Tuesday, February 21, 2006

2 doctors balk at killer's execution

The doctors, whose names have not been made public, were to have certified that a drug administered to Morales had rendered him unconscious before two other chemicals were administered to kill him.

I can't help but feel that their are good republican doctors in California that would certify. I have my misgivings about the death penalty, but if this guy spent 24 years on death row then the 15 minutes (tops) that he would feel before dying is nothing.


Anonymous said...

I think you, MTJ, always forget when the death penalty applies. I think you always see this thinking of the heat-of-passion murders. Premeditated murder includes the element of sanity.

Let's say Dick Cheney walked in on Harry Whittington taking George W. Bush up the ass. Now, we all know that George W. Bush is Dick Cheney's bitch. So if, in the heat of passion, Dick Cheney grabs his shot gun and shoots Mr. Whittington but actually kills him this time, he should not eligible for the death penalty.

Now, if three years later, Dick Cheney takes Mr. Whittington hunting for the sole purpose of killing him, he should be eligible for the death penalty. That being said, I did not call for any member of the executive branch to be shot. Just chill, SS.

Mike...not anywhere near KCMO

Anonymous said...

caficho...you are a white lib. That's all that needs to be said.