Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The health care debate in 3 acts

The Story:

The "victim?" in his own words:

This is ludicrous. The Right keeps screaming about fake protesters that Move On gets out torallies. This guy was probably not a faker, To bite someone's finger off you'd have to be fairly sincere. And Check out how the "victim" admitshe hit the guy in the mouth twice and never claims to have been hit or hindered by the "attacker." Explain please how shouting idiot at an anti-rallyer is much different from the hordes of folks from the right that have attended town halls and called backers hitler and communists.

Now, look at how the debate should go:


Illuminaughty said...

Shouting down the government-loving leftists is a conversation. They're saying, "take your public option and stick it." Well, perhaps it is a monologue, but it is definately communication.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

A good spouse and health is a person's best wealth. - Ben Franklin

If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will save a hundred days of sorrow. - Chinese Proverb

The real art of conversation is not only saying the right thing at the right moment but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the most tempting moment. - unknown

Behind every argument lies someone's ignorance. - Louis D. Brandeis

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. - Laurence J. Peter

To hate is like drinking salt water. Your thirst grows worse

The hardest person to awaken is the person already awake. - Tagalog

The pioneers of peace are the people who refuse to take up arms. - Albert Einstein

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. - Erin Majors

The best candle is understanding.- Welsh