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Neither party is going to do anything about illegal aliens: the plan has been to turn the US into a second class country and have this continent turned into one trading block with no boarders, and the free flow of people and goods. The group of ‘x’ people, that control the US wants more diversity so that it will be difficult for anyone group to gang up on them. They learned their lesion in Germany. The same plan for us is being put in place in Europe and all of the countries of the West.
Although Bush insists he is focused on diplomacy for now, he volunteered at a public forum in Cleveland last month his readiness to use force if Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tries to follow through on his statement that Israel should be "wiped off the map."
"The threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to destroy our strong ally, Israel," Bush said. "That's a threat, a serious threat. . . . I'll make it clear again that we will use military might to protect our ally Israel."
MikeT: you still think I am a crackhead? I appreciate the insult but let's stick to the script. If you can't argue against what I have been saying about the power of Jews in the US and the West then just admit defeat. Name calling is weak.
"A giant sucking sound to the south" is what has come to pass. My only question is: if capitalism stands on a house of cards as certain folks claim, how have we, the formerly capitalist nation, been able to subsidize South America, Mexico, Africe, Asia, and Europe? How can libs be so blind?
I can not fault MTJ for name calling towards you, Russ. When you say "the jews" did anything, you have become a racist to whom listening should not be afforded. You have too many good points to offer which people ignore because of what appears to be racism. Perhaps if you qualify your statements about certain jews, your ideas would be held higher than those of a mere George.
Besides, who is next after Israel? Iran should be a memory as good foreign policy for the US.
Mike Goldberg in NYC
I appreciate your comments Mike Gold, and I don't make the claim that all Jews are alike but at times it is difficult to say that 'they' are not team players.
To try and say that they have no influence over the West is absurd.
This is just one example:
ALAN M. DERSHOWITZ has argued that Israel should remain 80 percent Jewish though he would call any white person a racist for saying that the West should be 80 percent white.
This is for you MikeG.
I understand your view, Russ. I have heard you speak in relative depth on the issue for a few years now. A collectivist view surely must be held deeply by the jews if they are aware of the history of the world in reference to the jews. Wouldn't you be, Russ, if you were a jew?
I hope "the white man" is never plagued by the bondage of collectivist. I have no unreasonable bonds with strangers who are white. I have no compassion for criminals who are white. No man has the audacity to speak for white people. It is the example of the individualist which can and has broken the bondage of collectivism.
Mike Rothschildbergersteinenski
True enough MikeR but that doesn’t excuse the fact that Jews have been responsible for the deaths of millions in the meddling in governments of the West to insure the continuation of their own group. Let’s not forget who it was that gave the nuclear secret to the Russians. Suppose for a minute that I am wrong and that Jews believe that what they have done over the centuries was done to make the world a better place for everyone, the problem with that paradigm is that most of the people that have died by their manipulations were never asked their opinion in the first place. This of course makes me think that their attitude is based on the idea that they are morally and intellectually superior, .i.e. the chosen of God.
I think that you are wrong about saying the 'white tribe' is dead; the only thing that holds this country together is that all other groups can band together and blame white people for their problems. When we are gone, like when Sadam left, 'the different groups will turn on each other'
I always appreciate your thoughts, Russ; however, "there you go again." It is not THE jews; it is some jews. I stress this fact because you maintain credibility when you say certain jews. Are you telling me that you are including Sammy Davis, Jr. and Jesus Christ himself in this lot?
As far as the jews in history, should the sins of the father be visited upon the son? That makes you sound like the Farakhanvicts blaming us for slavery and everything whites have done.
The "white tribe" starts and ends with the family. I feel no bond to white strangers. I feel as if you are embracing the collectivist view. That is like blacks still embracing the liberalism that destroyed them. I question the patriotism and intellect of all collectivists.
Miguel the illegal alien employed by the INS/ICE
PS MikeG=MikeR=Miguel=Mike
hey mikeg I take it that you didn't really check out this information.
Will it make you feel better if I say most Jews?
As a group most Jews vote democratic but at the same time they started the Neocons. The point is that if you control both sides of the debate you then end up controlling the debate.
As far as my comments on the 'white tribe' look how the debate on immigrants coming to this country has been framed. If you are white and want limits you are called racists, etc. If you are stupid enough to travel to Zimbabwe there is no doubting which group you will be pigeon holed into. Embellishing my point is to outline that in the future white people will be forced to think of themselves in collective sense just to survive in this country and Europe. You notice that in California Hispanics are now the majority and yet Affirmative action programs are still in place that helps them. Why aren’t the Affirmative programs now helping white males in California? Go tell the Indian tribes that they are each individuals.
Do not belittle my point, Russ. I am correct. When you say "the jews," you lower yourself to the level of the Farakhan-victs and mere George the racist. I would also avoid "most jews" because it is so similar. "Certain jews" would be best, in my opinion.
That essay was quite interesting. The Mexican consulate in Kansas City, MO 1600 Baltimore is next door to Jewish Vocational Service 1608 Baltimore.
Affirmative action in California is like affirmative action in the NBA.
I will definately agree that part of the definition in modern lexicon of a racist is a conservative white male but that comes from the black socialist racists.
So, some jews have influence in this country. I welcome that. We have more illegals than jews in America.
So, it all comes back to the "jewish question?"
Well Miguel riddle me this: what group promotes more immigration to this country and fights for the rights of people that are here illegally?
What is the precentage of Jews in the ACLU? How many Jews are fighting in IRAQ in our military?
We are about to get hammered because of our support for Israel vis-à-vis Iran. I think you should clean off your Star of David pin: it is getting a bit tarnished.
Russ, I am not a jew. So, you can go fuck yourself about the star of david comment.
You know Mike I think your reply to my comment about you shows a latent hostility towards Jews.
Maybe you are the hater.
You know, Russ, your blind hatred of all things kosher transforms you from the intellectual you should be to the clown you appear to be.
Mike spying on Russ and his Hamasistanians
Well Mike, I don't have a blind hatred or even a sighted hatred of kosher elements. Fact is that I might be a clown but in reality you have not done well in refuting what I have stated on this site. I will tell you what...I won't call you any don't call me any names. If you wish to comment on what I might post on here please do so.
That is fair, Russ.
When the black stripper points at you and says, "rape," I'll view you as innocent until proven guilty.
Mike at Duke U
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