Friday, August 15, 2008

Family of Slain Gay Boy Blames School

Another case of let's sue sue sue. These folks have obvious problems in their family that have nothing to do with the school. And isn't the real culprit the kid who somehow thinks tht if he doesn't approve of who you are or what you're going through, he can KILL you?


Anonymous said...

You're right Michael T, and I doubt that his eyeliner and miniskirt made that much difference to the sociopath that shot him. Where does hatred for gays come from? Religious dogma. Still reading that book Mr. Justice?


Anonymous said...

Yes, blame religion (code for blame Christianity) if atheism isn't a religion (a set of beliefs). Remember, folks, atheists are the biggest murderers of them all...see 20th century. Also, Marcus, your anti-Christian bigotry is saddening. Christianity, however, requires that you love your neighbor as yourself...unlike atheism which seems to require anti-Christian bigotry. Of course, like in many other cases, Christianity, in this sense is superior. One requires love while the other develops hate.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't point out the shortcomings of the public school system. Of course, gay marketing to youths by the leftists in this country is to blame as well.

Bad news, Marcus, homosexuality sickens the masses. It is natural to be sickened by homosexual activity.


Anonymous said...

That stadium in Beijing is so ugly. I'd call it post gay commie style...Marcusesque.

Anonymous said...

Yeah there is no difference at all between Atheists and Christians


Anonymous said...

Well, I can't give 90 minutes to this film but, in the first few minutes, one can clearly see it is an attempt to make Christians look like freaks in America. While this is clearly laughable, it is also sad. If a person was in an area of town where 85% of the people in said area of town were black, we'd call it a black area of town. By the same token, a nation where 85%+ of the citizens are Christian, it is clearly a Christian nation.

Miles, is it your take that Christians in America are freaks and not commonplace? Unlike what your perception may tell you, atheists are the freaks in this country. Sorry, libs...empirical evidence is, once again, your enemy.

Anonymous said...

No I'm saying one good reason to be an atheist, is the extremism that exists in every religion. I'm not saying all Christians are bad, I'm just saying that extremism and brainwashing exists in all organized religion.

That is a huge reason not to follow organized churches.

If you can follow the teachings of Jesus and not the teachings of the church, I have no problem whatsoever with you and your religion.

You want to talk about what is a "Freak"....I think what you mean is "outside the mainstream"

Well, I'm proud to be outside the mainstream.

I see how the mainstream accepts what most of the mainstream media propaganda and corporations give them and the hipocracy surrounding what most people do, I don't mind being a "kook" or "freak"

your words don't hurt me.

As far as "If a person was in an area of town where 85% of the people in said area of town were black, we'd call it a black area of town."....

No You'd call it a black area. This is the argument I was having about Patrick and his black community theory. Why can't we just be a community?

You see you buy into the propaganda that this nation was founded to be Christian.


re-read your first amendment. Folks are free to worship whatever they want. Be it Jesus, Allah, Satan, Gaia, Moloch, whatever.

Sure, the founding fathers and their ideals and beliefs were mostly born out of a belief in the bible and Jesus Christ, and alot of that is shown in the documents and symbols that surround our country's identity. However, that just implies influence, and there is no overt reference to this country meant to be under the belief of Jesus Christ.

We all know that now, Capitalism is the national religion. As long as you have dollars or stock to sell to the credit card companies, you can pull up a chair.


Anonymous said...

Atheism isn't a set of beliefs. By 20th century atheists I assume you mean the Russian Communists and (if you're one THOSE idiots) the nazis. Of course, the nazis believed god was on their side, so I'll pretend you're NOT one of those kind of idiots. My atheism has nothing to do with my dislike of christianity, christians are the reason for my dislike of christianity. Your religion is the source of far more bigotry, hatred, abuse, and death than any sane person can attribute to atheism. While secularism IS a part of communism, you must realize that the atrocities were not committed in the name of "no god". Also, religion plays a larger part in miseducating our youth than the public school system. Homosexuality has been observed in nearly every species. You can have your Jesus the christ but, keep him in the closet (presumably, where you are already).


Anonymous said...

How troubling these atheist communists are! Yes, in fact, atheism is a religion, or a set of beliefs. And, in fact, extremism and brainwashing from the religion of atheism is all too common. After all, the messiah of the atheist, darwin, would fail biology 101 yet these brainwashed masses still adhere to the foolish notions of a man who never heard of DNA or parts of a cell. Respectfully, atheists are the most devout in their religion. Many who call themselves Christians are not. In fact, can one really be Christ-like? I think not.

Anonymous said...

The notion that America is not a Christian nation is foolish, Miles. All, I repeat, all 50 states constitutions directly mention God. In English, when one speaks of God as a proper noun, they mean the Christian God. Therefore, not only is America a Christian nation, but English is also a Christian language.

Anonymous said...

Atheism is the LACK of a belief. Science has progressed ALOT since Darwin. How easy for you to say people are or are not christian, are you some kind of "decider"? If all these people you say are not christian, how do you claim this is a christian nation? Please, consider educating yourself, I think you will be much happier and find true love for your neighbor. Atheism has no ancient bigots dogma, no promise of eternal hell, no cryptic message easily manipulated by charlatans. If you need the crutch, use it, keep it the fuck away from my government, schools, and PAY TAXES!

Anonymous said...

Miles, do you have a youtube account? My email is


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

On second thought, fuck your crutches, learn to walk!

Anonymous said...

Another funny video. Amazing what the atheist communist relies on for supporting evidence of anything.

For the one who calls Christianity a crutch, you clearly don't understand the religion.

Atheism definitely has bigotry in it. All one needs to do is listen to the vitriol that pours out of the mouths of atheists with regards to Christians.

Nevertheless, like Miles, you, Marcus, make the claim that this is not a Christian nation. Then, you learn from me that all 50 state constitutions directly mention God. Please, defend yourself, as if there is a defense.

Anonymous said...

This is an example of the typical atheist communist using the state to put forth its poison

Anonymous said...

God need not be your christian version of it. Some believe that a god may have existed that put things into motion and has since stepped out of the picture. They are not christian, jew, muslim, buddhist, or anything other than deist (belief in a god without the dogma of holy writing). This is what the majority of our founding fathers were. Read our constitution if you want to know why this is not a christian nation. Not all atheists have such repulsion to religious dogma. You're trying infect my government and school and media with your disease, how can you blame me for pushing back? Keep your gatherings in your own houses (as Jesus would have wanted), tear down all these goddamn churches, arrest every evangelist for fraud, and we can call it a good start.


Anonymous said...

PS- That article was hilarious, thanks!