Brzezinski has previously informed viewers that her brother Ian works for the McCain campaign and that her father, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, and another brother, Mark, advise Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (IL).(IAN)
In 2006, Booz Allen Hamilton, a privately held company based in McLean, Virginia, had a global staff of 18,000 and annual revenues of $3.7 billion. Its work for U.S. government agencies accounts for more than 50 percent of its business. Notably Booz Allen is a key adviser and prime contractor to all of the major U.S. intelligence agencies – the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)...
“Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization." (p.35) The Grand chessboard
Sorry blacks.
On the web page for the "The Grand chessboard" link, there is also a link to the 9/11 conspiracy grassy knoll area 51 web sites. Ah, credibility.
Thanks Congress.
The blacks
Your welcome, blacks.
So, do we get our reparations checks yet?
The blacks
Sorry blacks, we sent that money to Fannie and Freddie because you defaulted on your mortgage.
Okay, so I've been reading these comments and doing my best to ignore and not moderate out these stupid posts. Can someone tell me how this is not just racist junk "sorry defaulted..." do you have anything to go behind that or are you just so bereft of thought and time that you just post this nonsense hoping someone will laugh or get mad at you?
isn't that what happened last week?
Woah, sorry mike, that was me...
Was trying to point out the blatant racism in the mainstream media's excuses for the housing crisis.
Wasn't meaning to be racist myself.
I apologize. Wasn't trying to offend.
"moderate out...posts" = sounds like your type
Point of fact: I don't censor comments generally. Even those that call me "liar","Lib","Johnson county TOm", "boofer" and other things. however at a point I ask myself if I shouldn't address some things. In this case, someone put this stuff about blacks and the freddie mac bail out. I had not heard anything about blacks being the basis of all this so I don't "get it" but I ask for it to be explained. still I don't censor. not my style.
I haven't seen Johnson County Tom on here nor have I ever heard of that or boofer. Lib, however, fits. Johnson County lib fits as well. According to, boofer means anything from a black person to "a person who has participated in so much anal sex that as a result that anus is so loose when they fart all you hear is a faint booooof" (definition #5).
The point still stands, however, that Congress said, in the simplest form of putting it, "sorry, blacks" for slavery and jim crow. What they didn't apologize for is the destruction of the black family by government hand out. Yes, big government, brought to you by the american traitor lib, destroyed the black family. I guess we'll have to wait another 50 years for that meaningless, do-nothing comment from congress. Wait, that would be libs acknowledging the destructive nature of socialism. That will not happen. Empirical evidence, however, needeth no acknowledgement by congress.
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