Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grave Is Oldest DNA Evidence of Family

A grave with the remains of a mother and father huddled together with two sons has been dated to 4,600 years ago and marks the oldest genetic evidence for a nuclear family, researchers say.


Anonymous said...

At leathst Marcuth doethsn't blog with her lithsp. Hi honey.

Barney Frank

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Mike to take a hammer to his own head to get his "creative comment" juices flowing (garbage in, garbage out). I wouldn't expect him to find any insight into a story about family, him being hatched from a reptilian egg and left to fend for his own since he was born. A sad lonely birth into a sad lonely life to end with a sad lonely death. It's like I feel pity for him but, not.
Beautiful find, Michael T (the similarities to your own family just coincidence?).
