Notice the shadows of the ship and the astronaut and then look at the flag's shadow. That one has always baffled me.
I don't know what it means, it's just peculiar.

In an embarrassing acknowledgment, the space agency said Thursday that it must have erased the Apollo 11 moon footage years ago so that it could reuse the videotape...
"It's surprising to me that NASA didn't have the common sense to save perhaps the most important historical footage of the 20th century," said Rice University historian and author Douglas Brinkley. He noted that NASA saved all sorts of data and artifacts from Apollo 11, and it is "mind-boggling that the tapes just disappeared."...
Both Nafzger and Inchalik acknowledged that digitally remastering the video could further encourage conspiracy theorists who believe NASA faked the entire moon landing on a Hollywood set. But they said they enhanced the video as conservatively as possible.
Besides, Inchalik said that if there had been a conspiracy to fake a moon landing, NASA surely would have created higher-quality film.
There were a few episodes of MythBusters that were pretty weak but, they proved the moon landing as well as possible without going to the moon.
thats odd.
OMG MTJ use your brain and your EYES. That so called flags shadow pointing left is way to thick to be a shadow of the flag stick. If you notice the shadow itself ends well short of the flag itself as well.
Giving the angle of each shadow it appears the shadow would hit the astronaut suit thus blocking it from further shadowing.Secondly it may also be the object you cant see and how it is blocking any sun rays from actually hitting the stick and that stick casting its shadow.If you notice there is no visible shadow on either side of the stick.
They can't handle saving video footage...but they can save us from the world's best health care with further government interruption. Just ask a lib/traitor.
I agree, NASA would do a terrible job with health insurance. Of course, they have no place doing anything about the world's best health care, neither does the U.S., I think that's for France to deal with. The only thing the U.S. is number one at, in regard to health care, is how much we spend on it.
Some helpful information about flouride can be found here:
Who would have thought?
All white cops act stupidly and I hate them all.
And I spent $1,000,000 fighting these insane claims about my birth certificate so I wouldn't have to show my birth certificate which I obviously have...because why would I spend $1,000,000 on not showing something as simple and common as a birth certificate.
Barry Soetoro...oops, I mean Obama
Well if the Moon Landing thing WERE faked in the first place it's not like they wouldn't do EVERYTHING to dispel that notion.
What I mean is even IF afterward they succeeded it would mean nothing to people. Seriously showing the Moon Landing as fake would destroy most if not all people's faith in our government.
Drew In Kansas
p.s. I don't know if that would necessarily be a bad thing considering how scummy our Gov. is. I mean MK ULTRA for crying out loud! Google, I believe, being the Clandestine spying arm for the NSA(there's a reason why Google won't comment on their NSA connections).
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