Tuesday, September 09, 2008

How do we counter the masses of concentrated wealth in our governance?

Here's a story about the Missouri Governor's race that fits in with a thought I've been kicking around lately:

What would be the effect if the state, obviously it would have to be through referendum, passed a law requiring that state and local office seekers had to get all their money from within the state/locale? I know that the parties and other interest groups would find ways to funnel money in (ala 527s), but we have to make efforts to reclaim our democracy.


Anonymous said...

Allow me to knock this one out of the park. The poor has the most where the government has the least.

Thank you.

Michael T Justice said...

is it possible, just once, that you could enter into discussion with a contribution. What does that post say? there is no debate; no challenge to a thought; no counterpoint offered.

I would agree with you that smaller government is best. My question was aimed at how do we as a people get to that smaller government when Parties, unions, rich individuals and associations pour money into state, local, and federal elections and buy mouthpieces for their agendas?

Because of the control of these entities a candidate like Ron Paul( Kick abortion back to the states, remove the education department, cut spending) was chased out even though he was as much of a republican as you say you think you want. I doubthe would have bailed out the Fanni Mae & Freddie Mac.

Anonymous said...

Marcus got ran over by the truth deer.

Anonymous said...

Marcus had the flu, you dipshit troll.

Anonymous said...

I pity Marcus.

Anonymous said...

"Sarah Palin is a big fat pig with lipstick on." - Barack Terrorist Obama

Anonymous said...

If Obama had the balls to say that, he would have my vote (Biden says he's not going to be an "attack dog" for Obama). This nice guy shit doesn't work in politics anymore. These are 'neo'-cons. What the fuck are the democrats doing? It didn't work for Kerry but, they don't seem to give a shit. They don't deserve to win and the republicans are forfeit (ala Palin). Where is the third party? Where are the journalists? It's a simple election. If you make $250,000 a year, vote McCain, if you make less than $250,000 a year, DON'T! Of course, odds are good McCain hasn't got 4 years left in him so, if you want a moosehunting hockey-mom creationist running your country, vote McCain, if you don't want a moosehunting hockey-mom creationist running your country, DON'T! Izzit cuz hez black? It wouldn't suprise me...


Anonymous said...

Marcus...you are the simpleton of which governments dream. I'm glad you are a citizen of the world instead of an America.

Anonymous said...

We are having a memorial service tonight, 9/12/08, to mourn the loss of our fallen comrade, Kim Jong Il. The ceremony will be held after the anti-war rally and before the gay S&M rally at JC Nichols fountain around 8PM. Please, wear red and Government bless you.


Anonymous said...

One problem with your idea Michael

When I run in 2010, I wouldn't be able to apply for Ron Paul's Liberty PAC.


Anonymous said...

Now you're going to start posting as me.
What a waste of skin and teeth (the teeth the meth left you with, anyway).
