Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Gold is poised for a dramatic surge and could blast through $2,000 an ounce

Gold traders are playing close attention to reports from Beijing that the China is thinking of boosting its gold reserves from 600 tonnes to nearer 4,000 tonnes to diversify away from paper currencies. "If true, this is a very material change," he said.


Mild said...

Wonder what the Silver predictions are?

I plan on giving out silver for christmas

Anonymous said...

Screw China. The federal government spends more than China's entire GDP in six months. China is shit. You China lovers are shit too. Shit Shit that one guy said in Oceans 13.


Jerry's Blog said...
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Jerry's Blog said...
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Jerry's Blog said...

I got sum new stuff of blog on my guyz.

Anonymous said...

Jerry "Don King" from Inpdendence

nice hair.
