Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Washington farewell address

I'll ask both John and the naughty man to elaborate on their characterizations of me. I don't:

A) hate tve military. As I explained to my son just yesterday, the military is a fine and honorable institution and I would join then in a heartbeat to DEFEND my country. The misguided and ill-conceived missions that the civilian leadership sends our troops on are the problem. To be continued...

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Me first!

Illuminaughty said...

There is only one reason you took the stance that our soldiers at Haditha were guilty before seeing the facts of the case.

Anonymous said...

You might agree with the stands that the tea-party make. But that is all canceled out with some members using racial attacks on Obama and not being called out by the tea-party leadership.

I'm sorry the first thing you should say is I agree with the issues of less goverment,less taxes
but that is all canceled when you don't call them out on thier racism.

As a man of color I won't let that
slide and I don't think you should either. But this KKFI where being gutless and pretending your standing up is normal.

Grow a set and don't be afraid to take on these rightwing wackjobs!.


Illuminaughty said...

My favorite thing about John is his grammar. It connects liberals with their ignorance in such fitting fashion. Thank you for serving your purpose.

My second favorite thing about John is his racism (race card play alert). It connects liberals with their racism in such fitting fashion. Thank you for serving your purpose again.

The tea party has no leader. Attempting to connect the tea party to racist groups is as predictable as John calling every future republican president a nazi. I know I was SHOCKED when the NAACP called said the tea party was connected to racist groups. Weren't you? I wonder if the NAACP will ever call another capitalist a racist again.

The liberal playing the race card is a caricature of itself, these days. The black liberal playing the race card is a caricature of itself, as well. Welcome to equal treatment. I, now, baptize you John Jackson, son of Jesse. I know, I know. I'm Hitler and a racism now. LOL

Anonymous said...

John Dewey, an american philosopher had this to say about the public or segments of, that can relate to the tea party, from wikipedia:
"Dewey begins his argument by distinguishing between the "state," represented by elected lawmakers, and the "public," the diffuse, often incoherent body of citizens who elect the state." This "public" rallies against the state for the negative effects that it causes through injurious legislations. One of the greatest challenges for the public is channeling this anger in an effective and articulated manner. Dewey was optimistic in the public's ability to "regain some sense of the self". " Dewey concedes to the arguments of adversaries of modern democracy (such as Walter Lippman) by describing all the powerful forces at work that eclipse the public and prevent it from articulating its needs. For example, Dewey explains how special interests, powerful corporate capital, numbing and distracting entertainment, general selfishness, and the vagaries of public communication make effective public deliberation difficult." The tragedy of the tea party is that, on the outside it looks as a social movement pushing back against the oppressor but degrades itself into packaged talking points and incoherence. Illuminaughty, we all have a little hitler in us wether we want to admit it or not and that gets exploited.

Illuminaughty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Illuminaughty said...

We all have a little Hitler in us? That statement has no meaning.

The Tea Party degrades itself into (a) winning around 75 seats in Congress, (b) removing republican libs, and (c) putting the republican party out of business forever in 2012 if they don't obey the Tea Party. It sounds to me like a political movement by a bunch of people who are sick of the republican liberal party.

I hate to sound the alarm bells but our outstanding debt is going to surpass our annual GDP within the next few years if we don't take drastic measures immediately. When our nation falls apart, libs will be to blame. Libs should thank God conservatives are not atheists. If they were, nothing would be preventing us from properly exacting revenge.

Anonymous said...

Someday you'll realise that the game of right and left is a big distraction. This isnt a democracy but far from it, capitalism is not really capitalism in its classic sense but an oligapoly and that you are a pawn. Go back to sleep naughty the tea party and the conservatives are in control, sarah palin is in control. What a joke.

Anonymous said...


Why don't you quit with the stupid
games you play?. You project your
ignorance out everytime you post something on this blog.

I don't play the race card. It's one you have dealt out a lot since I have blog on this site.

I call Juan Williams a "safe liberal" because that is what he is. He goes on Fox and doesn't take on the idiots on that network when they play the RNC talking points that they.

The study that the NAACP backed up has been one that has been verified. It wasn't a study that they created. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!.

I don't think anyone that claims they are part of the tea party is racist. "Never said that Nutty"
But I think when you have members that stroked racial fears then you have a duty to call them out. Your
way is just being a "PUSSY".


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

John wetly queefed: You know a wet queef hits the wall lewdly, so you have to wait to see what sticks.

"I don't think anyone that claims they are part of the tea party is racist. "Never said that Nutty""

In a different thread he said:

"I think there are maybe tea party people who stand on their own beliefs but the majority are just pissed of because they don't like the fact a black man is president."

Now he never said they were racist but what does he mean by his above statement(race card played). He has yet to respond to my chastising his obvious ignorance and, his race card has been trumped with his silence.

Now liberals normal excuse is. "Ive got a life, sorry about that". First off get a life. Secondly and most importantly every time a liberal plays the race card a baby seal dies....ROFLMMFAO!!!

The Liberal-nator

Where death to Liberal D-bags policies is life. I just proved a negative BITCHES!!!!

HAHAHAHA!!! rib buster alert.

Anonymous said...

There are of members in the tea party who have legit concerns about the debt and the direction the country is going. But don't think race isn't involved in this
thing that is going on. You are
naive as hell if you think otherwise. If you think I'm playing the race card?. That's on you so think what you want about my

I thought I responded to you but
I guess your well "STUPID".


The Truthinator said...

The racist element is WAY over-exaggerated when it comes to tea partiers. What about the shit-ton of people who admit they voted for Buck Ofama just because he's a black guy? I don't hear tea-haters like John calling those racists out. Is every good thing that Liberals do canceled out because of those racists and Big O's continuation of W's wars and constitution ass-wiping? Libs don't seem to give a shit anymore about our civil rights or torture, violence, invasions, and murders as long as its B.O. doing it. So call out your war-monger president already, John, grow a pair! (Seriously dude, are you just pot-stirring or what?)

Anonymous said...

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects.
As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the U.S. Congress. It is considered an independent central bank because its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branch of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms. However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by Congress, which periodically reviews its activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Also, the Federal Reserve must work within the framework of the overall objectives of economic and financial policy established by the government. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government."


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Anonymous said...

I don't agree with everything that President Obama has done. I think we need to get out of Iraq and need to limit our involvement in Afganistan/Pakistan.

As far as black folk voting for Obama in the last election cause he's black. Well "DUH!!". That happened and I won't excuse it or run away from it. When you go into the voting booth you vote your values,concerns and intrest. This last presidential election was historic and the pride that a majority of black folk felt in voting for the first black POTUS gave a feeling that anything is possible in this country. (I and I hope you agree that voting for someone because of color shouldn't be the only consideration in your vote?. It wasn't in mind and I hope that in the future most americans vote with inteligence.)

But lets get real "truthWTF". The tea party has elements in its organization that are racist,sexist and to be frank just plain wacky. In a diverse political movement you have to be a grownup and call out the people that make your movemnt look bad. You can't play crazy when someone says something racist, attacks someone in a physical manner because they disagree with them.

I don't stir the pot! Maybe people on this blog like to deal with each other because they agree.
Fine!. Maybe you guys like to sit around call the JFiles and listen to Mike and Clayton feed your paraniod views and not deal with you straight up. Fine!.

But I always bring it!!. Straight and no chaser!!!.


Anonymous said...

You did play the race card you fucking moron. We see it in those quotes i provided.

YOU NEVER RESPONDED TO ME you fucking DOLT!!! Proofs below in another thread.

You are just another liberal moron.
One who tries to divert attention drawn by your ignorance and race baiting, onto MTJ or Clayton. You see this people what a fucking dumb ass!!!....a watered down drink is more like it.


Someone remove his carcass from this blog site. Another liberal bites the dust!

Anonymous said...

Big dog eating his poop again.

Anonymous said...

This website really at times just
blows!. I wrote a great response to "liberWTF" or "bigdog"? but it didn't take.

When you talk or write about race you don't play the race card. I didn't do that in my comments on the tea-party. I have written that the TP's have justified views on the economy,spending and the debt.
I don't consider a lot of the membership racist. Get you facts

However, I have stated that the membership of these groups have been infiltrated by racist,white supremacist and a lot of really wacky NWO nuts.

All I have asked is that the TP's
denounce the racist which has happend earlier in the summer in the TP express chapter in TEN. I have written what I thought the many orgs that claim they are TP's
should say they disagree with President Obama's policy's but that is it. His race and other things with phony citizenship from the birthers don't have a place in this conversation.

Some people that blog on this website are just really stupid!.



Yep, if I'm playing the racecard
I have learned it from idiots like "nutty,liderWTF/BD? and other
so-called patriots of the Jfiles who loves to leave links about white superiority and the falling apart of the american culture because of blacks,mexicans etc.

Look in the mirror before you judge me.

Anonymous said...

The post you never replied to. Re-posted:

I call BULLSHIT!!! the term majority denotes over 50%.

John Queefed: "I think there are maybe tea party people who stand on their own beliefs but the majority are just pissed of because they don't like the fact a black man is president."

I see your black panther party and raise you the tea party movement...:rolls-eyes:

Your pining for an issue that has not been proven. However most blacks would like it to be true or somehow project skin color, instead of content of character, into any discussion.

The real issue amongst blacks, using the same injections in the above quote from that John doesn't want the first black president to fail, as a black president; In lay the chance another black man may never get elected conducive to such epic failure. So his own fear of a black mans/president failure. This fear makes him say things, like the above, because he takes security in projecting racism onto others and would easily lead to blaming the white man....going for that whole "white guilt thing" if this president fails(policies). You see its not the judgment of ones character that John defers to, but only the color a presidents skin. Dictating the onus of racism tied to and within the tea-party. Of which he says is the majority. !!!BUULLSSHITTTT!!!

Need i mention people like John have bitched about having a third party also. Now a movement starting during or around Ron Paul's efforts and his obvious ignorance. Well ummmm. You see.
Johns demonstrating his lack of character. His own fear allows him to indulge in such antiquated tactics, using the basis of skin color as some sort of gaff against anybody who disagrees with Obamma's politics and policies.

You know who i am.

The Liberal-nator.

Where the termination of liberal ideology is my plight.

Anonymous said...

This is one of Johns lies:

"I don't consider a lot of the membership racist. Get you facts straight!!."

When in fact he said this: Keeping the facts straight as you put it.

"I think there are maybe tea party people who stand on their own beliefs but the majority are just pissed of because they don't like the fact a black man is president."

Liberals are inherently stupid. BTW don't need a mirror your own words busts that sphincter ring every-time.

Anonymous said...

I have stated that I don't think that the majority of the TP is racist. But don't think that the fact that a man/woman of color is holding higher offices in this land is freaking some of these folks out. Don't think that 2 women on the highest court of this land isn't freaking some of these people out. If you don't think that
race and generational diffrences in culture isn't driving this then YOU ARE NUTS!.

The TP was no where to be found when Bush ran up the war debt on the credit card and not paying for
them with taxes. Nobody said a word when Wall Street put us in the economic mess we are in.(maybe
Ron Paul,Jeff Flake and Bernie Sanders). I didn't see rally's on the national mall during the Bush era for reform in taxes,dealing with the debt,ending the war etc.

I never made the comparison of the Tp to the New Black Panther Party that's made up of 5 to 6 people.

But BD I really love your "psychobabble" rant about my motives. I have been called a "Uncle Tom" by other blacks when I have defended white's. I have white friends. I denounce racism and homophobia on the old show "WaveStation X". I have defended conservatives when I think they are right. I have defended black conservatives views even if I disagree with them.

But in your world I'm a racist,liberal douche. Well
stay classy "little puppy" because everytime you write something in this blog or call JF well the world seems to get a little bit "Dumber"!!.


Anonymous said...

Its fun watching you backtrack. You did say that the majority (as i highlighted your own words). Yet somehow you gloss over them by throwing other people into your own stupid opinion. You got caught up, now you retreat.

BTW you brought up race and i never said anything about white people it was all about the TP.

So your psychobabble about white people and how TP don't like the fact a black man is president is the real issue and you did use the term majority. Now you have noticeably backtracked and obfuscated.

Your agenda? Not concerned. Another liberal full of shit and backpedaling. Well now that's fun.

Liberals are inherently stupid.

Anonymous said...

You guys make me want to drink into a stupor.

The Truthinator said...

Black tea party members dispute racist claims

Here ya go King John Shabazzuki:
Dr. Malik Shabazz, leader of Black Lawyers for Justice and attorney for the party (yes, that Malik Shabazz)…
…”We will not allow some racists and other angry whites, who are upset over an impending Barack Obama presidential victory, to intimidate blacks at the polls,” Muhammad said. “Most certainly, we cannot allow these racist forces to slaughter our babies or commit other acts of violence against the black population, nor our black president.”

Do you think the tea people want to slaughter your babies, John?

Please name a few things that you were pissed at Bush about. Then name how many of those things that Obama has actually changed.

Hasta la vista, baby 8)

Anonymous said...

Since I'm "queefing" out of my imaginary Vjayj then whomever is talking out of thier ass. At least I don't eat where I shit.

It is funny to me how I get "looped" into nuts like the NBP when I have denounce what they do. But in the world view of some "teabagger's" all us black folk think alike.

But let's get real now!. The true suckers are people like "little puppy,truthwtf or whatever". You idiots yell about the corporate money that is around in politics and how it cause the problems in our daily lives. Well this past nite "big money" just got control of Congress to the so-called corporate "tea-party" that well will crash head on with the tea-party element that is SO-CALLED independent.

The host of the JFiles says they like the fact that the tp's aren't organized. OKAY???. Let's see what will happend now?. Be careful what you wish for because you may get it?.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! is this John guy racist?

"I think there are maybe tea party people who stand on their own beliefs but the majority are just pissed of because they don't like the fact a black man is president."

Im not sure who he is but man he reeks of bigotry to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Nope not a bigot nor racist. Just like to tell the truth on a lot of you tea-baggers which you can't handle to well. Stay classy!!.


2Baked said...

John, you wouldn't know the truth if it tea-bagged your fat conformist mouth. You can't see past your own prejudices of people through to real issues. You avoid discussion of actual issues in favor of tearing down your perceived "enemies".

I think it's very important that you people's viewpoints are better represented within the tea party so how about you join them where you agree and still hold your ground where you disagree. For instance: Wars suck, Taxes suck, Electronic voting sucks, Globalization sucks, Big corporations suck, Patriot act sucks, and the Police state blows. I don't fall exactly in line with tea or change or whatever, but I am willing to talk about issues such as Obamacare. Are the talking heads even having discussions about this stuff? Some people don't like it because they are being threatened with prison time for not buying a product that they don't want. Have your talking heads discussed alternatives? Or do they just talk shit about how they don't like those "people"? Don't wait for Keith Olberman to tell you what to think about stuff, try to form your own opinion first and then perhaps consider what he has to say as well as other folks. You don't have to be an opposite-head, this world is three dimensional and so are a lot of these polarizing issues. --Wow, what was I thinking? I guess I forgot I was talking to you John. Just love your matrix and look ahead to...

Vote Snoop Dogg for President in 2012
"Because He's Black!"
"Hizzope Fo' Chizzange!"
If he wins he plans to gold plate the whitehouse and officially change the title of "first lady" to "bottom bitch". He has promised a chicken in every pot, a 40oz in every fridge, and a bouncing car in every garage. When questioned about foreign policy issues he responded: "Shut up and hit this blunt fool!"

Vote Paris Hilton for President in 2012
"Because She's A Woman!"
"Hopey Changy!"
Ms.Hilton has outlined a plan to boost the economy by providing government stimulus money towards the purchase of imported designer handbags. She has promised that tanning beds and facials will be covered by her new healthcare plan and she will be adding a Fashion Police Unit to DHS. When questioned about foreign policy issues she responded: "If I blow you can we pretend that you didn't ask me that?"

Vote Don Trump for President in 2012
"Because He's Don Trump!"
"You Better Hope I Don't Take All Your Change!"
If Mr.Trump is elected he will institute his recovery plan that he calls 'slow leak economics' in which corporations will no longer pay any taxes or provide any benefits for employees. He has promised to address illegal immigration by putting up a toll-fence along the Mexican border where anyone may enter this country legally if they pay a $25K toll and sign away their rights to welfare and other social services. When questioned about foreign policy issues he responded: "Fuck em!"

Anonymous said...

Gee Baked2long,

I thought I was talking about real issues?. First I don't get my talking points from Keith Olberman,Rachel Maddow,Jon Stewart or anyone you might think of. I tend to critical think a lot on the issues that matter. Second, I don't have enemies and I wouldn't consider you one. (But you got of on the wrong side with your comments about me and my motives but I forgive you.) Third, I don't agree with the tea party because I think that they are mostly corporate lackies for the Republican party. I grant you that the movement may have individuals that tend to be independent of the likes of Dick Armey/Freedomworks but they are for the most part been fronted out by Wall Street. So if you voted for tea party folks last tuesday?. Got news for yah "BAKEY" You voted against what you stand for.

I have talked about the patriot act and how I think it was a overeach on our civil liberties. I have talked about global issues like thirdworld debt and how it has affects on our economy which are bad. I have talked about the fact that I wanted a stronger public option and that maybe we should just expand medicare for all of us. The current system is putting us in debt and I just don't think that if you get sick you should go broke because of it.
DO YOU?. The fact is that I don't deal in the conspiracy theories that a lot of the JFiles bloggers like to do.

I don't agree with everything that President Obama has done. (Because he is black I will march in step with the BRO. So get that out of your mind.) I think he needs to get tough with the repo's. Stand tough on the fact that if the Bush tax cuts are continued then 500 to 700 billion is added to our debt. Fight for more reform on the finanicial markets to protect investors.



THE MATRIX was a movie!!!. You aren't entitled to all your opinions. Only the one's that are

Red Suppository said...

Do you want to know what the matrix is, John?

Anonymous said...

I rather swallow my red pill! Or is the blue one viagra? Is there ever an original thought here. Probably not. Everything that has been thought has been thought a long time ago. There is an analogy that fits:
Five monkeys in a room, a step ladder with a banana hanging up high. Monkeys try to get it but when each one tries all get shocked, eventually none reach for it. A monkey is removed and replaced with a new monkey, it tries to reach for the banana but it's attacked and soon he stops. A second, a third and eventually all are replaced. In the end noone remembers being shocked when they reached for the banana just that they will get beaten if they reach for it. WHY?????????? Because that's how it has always been done around here. So all you republicrats, where is our banana? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Spare me with the psychobabble rant that we who participate in this process are somehow wasting our time!!. I fight for things I believe in and I don't consider myself part of the problem
because I'm a member of the democratic or republican party's.

You get out and protest,agitate or participate for the change that you want. You lose but you keep fighting to make a diffrence and maybe it might happen.

Red Liquid said...

:) It's a good thing that we are people and not monkeys, people have the advantage of communicating very specifically about the banana situation and people have the potential to realize that there are plenty of bananas for everybody if they could just get out of the box.

So, John, do you want to know what the matrix is or not?

Anonymous said...

John gets his marching orders from Chris Mathews.

Anonymous said...

It's a movie!!!. Just like a couple of my all-time favorites (Network and "A Face In The Crowd") Both are great movies that depicted the rise of media personalities and what would happen if they go unchecked.

Anonymous said...

Blue Pill

"BAKEY" said...


I don't vote for parties, tea or otherwise.

Healthcare - I think more free clinics and free adult health education (healthy shopping, cooking, eating, etc) is the way to go, as well as creating state-level FDAs and tearing down the current FDA.

The idea that rich people should be taxed at a higher rate because they have more money could be a discussion but if it's money that your thinkers were actually worried about then wouldn't they be bitching about how much our military spends conquering and occupying abroad? And wouldn't they be bitching about how much is spent on having the highest prison population per capita of any other nation and locking up so many non-violent offenders? How about all the money that is spent violating our rights and surveilling US illegally? Have you noticed that The Donkey Tribe doesn't really bitch about that stuff anymore?

oh right "the Bush tax cuts" that's what the talking heads are bickering about lately.
Hows about we start phasing some of these taxes out?
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax x3(city, state, & federal)
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Expense (tax on the money)
Inventory Tax I
RS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Road Usage Taxes (truckers)
Sales Taxes
School Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Toll Bridge Taxes Toll
Tunnel Taxes
Trailer Registration
Tax Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers’ Compensation Tax

I haven't seen those movies yet, I've been meaning to check out Network too.

No one can be told what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself.
Red Pill - (click at your own risk)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this was pretty good until the end

Anonymous said...

One begins to wonder if the word socialism gets thrown out there as bait, after ww2 everyone was saying we were becoming socialists but the rhetoric was coming from industry and now this is coming from some groups that say represent the american people. Now if someone would actually read some socialist works instead of saying socialism is bad.

Anonymous said...

Drawing Lines

Government owning business is socialism as I understand it. I'm sure there are some good aspects to it but it seems it doesn't really take corruption or lack of driving forces into account. It only seems to work well in very small groups. I haven't really studied the subject much though. Even Kansas City is beginning to lean into socialism such as P&L, new hotel proposal, public funding for NFL, etc.

Newsflash for big government opponents: Privatizing stuff sure won't encourage smaller government.

This new world orderly compiled a ton of research and wrote a whole book where he basically sums up that people get pissed off when a foreign army occupies their lands. Well no shit.

9-11 question of the week:
How did the "terrorist mastermind Bin Laden" know that his guys could just fly right into the pentagon that morning? It's no secret that is highly controlled airspace so just how did he know? What made him even think that he could get that off, ya know?

Anonymous said...


only in america

Anonymous said...

I've had limited net access lately so I ended an over 3 year long mainstream media fast about a month ago. I've been listening to conservative talk radio and it really has changed for the better and Glenn Beck has come a long way but his radio show is mostly just them cracking jokes about how screwed we are.

But it's still the same old games.

They're all mostly stuck on the TSA thing right now.

We've got the "keep US safe" zombies talkin about "just take your damn body scan or the terrorists will get you", that's not thinking, that's reacting. Terrorists could just put weapons or explosives up their butts or they could hit buses or trains or public places, so the scanners and patdowns really have nothing to do with terrorism, it's about control.

The only alternative really being discussed is profiling, they say these scanners are a horrible violation of our rights but go ahead and do it as long as well-off white people are exempt and throw in some thought-crime tactics to boot. Again, nothing to do with terrorism, it's about elitism and control.

So the people get the shaft either way and nobody is any safer, just under more control.

I'd like to hear about some options for dealing with airline security that don't involve a massive invasion of our privacy like isolating the passenger compartment from the rest of the airplane or arming all the pilots or something. Does anyone out there have any ideas?

Why do these TSA policy-makers even have their jobs still?

Anonymous said...

Well Bakey,

I don't speak for the so-called "Donkey Tribe". But a lot of democrats are a little bit mad at the President for thinking about compromising with the Repo's.
(I'm one of them by the way.)

I tend to deal in reality and for some reality is a bitch!. I look for solutions to our problems and if you continue the Bush tax cuts it adds to the debt. The reality is that this is a class war that is being fought against the middle class and some of the middle class tend to vote or agitate against thier own intrest. Are we taxed to much?. Yes we are it seems. You can reduce the federal income tax rate but then the state and local goverments will raise it's taxes to pay for things.(I hope those things are useful for everyone like good roads,schools,fire and police dept.) We seem not to win
either way.

Capitalism isn't fair and if you have a society that pushes the AYN RAND version of capitalism then none of you would like it. That goes for the rightwingers who defend the rich at thier own peril.

You have a little bit of socialism in capitalism and it works well. If you don't like then I make this challenge to you all to burn your SS,Medicare cards. Also get rid of the public schools,Fire,police and public libraries because it is socilaist to have all these. If you want rugged american individualism then go for it!.


Anonymous said...

John, there is a really interesting book by John Kenneth Galbraith named american capitalism, I found this about it: American Capitalism (1952), which argued that American post-war success arose not out of "getting the prices right" in an orthodox sense, but rather of "getting the prices wrong" and allowing industrial concentration to develop." He argues that capitalism held true in its inception because no producer could affect the market with prices otherwise it would be driven out of business, but now everything is conglomerated and has formed into an oligapoly, meaning industry is dominated by a few who can control prices, production and even labor, create technology stagnation because the innovation can disrupt the status quo. Goes as far as saying that government did the right thing by stimulating the economy in the thirties even though every economist was against it but had no solutions. The opposite of milton friedman who said government caused the depression by its mismanagement. Galbraith acknowledges the efficiency of capitalism when government is not involved but also that economists were concerned with the human aspect as well, but is not perfect for these times at least. Its a great read for anyone who wants to get in deeper into the theory and practice rather than yell socialism or private business or free enterprise when those things don't mean the same as before when they hear it from tools like Beck. Peace Oz.

notsobaked said...

What is it that Obama is considering compromising with the repubs on that has you a little pissed?

Anonymous said...

test comment

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite." - John Kenneth Galbraith

Anonymous said...


I have to assume anyone that listen or watches Glenn Beck to be well STUPID!!!. A lot of these people repeat talking points they hear from Limbaugh and Beck so they think they are smart. I'm sorry I don't take them real serious because most of them don't know what the hell they are talking about.

If you gave them "true capitalism" for real then they would hate it. We have a hybird system of capitalism with a small mix of socialism in it. Again I ask this question. If we really hate socialism then let's get rid of the police,fire,military,public schools,CIA,NSA??.

I will check that book out that
you suggest. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Why's it gotta be all extremey?

Anonymous said...

Manic Meatloaf

2 lbs turkey burger and/or cow burger
1 fat onion, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 red pepper, diced
2 sleeves of buttery club-type crackers, pretty much crumbled to dust in package
2 eggs
4 tablespoons seasalt
1 little box of velvetta, cut into small half inch cubes

Be sure to rewash hands or use plastic gloves and mix all ingredients thoroughly. Bake at 375 for about an hour, remove from oven, glaze top with ketchup and/or bbq sauce, then bake at 425 for about 15-30 minutes.

Anonymous said...

III'm dreaming of a green Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the keef crystals glistened
And To Pink Floyd we'd listen
And smoooooke, from bongs made out of snow, whoa whoa (yes, it can be done)
Yes III'm dreaming of a green, Christmas
With every fat bowl I light
May your highs be merry, deeliiiiight
And may allll yourr Christmases, bee tight

Anonymous said...

9-11 tree replanted at ground zero:

Santa Surprises Boys with Gift of Soldier Dad:

Man Goes Ice Fishing for 101st B-Day:

Secret Santa hands out $100 bills in Kansas City:

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it. 'Impossible!' says the doctor. 'Show me.' The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left shoulder and screamed, then she pushed her elbow and screamed even more. She pushed her knee and screamed; likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed. Everywhere she touched made her scream. The doctor said, 'You're not really a redhead, are you? 'Well, no' she said, 'I'm actually a blonde.' 'I thought so,' the doctor said 'Your finger is broken.'