Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gete ready to fire up the cameras

Red-Light Safety Camera Program


Anonymous said...

I think it is our patriotic duty to destroy these cameras. BB guns...paintball guns, sling shots, throwing rocks...ladies and gentlemen, its for the children. This is something the right and left can work on together.

Definately Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I'm not down for that, But I think that Feb 15th around 1:00 would be a good time to be on-camera protesting the cameras....possibly at 39th and Southwest Trafficway

Anonymous said...

1AM or PM? Most people are working during 1PM and sleeping during 1AM.

I think that would be as effective as a JC Nichols anti-war protest. When costs outweigh benefits is when this idea will go away. Don't be a puss...break a camera. It's for the children.

Anonymous said...

I've seen one of these around Oak Park Mall as well.

Mild said...

"Most people are working during 1PM and sleeping during 1AM."

Not working on Sunday