Sunday, January 22, 2006

Why I care about the $3 trillion.

I want to know where the money went. We live in a market based economy. Anyone, or group, working together or separate could have an enormous effect on our economy. The people who can spend like that are the ones that are really running things. Peple spending that kind of money are the ones that you have to wonder about as far as their power. and we don't even know about them. We don't even know that the money is missing. I didn't know it. I heard a handful, a small handful, of left leaning talk show hosts mention it. But I didn't follow up on it and find the buried stories untill just a few weeks ago. The liberal media didn't say anything about it. I don't know if this is conspiracy or collusion, probably aat least collusion. But I find it interesting rthat the "liberal" media doesn't bring it up.
This is deeper than Democrat v. Republican. Don't you care? One story I read mentioned that the GDP for the US was 11 Trillion last year. Even if you put aside the Who question. What about the oversight? This happened at the end of Clinton's watch. It seems to me that Rumsfeld would be jhappy to lay that at the feet of the former administration. The DOD is the largest portion of our fed budget. according to Jim Hightower's report a few weeks ago, the pentagon has cut the number of auditors...And what pra tell are we defending against? some whackjobs that took over a plane? We couldn't use f-16s to take them out. and they don't cost anywhere near 3 trill. I think at somepoint we should have some say on where this money is going. It's ours i'm in for 40 grand.
Now a few weeks ago the President had a meeting with all the former secratries of Defense and State. now if I was wearing a tin foil hat: I could see the president saying "ladies and gentlemen the plan we have been working on for all these years is done." Now what could that be anything. Probably weaponizing space. it could be that an asteroid is hurtling towards us and theyv'e known about it for 20 years. I don't know and I'm okay that I don't know. but at some point shouldn't there be some sort of transparency. I mean shouldn't congress people at least get an answer? or is that to risky? and it may well be. I just hope that it is a noble endeavor. 3 Trillion is a lot of money could you take over the world?
If I had 3 trill I would feed a lot of people and educate a bunch. But I'm not that guy. I hope they are looking out for us.
I saw a movie once called Deterrence starring Jason Pollack. in this movie the son of Saddam is in control of Iraq and he's got all these nuclear missiles that he's managed to get from the French. and he goes on CNN and he tells the world that he's gonna nuke like seven cities around the world. and there's this big standoff and the peresident is actually new because the elected guy died a month ago or something and he's plaing it tough. He launches a bomber that goes to baghdad and says to ussay "you stand down or else" and all the advisors are going nuts. they're like we have to negotiate. But he has a secret. as they watch the trajectory of all the missiles the hussein has launched the world frets and the president goes on tv and says " we';ve been working woth the french for 10 years to let hussein get this stuff and they are all duds BUM BUM BUMMMMMM I hope they are looking out for us. I have trouble having that kind of faith when I see the corruption that we see on the front pages today.

I don't have a problem teaching and feeding people. but
I don't know what we're defending against the requires so much money. What would you do with 3 Trill?


Anonymous said...

This article sorta fits here. I think you will find it interesting.


Anonymous said...

What would I do with $3 trillion? Well, as a conservative coupled with the fact that this money was stolen by the government from the TAX PAYER, I would give it back to the TAX PAYERS from whom it was Robinhood.

The sad fact is that such an idea wouldn't even occur to a lib.

Mike in Kansas City

Anonymous said...

I lay all of the bodies of the 45,000,000 babies brutally murdered by abortion at the feet of Michael T. Justice and utter the words, "please, change your mind."

Mike in Kansas City

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, Caficho is the good german who said nothing about the innocent in the concentration camps. Caficho is the good english man who supported Cromwell while the innocent Irish starved to death. Caficho is the good white southerner who said nothing about the slavery or lynchings of the innocent.

It is the better-red-than-dead liberal scum like this enemy within that should be deported to Europe. This bastard wouldn't even protect his own family.

Mike in KC

Anonymous said...

I must be right.

Mike in Kansas City

Anonymous said...

Socialist Keith...White Wife

Anonymous said...

Bush is a fascist.


Anonymous said...

You just have to love how the US is becomming more diverse. Soon we will be able to get nothing done here in the states.


Anonymous said...

Interesting article, Russ. Thank you.

"Affirmative Action Around The World: An Empirical Study"

Its a book so...too tough for Judas, the name of a traitor...most likely a lib.

Mike in Tehran

Anonymous said...

I think Michael T Justice should get on full time on private sector radio. I am sick and tired of waiting an entire week for "The Justice Files." Who disagrees?

Mike in Hamas-istan

Anonymous said...

A moderate Hamas. That's like intelligent caficho or a wise judas judas. These are called oxy-morons...or just morons.

Mike in Beijing

Anonymous said...

Bush reiterated this week that the US will not work with Hamas unless it dramatically modifies its behavior and removes from its platform a call for the destruction of the state of Israel. At a news conference Thursday, he said a political force like Hamas, one with an armed wing that advocates violence against Israel, "is a party with which we will not deal."

Hey Michael have you woke up to the reality that the capital of the US is Tel Aviv?


Michael T Justice said...

soon all the armies of ALL nations will gather at meggido

Anonymous said...

I am a gay man and a gay journalist!


Anonymous said...

We had nothing to do with it.

The Jews

Anonymous said...

[Insert race here] history month is, by definition, a racist concept.

Mike in Tel Aviv

Anonymous said...

We should have got that money.

The Blacks

Anonymous said...

I hate myself and America.

The White Liberals

Anonymous said...

We don't care what you gringos do, just don't shut down the border.

The Illegals

Anonymous said...

58-42. Let the shit talking begin. Next up, Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Mike in KC

Anonymous said...

Consider Hamas. It was founded as a sister group of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood. Initially it was a "quietist" group, accepting Israel's occupation of the West Bank as a fact and simply working to improve the conditions of Palestinians within it. Both Israel and Jordan tacitly supported the group during that period, because they saw it as a way of dividing the Palestinians.

You sleep with a dog you might get fleas.


Anonymous said...

Thank you again, Russ. We need to hit those fuckers hard yesterday. These self-proclaimed "global citizens" aka better-red-than-dead pussies like Judas need to go back to their pinko mothers on the commune.

Anonymous said...

I just support the goal of ending all aid to Israel; kicking out all Zionists from US and Europe including their Neocon lapdogs.


Anonymous said...

Identify yourself, Judas. Who hides behind their name in such a way? You know who I am.

Mike in Bolivia

Anonymous said...

I knew it. Just another dickless white lite.

Anonymous said...

4.7% unemployment rate. I wonder how the dirty libs will explain this one away.

Mike the Ass Hole

Anonymous said...

Rumsfeld is a murderer: he has little room to talk.

The figures did not include spending for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which the Bush administration said Thursday would total $120 billion for 2006.

Bush is going to bankrupt the country, but at least Isreal will be safe.

Get ready for 4 to 5 dollars per gallon of gas as we push Iran.
