Monday, December 19, 2005

German kidnapped by CIA

In the months that had passed, his wife had taken their children and moved away, thinking he would never come back. When he returned, she barely recognized him – 40 pounds lighter, with long hair and a shaggy beard. Al-Masri went public with his story roughly six months after he was reunited with his family.

Since then, he has continued to move closer to his ultimate goal.

"What I would like ... is an acknowledgment that the CIA is responsible for what happened to me, an explanation as to why this happened, and an apology."


Anonymous said...

In 2002, several gang members were charged with brutal rapes of Australian women.

Maybe the guy is not really a German!


Anonymous said...

Check out these links.


Anonymous said...

If you are calling me a lib, Star Child you need to get a grip.

The aircraft have been supplemented to Israel's specifications and are different from any other F-16, even in the service of the US Air Force. They are being paid for from the annual US military grants given to Israel, which this year stands at about $2.2 billion.

My problem is with who actually controls the US and the Neocons.


Michael T Justice said...

But his allegations suddenly gained credence this week, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had admitted his abduction was a "mistake"

not me star shit- rice said it. i _don't_ want to believe bad things about my country. i want us to be about spreading peace and democracy and freedom. But we started the school of the americas. this is the truth. now i can believe just good things. kinda like the woman who refuses to see that her husband is a lying cheating bastard. and one day she walks in to find her stuff on the curb. If you want to keep on believeing only good things about your country feel free. as for me, i'll try to be vigilant.

Anonymous said...

Well then Caficho, it is not a quWell then Caficho, it is not a question of me fearing shaded skin. I simply posted the link to show Michael that groups of Muslim men have indeed raped indigenous European women. I am sure that with a bit more effort that I can find many other examples. I am not going to lie. I think that all Muslims should be kicked out of Europe. My ancient ancestors are rolling in their graves over what is happening in Europe.
It will be funny when Muslims take over the extreme liberal Scand avian countries; we will see if the new masters are all that tolerant.
As far as Israel is concerned it is no different than apartheid South Africa used to be.
Explain to me why we keep supporting Israel.


estion of me fearing shadded skin.

Anonymous said...

I thought that this belonged here.
The leader of Iran is getting to get his ass whooped for what he said.