit that it is possible that it is your side of the movement making unproven accusations of murder? (against the 19 so-called hijackers)

That it is your side of the movement acting cocky and hateful, sometimes violent?

Again, you say not to patronize you and that you don't buy that I do what I do for a free society for the American people...Ok you don't want Patronizing, I have a son. I'm doing it for him. But I also am doing it because I love this country. I love what it was founded to be, and hate what it is becoming.

You don't want to see the Mercury in your kid's vaccines, I'm not going to try to force you, I'm merely going to say "That's poison" and when you let them put it in your kid anyway, that is your choice.

You don't want to see the links to Flouride in your water and harmful effects in the human body, Keep drinking.

Bovine Growth hormones in your milk? Keep drinking.

Fox news is selling you Vicodin and Codine, Celebrex may cause death, but a hit off the joint can get you life. Keep watching Fox.

The truth is, I am out there doing what I can because I care, but if you don't want to hear it, and you keep with the insults and negativity, I don't care that you're drinking the cyanide koolaid, that is your choice.

I laid out the bread line scenario plain and simple.

How are those gas prices working out for your career choice?

But I guess I'm just whacko for thinking that the dollar being artificially inflated with no accountability is a bad thing.

close your eyes and keep saying, "gas prices are about supply and demand" Maybe eventually it will be true.

But some of us, see the rate of oil going up at a similar rate to other traded commodities in the dollar exchange rate and know that there is a severe problem with our currency. And Dana Perino can't talk about it.

Go ahead and fill up today, don't think of me and what I'm saying...just think of those gas prices and those food prices, and when you can't feed your kids, take the government welfare. Just don't come knocking on my door.


Anonymous said...

Miles: "that still doesn't answer how Building 7 was damaged so severely."

Check your godsend NIST. I have reviewed their report on #7....Have you? You might find an ounce of explaination there. I mean, beings how, you mention NIST all the time.

Typical boofer rhetoric:
"19 arabs from caves pulled this off."

Surelly you jest. I mean WOW!!!! I thought you claim the CIA/Our Government, (trained-was involved), with these terrorists and taught them how to fly and so on. I mean you say the government chose 19 arabs from caves to carry out an attack on US soil. Is this where "its so easy a caveman can do it" comes in to play. Some of the most dangerous terrorists are well educated. Somehow, im beggining to think, their arab cavemen education is serving their cause more than yours...LMAO!! I mean i have repeated my position many times maybe you need some caveman

Yes im willing to admit the 19 hijackers are being falsely accused of murder. We are not talking about that, we are talking about CD vs PT (theories). You want to go there. Then fine, i have no challenge with a strong rebutal. How can you talk about this or ask this of me, and forget about Able Danger. Hmmmm you said we agreed on Able Danger. Hmmmmm... was Atta a caveman? Did the Hamburg Cell end up in Florida, training and whatnot?

No more

My deferment to the experts shows what i have been saying all along. The scientific evidence of it all says there was no Demolitions used, but supports the pancake theory moreso. PERIOD!!!

You throw up "whats my life like" because of gas prices. WTF is wrong with you? How are my kids doing because i allowed my family doctor of 25 years, to shoot them up with mercury, with the intent to cause harm and hurt their thinking powers somehow. BTW my son is a DeVry A student in graphic arts and gamming design. Guess the mercury did him some good....Pfffft!!! Whats your child going to be like? Scared to peek around the preverbal corner?

You ask these things as if im the one drinking Flouride and Bovine Growth hormones in my milk, to somehow delude certian historical facts about OUR country. Maybe, Somehow become mind numb sheeple? Exactly what are you saying? Forget it i dont need an answer. Nor would i receive one. Bottom line your point is not valid considering my perspective. If you are infering i dont pay attention or watch my government, you are delusional. However Miles, man to man...GO FUCK YOUSELF. I dont want your fucking help. However you obviously need mine. You need to research more information on this subject. You are making decision based on your fear of OUR government and these paranoid delusions are going to fuck with your head. It already has. It is NOT YOUR MISSION to save mankind from an evil empire or half dozen evil empires. Certianlly whatever you perceive as evil empires. In fact the only thing i know you are doing is calling in on a talk show and talking with people who are like minded. You come here to this board and i show how silly your arguements are using science and real rational thought. Then you want to talk about our conversation made here, on a radio show. As if to say you are begging people to think. You havent even served your own think. You have admitted to not thinking or getting educated on any issue you blab or speek confidently about. What this? to look like you are intellegent or something....benevelant?.

I mean how many of your cronies are here defending you and your unsupported position on CD. BTW Richard Gage promised over a thousand converts by August, he just dropped to 403 this month. He lost ground my friend. But hey ask him why his WIFE left him and then ask why no huge improvement in his collective numbers.

BTW i havent called, in like a month. So you bring me into the conversation and you still get no response from me, on air. Hey everyone look its Miles calling in on a talk show. Cant wait for his actions to match his rhetoric. look at me. Wahooooooo!!!! ewhhhh shinneeeeeee objects. Dont worry my lil acorn, a mighty oak, one day you will be.



Anonymous said...

Sorry i left this out. However i wanted a lil more information on why, what you said, was utter BS.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church stood across Liberty Street from the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, USA. It was completely destroyed in the September 11, 2001, attacks when the South Tower collapsed. It was the only non-WTC building to be destroyed by the attacks.<---(money sentence)

The Deutsche Bank Building was heavily damaged in the September 11, 2001 attacks after being blasted by the avalanche of debris, ash, dust and smoke that spread from WTC. The building has been in ruins ever since, and is to be demolished completely by the end of 2008. World Trade Center 5 will replace the building, expanding the ground space on which the World Trade Center will stand, as this land wasn't part of the old World Trade Center.<---(money sentence)

Borough of Manhattan Community College's Fiterman Hall. Deconstruction was scheduled to be complete by February 2007; however, environmental impact concerns and funding issues have prevented the project from being completed. The building is owned by the State of New York Dormitory Authority.<---(money sentence)

These buildings were not owned by Silverstein. One was completely destroyed. The rest are being dismantled due to enviromental concerns. According to what i have been reading; asbestos and mold are huge issues when it comes to standard demolitions. Includes all of lower Manhattan.

I will say this about the enviroment that day. The EPA already knew that enviromental problems already exhisted well before 9-11. So a dust storm of such issues, like a tital wave, would make things far worse. I hope Richard Gage is using his moneys raised, to help first responders families who need it. I wont hold my breath tho.


Anonymous said...

Wow, haven't checked this in a while- nice to see Lil'Puss is still showing his ass (thanks for keeping it off the radio, broughnuts).

Anonymous said...

Nice to see marcus still has love for lilpuss. I was beginning to think he was gay....LMAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

"You are making decision based on your fear of OUR government and these paranoid delusions are going to fuck with your head. It already has. It is NOT YOUR MISSION to save mankind from an evil empire or half dozen evil empires. Certianlly whatever you perceive as evil empires."

Actually I agree with most of what you were saying, except this statement.

If we're supposed to have a so-called representative government, and it is committing evil in the world, then it is committing evil in the name of me and my vote. I will not allow that willy nilly.

You're right about the buildings, I apologize, I hadn't heard that they are going to go ahead with the destruction of the Deutsch bank, although I find it a little odd that these buildings that were so damaged on September 11, 2001 arent being demolished until 2007 and 2008.

As far as the church, one would suspect that a church would be a dramatically smaller building that probably even a fart from one of those massive towers would have crushed.

I am so glad we can finally come to some common ground and admit some fault to each other Bigdog. I'm glad you admit that this discussion is limited to Controlled Demolition, and I've even stated before that I don't 100% believe controlled demo myself, I just find all the details a little hard to be as random as explained to me.

Which is why I had discussion on the word "Facts". I see how either explanation "could" have happened, And I'll even concede that scientific research does support the steel weakening theory. My problem comes from how random it seems. The discussion we just had about damaging nearby buildings is still a moot point to me, because the 2 or 3 buildings that sustained damage is like saying my house is infested with bees when only 2 hang out outside.

The reason I use the words "straight down" and "freefall speed" I don't use those as literal terms, I am trying to show the contrast between how the buildings fell, and how, in my mind at least, you should have seen more of a toppling effect that would have damaged buildings blocks away. I mean when you pancake down, the force doesn't go straight down, it also creates a concussive effect upwards, kind of like when you jump off of a wall, you can feel a little sting in your feet.

Once again, this isn't based off of any scientific data, just a thought of mine, and I'm not offering it as proof, just explaining how that argument came to be or why I stated things that way.

To me, the towers aren't the bullseye on criminal complacency on the part of those in power.

Able Danger, and the penetration of the "super no-fly zone" over the capitol is why I want to see a real investigation with accountability.

For further need to investigate, If 19 guys from a cave in the middle east didn't do it, lets find out who did, have public war crimes trials in either federal or international court, and then hang them.

Once again, how much do we know about the Gitmo 6?

As far as you being able to research the bad things that happen, I do give you props on that...where I was criticizing you, is that it seems like the only thing in our society that you voice your opinion about on a regular basis is the controlled demo theory. I apologize for bringing you up on the radio show, because I try not to bring other shows or website discussions into the conversations I have, I just merely was trying to make a point that those listening hear a few callers in a row agree with each other, when there are people everywhere who disagree and should be having these discussions and being active. I tried not to harp on you too much, I tried to make my point and move on to the other points I was making in my call.

I guess my thing is, I agree that all ideas should be challenged and scrutinized in fairness, and I think you do do the public a great service in your research, I admit I'm not qualified to go toe to toe with you on the subject, however, that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about the things that come up.

Where we break down is this whole intent thing. I don't support Richard Gage, in the least, I merely use him as an example of this argument of intent. I question what "ScrewLooseChange" is trying to do in the end, what their motives are.

Meanwhile people bash Alex Jones and We Are Change, when they are the ones who are pushing for responders families to be compensated. And they are the ones who are begging for the new investigation to answer the questions families have about the murder of their loved ones.

I hope you do watch the Truth Rising documentary, it doesn't seem to be about the events of 9/11 but about the truth movement and the aggressive nature of so many people when you question the official story, and how by merely exercising your freedom of speech and spreading an idea can get you assaulted, arrested, Or in the case going on right now between Michael Reagan and Mark Dice, threatened with public murder.

Keep ideas free

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh look, more twoofers in need of someone to refine their conjecture....:rolleyes:


Anonymous said...

Miles said:

"although I find it a little odd that these buildings that were so damaged on September 11, 2001 arent being demolished until 2007 and 2008."

If you paid attention to what i quoted from a reference in new york media. These buildings are being DISMANTLED, not demolished, (due to mold and asbestos concerns) and will be done sometime in 07-08. I havent heard if they are done, but it is an ongoing process.

I wonder just how much money they are making on this so called truth movement.



Anonymous said...

mfkn science

Anonymous said...

New from Info

That whole piece was conjecture based on the center points (set zero) of each tower. I'll do my best explaining this.

In fact, what this article is saying; is that the FATBOY nuclear bomb, weighing in at a whopping 20 kilotons. Approximately 1/3 a FATBOY (my example) was spent on both buildings. Thats 2/3 a FATBOY spent on that day. So what this article is questioning is whether or not such energies can be created without help. Help by a collection of bombs equal to a 1/3 a FATBOY (my example) each.

Ummmm.... whomever posted this you need to understand a few things of importance. Gravitational potential energy does not equal kenitic energy of motion and the potential energy of their mutual positions.

Seismographs (a measureing device for a form of kinetic energy) a few miles away and land survey equipment on the ground, around the complex, all recorded no detonation type signatures. According to your article these signatures would have been the equivelant to 1/3 a FATBOY (my example) per tower.

Secondly the building never collapsed in its own footprint. All his measurements are centered, (set zero's), on each buildings floor. Therefore any building materials falling some 100-500 feet or more outside the footprint would allow for a much larger dissipation of such said energies and clouds of nasty. So it does appear by his calculations of potential energies, with a set zero being the center of each building. It may appear by the distance traveled by such said energies would have an accumalitive volume of dissipation equivelant to 8.5 kilotons??? Lets continue shall we.

Also not mentioned in this article is this one thing. Kinetic energy is different from potential energy. Although potential energy can be converted into Kinetic energy. The kinetic energy would increase with changes in weight and motion (resistance). Thus each potential energy release would either increase or decrease with said events. Inclusive the added weight and speed of each floor and also the calculations of each event, of said masses pancacking, would be lost energies do to impacts of each floor yet increases in weight (1500 tons per floor). So his calculations would have to include all sorts of variables and each NEW set zero points referenced. One being how far did the debri fields fall outside each towers(set zero)footprint and how far each plume dissipated from that new set zero point of the same massive debris and their kinetic energies.

Meaning this. The stored energy (potential energy); this same stored energy will be converted into kinetic energy by the restoring force of gravity in the case of the weight and gravity. Meaning that if you dont know the exact measuremnt of its stored energies per floor in motion, then you can not calculate the exact kinetic energy output to a state of rest. Unless you have a seismograph that can record all aspects of kinetic energy waves.

This teacher only used the formula of potential energy and could not calculate its kenitic energy because each pancacking event varied in weight (as it increased) and motion because there was resistance. The amount of resistance would have varied per velocity and gathered weight per impacted floor. Some 110 floors according to this article with a said set zero in the center of each tower.

Last but not least. The 9-11 commision wasnt in charge of investigations as to why and how the buildings came down.


Anonymous said...

"lost energies do to impacts of each floor yet increases in weight"

The Law of Conservation of Energy - Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Therefore, the force of "pancaking" would have been stored as potential energy, or exerted in the cloud of dust (which by the way explains some of your "debris fell faster than the building" argument)

It is assumed that the velocity differential would have been offset by the weight differential, keeping with the same force of energy, losing only fractions due the debris and dust that had already fallen.

You can't seriously claim that the dust and debris weighed as such to explain away the massive force differentials outlined in the article, or that the energy somehow vanished when the weight of one floor was pancaked onto the next.

Anonymous said...

"The Law of Conservation of Energy - Energy cannot be created or destroyed."

Nice wiki search dood. However you left out a huge part of its definition.... one of importance
"it can only be changed from one form to another."

Is this MT? Leaving important information out on purpose?

I made no such claims you posted. Giving your response and misquoting the law of conservation of energy. You are conflicting laws of physics and their concepts to make a point and you havent made one ounce of why bother?


LCE is the first law to thermodynamics. Kinetic energy is extra energy due to momentum and only changes form with friction (e.g. fundamental force). These fundemental forces magnitudes and behaviors vary with each impact.

Although i know i have a good grasp on this. Why are you conflicting the two energies pertaining to the relevant forms and expect me not to catch you.


Anonymous said...

No it was me

Anonymous said...

Its all good.