Thursday, December 22, 2005

it pays to own congressmen

the hits keep comoing


Anonymous said...

Star child please go ahead and kill yourself. I will send you a dollar to buy the bullet.


Michael T Justice said...

so you buy a dvd. you can't make a back up. currently all of my cds are in a box in my basement. i have them all on my computer. I'd like to do that with my DVDs i have little thug children that will be more than happy to break, eat, draw on them

Raunikar said...

This method breaks down not only fish waste, it breaks down leafs and other debris that have fallen into the pond. For drinkers needing large quantities of coffee, non-espresso is the way to go. It includes storage, an oven, an effecient induction rangetop, in addition to a refrigerator freezer.