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I'm desparately awaiting comments on this one
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"2 bags please...for a generous fee."
We already have an immigration emergency. So, my initial response is...finally.
Secondly, I can only assume the author of this article is a mindless black person, or a dumb ass, self-hating white lib, with the US/European "construction of detention camps" as if the nonwhite history of the world was song and dance until the honkies showed up.
An attack on Halliburton...probably a dumb ass, self-hating white lib. An attack on Gitmo and Guantanamo...dead give away dumb ass, self-hating white lib.
Can anyone give me an update on the race of this "man." He writes in the "outdoors" at www.bangmeintheassdailynews.com.
Remember, Democrats are the ones who like internment camps.
Mike on The Mothership
I think I have come up with a term unique to the Justice Files audience. Give this a shot:
Russist (n) a person who observes races closely...though is not a racist. Sentence...Russist authors write articles about racial history in an objective manner.
The Artist Formerly Known As Mike
This is for MikeT to chew on.
Hey, that's weird. Another Russist comment from Russ.
I am going to join this church.
What exactly am i supposed to chew on? That Jews were just as involved in slavery as whites? you really are russist. Or is that a russist?
and you mike are filled with such mindless hate, i'm not sure if you're a russist or something much worse. I fear the latter
How am I filled with hate? I have no respect for white libs or mindless blacks, not hate. All I am doing is predicting the predictable. I assume Hennessey is a white lib. I, as of yet, have no proof but I think you would agree.
Every detained, and not-working by default, illegal is a rise in wages for those Americans without skills. That is a good thing.
In your opinion, MTJ, I am far worse than a Russist...I am a conservative. As soon as you get fed up with government at every level stealing money and providing nothing, you will be a conservative, too. Remember, it is the libs who ensure lack of education to the group you care about, MTJ.
To give MTJ the benefit of the doubt, tone of voice is impossible to convey here. When I say "mindless black," I am not implying that all blacks are mindless. Quite to the contrary, I believe the education vouchers program (competition in public school management) will create what most of us want: the "ghetto" being 70% white, 11% black, 12% hispanic...like America. This should put the cancerous culture of many blacks (producing teenage murderers and 80% out-of-wedlock birth rate) in check forever.
Mike...top of the arc..nothin' but net.
Well MikeT I was just trying to show that what people believe often is based on hard evidence that seems often times to be missing from public schools for whatever reason. When I get time I will post a book by black authors showing the rather large number of black people in the US that owned slaves.
In the US census of 1860, over 6,000 blacks were counted as having slaves. Blacks owned Indian and in some rare instances, white, slaves.
The topic of black slave owners has represented an anomaly in the study of American slavery. Because of the attention paid to white slave owners, most scholars have ignored the paradoxical but intriguing topic of blacks owning
other blacks as slaves in the antebellum period. How was this contraction
possible in such as racially proscriptive society where one was enslaved
based on one’s color? Undisputedly, slavery represented a highly
contradictory and problematical institution because how could one own
human beings as chattel. Clearly, although slavery was one of the most
repressive and inhumane institutions, different groups could occupy
interstice spaces in its very segmented and racially hierarchical system.
Not surprisingly, black slaveholding flourished quite extensively
throughout the United States. Black slave owners comprised a
heterogeneously large group of over 3,775 people that owned thousands
of black slaves by 1830....
Caficho: There is some truth to what you are saying but then how do you explain the fact the black Kings in Africa helped round up other black folks and then sold them to white slave traders?
The slave trade wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t been for Jewish bankers financing it.
You must understand that Christian whites in Europe couldn’t charge usury fees: it was against what was written in the New Testament.
Lastly the Atomic bomb invented during WWII wouldn't have been invented without key Jewish scientists.
Caficho: I don't know if Jews are up to evil or not but there is no denying their influence on US history and European history.
I simply find it ironic that few people know about the Jewish involvement with the slave trade.
Jews are out to protect their tribe by any means necessary. We are in Iraq because of their influence and we will risk having our economy damaged by the threat of higher oil prices because of Iran and the fact that Jews in the Middle East feel threatened by Iran.
You cant be a Neocon without bowing down to Jews.
I dare you to refute that last statement.
If I remember correctly something like 70 percent of the Jews in New York supported Bush's move into Iraq even though he only got around 20 to 30 percent of the Jewish vote.
Chew on this:
When the Jyllands-Posten in Denmark ran the cartoons mocking Muhammed, the publisher maintained that their purpose was to promote freedom of speech rather than to antagonize the Muslim world. In actual fact the man behind the cartoons insulting Muhammed and the Muslim faith was none other than Flemming Rose, a Jewish extremist supporter of Israel and close friend of Neocon Jewish extremist Daniel Pipes.
The Iranian President and press argued that the Denmark paper is not really concerned with freedom of speech. He pointed out that major dailies across the western world would never allow a cartoon that questions even the smallest detail of what is today called “The Holocaust.” He also insisted that Jewish extremism would never be satirized in the paper. Immediately, the editor of the Danish Daily responded that he would prove it was truly a free speech issue by publishing some Holocaust cartoons in conjunction with the Iranian paper Hamshahrari.
Now it turns out that the Iranians were completely correct about Western free speech hypocrisy. Not only did the paper issue a statement that on no account would the paper print any cartoons questioning the Holocaust, but also canceled planned cartoons simply critical of Israel. It turns out that in Denmark someone is free to print a cartoon showing the turban of Muhammed to a bomb, but if one displays the symbol of the Jewish state, the Star of David with a fuse attached, one will be censored. Freedom of thought and speech is a cornerstone of Western values. What the cartoon controversy has really proven is that there is no true freedom of speech in the West.
Locking David Irving in prison for three years for expressing his opinions is a crime against humanity. The Austrian prosecutor and judge are clearly guilty of the very serious crime of depriving Irving of not only his freedom of speech, but his actual freedom as a human being. It is precisely for those offenses that the human rights court in the Hague has sentenced offenders. In Germany of the Second World War officials imprisoned Jews as dangers to the state. In Germany and Austria of today officials have imprisoned David Irving as a danger to the state. Governments that imprison people for their opinions are the true danger to humanity and freedom, not David Irving!
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