Tuesday, July 18, 2006

“Read the Bills Act”

Most Congressmen are lawyers, and many others are businessmen. They know what “fiduciary responsibility” is. For Members of Congress, fiduciary responsibility means reading each word of every bill before they vote.

But Congress has not met this duty for a long time. Instead . . .

They carelessly pass mammoth bills that none of them have read. Sometimes printed copies aren't even available when they vote!

Often no one knows what these bills contain, or what they really do, or what they will really cost.

Additions and deletions are made at the last minute, in secrecy.

They combine unpopular proposals with popular measures that few in Congress want to oppose. (This practice is called “log-rolling.”)

And votes are held with little debate or public notice.

Oh, and once these bills are passed, and one of these unpopular proposals comes to light, they pretend to be shocked. “How did that get in there?” they say.
There's a basic principle at stake here. America was founded on the slogan, “No taxation without representation.” A similar slogan applies to this situation:

“No LEGISLATION without representation.”


Anonymous said...

Finally, MTJ is obviously closing in on age 40. We conservatives are here waiting for you with open arms. Our politicians don't even know what it is like to get their hands dirty. So, MTJ, are you endorsing cutting the federal budget in half or should the american worker continue to work from Jan 1 to May 1 to fund these people's games?

Let's see here...what is the definition of slavery - the state of one [American worker] bound in servitude [for four months of the year] as the property [American taxpayer] of a slaveholder [American federal, state, and local government conglomeration] or household.

Mike...enslaved by socialist scum

Anonymous said...

America vs. libs
July 20, 2006

USA successfully completes missle test

Japan and US to deploy missle interceptors

Iranians witnessed North Korean missle tests

Feeding homeless outlawed in Las Vegas

Bush legitimizes the racist, hate group, NAACP

Israel continues murdering the middle eastern friends of the left


Anonymous said...

It's all just a game to you because you have no sense of reality. It's sick sad shit.

Anonymous said...

This coming from the better-red-than-dead crowd?

Let's assume you libs actually had power. What would you be saying right now? You would tell Israel to stop killing American enemies, the fringe group of the democrat party called Hezbollah. Your dumb asses would probably send Hezbollah taxpayer-funded aid. You would mimick the American enemy, the UN, by talking tough and doing nothing. Well, thank God for the lib Bush for killing our enemies. Lord knows, John lib-douche Kerry would be in Paris conversing with the enemy wearing a rainbow-colored tie with flowers in his hair. Well, you lost so remain in the preferred condition of silence.


Anonymous said...

So what IS the theory there, Mlke? Kill all the tur'ists? Even the 6 year old ones and the baby ones, right? Is this what mankind has been building up to all these millennia? You're so good at reading my liberally douchey mind, knowing every answer I would give, how am I at reading yours? I'll admit it is hard to read your mind when the only thing written is smeared in shit on the wall you built around your sanity. You disgust me.


Anonymous said...

Your theory is simple, Anne. They live, we die.

Mike...sky hook for 3

Anonymous said...

Lefty = opening his mouth and removing all doubt

Anonymous said...

Big Dog, you've got to understand MTJ. Let's analyze him.

When it comes to race, he claims republicans are racist and Jim Crow is around the corner while endorsing the epitome of racism: Jim Dove (affirmative action).

When it comes to our economy, he claims to believe in capitalism while endorsing the marxist journey: socialism.

When it comes to education, he endorses lib ideas while moving to Johnson County because he truly loves his sons.

When it comes to socialism in action where government is strong enough to have something to sell like big government contracts, it is the corruption of capitalism and not the obvious failings of socialism WHICH THIS VERY ARTICLE REVEALS.

MTJ is a lib. Quit trying to change him. The truth has no place on Planet Lib.

Mike...field goal

Anonymous said...

To James M. Calhoun, Mayor of Atlanta, and E.E. Rawson and S.C. Wells, representing the City Council of Atlanta:
"You cannot qualify war in harsher terms that I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. But you cannot have peace and a division of our country. If the United States submits to a division now, it will not stop, but will go on until we reap the fate of Mexico, which is eternal war. The United States does and must assert its authority, wherever it once had power; for if it relaxes one bit to pressure, it is gone, and I believe that such is the national feeling. [...]
"You might as well appeal against the thunder-storm as against these terrible hardships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home, is to stop the war, which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride."
--from a letter, dated 12 Sept 1864, by Gen. W.T. Sherman
Vol II, p. 126


Anonymous said...

Buggie = ignorance

Buggie, maybe you were at a lib coffee shop somewhere in Westport during 9/11, the Bali bombings, the London bombings, the Madrid bombings, the recent Bombay bombings, the constant terrorism in Tel-Aviv, and more to come. You see, ignorance, war has been declared upon us. Perhaps the dope has clouded your vision but let's rejoin reality for a few seconds before the next bong hit. Utter decimation brings peace, not a flower in your hair.

I am amazed at how many Americans missed all of history.


Anonymous said...

Godspeeder, do you know the historical context of that quote? Clip your nosehairs, hippy.

[en Genuflexión]
Don Knotts

Anonymous said...

To James M. Calhoun, Mayor of Atlanta, and E.E. Rawson and S.C. Wells, representing the City Council of Atlanta

Anonymous said...

Hezbollah and Howard Dean...handing '06 to the republicans.

count 'em

Anonymous said...

America vs. libs
July 28, 2006

Over 100 rockets fired at Israel Friday

Hezbollah fires new long-range rocket

0-3 Bush, Blair urge multinational force

Mel Gibson got a DUI

Court blocks feds on William Jefferson's files

Bush gives the american idol finalists a white house tour

Philadelphia to install surveillance cameras

Landis accused of doping

US economy grew by 20% in the last 3 years

We win...libs lose