COME see BIGDOG "the boofer slayer"

in action as he puts his knowledge of structural steel welding up against some silly architect.
Just in case you bring handouts BD, Truth is not spelled trueth and lying is not spelled lieing. We'd hate for you to appear uncouth as you dish out truth.
I'll donate ten bucks on behalf of BD.
Man I wish I could get a ride.
miles contact me through I'll ee if I can help you out.
Is that crickets Big Dog? You don't want to come and put the silly guy with so called evidence, experience, and knowledge in his place? Or are you too busy ROTFLMAO and LOL (rolls eyes)
Yeh MTJ i wouldnt want to appear "uncouth" on your own blog, as you mentioned. I mean, i guess you cant spell
MTJ:..."I'll ee if I can help you out."----> ee?? Whats this mean??
Oh and where is your period after ending the sentence with ...."" (period is missing) We always begin sentences with CAPS dont we???? "miles contact me..."
In other words, your critique about my english, doesnt match your own vocabulary skills. So save it for someone who gives two shits and thats the TRUETH!!!!....LMAO!!!
I know im getting to you MTJ the sarcasm is wonderfull. First you concede on air, then you act like a lil school girl. All because pappa boofer is coming to town...LMAO!!!
As far as Richard gage. I'll let his own comment on a blog settle what i think about him. Atleast he admits when he is wrong. Ready for this MTJ, Miles and OZ?
I will address his experiences in a moment using someone elses research and their sources.
Notice his letter headline to NIST. Wich BTW took him 30 days or so to remove his squib claims from his website.
"Undisputed Facts Point to the Controlled Demolition of WTC 7-Response to NIST's Invitation for Written Comments"
Read it here.....
Looks like it has been debunked or disputed if you prefer and Gage officially removing his so-called undisputed claim written to NIST.
Richard gage: "Vesa has been quite an ally, along with many others, keeping me straight along the way. (By the way - the debunkers have also been very helpful in this regard and we should take the opportunity to thank them for pointing out errors here and there).
We will strike the controversial WTC7 squibs (in the upper right corner) from the online PPT and upcoming DVD update. I agree with the analysis - particularly the impossible "stationary explosions". ((Damn - I thought these were the real deal!)). I think what's happening is that the windows break - and right in time with the shockwave traveling up the front face! And the smoke inside is under pressure and "poofs out" - making them appear like explosions. The 2 stationary "poofs" would be due to the already damaged windows/panels which emerged prior to the collapse - although I can't understand why the smoke wouldn't be "billowing" up and out of the damaged opening more than it is.
Thanks again Vesa for your keen mind and friendship. Sorry you took heat on this blog."
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
Well...well...well. Take a DEEP breath MTJ and cronies. How is it to be? Booofers keep testing their theories, claiming scientific facts, undisputed claims, common sense and the like. Oh the glory when it doesnt fit and they remove fact a poster summed it up nicely. I guess im in charge of quality control, for you local boofers...LMAO!!!
Chris Sarns said: "You're right about debunkers. They are very helpful in finding any flaws in the case for CD.(controlled demo)
Debating with them and weeding out the weak evidence will leave us with only the undebunkable aces to present when this breaks into MSM."
Yeh please fine tune your arguements almighty boofers...LMAO!!!
No sir i will not be attending such an event, unless it was a debate, wich it isnt. so i will not going to an event thats pointless. No excuses needed, because i already know what he is going to say. In fact dont be suprised if they show the NEW loose change final cut 17th edition. After his powerpoint presentation and a heresay, conjecture driven chat session. Gage will then ask for donations so they can continue the good fight.
A closer look at your guru of AIA.
Richard Gage 911 Big Daddy
"So, let’s recap.
We have this man, who
*admits demolition is clearly outside the scope of his expertise
*has made no original claims or calculations, and written no articles
*copies the works of Griffin, Hoffman and Jones (who are also no experts of demolition)
*has not even put together his own slide presentation
*doesn’t know the basics of engineering
What he does:
*presents the slide presentation made by others
*makes radio appearances stating the claims made by others
*asks for huge amounts of money
*makes uninformed phone calls and letters to NIST
*has an online petition demanding an independent investigation
*exaggerates his popularity"
No thanks ill pass on this slayed boofer.
911 boofers slayer and quality
Crickets are loud ROFLMAOMMGH!!
More to come on Gage...if needed...DOH!!!
so, I guess you'll just be content to sit in your front room rolling on the floor. won't show up and challenge the boofer?
I was just trying to help you out. I know how you like to put together handouts and books to prove your points. no sense letting you look like a pompous ass and poor speller if you had decided to show and challenge him. I'm not overly concerned with spelling and punctuation in an informal setting like this. If I was, I'd have made comment months ago about your trueth. I think there's a difference between a typo and a consistent error. I'll stack my vocab against anyone's anytime.
I have a feeling we won't be hearing too much from you much longer anyway. This will be made clear soon enough.
here's the unfortunate thing BD:
In the course of my 6 years(I can hardly believe it's been that long) on air you have been disagreeable and challenging of positions. But, as you have become more and more belligerent, you have become less and less bearable as a listener and conversations are more fruitless than ever. You charge around like a bull in a China shop, calling people names("Dick! Oh, I thought I was talking to my friend, Richard." In the middle of a conversation you suddenly thought Anthony was someone else?)and using every opportunity to drop the N word. The unfortunate part is that I actually like having discussions, even heated ones, with people that I disagree with (Lefty, John, Mike from Fairway, even George)but you have abused that trait in me to the point that you get 2 minutes with me( I still can't see myself "banning" someone completely). I had you on as a guest and I think I even bought you a beer. But your continued antagonism and unwillingness to show a modicum of respect has relegated you to this outlet. Now you "Boofer slay" in front of the handful of folks who read through the blog and I doubt that you have changed one opinion here. In order to end on something like a positive note I'll say that at least you, in all your truculence, are better than mike from Mission( who could only call and say an expletive before we had the delay and now just pops in here and calls everyone a lib) for what its worth. not much I'm sure.
see you on the other side
C-hill has used the N word more than me. I have used it in discourse and not been abusive or demeaning at all. Hmmmm somehow you dont like it now? ive barely called in on your show for the last month and one time was to say hi to nikee.
I have asked if you would like to hear from Rick the Dick to verify my mistake and the conversations we had that same day, because its a running inside joke and it slipped out. I wasnt trying to be offensive. In reality i truely dont care one way or the other what you believe. I know my heart was right, no ill intent was meant.
Just like the BOY comment to anthony. He aint no "house nigger" (i looked up this slang) so how does me calling him acting like a kid, in the context of boy, denote being called a "house nigger". IT DOESNT...unless you are looking for an excuse to start shit and so your follow up call was truelly showing your disdain for me.
Talking shit to Judith behind my back like you did, is another example of your disdainment for me. In the hood you would have gotten your ass beat. I let it go after you apologised. No biggy, we moved along just fine after that. Throwing this shit up in my face saying a use the N word at every opportunity is a fucking lie, yet how does that improve a somewhat workable relationship? HUH?? lets talk like big boys MTJ. It DOESNT!!
BTW i know the distinct difference black people make when calling each other "nigga" because i lived with my friends "in the hood" for over a year in east side st louis. Grow the fuck up dood, for fuck sake. I was called nigga all the time and im white. Jeeez this is contemptuous behaviour at its finest and you are accusatory towards me using the N word at ever chance possible....Pfffffft!!!
My antagonisms are directed at your lack of responsibility for what you put acrossed the airwaves...the waves that I SUPPORT!!!!! Do you understand this concept? Show some respect for my wishes as a supporter and do your homework first. Good lord man, you even screwed the Tiger Woods thing up. Your thought it was a man who said what was said until you got corrected by a caller. I bet you thought it was a white man and not a white women, a close friend of Tigers. Do your reseacrh FIRST and foremost. So in short, what im saying is RESPECT MY MONEY that supports KKFI and be more responsible with my money. GET IT...GOT IT....GOOD!!!
But hey, you dont want my money then refund the value of that van i donated and ill leave your station forever. That will be over 3000 dollars bluebook value, because at the time that was my deduction for charity on my taxes and the law would allow. It has changed since then. Matter of fact, i called into your show and told everyone about the law changing and how i was taking advantage of this last chance.
"See you on the other side" shows your jealously of the pleasant conversations danny and i have. I respect her because she is thorough and does research. I cant show you the same respect because you have lost it. You can gain it back just be thorough and not lazy. Somehow i dont think you care. Hell dood i even said thanx for the invite to your play. Like that wasnt even considered in your rhetorical condemnation above...LMAOLMAOLMAOLMAO!!
I dont need to slay Gage. He has admitted his mistake. This forum on Saturday is not a debate forum. He is there to raise money. You will see. I have heard from people who have gone to his events and they told me what was up. I believe them. have you checked out that link? Here ill post it for easy read.
How Gage is raising money.
Pledge Level: Cost/Month: What you get with the money:
Citizen / Student $10 monthly 20 WTC Evidence and 20 Twin Towers Cards
Advocate $25 monthly DVD: 9/11 Blueprint for Truth + 20 of each card
Activist $50 monthly 2 DVD's + 50 of each card
Patriot $100 monthly 3 DVD's + 100 of each card
Statesman $250 monthly 5 DVD's + 250 of each card
Ambassador $500 monthly 10 DVD's + 500 of each card
AE911Truth Hero $911 monthly 20 DVD's + 1000 of each card
Let's see how much that makes on a yearly basis:
Pledge Level: Cost/Year: What you get with the money:
Citizen / Student $120 yearly 20 WTC Evidence and 20 Twin Towers Cards
Advocate $300 yearly DVD: 9/11 Blueprint for Truth + 20 of each card
Activist $600 yearly 2 DVD's + 50 of each card
Patriot $1200 yearly 3 DVD's + 100 of each card
Statesman $3000 yearly 5 DVD's + 250 of each card
Ambassador $6000 yearly 10 DVD's + 500 of each card
AE911Truth Hero $10932 yearly 20 DVD's + 1000 of each card
For $10932/year you can become a AE911Truth Hero. Sounds like an insanely huge amount of money, considering the reward.
If you do not prefer monthly donations, you can also make a substantial one-time donation. The only condition is, that you donate a minimum of $100.
Selling Products
The other money making method, selling truth products.
Over here you will find DVD’s and so called “evidence cards”.
But it’s doesn’t end there. Their December 2007 newsletter promises the following: "In addition to our flagship products our store will soon stock T-shirts, bumper stickers, and vinyl banners for responsible street action visibility. We will also stock a host of books and other DVD's. Before the year ends we will be stocking enveloped 9/11 Blueprint for Truth DVD's and audio CD's which you can buy in quantity at extremely low prices."
Taking People to Lunch?
This is a completely new way of making money, courtesy of AE911Truth. Taking A/E firms to lunch.
$9.00 Take an Architect or Engineer to Lunch!
$50.00 Take a few A/E's out to Lunch!
$90.00 Take a small A/E firm to Lunch!
$500.00 Take a medium A/E firm to Lunch!
$900.00 Take a large A/E firm to lunch!
Donate $any amount Take any size A/E firm to lunch!
Have fun at lunch MTJ...LMAO!!!
Here is his presentation here.
View it before you go to the event MTJ. I doubt you will.
So in the older thread where we discussed 9/11 you claimed that there were no scientific community that supported alternative theories.
Now that you have the chance to show up to an architect, (I'd consider an architect as a little more credible than a former structural welder) and possibly ask him questions in front of a local audience, showing how knowledgeable you are and how truthful you are, and you refuse based on how bad he is at it?
I mean, you attack his credibility, that would make him a weak "fight" right?
I may not agree with his "Fund raising", that does sound crooked. However, he's claiming to be an expert, show up and show him that he isn't.
And if he doesn't offer audience questions, and a debate, you can brag on all the KKFI call-in programs on how he never offered anyone to discredit his presentation.
You are pulling the same crap that everyone seems to do when they start disagreeing with discussion tactics of the host, Threatening to stop supporting the station.
I was there for Michael's show during the pledge drive a couple years ago, I know the kinds of pledges he gets, And while supporting the station as a whole, is a good thing, I just don't see how Mike would stay on if his pledges were the end all on his ability to stay on the air. I don't know anyone who would fund or not fund a 24/7 operation based on a 3 hour a week project. One would assume that portions of your funds go to air "On the
Record", "Democracy Now", "Explorations", even Ben's show, Dani's show, so either you "Support" them or don't.
You have your own reasons for pledging to the station, I just don't see how being mad at Mike would make a difference in that.
Yeah C-Hill says "Nigger" more than you. YOU ARE WHITE.
While I agree with you that that SHOULDN'T make a difference, the fact is, in this society, it does.
by the way, I agree with this guy.
I disagree with Mike for pointing that out, and I disagree with you guys making this a personal thing. when things get this close to a personal fight, it can only lead down a bad path.
I beg you guys to stay on topic, you should be able to critique each other's debating style, but don't get into the threats, or the past bad blood stuff.
It just isn't very classy
I say how i feel Miles, you dont like it, thats to bad. I may have overreacted...sorry men. However it became personal when he made it personal. Notice his opening post. Furthermore I wouldnt physically assault MTJ, i dont see how that would resolve anything. In fact my reference to a beat down comes from what ive seen on the streets. You just dont talk shit behind peoples backs. Enough is said on this issue.
I already know what this guy is going to say Miles. I dont need a repeat. It is not an open forum for discussion, he had his chance to debate the experts ( i pointed this out-linked). I am not the expert but i defer to them. Its a closed session of his powerpoint presentations. Afterwards you buy what ever makes you feel good and donate to your hearts content. Viva la capitolism. I dont need to debate this guy, he has admitted his mistake. As i pointed out. You read into whatever you want to at this point. Im not wasting my time on a guy who hasnt done anything but resight shit he didnt study himself. Thats why i defer to experts and acedemia reads that has passed peer reviews. You dont like the study then say so but atleast read the shit. Your boys like Gage and Jones havent passed anything peer tested, in fact Jones was suspended from BYU and his suspension was related to his unsupported views and their reputation.
I say i have a right, to tell a host thats not acting responsible, i will pull my support for his show, if i dont like his show. My money reference shows my commitment and should be respected enough for MTJ to consider being alot more responsible and research more. I garuntee you he hasnt seen the stuff im posting because hes never researched it. Yet out of thin air i can pull up Gages presentation he made a year ago. Entitled the same as it was a year ago "9/11: Blueprint for Truth". He may have some adjustments and remember his quote how a non-boofer, like me and my Basically we refine his arguements. But hey you believe in him....wahooo!!!
Now if MTJ or yourself would read the links i posted....well nevermind ill let Gage set the tone....:)
Richard gage: "Vesa has been quite an ally, along with many others, keeping me straight along the way. (By the way - the debunkers have also been very helpful in this regard and we should take the opportunity to thank them for pointing out errors here and there).
Your welcome. BTW we are pointing out errors EVERYWHERE. So you guys go and if you dont know the other side and understand science then you would understand this guy has no credibilty. Frankly i would insult his credibility and start a riot...LOL
Want me to post his actual experiences? I can do that too.
Just ask. I wouldnt consider him an expert over the article i posted about the mathmetics and inertia hypothesis. Its a good read and does break it down somewhat in laymen terms. Applied Science and seismology has WAY MORE credibilty then Gage's architect carrier.
Done slaying boofers. We coooking em up
Can't we just agree to blame it on the jews for peace?
I tried to view your link but it's 2 hours and I don't have time to get it all watched so i jumped through. I'll have to see if he's asking all these fees that you're talking about. I'll be first to agree with you that I'm not paying an individual or group thousands of $$. This clip doesn't show a q&a but we'll see what comes of it. I'll let you know tonight.
All im saying is MTJ. I know what was coming because his presentation is repetitive and a year old. When you asked him if what he was doing was profit motivated, he chuckled claimed hes working his job and presentations burning it at both ends. The real question is his request for money, is the money for a non for profit organization he represents? It isnt. Well atleast i havent read anything saying they are. Have you?
He could say anything but asking him on record if his AE911 truth organization is non for profit is more apropo and binding.
I don't see were that really matters but fine. Let's say it's for profit and he gets travel expenses paid by groups hosting him. There still doesn't seem to be a huge profit to be made when such a small portion of the folks there said they would donate and when you consider the drop off of people that really will donate. But that's neither here nor there. I was disappointed at your refusal to show up( and I apologize for my characterizations) and challenge the presentation in person. There were several times when he asked for people who were still not convinced & he took about 20 questions from the floor. In all your attacks and derision of people in the truth movement you call them liars and everything under the sun, but I've seen these folks show up at events where they are definitely in the minority and ask tough questions of officials. They do so as they are being heckled, ignored, and sometimes escorted out. Now, I don't dedicate all or even a large portion of my time( though more than your avg. Joe obviously)to watching, reciting, or researching this stuff; not even as much as you do in your efforts to discredit. Therefore I don't have a complete command of all of the factoids to the point where I can recall everything. I would like for you to have been there to refute and explain away the magnesium( ?), the physics, the eyewitness accounts, the ommissions in the reports, etc. perhaps some other time.
Papers are here gotta go
MTJ: "I would like for you to have been there to refute and explain away the magnesium( ?), the physics, the eyewitness accounts, the ommissions in the reports, etc. perhaps some other time."
If i had a laptop all my info would have been ready. Going there with notes to rebut him would have been
Lets just say 20 people tithed 25 bucks each. Hmmm..not bad for a
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