Monday, March 14, 2011
Hello! Friends, Romans, countrymen.
It's good to see that we are still playing nicely together. I am once again burning the candles at both ends for a while, bit I thought I'd try to get back to posting. I'll try to respond to comments too. But there is great joy to be had just watching you guys mix it up. Right now I've just got a few email services that send me headlines ( which I mostly delete before I get a chance to read but I've got a few that have piqued my ire, curiosity, or interest. So, without further ado...
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Anyone want to play amateur developer?
The Bannister Mall Area:
Entry #1:
Additional Designs:
Inside Job (2010)
IMDB: Following another major terrorist attack the US instigates an intense government surveillance program in which every camera in the country is linked into a single, all-seeing network called the ODIN system (for Optical Defense Intelligence Network)
Eyeborgs (2009)
How many teaparty politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?
1 to layoff the people who change lightbulbs,
and 1 to blame liberals for the bulb burning out.
1 to order a new bulb from China,
and 1 to praise Ronald Reagan for the Chinese-made bulb.
1 to hire an illegal immigrant to do the work,
and 1 to have the immigrant deported before he can get paid.
2 more
1 to draw up a new lightbulb tax cut for big business,
and 1 to layoff more teachers to help ensure that future Americans won't have to worry about extravagant things like lightbulbs.
A start
"Robot-Controlled German Skin Factory." What could possibly go wrong?
Their report advises that the bulbs should not be left on for extended periods, particularly near someone’s head, as they emit poisonous materials when switched on.
April 2011: iPhone location - October 2010: US Transportation Security Agency's X-ray scanners - April 2010: Google captures Wi-Fi data - December 2009: Eric Schmidt
A new class of smartphone app has emerged that uses the microphone built into your phone as a covert listening device -- a "bug," in common parlance.
"We have credible information that they were being used during routine stops without a warrant,"
Volunteers receiving 2 milliamps to the scalp (about one-five-hundredth the amount drawn by a 100-watt light bulb) showed twice as much improvement in the game after a short amount of training as those receiving one-twentieth the amount of current1. "They learn more quickly but they don't have a good intuitive or introspective sense about why," says Clark.
Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections
In the most notorious case, the oil trader Trafigura last year briefly obtained a superinjunction against the Guardian to suppress a leaked report on its toxic waste dumping, which even prevented reporting proceedings in parliament.
'They are worried we will point them in the wrong direction or use the wrong extinguishers,' he said. 'But if you are trapped in a burning building, you will work out how to use one.'
Open-sourced blueprints for civilization
" * April 4, 2008
Next-Gen Solar Heats Up
Imagine what happens when HP delivers an ink jet printer that is capable of printing low-cost solar panels. Imagine replacing your entire roof not with roof tiles or shingles but with solar panels printed on the job site and sized exactly to order. It may be ten years or more away, but power generation will be completely upended when any garage can pump out solar panels.",2817,2290307,00.asp
These six big corporations influence our society in a major way. These machinations steer what the majority sees and hears and discusses.
Possible options: Take our power back from them by avoiding mainstream media, commercials, buying DVDs, and especially the mainstream daily/nightly news.
Kickstarter is powered by a unique all-or-nothing funding method where projects must be fully-funded or no money changes hands.
Does Kickstarter take some percentage of ownership or intellectual property of things made through Kickstarter?
Absolutely not. Project creators keep 100% ownership of their work.
The Judgment Day 3-Cup-Shuffle
" The United States State Department told the French government that communist elements within the Cabinet needed to be removed. The French Government complied with this diktat and removed the Communist coalition government. Within hours the loan to France was approved. "
"Lending to service third world debt marked the period of 1980–1989. Structural adjustment policies aimed at streamlining the economies of developing nations were also a large part of World Bank policy during this period. "
" To the World Bank, different nations and regions are indistinguishable and ready to receive the "uniform remedy of development". She argued that to attain even modest success, Western practices are adopted and traditional economic structures and values abandoned. A second assumption is that poor countries cannot modernize without money and advice from abroad. "
" Despite claiming goals of "good governance and anti-corruption″ the World Bank requires sovereign immunity from countries it deals with. Sovereign immunity waives a holder from all legal liability for their actions. It is proposed that this immunity from responsibility is a "shield which [The World Bank] wants resort to, for escaping accountability and security by the people." As the United States has veto power, it can prevent the World Bank from taking action against its interests "
" One of the strongest criticisms of the World Bank has been the way in which it is governed. While the World Bank represents 186 countries, it is run by a small number of economically powerful countries. These countries choose the leadership and senior management of the World Bank, and so their interests dominate the bank."
...a bank that dominates economies around the world.
NWO "Initiation" Video:
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." - Desiderius Erasmus
I have found this saying is, not quite right.
This would be a little more accurate:
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is eventually offed'."
“The United Nations NGO Voting Academy has recognized the Kansas City Metro area as the most positive community in the world. Kansas City has shown itself to be a community with a positive business culture, tremendous community involvement, and is one of the top three most philanthropic communities in the country. It is easy to see why Kansas City was chosen,” said Scott Pederson, CEO, Celebrate Positive."
blogger sux
Straight out of 1984
White House rickrolls Twitter user who complains of 'dull' feed
Google Acquires 1,000 IBM Patents
Search giant is tight-lipped about the purpose of the transaction, but the filings cover everything from chips to databases.
A tea party member, a CEO, and a union member sit down at a table.
There's a plate of 12 cookies on the table.
The CEO takes 11 of them, looks at the tea partier and says, "Hey, that union thug wants to steal your cookie."
"In this talk from the 2007 Singularity Summit, [Peter]Thiel discusses how to profit from, or at least survive, the new world order"
Can you guess who else is building one of these nextgen advanced analytics machines?
i'll 6ive you a hint, starts with a 6
Federal Data Center Consolidation Task Force Forum - August 30, 2011
01101110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100101 01101100 01100101 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110011 01101001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01101010 01101111 01100010
Post 9/11, surveillance cameras everywhere;
Security industry boomed for years, but terror is rarely a focus
"Circle teacher's lesson on free speech offends"
If we can't step on the flag, then it stands for nothing but slavery anyway.
Final Open House for the Downtown Corridor Alternatives Analysis
Shameless Plug
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