Thursday, September 18, 2008

I caught this over on the Evil genius' website:

An article on White privelege that ought to spark some discussion.


Anonymous said...

There is a class of colored [and white] people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

Booker T Washington

Anonymous said...

The market dictates that such a business exist.

Anonymous said...

19 minutes of good insight...

Anonymous said...

Nothing in that article, that argument has a fucking thing to do with race.

Almost all of it has to do with being hooked up with neocon politicians.

Me, as a middle America white man, I couldn't get away with 1/10th of the shit in that article the way he portrays it.

This whole thing is basing the white race's "freedoms?" on the free fucking pass that Sarah Palin is given because she is a fucking neocon.

Corruption is deeper than skin color and heritage. And to continue to perpetuate race relations based on perceptions of the famous shows the ignorance of anyone who agrees with this article.

If Ken Blackwell were on the republican ticket do you think that these blatant cries over racism would be prominent?

Hell no, because he would be getting the same fucking red carpet treatment as the rest of the neocons.

We need to move on from our focus on Celebrity to gauge our racial justice.

We have so many more important things to worry about in our near future than the public opinion of a minority celebrity vs. a white celebrity.

Our economy is crashing at a rate unseen even in the great depression, they just have more tricks now to keep things floating.

Mark my words, we fight over Race now, pretty soon we fight over which garbage can to eat from.


Anonymous said...

Miles the ignorant. Why do you comment on things you don't understand? We have to have a recession before we have a depression. Hell, we have to have one quarter of negative GDP growth before we have a recession. Yet here you are being the person telling the tale full of sound and fury signifying nothing. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


Anonymous said...

So, Mike, would you say the "fundamentals" of our economy are strong? Do you even open your eyes when you wake up every day?


Anonymous said...

Mike, you don't seem to get it.

This "recession" you talk of...

is a textbook term, presumably meaning 2 quarters of negative growth.

It is obvious we borrowed our way out of recession....barely.

The "Stimulus" barely worked, at the cost of a greater deficit and higher inflation which will only lead to a deeper hole when real "recession" or depression hits.


Anonymous said...

You said the D word, Miles. Don't put it on me.

What you call a "textbook term" is the actual definition of the word, recession.

Claiming that we "borrowed our way out of recession" suggests that we actually had a recession which is not true or an outright lie.

I will not comment on the so-called stimulus because I disagree with such an action. If you could observe liberals instead of just being one, you would notice that they have been speaking of an impending recession or depression since Jan 2001. We didn't even have a depression after 9/11.

Knowledge is power and you are Switzerland.


Anonymous said...

Obviously you don't pay attention to anyone but your investment mnager who gets paid to tell you that everything is fine.

When I said we borrowed our way out of a recession I wasn't implying anything. We literally avoided collapse by borrowing more paper from the fed and called it a "stimulus"

You can clearly see from the graph that Michael just posted, that Fractional Reserve Banking is more fractional than reserve, and the fraction is getting smaller.

When most of the currency and business in our country is **DEBT** then where is the REAL WEALTH of our nation?

So far the only action that the Fed and the Treasury can come up with is corporate socialism.

I could go all conspiracy theory and say that once all of the business is owned by the FED, we will all be issued our new public sector jobs...

but thats just crazy talk right?


Anonymous said...

Not even corporate socialism because we don't get the profit just the bill.


Anonymous said...

Nor are we told exactly what the Bill is, or the holdings of the companies we are rescuing.

What this really is, is government sponsored predatory lending in a real sense of the word predator.

There are certain institutions that just "CANT" fail, and we will bail them out.

Then there are other institutions, such as Bear Stearns who are forced to take a buyout from their competitors.

And we get the bill both ways.


Anonymous said...

the media definition of recession!!! I would like to see the textbook you are reading.whatever happened to ef hutten or john hancock investments.or you are relaying what the government tells you about recession??the stock market will perform better once it gets down to 8000 chuck

Anonymous said...

liberal ignorance...its a killer.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I don't know shit about the economy." - John McCain

"Me neither, John, but I'm not dumb enough to say that to the media...dumbass." - Barack Obama

"I'm still waiting for the Biden bump." - Joe Biden

"I'll be president by February." - Sarah Palin