I got a B. Most Americans failed. I know you guys will do well.
American History Test
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If you are anywhere near Kansas City, check out the Justice Files on 90.1 FM Tuesdays from 2 am to 5 am. We'll be talking about this and more. Join the Justice League!! Send stories to: michaeltjustice@aol.com Stream the show station link on the side.
In an astonishing admission, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she was under the impression that legalizing abortion with the 1973 Roe. v. Wade case would eliminate undesirable members of the populace, or as she put it "populations that we don't want to have too many of."
Last month, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed Senate Resolution 26 "Apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African-Americans." The resolution ends with: "Disclaimer. -- Nothing in this resolution (a) authorizes or supports any claim against the United States; or (b) serves as a settlement of any claim against the United States."
With the enactment of California's Proposition 209 in 1996, outlawing racial discrimination in college admissions, Asian enrollment at UC campuses has skyrocketed. UC Berkeley student body is 42 percent Asian students; UC Irvine 55 percent; UC Riverside 43 percent; and UCLA 38 percent. Asian student enrollment on all nine UC campuses is over 40 percent. That's in a state where the Asian population is about 13 percent. When there are policies that emphasize and reward academic achievement, Asians excel. College officials and others who are proponents of "diversity" and equal representation find that outcome offensive.
To deal with the Asian "menace," the UC Regents have proposed, starting in 2010, that no longer will the top 12.5 percent of students based on statewide performance be automatically admitted. Students won't have to take SAT subject matter tests. Grades and test scores will no longer weigh so heavily in admission decisions. This is simply gross racial discrimination against those "dull" Asian students who "study, study, study" in favor of "interesting" black, white and Hispanic students who don't "study, study, study."
Under Britain's National Health Service, for example, smokers in Manchester have been denied treatment for heart disease, and the obese in Suffolk are refused hip and knee replacements. Patricia Hewitt, the British Health Secretary, says that it's appropriate to decline treatment on the basis of 'lifestyle choices. Smokers and the obese may look at their gay neighbor having unprotected sex with multiple partners, and wonder why his 'lifestyle choices' get a pass while theirs don't. But that's the point: Tyranny is always whimsical.
Race talk often portrays black Americans as downtrodden and deserving of white people's help and sympathy. That vision is an insult of major proportions. As a group, black Americans have made some of the greatest gains, over the highest hurdles, in the shortest span of time than any other racial group in mankind's history. This unprecedented progress can be seen through several measures. If one were to total black earnings, and consider black Americans a separate nation, he would find that in 2005 black Americans earned $644 billion, making them the world's 16th richest nation -- that is just behind Australia but ahead of Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland. Black Americans are, and have been, chief executives of some of the world's largest and richest cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. It was a black American, Gen. Colin Powell, appointed Joint Chief of Staff in October 1989, who headed the world's mightiest military and later became U.S. Secretary of State, and was succeeded by Condoleezza Rice, another black American. Black Americans are among the world's most famous personalities and a few are among the richest. Most blacks are not poor but middle class.
Most Americans accept the continuing attack on tobacco companies and smokers, but how do they feel about the massive government deception? In 1998, 46 state attorneys general and major tobacco companies signed the Master Settlement Agreement. The major tobacco companies agreed, among other things, to give states $240 billion over 25 years to provide for smoking cessation programs and cover the health costs associated with using their product. In return state attorneys general promised tobacco companies that they wouldn't sue them and would use their lawmaking power to protect the major tobacco companies from competition from small tobacco companies. Of the $80 billion extorted so far, states have spent about 30 percent on health, not all tobacco-related, and less than 6 percent on smoking cessation programs. Instead, state legislatures spent the bulk of their tobacco money for items such as museum building, tax relief, rainy-day funds and other expenditures having nothing to do with tobacco or health.
The U.S. Congress' deception was, and continues to be, a major player in our financial meltdown. In congressional hearings, before the meltdown, on the soundness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Rep. Maxine Waters said, "Through nearly a dozen hearings, we were frankly trying to fix something that wasn't broke. Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Franklin Raines." Rep. Barney Frank, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee, said, "These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing." Other congressmen gave similar assurances. Unfortunately for our nation, the forces pushing for "affordable" housing won the day and saddled us with today's unprecedented financial disaster. How stupid is it of us to ask those who brought us "affordable" housing to now turn their attention to bringing us "affordable" health care?
I got 84.85- missed some easy ones.
I got 78.79%
You need to add up the cost of black degeneracy then subtract it from the total of black wealth you stated. I think it would change the number drastically.
Marxuth...which would you put into ovens, first: white men or christians?
Don't you understand that you are out of your league being the overnight fry cook at the 24 hour McDonalds debating Mike from Fairway with a bachelor's in microbiology? Based on your ignorance, I'd say not.
Also, when you say "their religion" to MTJ, aren't you forgetting to attack MTJ as well? Too gutless/liberal I guess.
Do you mean the eternal ovens of Hell? Oh, wait, that's YOUR religion. Who burns hotter in your ovens, heathens or witches and wizards?
The only thing Mike is apparently using his "degree" for is a bookmark for his bible. His "science" is called christian apologetics...
Did you hear Fairway claim that christianity was the precursor to science? What crap. Curiosity led to religion (a loooooong time before christianity) and that is what led to science. Read about what christians did to the library in Alexandria, read about the burning of books that disagreed with christian dogma and how it set all of humanity back for a thousand years. Read about the Inquisition and witch hunting. Read about christian superstition killing cats and letting rats spread the Black Plague through Europe. I find no redeeming qualities of religion.
Ask MTJ if he feels outside of my "attacks". It also disappoints me that Drew thinks that religion is the only way to get at certain "good" things... I would ask him to look up Hitchens Challenge on YouTube or Google.
Bush warned dem dems about fanny and freddy back in 2001 and in 2003 i think the video said. Interesting how Barney Frank spins it. BTW this video will be removed again from you tube. watch and see.
The rantings of an uneducated dolt always humor me. If I were you, Marxuth, I'd focus on getting my GED.
By the way, your fries suck.
greater washington DC has 290 red light and speed cameras
doesn't anyone have paintball guns?
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