Thursday, January 05, 2006

President or King?

The true genius of the US system as imagined by its founders - the understanding that any form of state power left unchecked in the hands of a single person or group of people was likely to degenerate into despotism (or worse), whatever the initial desires of the individuals involved.

It doesn't matter if Carter or Clinton had similar programs, which I'm not sure has been shown. What is most important is that the slide toward an "imperial presidency" be stopped. If we continue to sit and idly watch the growth of the executive branch, i fear that we are setting our selves up for dictatorial rule. Bush bashing aside, if it happens tommorow or 15,20 even 30 years from now, someone will find the power too tempting. With each succesive deferrence to the Executive, we limit our ability to stop it.


Michael T Justice said...

now that is insightful criticism.

Michael T Justice said...

big dog please get the major point. the control of our society is not transparent enough as it is. to further let the exec grow in it's power is frightening to me.

The Clinton/Carter stuff was not EXACTLY the same operations so at the very least the application of the courts' reasoning is debatable. But if i concede your point I am still left questioniong the correctness of the court. Remember that the court recently held that it's okay for the city to take your land to give it to WALmart.
Have you looked at this notion of a Unitary executive?