Friday, January 20, 2006

more on earmarks and their role in the ever growing deficit

Here are a few great ideas to reduce the amount of specially marked public dollars that get inserted into bills racheting up the debt. This is irrespective of the 3 trillion missing from the Pentagon.
part 1

part 2

I'm especially in favor of the notion of a " 72 hour cooling period" where spending bills be placed online for citizen review and reaction before the actual vote. I know this is pie in the sky, but wouldn't it be nice if we the people were just made aware of the debt that we are passing on to our kids. Now Kesselman, shines a bright light on the local and state govt supported lobyists that get us Yarn museums and and questionable studies( like Mu getting 1.6 million for a shitake mushroom study. And while I'm grateful for the info, she seems to gloss right over the Abramoff type of lobyists.


Anonymous said...

We are doomed. The spending wont be stopped. We are the United Socialist States of America. So, being morally superior was nice while it lasted, Michael T. Economic superiority was nice while it lasted. Our newest generation of adults can't even name the three branches of government...brought to you by monopolized (public) education and the NEA. Hey, is Nero playing tonight because I feel the need to hear some music?

Anonymous said...

The previous post was by Mike in Kansas City (formerly Mike in Mission). My apologies.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm an illegal alien.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to take Ben Johnson up the butt with my strap-on.


Anonymous said...

The war is illegal.

Baghdad Bob

Anonymous said...

The war is illegal.

All Libs

Anonymous said...

Baghdad Bob = All Libs

Anonymous said...

I'll be Hillary's running mate.


Anonymous said...

That'd be funny, Hillary.

The Jews