Answer: Princess Diana's death.
>> Question: How come?
>> Answer: An English princess
>> with an Egyptian boyfriend
>> crashes in a French tunnel,
>> driving a German car
>> with a Dutch engine,
>> driven by a Belgian who was drunk
>> on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you change the spelling)
>> followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles;
>> treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.
>> This is sent to you by an American,
>> using Bill Gates's technology,
>> and you're probably reading this on your computer, that use Taiwanese
>> chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a
>> Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by
>> Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by
>> Mexican illegals.....
>> That, my friends, is Globalization
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Windfall or supernormal profits are any profits in excess of normal profit and are above and beyond that necessary to keep entrepreneurial resources in their current usage. However, windfall profits are a vital component to a smoothly operating economy. Windfall profits serve as a signal that there are unmet human wants. Let's look at it with a simple example.
Suppose there's a disaster wiping out food resources in Harrisburg, Pa., and I live in Philadelphia. Prior to the disaster, bread prices in both cities were $2 a loaf. I buy a truckload of bread, cart it to Harrisburg and sell it for $20 a loaf, earning huge windfall profits. When the word gets out that there are profits to be made, what do you think happens? If you said other people will start carting bread to Harrisburg, bakers will start working overtime to produce more bread, people who formerly used their oven to bake cakes and pies will switch to baking bread, there'll be bread conservation in Philadelphia and elsewhere and eventually bread prices will start to fall in Harrisburg and windfall profits would vanish, go to the head of the class. While some might find people earning windfall profits objectionable, the result of their actions, getting more bread to Harrisburg, is precisely what's desired.
What if politicians said, "People are profiting from the misery of others, and we're going to impose a bread windfall profits tax"? Say they legislated a 100 percent tax, taking all of the $18 of windfall profits. Would you expect to see people making all those efforts to get bread to Harrisburg? Suppose there were huge startup costs for companies to expand their operation or onerous regulations for people to get into the bread business, would that be good news or bad news for people in Harrisburg?
What prevents a robust supply response to changes in scarcity conditions in the gasoline market? U.S. oil refining capacity is now less than it was in 1980, and since that time there's been a 25 percent increase in demand. Because of costly environmental regulations, it's been 30 years since a new refinery has been built. According to the American Petroleum Institute, over the last 10 years, it has cost the oil industry $47 billion to comply with costly and sometimes useless environmental controls. There are restrictions on exploiting the huge oil reserves in Alaska, the Gulf and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
Speaker Hastert said, "These are extraordinary times that call for extraordinary measures. We expect oil companies to do their part to help ease the pain American families are feeling from high energy prices." Instead of mouthing platitudes and beating up on oil executives, Speaker Hastert should lead the effort to reduce restrictions on drilling and refinery construction. Sen. Dorgan should review our 1970s experience with an oil windfall profits tax that reduced American production and increased our dependence on foreign sources.
So, libs are responsible for windfall profits of oil companies.
That's right! Stick the truth high and deep, libs.
Economics...making fools of libs every day.
About half of adult illegal immigrants have not graduated high school, the Pew analysis found. About a third have less than a ninth-grade education.
The US will continue its downward spiral.
Successor Joshua Bolten has authority to make more staff changes.
Joshua Bolten -- Bush's Chief Policy Director, banker and former
legislative aide. Prominent in the Jewish community.
I hate Republicanos.
Miguel in Americo
So you have 5 to 10 illegal folks in one home, well they each chip in for rent, food, utilities and they even carpool to work because they may even work in the same place or in the general area. Let us say they make a $1000 a month, in the end after all their expenses they keep over 50% to 75% to spare each. This money is sent to Mexico. It is not really on top of their list to make $10/hr because by even making %6/hr and living with many people there is a substantial amount left to send home. Now consider the average couple, they both work and their two children are either in school or childcare or both(childcare after school) They pay mortgage or rent, food, vehicle, childcare and that is if it's worth to pay for it; a parent might just stay home which adds to the burden come the end of the month. This folks need at least a $10/hr job to make it, barely. My illegal mexican friends don't. Jobs go overseas, layoffs everyday, defaulted pensions. lower wages. If this doesn't change in 20 years will be wishing back the welfare mothers of the 90's and I will probably be asking for aid because i just got laid off and I can't find a job to pay for my gasoline.
There is an adverse relation in respect to the growing influx of illegals and Mexico's modernization. In my experience living there in the 80's to now a lot has changed. Schools now serve breakfast,there are health clinics in some of the most remote areas, welfare for families and even older people can get a SS counterpart, roads are being paved and there are stricter laws against littering. A mexican citizen can make in average $50/wk and live marginally or above depending on the area where they live in the country. But what drives them to make the dangerous trip to the US? Internal migration is not encouraged. Demand for jobs are there in different parts of the country. Mexico also needs to encourage and manage farmers in their land (they can't all plant the same crop and expect a good return, they flood the market). Mexico has a long way to go to raise the standard of living but it is not stagnant. Illegal migration needs to stop and it begins at the top.
The Puppet Masters’ that control the US and Europe have almost succeeded in destroying the West. God help 'them' if people ever find out the truth.
Yeah...Mexicans just want to work for $6. Is that why I see all those mexican flags on relatively new SUVs?
I wouldn't call it a migration, Oz; I'd call it a damn invasion.
I also think that the worthless republican party would pick up 10-20% of the negro vote.
Another hidden cost of the useless Southern boarder.
Russ, I'm getting a "page not found" on that last link you posted.
Honkie, when I refer to internal migration I mean inside Mexico because there are opportunities within. The relatively new SUV phenomena is something else, I see it this way, regardless of nationality you will get in debt because of human nature and every one in the latin community is well connected, fake insurance polices, legit driver's licenses at $500.00 a pop, how do many illegal own homes? Greedy loan companies and realtors find loopholes. Instead of sending money to Mexico you can buy you any SUV and nationalize at the mexican border when you leaveor sell it here.
I love it when libs talk about "greedy companies." The purpose of a business is to make money; in fact, to make as much as one can make. The market determines the price for products, services, and wages. Government involvement raises the price lowering disposable a TAX. In fact, dirty hippie left over environmentalists and the other libs are directly responsible for the "winfall" profits of oil companies. Let's see, you can't drill...and you can't builder refineries. The oil oligopoly...brought to you by the mindless.
Economics is lost on a lib.
Mike, I will have to look for the article later.
It was about illegals using stolen SS#s' and the fact that our government looks the other way.
NAFTA, gotta love it.
Hey Mike try this link...
When I post the above link it screws up on here. You need to stick the two sections together.
10-4, Russ. Mucho gusto!
The only good illegal alien is a dead illegal alien.
Hey mnike, you forgot about the good old fashioned capitalism that many latinos, illegal or otherwise, are driven by. just like you and me. they open stores and restaurants and they spend the money that floats around their communities. i drive through many hispanic areas throughout the week and see these business and i jst bet the owners of these places drive some of the SUVs that you ponder.
I would like to add that the problems of immigration are only going to get much much worse. Europe is being flooded with refugees from Africa and the Middle East, Asia, etc. I heard some guy from the Middle East on the BBC a few weeks back: the guy had 12 kids. The real problem is that the West is keeping millions of people alive that should have died, but continue living and producing children that they cannot support but that we keep alive. Something will have to give in this lopsided equation. It won't be Western Man that outbreeds the carrying capacity of the Earth.
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