Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams fired from NPR

I think CNN and NPR are both off their rockers. NPR most likely let the guy Juan Williams go because Rick Sanchez was let go over his comment about Jews so they didn't want want to risk offending Muslims.

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Well what is he an analyst or commentator? One cannot tell the difference anymore. I remember Jim Lehrer on PBS had a guest discussion and someone from fox news began screaming to get their point across to a guest from vets against the Iraq war, she was told she be wouldn't allowed to come back due to her antics. If NPR wants to stay credible as a news organization they can't tolerate Juan's comments. I don't know about firing him though.

Anonymous said...

Juan Williams shouldn't have loss his job at NPR. But he works for a so-called news network (FOX) that has a policy of anti-islamic views.

Juan is the typical Fox "safe liberal". He is there to give a counter-balance to the idiots that make up the news lineup at nite. But he is "GUTLESS".


Anonymous said...

He was fired by a Jew: enough said.

Anonymous said...

I am sure if you ran a small store and are worried about young black males coming into your store with their pants down around their ankles you would be called a racist and bigot by John...

Illuminaughty said...

Calling Juan Williams a "safe liberal" cracks me up. John's dumb ass doesn't even understand how uncomfortable his uneducated, ghetto ass would make a white liberal millionaire on NPR feel. Take my purse, please. I'm sorry for oppressing you, oh black man. Which entity hires "safe black libs?" Maybe, you could quote Joe Biden and call him a "clean and articulate black." Of course, Joe was calling John a dirty and inarticulate black person at the same time. But, whoever does John's thinking for him didn't explain that portion of that comment to him so allow me to do that person's job for John this time. I know, I know. I'm Hitler and a racist.

Anonymous said...

Nutty comments above is interesting. At no time I Id Juan Williams as being black. Last time I checked there are a lot of folks who ID themselves as liberal that aren't minorities. I don't assume that all white people are racist,conservative or nazi's. That would be a foolish thought to have or write on a blog.

But of course this is Nutty we are dealing with.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i guess they didn't have bluetooth in 1928

Anonymous said...

Note for C. Hill:

Tea Party political breakdown in order as I see it -
1 - *Republicans
2 - *Patriots
3 - *Libertarians
4 - *Independents
5 - *Infiltrators
6 - *Bigoted Idiots

The Libertarians, Independents, and Patriots have been saying that they want their country back since well before Obama was even heard of. I believe that when the Republicans say that they want their country back, what they are referring to is the fact that the Democrats have had majority control of over both houses of congress since 2006 as well as the office of president since 2008. I don't believe that the "timing" of the overwhelming majority of tea-partiers in saying that they want their country back has anything to do with race.

Illuminaughty said...

The so-called racist right were the only people that stuck up for that commie when getting fired. I guess he already served his purpose so he had to go. The actual racist left had nothing to say about Juan because he stepped out of line. Remember black folks, stay in line or the left will put you in your place. See digital lynching.

Anonymous said...

The real battle is between liberal whites and consevative whites with the middle white independents swinging conservative since they seem to be waking to the fact that the country is screwed. The failed policies of the Left have come home to roost. All the Left can do is rasie taxes, cut the military and then what? Spend more on failed Welfare Programs.

Anonymous said...

I really like to know where was these so-called groups that was listed above when Bush ran up the deficit?. When Bush gave his tax cut that was a budget killer?. I didn't see anyone marching on the mall during those years when a "God-fearing Republican" was in charge at the White House. "I want my country back. Oh I want my country back". Never heard that back then so please spare me and the people that think big thoughts on serious issues.

American Thinker?? Yea right!.

John said...

Illuminaughty said...

Fear Big Government

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Remember, The Police State loves you

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

No comments section on his site of course.

Can they just type in your name and know exactly where you were and when every time you came near a police car? ie: November 1st, your car was at 10th & Main at 8:37am, then at 39th & Broadway at 12:32pm then at 12th & Wyandotte at 1:10pm then at I-35 & Cambridge at 5:31pm, then on November 2nd, etc... etc... etc...

Who has access to this information? Do they need a search warrant to access this information?

What makes you think that you have the right to spy on innocent citizens? Is it legal for me to follow you around town tracking your movements without your consent without a warrant and against your wishes?

Anonymous said...,0,4150606.story

Nun frisked by TSA in headscarf

The arguments that I keep hearing in defense of the nude-body scanners and pat downs is that it's supposed to prevent terrorists from blowing up planes and that actually has little if anything to do with it. Last I checked it was about keeping terrorists from hijacking aircraft and using them as missiles. If it was really about them blowing up planes then we'd also have to have scanners or pat downs on trains, buses, shops, restaurants, concerts, ballgames, etc. We have to draw lines, I don't want to be telling my future grandchildren about the old days when we didn't have to be sexually assaulted everywhere we went.

Anonymous said...

Any thoughts about alternatives to invading our privacy such as permanently isolating the passenger compartments from the cockpits on large aircraft?

Anonymous said...

Shanin & Parks Podcast

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure how a pat down by a TSA officer is sexual assault?. Not trying to be difficult or anything but I'm wondering what the issue is?. I'm sure some of you have had a prostate exam done.(Trust me that isn't a sexual thing or it is in some of you guy's imagnination.)


Anonymous said...

It is what it is, state-sanctioned or not.

"It is a forceful, rubbing, feeling-up of the traveler," said Sauer, 69, who is fearful of a repeat experience when she takes her next trip over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Anonymous said...

If they start requiring prostate exams just to get on an airplane then I'm moving.

Anonymous said...

Naomi Kline enlightening you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So, KKFI doesn't do late night talk shows anymore?

Is The Justice Files coming back??? Switching nights? Moving to the net?

Anonymous said...

one from the archives

Illuminaughty said...

Have the libs sided with North Korea yet?

Anonymous said...

You use the word libs as an epithet, you side with the sinister forces that undermine your standard of living. Noone would side with a country that beats that on their own people.

Brudogg said...

Greed and the soulless minions of orthodoxy

So-called "conservatives" tend to believe that they are actually entitled to whatever they can get by working the systems. They actually believe that they are entitled to more money and a better standard of living than say a Chilean minor who clearly works harder than they do.

We The People are entitled to live free but we are born into these systems of control where we even have to pay somebody for a place to sleep because our land has been taken by "the successful". Successful due to family wealth or good education or high intelligence or even just hard work and planning, they may get way more than others in the systems that they drive but they are not actually entitled to any more than any other hard worker inside a system.

Democrats want to control every little thing and I'm too poor to vote republican. What we end up with is "both sides" screwing US.

Okay so anybody know what's up with the show?

Anybody interested in a Kansas City based internet radio station?

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin thinks North Korea is a ally. A villiage is missing a idiot!.

Anonymous said...

I heard her on glenn beck 2nite and that was an honest mistake but it was pretty interesting how she answered his use of military force question by talking about energy independence.

Anonymous said...

I listened to rush for a few minutes 2nite but he was bitching about how some INDIANS scammed US on a land deal and I just couldn't listen to it anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can accept the fact that she might have misspoke but this is a
person that isn't the brightest flame in the room. She doesn't do her homework on world affairs so maybe appearing on Fox she will get the free pass to be a idiot.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps she understands world affairs better than people give her credit for because US energy independence would have a huge impact on the use of US military force around the world.

And I'm sorry but that's the second time that you called her "a idiot".

I think she memorizes lots of lines that conservatives like to hear and that's what generally comes out when she answers questions, politics as usual. I think she's probably pretty cool as well as sincere but she would easily be another puppet president if elected. [In her perky voice that sounds like she's from Johnson County, Alaska]-"Well these old military guys said 'jump' so naturally I said 'how high'"

Obama pardoned his dinner so what's he going to eat today?

Bill said...


Mike was on a few weeks ago he's been pretty busy with work from what I understand. The show is still on though.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet. I heard the guy say something about how he didn't know what kind of show would be on starting next week so okay cool thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is cool?. Really? I mean really?. I'm sorry but I just don't take a lot of people who post on this blog real seriously. Maybe in the JFiles worldview everything is all tied together in the so-called NWO. Maybe it's just the people that listen to KKFI just aren't real serious on thinking things out?. The conservatives of the era of William F. Buckley was the serious intelectuals. I disagree with things they said but I had a feeling they thought things out.
Maybe conservatives of today are real simpleminded and are a bunch of idiots.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think she would probably be cool to hang out with that doesn't mean I'd like to see her in charge of anything. And in case you haven't noticed, simplemindedness stretches right on across party lines.

Illuminaughty said...

Anybody is better than this 10% unemployment president. Even libs will vote for Palin to avoid another 4 years of this disaster. Are we already forgetting midterms? America just rejected Obama and the nazi democrats. Americans don't like you socialists.

Anonymous said...

Reality check:

I thought this was pretty good:

Anonymous said...

They have a donate page, I'm just sayin...

Anonymous said...

We are all socialist. Your tax dollars go to police,fire dept,public schools,state colleges,road and street improvements. Funny a lot of so-called conservatives throw the word socialist around but never talk about what they would cut.



Also I find it a little bit funny how some people in this blog link the Nazi's to the Democratic party. I mean really.That is just such a original post from someone?. Seems somebody been listening to Glenn Beck.

Anonymous said...

Some nocturnal emissions show is on right now. When and where is The Justice Files? Micheal T, Clayton, Anybody? :(

Bill said...

I called up and asked the guy he said Mikes show will be on at another time and date that hasn't yet been determined.

Anonymous said...

Okay sweet!!! Thanks, Bill!

Illuminaughty said...

John...we are not all socialists, idiot. Having a government-run police department does not equal socialism. Frankly, I'm not surprised you didn't know that. Socialism is when the government owns the means of social production...entirely (at least according to Karl Marx in "The Commie/Lib Manifesto"). An elaboration would fall on a deaf mind. So, no, we are not all socialists like the NAZIs; however, I'm glad you at least admit to being a socialist, the most incompetent group of modern time.

Imagine admitting to being a socialist. Having the slightest bit of understanding of wealth comparisons between nations reveals all. Having the slightest bit of understanding of history reveals all. Did you miss the 20th century, John? I know you didn't take Macroeconomics 101, which I strongly encourage to help you push back your well-defended frontier of ignorance. Don't you understand that when corporations are competing with other corporations FOR PROFIT, the common man gets the best quality product at the lowest possible price? Don't you understand that when corporations are competing with other corporations FOR PROFIT, the demand for labor is as high as possible, and therefore wages are as high as possible, and therefore unemployment is as low as possible? Don't you understand that when there is no competition, the common man gets screwed? Don't you understand public education sucks because there is no COMPETITION for PROFIT? Don't you understand why we have such a variety of choices for purchases? Don't you understand that the common man has the MOST purchasing power/liberty where competition is the strongest?

No, you're just a dipshit liberal with a strong case of bibliophobia. No, we're all socialists because the government runs the police department. Kill yourself, John. At your age with your level of knowledge, it is the only right thing to do, NAZI. And Glen Beck sucks.

Anonymous said...

Illuminaughty, I would imagine being such an illustrious person that name calling and pedantic behavior is beneath you. I guess education and enlightment are inversely proportional in your case. I would call attention to Jean Baptise Say and his famous Say's law that gripped the mainstream economist's mind and merit as such fell upon the exercise of this law in the clsssical sense of the model. " the aggregate of demand for all models must always equal their supply" Of course naughty you already knew that! This law reinforced the conclusion that in a competitive model there would always be full use of willing labor, its "flaw" that it never considered an interruption such as a deppression, and if it did passingly as a diversion in the money being spent to savings or investments which only meant that expenditures would increase through other avenues. This law pretended to interpret a world where high efficiency regulated the players in this system(producers) encouraged employment of men, capital and natural resources efficiently produced what people most wanted. Trade unions interefered in the way that labor was not available to accept lower wages for their work. Imagine getting paid a good salary one year but the demand of the goods you produce dwindle thus reflecting in sales and ultimately your wages, "Naughty we are cutting your wages" and you say, "Well I'm going somewhere else" Yeah with today's numbers of underemployment at 20% and national unemployment hovering around 10% go ahead try that unskilled laborer naughty! In this efficient system goverment had a marginal role since the system of competition was already efficient any interference would upset the balance. The competition of many sellers came to regarded as a limiting case. An oligapoly is assumed no longer follows the old goals of social efficiency, the producer has now measurable control over his prices and the producers are aware of each others moves and take care to not disrupt the status quo. THERE IS NO LONGER THE CERTAINTY OF TECHNICAL ADVANCE. WHEN THERE ARE MANY PRODUCERS IN AN INDUSTRY SOME ONE OF THEM WILL SEIZE IN INNOVATION, IN DOING SO THIS PIONEER FORCES OTHERS TO FOLLOW. TO RESIST PROGRESS IS TO PERISH. IF THERE IS A HANDFUL OF PRODUCERS THERE IS A CHANCE THAT NO ONE WILL ASSUME INITIATIVE ( THE OIL COMPANIES AND CLEAN ENERGY COME TO MIND). THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY THAT NOONE WILL TAKE ACTION AND CONCUR IN CHOOSING PROFITABLE AND COMFORTABLE STAGNATION. By the way way the mention of deppression in an economy invites the fact, that is why you will never hear the word utter in the news but a softer euphemism like recession or slow recovery will motivates those articles of faith that carry this already insolvent system, depression was never mentioned in the thirties at least not officially. Excerpts are from American Capitalism by JK galbraith. I won't charge for the lesson naughty. and I didn't have to call you names. Oz.

Anonymous said...


Since Barack Obama has been President private ownership is right at 98.9%. It really has changed that much since the last
republican potus. Tax dollars are
put out for police,fire and other
sources that the local,state and federal goverments. They are funded by the state,local and federal goverments. They aren't private control groups. The goverments control them. That's my point in saying "We all are socialist."

But you just have to resort to name-calling because you really don't know anything that you are talking about. Again with the link with liberals to nazi's?. You really don't have a original thought process if you make that linkage. Get new material!!!.


Anonymous said...


I would like to ask you to quit with the personal attacks on me on this blog. You and I disagree but I think we can have a conversation
on the issues. My race,or where I live isn't a part of the conversation so why don't you grow
up and deal with me straight up.
I don't wish you any harm but you seem to want harm come to me.

With respect


Illuminaughty said...

LOL is right.

Illuminaughty said...

LOL is right.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy happens to the best of us but I'm pretty sure John is joking, so HAHAHA! But let's give John's suggestions a shot real quick and discuss the Glenn Stevens case. Anyone? It's a seriously scary reality of our legal systems. The Stevens Family is getting majorly screwed by the police state, no lube.

Anyone else here think it sucks how they are doing this guy?


Anonymous said...

I'm not joking. I'm asking for a civil discussion on views that each of us share. I'm asking for the adults to represent on this blog. If you guys can't step up
then that is your issue.


Anonymous said...

The people have spoken:
Walmart Public Service Announcement ushomelandsecurity

Anonymous said...

Hay NUTTY,,,

Fuk you cracker and tha dead horse you rhode in on!!!!!

Your such a asshole!! Stop caling me naymes!!!!!!!

With respect,,


Anonymous said...


If the only motivations for everything were profit then humanity would have died off a very long time ago. I believe that privatizing stuff ultimately creates bigger government.
Example, privatized prisons = higher demand for prisoners = more people in prisons = more money flowing from the mega-public sector to the mega-private sector = bigger government = the rich get richer and the poor get poorer = oppressed majority of people.

Now if they privatized the public schools, there would be better educated children for sure but at what cost? Once the profit motive is introduced then the corporate schools will be basically competing for higher test scores and corporations don't give a fuck so they would eventually go to extreme lengths for profits, such as lobbying for lower academic standards as well as employing harsh/extreme learning techniques on the children, and these kids would know a whole shitload of facts and figures but their ability to apply their knowledge outside of specified perimeters would lessen. Now THAT was a run-on sentence:)

Telling people to off themselves, come on now. You been listening to sucky shows lately?

Anonymous said...

Truthinator said...


Okay, if you're really not joking then I apologize for making fun. I'm down to attempt a civil discussion on whatever just to let you know.

Come with me if you want to learn :)---> The False Left Right Paradigm

Anonymous said...

I'm real serious about raising the
conversation to a mature level. I don't wish anyone harm and if we disagree then let's try to be adults and keep it civil.

I think what has happend to Glen Stevens is a injustice and a warning to always be vigilant so this man can get his good name back. I think when 9-11 first responders don't get the help they need because of politics that is a injustice.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Senator Enzi has a issue with
the funding of the bill?. But I'm sure he will vote to extend the Bush tax cuts for 2 years that will put another 700 billion dollars on the books. I'm sorry but when the chamber of commerce says it's a job killer then I tend to wonder what job's are being killed off. I also wonder what they consider a small business to be?.


Anonymous said...

Truthinator said...


I'm sorry man, it's really nothing personal this time but I have to let you know that it's hard for me to give a shit about partisen issues and I'll try to explain why.

That's something that the non-existent entities known as governments and corporations always hold over our heads, jobs. If those machines gave a shit about our jobs then they wouldn't allow outsourcing of every freakin thing. What the top dogs care about is globalization, Bush, Obama, all those jack-ass Public Relations people, that's what they all work towards, "global interests", not our interests.
The over sized machines have the politically inclined folks pretty much split down the middle. They manipulate one side to prop up systems that favor big business and another side to prop up systems that favor more controls over the population and encourage more dependence on governmental systems.

You can examine a machine(or a piece of legislation) and if you want to better understand what it actually does, then look at what is in the operator's best interests and what is in the mechanism itself's best interests. The best interests of the people are seldom directly considered by any side because the people have pinned their livelihoods on the machines, so as long as the machines are maintained then supposedly the people are served.
Like the drug war for example. It serves itself and it's operators at the expense of the people. It takes people that are a little outside the box and puts them inside a box. Can't stop the drug war though, why? FUCKING JOBS! Imagine how many millions of jobs would be lost if they stopped the war on drug-users, a shitload.

Economics 1001:
This nation is economically becoming less about goods and more about services, and we're really only serving ourselves with more police, more prisons, expanding court systems, more surveillance, more bio-metrics, more taxes, more mindless media, more medications, more polarization, more credit, more instant gratification, more control, and more made-to-break crap that we don't need. Our nations takes from nations like china but in reality doesn't give them anything in return and it's all okay because of globalifuckingzation!

Are you feelin me at all here John?

Anonymous said...

Big movements in the history of the world started out by a small handful of people who through time can affect some sort of change. It could be good or bad. It depends on the people and the times.

I'm not beholded to one party nor ideal. I think the key to our recovery is the blue collar,middle class,working folk. They are what make's it go for our economy not the upper class. Yes, we are manipulated by outside forces but the diffrence between you and me is that I fight and you just sit and pontificate the" NWO,Globilization,it's all a game schitick!!."

People like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh plays the game with the middle class. The game is to say that the upper 4% well they are the forward thinkers and all the great progressive movemnts the past 40 to 50 years are evil. That people like me should serv them because they are victims.

Sorry but what you do is stand on the sidelines and think I'm above it all cause it' all a game. Nope it isn't a game to me and as long as I can do something I will do it.


Not feeling my friend at all!!.

Anonymous said...


Not Feeling you at all truthnator.


Truthinator said...

You assume a lot about me. I'll think a bit on what you said though before I respond.
I'll be back

Anonymous said...

Truthinator(friend2individuals) said...

So what do you mean when you say that you fight? I mean like, what are the somethings that you do and will do?

Anonymous said...

I get out and vote. I stay informed on the issue's and don't let talk radio nor Fox influence me. When I can, I attend meetings
of our elected officials to agitate or voice my concerns on the issues I care about. I call my congressman and voice my concerns.

I with the Evil Genius use to host a talk show "WavestationX" at KKFI where we talked about politics in a rational,reality based way.

That's what I mean about fighting,which might be a little bit strong of a word to use. I guess I "agitate" for things I believe in. What will I do? I don't know. I don't think everything is a tyranny that I disagree with.


Truthinator said...

John, Thanks, I'll get back to you soon.

Here is some entertainment for you:

Truthinator said...


What issues do you tend to stay informed about? Like, what subjects? Or by issues do you mean just the issues that the monopolized mainstream media puts out? Who do you let influence you?

I think it's great that you vote and attend meetings and voice your concerns to elected officials.

Fight, agitate, whatever, it's all good. I don't think that everything I disagree with is a tyranny either, I do tend to voice my concerns mostly just on tyrannical issues though, that's where I see the most need.

I learned a lot listening to WaveX but that show was not exactly rational or reality based. It was so often just people angry and arguing about nothing and it seems to me that the live genius and some of the callers would knowingly spout bullshit on purpose. I don't mean to imply that there was no method to the madness but if there indeed was then I couldn't quite figure it out.

You said: "I'm not beholded to one party nor ideal. I think the key to our recovery is the blue collar,middle class,working folk. They are what make's it go for our economy not the upper class."
I agree.

You said: "People like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh plays the game with the middle class."
I agree and that is one of the things that I agitate against.

You said: "Yes, we are manipulated by outside forces but the diffrence between you and me is that I fight and you just sit and pontificate the" NWO,Globilization,it's all a game schitick!!.""
We are manipulated by insiders too and you and I really are not too much different in our agitation and desires because I do fight as well. There is a war going on right here in this nation and throughout the world. It's a war for control over the minds of individuals by various brainwashed groups. There are many players and different factions but control over the vast majority of individuals on the whole planet is their common goal. I'm not on the sidelines, I'm not even playing a game. This is real shit, this is the future of humanity.
Will the future of human kind be a worldwide government dominated by a few powerful manipulators? Or will the neverending struggle for the freedom of individuals grow and thrive?
That's where we come in, John, we the people. There are literally millions of folks in this land that fight on many different fronts, in many different ways, with many different aliases. We all fight for the future, and at this point we can still determine what it will be like. Freedom is a concept that all people can relate to.

Um, I guess that's all I have to say about that. Peace.

Truthinator said...

Oh and Merry Christmas, John!

Anonymous said...

and don't worry about the bahhumbug

Truthinator said...

Do you want to know what the matrix is, John?
Because I'll show you if you want to see.
There really is no going back though and when I say that I mean it, there really is no going back once you start seeing the real games for yourself.
videoclip - The Matrix "The choice of the truth"

John said...

I guess that we agree on a lot more things than we disagree on.

There is a lot of manipulation with the insiders in our politics and media. But I have always said that people need to get informed on the issues and not let other influences rule their thinking. This is hard because we are all busy trying to survive paycheck to paycheck,kids,family issues. We in this country turn to strange voices who make it seem so easy.
"It will be okay if we go back to the original intent of the constitution." "If we close the border and deport 12 million people out of the country it will get better." (Glenn Beck,Limbaugh,FAIR,FOX News etc. etc.)

I don't know the future of this country nor the world. I imagine we will have a one world goverment that I hope is like the "Federation from Star Trek" but we may have to struggle to get to that type of goverment.

I'm concerned about individual rights also. But make sure that your individual rights don't attack the rights of others.

WavestationX tended to have a somewhat "ZooFormat" but we tended to talk about issues and didn't deal with the "Alex Jones's,George Noree,NWO talk" that seems to be the norm with some shows at KKFI and some talk radio. Hey it generate ratings but does add to the intelect.

Truthinator said...


I like the trek too but it's just a TV show and those influence us more than we realize. In star trek, the earth is a communist military dictatorship that is controlled by an even bigger galactic government, and that's your hope for the world? The bigger these governments get, the less respect they tend to have for individuals.

Does NWO talk add to the intellect? Yes, learning facts and understanding real concepts does add to the intellect. It can also help us to see through the bullshit that comes our way. If you support a world government then you are supporting the enslavement of humanity.

So why is it okay for groupthink to so often trample the rights of individuals?

You yet again haven't answered my question about the matrix. I want you to see how deep the bullshit and brainwashing really is with politics because you speak like someone who doesn't quite get it yet, but whatever, your choice. If you change your mind then just follow the white rabbit.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone.I hope you all had a safe holiday's.

First, as a long time fan of Star Trek I didn't know the United Federation of Planets was a communist goverment. The Star Trek I watch the federation respected the rights of humans and non-humans. It had a military wing but it's first priority was exploration of space.( Well Whatever!!!)

Second, I took the red pill and nothing happend. I wasn't chased by Hugo Weaving and Carrie Ann Moss didn't show up to tell me about the Matrix. Maybe because it's a MOVIE!!!!.

Third, The tragic events in Tuscon is a reminder that we have a lot of sick people in the world. You can't blame conservatives or liberals but I think it would be nice if we have civil conversations about complex issues without going to attacking someone's race,character or sexuality. Let's be adults please!!!.


Anonymous said...

Hey John,
Bigdog is having a conversation with himself in the post above it's pretty funny.
1. On the Trek, Starfleet is in charge of everything and they don't have currency. You've seen how they treat the red shirts and low ranking crew and they're pretty much working for free. They ally with other corrupt military dictatorship planets and impose the will of the few across the masses of the Alpha quadrant. The decisions and actions of very few people usually determine the fates of everybody.

2. There is a ton of metaphor in The Matrix.
Do you see how the politicos got played with regards to the TSA thing? It doesn't actually do any good for security but for some reason we're putting up with that crap anyway. Why?
Cheney admits to the people that he's not concerned about the will of the people. Why is that okay? Does that even bother you?

3. Right on.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Do you see this, John? Free speech isn't working out too well for the Demos right now so they use every opportunity to attack the first amendment, they're even making up stuff now like trying to use the Tucson thing to their advantage. That tragedy obviously had nothing to do with the state of political discourse.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! The expiration date on Neo's passpaort is 9/11/01.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Democrats attacking free speech?.

I don't use the Washington Times as a news source. I did read the article and I do agree with Sheriff Dupnik about the un-civil tone of our speech in regards of issues that are facing the country.

Sheriff Dupnik is a target by the right-wing because he said he wouldn't enforce the new law in Arz. that dealt with mexicans. He has been a critic about that issue.

As far as picking up the shooter because of his mental issues. I think the law in Arz. was vague on picking this guy up for making wacky rants. I do believe the funding was cut by the state that would have required a psych evaluation for 24 hrs in a mental facility.

To blame Sheriff Dupnik for this tragedy is a ridiculous notion.


Anonymous said...

With the current state of political discourse in the US on "both sides", they would be some really busy bees if they locked up everybody who made a wacky rant, especially online.

I think those few who try to blame the sheriff for this tragedy are obviously full of it. Sheriff Dupnik did however use the tragedy as an opportunity to attack his political opponents.

“The kind of rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh, in my judgment he is irresponsible, uses partial information, sometimes wrong information,” Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said today. “[Limbaugh] attacks people, angers them against government, angers them against elected officials and that kind of behavior in my opinion is not without consequences.”

Limbaugh today railed against the media and Dupnik for trying to draw a link between the heated political climate and the shooting rampage, calling the sheriff a “fool.” But Dupnik stood by his assertions.

“The vitriol affects the [unstable] personality that we are talking about,” he said. “You can say, ‘Oh no, it doesn’t,’ but my opinion is that it does.”

Investigators have yet to determine what motivated 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, described by some as appearing to be mentally unstable, to allegedly open fire on the crowd outside the Tucson Safeway. However, so far there is no evidence that he has any ties to any political group.

That being said I do agree that political discussion is way uncivil of course but it is hardly one sided.
A prime example of this, the term "teabagger".

Anonymous said...

I don't disagree with a lot of things that Sheriff Dupnik said about the discourse out in about.

Sarah Palin's blood libel statement. Rush Limbaugh blaming liberals. Glen Beck saying that liberals need a bullet in the brain and wanting to do away with Nancy Pelosi. Sharon Engle wanting a second admendment remedy for dealing with politicans she disagree with. The protest at elected officals forums over the summer of 2010 where a lot of people were intimidated by loudmouths that at times threaten violence at elected officals.

So we have a problem with the word "teabagger"?. Funny a lot of tea party folks ID themselves as "teabaggers". Maybe I'll refer
to them now as "the something for nothing crowd".


Anonymous said...


I wondering if you have any sources handy for your claims. If not please let me know and I'll try to look it all up later, thanks.

I'm sure that the tea partiers, who do not refer to themselves as teabaggers by the way, would most definitely refer to lib-types as "the something for nothing crowd" so I suppose that would due.

Anonymous said...

A blast from the very recent past:

Anonymous said...

You go ahead and look that up!. It did happend so let's not play pretend that the rightwing hasn't done what I claimed they did.

The teaparty folks or some of them has no issue wanting entitlements or programs cut as long as they aren't cut for them.
Notice how some or (all)of the tea-party congressman didn't want their healthcare to end when they voted to repeal the healthcare reform bill for the rest of us.

Your dig at tax and spend liberals is a little bit FALSE!!.
When the current democratic leadership propose funding of programs they showed the mechanism to pay for those proposals. Republicans and unfunded mandates like the last administration. (No child left behind,the defense budget,etc...) Yea the REPO's funded those programs? NOT!!!!

If you believe in spending cuts then it should go to your side to sacrifice. Be true to it and not just talk out of your backside!!!.


Anonymous said...

I'm not pretending, I really haven't heard about the instances that you mentioned but I've decided that I won't bother to look it all up now.

I'm not on a side.

Anonymous said...

You take no side and you source the American Thinker??. OKAYYYY!!!

Anonymous said...

If you don't look at things from "both" perspectives then how can you possibly understand what's really going on?

Anonymous said...

Google to crack down on alternative news sites

Anonymous said...

Again you take no side and you source the AMERICAN THINKER??. Then you write you won't try to check out instances of conservatives in talk radio,Fox News who use violent rhetoric and images?.


Anonymous said...


I've heard plenty of bitching about violent rhetoric from "both" sides. My claim that I firmly stand by is that political discussions are way uncivil all around, not just on "one side". Your claim is that the vitriol is pretty much just from the "right side", I disagree and I posted the 1 article to help back up my claim, in our highly polarized political climate that generally only comes from the "right". The "left" sure isn't looking for truth on this matter, they seem to be happy to just blame "the other side".

This guy says it much better than I can. -

Interesting vid:


Anonymous said...


The rightwing has used violent rhetoric at a more alarming rate than the left. Gee I guess when you use gun metaphors and analogies in speeches, then telling supporters that's not what I meant using images and language that involves guns. THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD'T USE IT!!! If you have to explain your meaning to your supporters!!!!.

You find a instance when someone on the left use violent images and language at a political opponent. I CONDEMN IT!!!. But don't think this is used equally by both sides cause it's not.


Anonymous said...

So now we're just talking about gun metaphors?

I'll put some vids up later.


Anonymous said...

Garofalo is off her fucking rocker! LMAO


Some wild shit:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck schools Chris Matthews about Michelle Bachmann's Speech.

Taste teh pwnage

Anonymous said...

Volunteers to be given speed cameras to help clock repeat offenders

" Waltham's Cheapside and Habrough's Station Road will be among the first locations where volunteers will clock speeding motorists and pass the information on to the police. Letters will then be sent to culprits reminding them of the law and the penalties for speeding. "

Anonymous said...

When you source Glenn Beck on something then you tend to not be to smart anyway. STAY STUPID!!!!.

Anonymous said...

Really? I mean really? You're not kidding are you?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I read John Hawkins post on Town for 3/16/2010. A right-wing blog!!!!.

When your fringe becomes your mainstream of your party then you have issues. The ELF,ALF aren't part of the mainstream of the Democratic Party. The Weathermen
comparison is also real weak (False Equivalency???)

Somebody claims they look at both sides but always source conservative blogs like The American Thinker and Town to prove a point to me about so called leftwing violence. LET ME BE CLEAR!!! I denounce violence against anyone that I might disagree with and I expect grownups that are part of the conservative wing to denounce violence and over-the top rhetoric
and not with silence condone it which might lead to escalation.


Anonymous said...

I think that there are serious issues when only two political parties supposedly sum up the beliefs of most americans.
The 'conservative wing' DOES denounce violence. Have you ever actually listened to media tools like Beck? Whatever else you might want to say about him, he strongly discourages violence all the time.
I denounce violence as well, I believe that it only serves to oppress us all. I have engaged in discussions(more like arguments actually) with people who did advocate violence and I have seen many examples of people who condoned such rhetoric with silence but most of those folks could hardly be considered "left" or "right".

Some info:

" "(The gang rape comment) is part of a much larger, nuanced and, yes, provocative -- that's what I do -- piece from my show about racism, freedom, women's rights and the extreme views of Gov. Sarah Palin, a woman who doesn't believe that other women should have the right to choose," Bernhard said. "

Anonymous said...

Palin not-so-extreme it turns out:

Palin haters:,8599,1846832,00.html


Some quotes:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: [Palin] “maybe gets an early knockout. That’s how I see her winning. An early knockout’s the way she can win. The media will try to destroy her of course, but if she goes early, wins early, I think she can win it before anyone can stop her.”

Liberal Blogger ANDREW SULLIVAN of self proclaimed 'the most popular one-man political blog site in the world': "If you want to know why the allegedly liberal media didn't touch - and still won't touch - this story, look no further. It has nothing to do with the facts, and everything to do with their politics. Notice the core modus operandi of the political operative, not the journalist. When dealing with a story: first ask yourself not if it is true but whether the outcome benefits your side. Second, write things in defense of this that you cannot possibly know. Palin a "wonderful mother"? How on earth did Klein know that? "

NYTIMES ROSS DOUTHAT: " why there’s more Palin coverage in publications like TPM, MSNBC and Vanity Fair (not to mention, of course, a certain Palin-obsessed Atlantic blogger) than in many conservative outlets: Not because they’re the only places willing to tell the truth about her, but because they’ve built an audience that believes the worst about her, and enjoys wallowing in the fear and loathing she inspires. "

Anonymous said...


I'm really not a righty or a Reagan worshiper. Also, there is a way to get everybody healthcare and the tea party at least can't really say shit about it, just do something at the state levels where that 'pesky' US Constitution won't get in the way. I'm not against healthcare reforms but I do support the Constitution. I could also tell you the story about the true origins of the tea party but that's the stuff of conspiracy theories, or conspiracy facts from my point of view, and your head would probably explode anyway. (Please do not mistake that last comment as violent rhetoric as that was not at all my intention.)

Do you have any examples of so-called rightwing violent rhetoric that you would like to share, John?


Anonymous said...

The following is just one of many comments posted to a certain evil blog that has of course been censored.

I think this is what she's talking about:
American Anti-Slavery and Civil Rights Timeline

It's called history, no not revisionist history but actual history.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." - IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

That was written by the founding fathers, many of whom were hardcore abolitionists.

" A portion of the original draft of the Declaration of Independence denouncing slavery is provided as a transcription below. It was removed from the final document in order to secure the unanimous vote needed for approval, Georgia and South Carolina refused to vote for independence as long as this paragraph was in the Declaration.

“…he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain. [determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold,] he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them, thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another…” "

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. - Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863

Anonymous said...

I've contacted Glenn Beck's people, as I imagine many folks have, about helping to educate folks regarding The Abolitionist Movement and the founding fathers who were deeply involved with anti-slavery actions. They have discussed it on the radio but I haven't found anything about it being talked about on his TV show yet.
I think it's super important for people to understand that our fore bearers like JQ Adams worked tirelessly to end slavery, like Ms.Bachmann said. But it's important to note that many of our founding fathers also worked tirelessly to end slavery, which Ms. Bachmann did not say.

Anonymous said...


The history of this country is complicated when it involves slavery,race relations and its impact on today's issues. I tend to have a real disconnect with someone like Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachmann distortation of the path that led to emancipation,civil rights etc. The fact is that path was difficult. The founders wanted to maintain the unity of the new United States. Yes we had anti-slavery members of the early congress but maintaing the republic was the priority.

Bachmann's comments made it that the founders strongly dealt with the issue at the beginning. THAT IS WRONG!!! The issue was kicked down the road until it had to be dealt with the Civil War,Reconstruction,Jim Crow laws,KKK.

Beck tries to distort history in all instances and with race relations he is real guilty of this.This is nothing new because there tends to be a romantic notion of the Civil war as "The War Of Nothern Aggression and The Glorious Cause". This tends to "whitwash" what happend with the enslavement of a group of people and the fact that the south was in rebellion against a goverment they didn't like.


Anonymous said...

I don't have a issue with someone that disagree with me. You can have very spirited debates with people you disagree with.. The problem is that we tend to demonize people who we disagree with. Every debate is what you hear on talk-radio which promotes conflict for entertainment purposes(if it's Fox news it's for a agenda.) I tried to look for resolution of issues and that's missing in our public and political forums(give and take).

I listed examples of rightwing violent rhetoric earlier in my postings in the lead up to the healthcare vote. (You just don't want to admit those examples or you play ignorant.) I guess I could mention the violent rhetoric by Bill O'Reily,Chris Stigall that led to the murder of Dr. George Tiller?.

As far as following the U.S. Constitution. Funny one state did try to reform healthcare (Mass.)
and the republicans went nuts about it in Mass. and outside it.
Also it's kind of funny that very few republicans had no issue with the "No-ChildLeftbehind" and it's lack of funding by the FED and the states had to put the money out to fund it or lose funding for other projects from the FED.



I know the origins of the "teaparty". It's corporate side; The Koch brothers which fund a lot of crazy things like denial of global warming,healthcare reform,food guidelines etc. Dick Armey's FreedomWorks... The other part come from the crazy knownothing libertarian wing. These are so called libertarians that are for limited goverment who really can't explain what they mean by a limited goverment. They believe in wild conspirasy theories and listen to Alex Jones,Ron Parsley and Glenn Beck.

Anonymous said...

*rolls eyes* More liberal poo-poo.

John said...

"Liberal poo-poo?" No just reality
and you tend to have issues with

Lets go people!!. It has been dead on this blog. Let's start blogging.

Anonymous said...

A liberal poop-pooed reality, i will always have issue with. You started out taking a shot at whomever and then for example.

"The problem is that we tend to demonize people who we disagree with."

Interesting observation, but not self imposed. John would never find himself catering to abusive ad hominem attacks against the likes of Glen Beck,FOX News....etc.

However, when in reverse you cry foul.

Child Please!!

John said...

I don't use FOX News nor any talk radio host as a news source. I think that the tone in our politics has been posioned by the likes of these people and if I come after them because they do demonize people they disagree with
for a political agenda and nothing factual?? Well so be it!!.

Anonymous said...

Then you sir have admitted to being part of the problem and shown you may be the one having issues with reality. I say take it up with the hosts themselves and stop being a liberal pussy about it. Crying about it on an obscure forum/blog is ideal for LD's.

Like i said, liberal poo-poo. I wont hold my breath for the day liberals actions match their rhetoric.

"I don't use FOX News nor any talk radio host as a news source."

Really!! Then how do you know the full context of what they are saying? OH! but its all about hate rhetoric and the like, but i dont use them as news sources or listen to them?? They demonize everybody that disagrees with them but i dont listen to them i just read the Daily KOS for my info, they said blah blah blah...Pffffft!!

More liberal poo-poo. Listen why dont you go drink another 12 pack of dumbass, it suits you.


John said...


I'm trying to elevate the conversation but it really tend to get hard when I have to deal with people like you.

I would take it up with those host but when I call in their screener's tend to realize that they aren't dealing with a typical leftwing caller. I tend to know what I'm talking about and most conservative talk radio host tend to deal in formula driven crap that get people like you going. (most of the time of the cliff!!)

I never said or written that I read "The Daily KOS" I do watch MSNBC,PBS,BBC and I read a lot of magazines like TIME,NEWSWEEK and U.S. World News Report.

If I'm so-called crying about this issue on a little read blog then why are you responding to me?. If your so secure in your little rightwing manhood why does what I write bother you so much?.

Just something to dwell on "shortpuppy or BigDog". We all here wait for your really classy comebacks on the blog.

Stay Classy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Im never classy with a dumbass Liberal and you havent elevated shit. I gave you many an opportunity to see if you had any reasonable, rational attributes about you. I have found a few. The one that makes me say WTF is you demonizing those you say are demonizing others. So the cycle continues and you cant reach reasonable people with unreasonable thought.

Hence liberal poo-poo "I don't have a issue with someone that disagree with me. You can have very spirited debates with people you disagree with.. The problem is that we tend to demonize people who we disagree with.

Indeed you do. I tend too, we all tend too. Im not saying im innocent in the matter just merely pointing how non-classy you are acting while berating others and in the same breath?!?!? This manorism is unreasonable in completeing your task in dealing with reality, nor does it do anything for elevating debate.

What did you think about the recent Fred Phelps ruling? Isnt Phelps and crew practicing free (hate) speech??


John said...


Why don't you go and take your medication. Relax it will be ok.
You prove my point because you had to resort to calling me name's and claiming I haven't met a standard that you set so you feel that you have a right to attack me. I'm tired of dealing with you because your just don't matter to me.

The Westboro folks practice hate speech. But I agree with the Supreme Court on thier ruling. What Phelps does is just ridiculous but it is legal. I believe in protecting free speech and that is the diffrence between me and a lot of so-called real americans.

I try to give respect to people I disagree with. It has to be given back and when it's not then they and should be attacked on what they say and do.

It's called being adult. Try acting like one.

Anonymous said...

Oh so its ok for you to say i need to take my medication, but in the same breath berate me about acting like an adult.

Again proving, yet another standard you yourself can not adhere to.


I agree with you on the Phelps thing, well put.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck schools Chris Matthews about Michelle Bachmann's Speech.