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If you are anywhere near Kansas City, check out the Justice Files on 90.1 FM Tuesdays from 2 am to 5 am. We'll be talking about this and more. Join the Justice League!! Send stories to: Stream the show station link on the side.
It is good thing Jews have no power in US:
"Hot Shots: Part Deux" was a masterpiece.
whats is this?
If you dislike someone because of their ethnicity...
You just might be a Nazi.
If you believe that mass executions are for the greater good...
You just might be a Nazi.
If you tend to view life as teams in a sporting event...
You just might be a Nazi.
If you are a socialist, you ARE a Nazi...and an idiot.
I heart Jews!
Neat video. Since the gov hid the info from the flight recorders and the footage that does exist from the pentagon strike, and they benefited from it whereas the supposed terrorist groups and arab countries did not, and the gov and pres just sat there and let it all go on, it will be hard to convince me personally, of other than an inside job.
If you were the pres wouldn't you be right on top of that when the second plane hit, instead of just sitting there listening to a storybook being read.
"My Pet Goat" > CNN
But I believe that Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They control both members of the House, the House and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest.,2933,549164,00.html
'Fahrenheit 9/11' - My Pet Goat
bruce are going to do a chat tonght?
Paragon Radio Chat Here
Hey Bill
I heard your phone call on bens show.
Do not listen to them. They said there was molten steel in the bottoms after collapse. Correct? yes they did.
Now i have thermal imaging breakdown of said hot spots by wich no spot was hot enough to melt steel. Other metals like aluminum and lead, im sure there was molten pools in certian areas and copper wiring(maybe),but not solid copper.
Low level oxygen melting is called 'smelting' best descibed by blacksmiths tools of metalization of the older ages. Smelting is used extracting ore and was also used in forging steel. Least we forget that steel uses alloys for strength and reducing metal fatigue.
Qk metallurgy 101.
Copper = 1357.77 K, 1084.62 °C, 1984.32 °F
Lead= 600.61 K (327.46 °C, 621.43 °F)
Aluminum= 660.37 °C (933.52 K, 1220.666 °F)
Steel= 1,370 °C (2,500 °F).
note: Some modern day steel melting points, due to alloys, are tougher and could take up to 1510ºC (2750ºF)to melt. Estimated guess thats about +1800 Kelvin.
Bill you examine the ranges of hot spots and their temperatures and you tell me that Ben and his guests were accurate in telling you that molten steel was under the WTC collpases.Not one temperature reached over 1020 kelvin or approx 1400 F. Melting steel takes place at 2500 F.
Do you see a problem here Bill?
Science once again dismisses any claims these 9-11 boofers make.
Please direct your questions to me and i will glady post the info for your examination and determination.
"Fire Can't Melt Steel
Watching the National Geographic special now. They rigged up a steel beam across a pit filled with jet fuel. It reached over 2000 degrees and collapsed in just 3 minutes and 50 seconds."
This is how to make a clickable link here:
"Link text"
My bad, guess that didn't work.
Here ya go.
I still think it was an inside job though.
Yes anony, screwloosechange has an excellent search tab to search out questions you may have.I am a posting member there.
In fact Bill could search for answers there if he feels uncomfortable asking me.
BTW 9-11 was not an inside job. I have stated i believe a few elements withing the gov, like a spy(dbl agent perhaps) had something to do with it. I posted one guy who im sure was involved, but im not 100%.
Ill have to search this forum for it.
- "I have stated i believe a few elements withing the gov, like a spy(dbl agent perhaps) had something to do with it."
That, I could believe.
LIHOP ("let it happen on purpose") - suggests that key individuals within the government had at least some foreknowledge of the attacks and deliberately ignored them or actively weakened America's defenses to ensure the hijacked flights were not intercepted.
MIHOP ("made it happen on purpose") - that key individuals within the government planned the attacks and collaborated with or framed, al-Qaeda in carrying them out. There is a range of opinions about how this might have been achieved.
BTW I'm somewhere in between.
I'm sorry for being a dick to you before.
Justice Files Live Chat
Hey Bigdog thanks for the info. I have been reading alot of these links posted debunking 9-11 myths. Honestly I was just asking Ben questions to see where he stands. Like I said on Micheal T's show, learning about 9-11 from 9-11 truthers is a bit difficult as the goal post change. Loose Change has proven to be nothing but inaccurate garbage.
I seek the truth, whatever that may be in regards to 9-11. I'm a 9-11 TRUTHER.
I agree with Bill, some just want their "team" to "win"
Is there another really good debunking site that anyone knows of? Especially one that might answer some of my questions.
Thanks, Bruce
Means, Motive, and Opportunity
I got some facts for ya.
Total Deaths On 9-11:
People are being tortured and killed.
The Human Cost of Occupation -
Casualties in Afganistan:
Casualties in Iraq:
Statistics have been hard for me to find regarding foreign casualties.
Other info:
Abu Ghraib Torture -
Guantanamo Bay Torture -
This is the most recent American that died. A man who had a family, friends, a future, a life. Fallen. Dead. Done.
Sgt. Tyler A. Juden
Hometown: Winfield, Kansas, U.S.
Age: 23 years old
Died: September 12, 2009 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Army, 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Incident: Died in Turan, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit using rocket-propelled grenade and small arms fires.
Wherever you stand on who done it, one fact still remains true: 9-11 started this shit!
It's not a football game.
Mr. Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, Our Country Is Under Attack
He Just Fucking Sat there!!!
Reading My Pet 'Fucking' Goat!!!
"Remember one thing about democracy. We can have anything we want and at the same time, we always end up with exactly what we deserve." - Edward Albee
"The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything." - Edward John Phelps
"I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday." - Abraham Lincoln
A man who asks is a fool for five minutes. A man who never asks is a fool for life. - Chinese Proverb
"The real art of conversation is not only saying the right thing at the right moment but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the most tempting moment." - unknown
I was tryin, I promise I was.
"I have stated i believe a few elements withing the gov, like a spy(dbl agent perhaps) had something to do with it." = INSIDE JOB
Inside Job Defined
9-11 WAS an inside job!
Forgive the sun who didn't shine
The sky had asked her in to dine
Forgive the stars that heard your wish
The moon prepared their favorite dish
Forgive the rain for its attack
The clouds have tears they can't hold back
Don't hate the birds 'cause they are free
Don't envy all the things they see
Don't block the wind, but hear its cry
Or else that wind may pass you by
Forgive the storm it means no harm
Could not resist to show its charm
Forgive the earth that never turns
Don't hate the sun, because too much burns
Life intends to not cause pain
The flowers bloom from all the rain
The storm will come and it will pass
The sun that shines, it grows the grass
The wind it cannot help but cry
The stars at night light up the sky
Forgive the world in which we live
We'll all find peace if we forgive.
~ Danielle Rosenblatt ~
When Verichip micro-chipped the Alzheimer patients I remained silent I was not an Alzheimer patient
When Verichip micro-chipped the Diabetic and AIDS patients I remained silent; I was not an AIDS patient nor a Diabetic
When Verichip micro-chipped the Military I did not speak out; I was not in the Military
When Verichip came for the activists I remained silent; I was not an Activist
When they came to microchip me , there was no one left to speak out
A few thoughts for the "9-11 boofers" and other seekers of truth:
There was promulgation of false propaganda by the administration about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There was promulgation of false propaganda about Iraq as a base for Al Qaeda. - Jimmy Carter
Alex Jones, David Icke, Ben, and many, many, many, others are putting themselves out there because sometimes they see things that we don't.
If their shit is inaccurate can you debunk that shit without talkin so much shit?
They do what they do not only for themselves and their families, but for You, me and everyone else.
Is it really so much to ask that these "loons", "whackjobs", "nutcases", and "9-11 boofers", get at least the same respect that you would give to a stranger walking down the street?
Go ahead, call me a hypocrite, a liar, crazy... I've heard it all before, and you'd probably be right.
And -
It's not about me or you, there's a much bigger picture going on here.
Enjoy Camp FEMA, Haters. I'm out.
If their shit is inaccurate can you debunk that shit without talkin so much shit?
HAHAHAHA!!! i just did using real science.
Wait a minute. This is America, land of the free, right?
Not so fast... The U.S. government will track U.S. citizens everywhere to get tax money. If you leave to work in another country, you still pay U.S. income taxes. America and North Korea are the only countries that tax you on your worldwide income.
If it gets bad enough, you can just give up your citizenship, right? Nope, you can't do that either. At least, you can't do it without paying a potentially massive "exit tax."
The exit tax acts like an estate tax. If you want to give up your citizenship, you have to give up nearly half your wealth above a certain level. The Economist magazine calls it "America's Berlin Wall." Nice, eh?
Originally Posted by 25 points of the NSDAP Program
The Programme of the German Workers' Party is designed to be of limited duration. The leaders have no intention, once the aims announced in it have been achieved, of establishing fresh ones, merely in order to increase, artificially, the discontent of the masses and so ensure the continued existence of the Party.
1. We demand the union of all Germany in a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of national self-determination.
2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with other nations, and the revocation of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain.
3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.
4. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the State. Only those of German blood, whatever be their creed, may be members of the nation. Accordingly, no Jew may be a member of the nation.
5. Non-citizens may live in Germany only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens.
6. The right to vote on the State's government and legislation shall be enjoyed by the citizens of the State alone. We demand therefore that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the states or in the smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.
We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations, and without reference to character or abilities.
7. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich.
8. All non-German immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who entered Germany after 2 August 1914 shall be required to leave the Reich forthwith.
9. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.
10. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and be for the general good.
We demand therefore:
11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.
The breaking of the slavery of interest
12. In view of the enormous sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
13. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts).
14. We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.
15. We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.
16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municiple orders.
17. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land. *
18. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race.
19. We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law.
20. The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education (with the aim of opening up to every able and hard-working German the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement). The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State.
21. The State must ensure that the nation's health standards are raised by protecting mothers and infants, by prohibiting child labor, by promoting physical strength through legislation providing for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and by the extensive support of clubs engaged in the physical training of youth.
22. We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a people's army.
23. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. To facilitate the creation of a German national press we demand:
(a) that all editors of, and contributors to newspapers appearing in the German language must be members of the nation;
(b) that no non-German newspapers may appear without the express permission of the State. They must not be printed in the German language;
(c) that non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from participating financially in or influencing German newspapers, and that the penalty for contravening such a law shall be the suppression of any such newspaper, and the immediate deportation of the non-Germans involved.
The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden. We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand.
24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence not offend the moral feelings of the German race.
The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest.
25. To put the whole of this programme into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich; the unconditional authority of the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and its organizations; and the formation of Corporations based on estate and occupation for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the Reich in the various German states.
The leaders of the Party promise to work ruthlessly -- if need be to sacrifice their very lives -- to translate this programme into action.
If they can build this "little" robot...
Hitler's NSDAP thing that Anonymous posted got me thinking. About how important tolerance is but also how too much unity can definitely be a bad thing.
Oh BTW the guys at SCREWLOOSECHANGE has excepted Charlie Sheens challenge.
Guess what?
Yepp thats right. Charlie hasnt gotten back to them as of yet. Hear that? (crickets)
I swear these nutjobs are cowards.
"Except" has a nearly opposite meaning than "accept".
Here's the problem I have here.
screwloosechange, infowars, popular mechanics, ae911truth
all of these guys can investigate 9/11 all they want, but I believe there is the large list of questions to be asked via subpoena power to those in the government who have the power to answer.
This is about much more than who is right, this is about the holes in the official story being patched up in the official government account and any wrongdoing being brought to justice.
This is also about color of law, all of a sudden murder is not murder when it is a war crime? I want to see the criminal charges against Osama Bin Laden or whoever is responsible for issuing the orders to pull off 9/11.
This is about our government being accountable to us. Inside job or Al Quaida job. This endless war in Afghanistan does nothing for justice on behalf of the American People.
It's time for a REAL government sanctioned investigation with subpoena power.
Relentless pursuit of justice for the fallen.
Hold onto your wallet:
$99 a month courses
The teaching Company
Coward: Lacking in courage, unacceptably fearful, usually meant with some implication of a lack of consideration for others.
Courage: The quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily but without being incautious or inconsiderate.
"Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it." -Mark Twain
BIGDOG, I think that You and many other 9-11 Truthers are quite courageous.
It takes much courage for Charlie Sheen and other "nutjobs" to speak out about what believe, especially considering what they do believe.
I appreciate you going around debunking and I thank you for it. I would love to see the myths and bullshit out of the way.
I seek answers, not theories and misinformation. However, name calling doesn't help anyone's case but rather hinders things all around.
I too get pissed off sometimes but I stopped hating people a long time ago. I don't know what kind of game you are playing but just so you know, I don't play games when it comes to people being tortured and killed.
I'm as straight-up as I know how to be. I do take offense when you call people who stand up for what they believe is right, "cowards." This is obviously a lie.
If you wish to call someone names, I'm right here listening. I do have respect for you so it may actually hurt my feelings. If that's what you are trying to do, hurt people's feelings, then go ahead. I've done some really shitty things in my lifetime, I probably deserve it. And in case you haven't noticed, what other people think of me is not high on my list of shit that I worry about.
And I actually am crazy: Getting better though
The words assume and prepare have two different meanings. When we assume the worst, we also affirm our fears.
Let's hope this doesn't become common...if so it is on...
There once was a boy who was lost in a cold, dark cave. The unwise boy had little knowledge, and a poor sense of direction. The boy, through the caring of others, received wisdom, knowledge, and guidance and eventually found his way out.
Later on, as that boy was growing into a man, he came upon another boy who was lost in a vast, dark forest. Remembering his experience in the cave, he cried out to the other boy, describing the way out. The boy in the forest then found a path leading out.
The boy that was in the forest, as he was growing into a man, came across another boy who was lost in a deep, dark jungle. Remembering his experience in the forest, he cried out to the other boy, describing the way out. The boy in the jungle could not understand him because of the many noises that tend to abound in jungles. So the young man ventured into that jungle and offered to show the boy the way out.
The man who was once lost in the jungle, remembering his experience, decided to study and become a guide.
I know an old lady that swallowed a fly.
Also, I'm pretty sure that freerepublic is a computer virus. I went to the site and started puking uncontrollably.
sounds like YOU swallowed a fly
Ron Paul on CSPAN2
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) discusses his new book, "End the Fed." In the book, Dr. Paul looks at the history of the Federal Reserve and argues that the institution should be held accountable for the economic crisis Americans are experiencing today.
Sunday, September 20th at 7pm (ET)
Monday, September 21st at 4am (ET)
A blind man walks into a store with his seeing eye dog. All of a sudden, he picks up the leash and begins swinging the dog over his head. The manager runs up to the man and asks, "What are you doing?!!" The blind man replies, "Just looking around."
Todd Agnew - Our Great God
The cowardess part doesnt come from them standing up for their belief. No matter how much science debunks them. It occurs when they do not accept a challenge that are contrary to their belief. Even when they put themselves out there challenging others to adapt their cause. There is a difference and in lays that difference.
So please try spinning it again?
A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?"
Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your Mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the people. The nanny, we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense,"
So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what dad had said.
Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper. So the little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now."
The father says, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about."
The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep poo."
YOU SAID: "The cowardess part doesnt come from them standing up for their belief. No matter how much science debunks them. It occurs when they do not accept a challenge that are contrary to their belief. Even when they put themselves out there challenging others to adapt their cause. There is a difference and in lays that difference." "So please try spinning it again?"
- Are you actually being serious?
SPIN? An inside job is an inside job. It is what it is. You can type "define:inside job" into google and find out for yourself what an inside job is, and see for yourself that what you described when you said "I have stated i believe a few elements withing the gov, like a spy(dbl agent perhaps) had something to do with it." IS EXACTLY what an inside job is. In a way, that's also what I believe but I personally think that it was more than just a spy or two but certainly not the whole gov or anything.
Charlie Sheen's challenge was to the new President, not to some bloggers. I haven't heard Mr. Sheen talk about molten metal or illuminati, I hear him talk about unanswered questions.
I truly believe that 9-11 was an inside job. I haven't changed my stand, but I'm more than willing to do so if I'm proven wrong. Unfortunately, Charlie Sheen, myself, and many others can't be proven wrong about our positions on this issue because the gov guys won't answer important questions.
I seek the truth about 9-11 and it seems to me that so do you. I won't support conspiracy theories that are dis-proven by science either.
Look, Man, I see your prejudice against "truthers" and as much as you want to believe that every single "9-11 truther" denies scientific evidence, it's simply not true.
In a way, I do see your point though. Perhaps some people like Alex Jones have been fighting this fight for so long that they have become extremely polarized. I don't believe that they make-up the majority of "truthers."
Who doesn't accept these challenges that you speak of?
Why does this seem eerily similar to having a conversation about racial stereo-types?
It's really hard for me to just sit back and listen to you accuse so many brave individuals of being cowards. I believe that You are unintentionally spreading lies.
How bout we talk about who killed the electric car because I haven't watched the whole movie yet and I haven't done much research on the subject but I have my suspicions. Who do you think done it?
Our nation’s innocence is lost,
Stolen by acts of hate.
Helpless people paid the cost,
For them it is too late.
Daughters, sons, husbands, wives,
Sisters, friends and brothers.
All of them have lost their lives,
To senseless acts of others.
New York’s city has been defaced.
Bodies lay in rubble.
They can never be replaced.
But war won’t end our trouble.
Angers only escalate,
As we point out the guilt.
Violence will perpetuate.
While we dig through the silt.
Cries of anger, cries for war,
Echo in the air.
As if our bombs and missiles soar,
It will make it fair.
People claim eye for an eye
Our nation wants to fight.
If their innocent people die,
Then will that make US right?
Punishment surely must take place.
These murderers must pay.
But they are groups and not a race.
Keep liberty in mind, each day.
We are people of goodwill,
Of truth and love and light.
Please give thought before you kill,
Take heed before you fight.
We ask, what do we tell our children?
How do we give them ease?
Reactions set examples for them,
Should we not teach them peace?
Copyright © 2001 Tammy Kane
I think that throughout life, we all get lost in caves, forests, and jungles. I think that finding our way out is a constant, never-ending, process of learning. It is for me anyway. I think that if we didn't help each other out and listen to each other, we would just stay in the same caves, forests, and jungles, rarely finding new ones to explore.
chat at from 12am to 5am
Since 9-11 was informally deemed an inside job(works for you) and we agree elements within(dbl agent....etc; works for me). Then please tell me who they are and why 9-11 boofers like to say 'the governement did it'=inside job. This has been their battle cry all along, Sheen inclusive.
By your definition the thousands that lost their lives and the government themselves, were the victims of the 9-11 sabateurs?
Brucy says: "Who doesn't accept these challenges that you speak of?"
Well not that you may find this interesting Brudogg. This is another example of a boofer being confronted and will not settle on debating or discussing the new charlie sheen video. The guy filming this has addressed Sheens video point by point. However Mr. activist doesnt want to be anymore active than spreading falsehoods amongst the gullible.
Youtube title September 11th street action! truther gets confronted.
Just go to and scroll down to the title. There is some more sidebar videos to view if you need more to confirm what i say is true about these boofers. Brand new clip just in time for brudogg....go figure.
I also know richard gage has also denied debating a real engineer and a professor from MIT.
The internet is repleat with info on these idiots refusing to have a discussion point by point. Oh and when rebutted did i mention their narrative changes. EIGHT years brudogg and they keep trying out new narratives and switching them when debunked.
Oh and brudogg. If those challenged by Sheen in his video dont care to debate him on Larry King live. The guys at screewloosechange have volunteered to fill in. Just thought i should be fair in describing Sheens challenge and his cowardesness.
Bigdog, I'm going to try to address every point you make here. I'm not against you by the way, I just dislike your attitude on this issue. I realize this is just my opinion but calling someone an idiot is pretty unlikely to change their mind about anything.
Bigdog: "Since 9-11 was informally deemed an inside job(works for you) and we agree elements within(dbl agent....etc; works for me)."
- Bruce: - I think that most of the "9-11 boofers" are saying pretty much the same thing that you are saying in that: elements within the gov are in some way responsible for it, either by making or letting it happen.
Bigdog: "Then please tell me who they are..."
- Bruce: I don't know who 'they' are. W just sat there so it's quite clear to me that either he had something to do with it or he's not really runnin' shit.
Bigdog: "...and why 9-11 boofers like to say 'the government did it'=inside job."
- Bruce: The government is not actually people, as the people that steer it change. It's a machine-like structure made up of laws and orders similar to programming. the military industrial complex is another example of a machine-like structure
Bigdog: "This has been their battle cry all along, Sheen inclusive."
- Bruce: A car doesn't care if it hits someone, even if it takes some damage itself in the process. It does what it does. People often get caught-up in the programming of machines. Like, I had a friend who used to work for pizza hut and for a long time he refused to eat papa johns even when it was free. He was loyal to a corporate machine that had no loyalty to him. Pizza hut gave him a paycheck, but only because of what he did for pizza hut, not because it actually cared about him.
Bigdog: "By your definition the thousands that lost their lives and the government themselves, were the victims of the 9-11 sabateurs Agreed?"
- Bruce: Agreed, yes.
Bigdog: "Well not that you may find this interesting Brudogg. This is another example of a boofer being confronted and will not settle on debating or discussing the new charlie sheen video. The guy filming this has addressed Sheens video point by point..."
"Youtube title September 11th street action! truther gets confronted."
- Bruce: I watched part 1 of this video. 10min54sec I saw an angry guy calling names, constantly interrupting, refusing to listen to the "boofers" responses, admitting that 9-11 had something to do with why the iraq war is going on and then denying it, and admitting that W had a 19percent approval rating (which would mean that 81 percent disapproved of him) but not even wondering why the dude is still in office. Instead of having a discussion, this guy seems to just want to talk shit. Meanwhile, the "boofers" seemed to be pretty calm and even kinda patient with him.
>continued below...
Bigdog: "However Mr. activist doesnt want to be anymore active than spreading falsehoods amongst the gullible."
- Bruce: I think that you may have activists confused with the people who seem to push the illuminatti and new-age-man-is-his-own-god bullshit. I won't deny that extremists are out there: A Cult Test But the majority of "9-11 boofers" simply do not qualify.
"Just go to and scroll down to the title. There is some more sidebar videos to view if you need more to confirm what i say is true about these boofers. Brand new clip just in time for brudogg....go figure."
- I couldn't find that video at and is just ads. What I've found at the screwloosechange blog is a little bit of good information and a lot of hating on and making fun of the most extreme people they could find.
Bigdog:"I also know richard gage has also denied debating a real engineer and a professor from MIT."
- Bruce: If that's the case, then I think that Mr. Gage should reconsider if he is actually interested in finding out the truth.
Bigdog: "The internet is repleat with info on these idiots refusing to have a discussion point by point. Oh and when rebutted did i mention their narrative changes. EIGHT years brudogg and they keep trying out new narratives and switching them when debunked."
- Bruce: That sounds like Progress to me. The only narrative(i had to google that word because I was unsure what it meant)that I see Mr. Sheen putting out is that a real investigation was not done and key people refuse to answer questions. I agree with him there. If a jewelery store was robbed and the security guard claimed to have fallen asleep at his post while guarding that jewelry store, does it really make sense to put him in charge of the investigation?
Bigdog: "Oh and brudogg. If those challenged by Sheen in his video dont care to debate him on Larry King live. The guys at screewloosechange have volunteered to fill in. Just thought i should be fair in describing Sheens challenge and his cowardesness."
- Bruce: So let me get this straight, A coward wants questions answered from high-up gov officials, and the screwloosechange guys want to call people names and pretend that they know the answers to questions that only high-up gov officials could know the answers to?
As I have said, this issue is not a game to me but if it was, I would not want to go up against you. You've got a lot of determination in you, and I really do admire that. I think that this is something way too important to resolve with politics as usual. I'm not the enemy that you seem to be looking for.
May GOD bless You.
Yours truly in peace and love,
How do you know Noah was a White man?
No nI***ger could stay on a boat for 40 days without eating the chickens
That joke was in poor taste, dude.
How bout this one -
When white man found this land, Indians were running it.There were:- No Taxes- No Debt- Plenty buffalo- Plenty beaver- Medicine man free- Women did all the work- Men hunted and fished all the time The white man was dumb enough to think he could improve on that system!
Please Click Here For Justice Files Live Chat
Oh boy.
The guy in that video made a movie called Activist declaring himself an activist. Yes the very guy that was being followed and harrassed.
Understand this brudogg. These guys follow around senators, news anchors....etc; harrassing them and when the script is flipped they dont like it. When these people dont like what they are hearing, or not hearing, the break away to a private moment on camera with their cronies for a finishing touch of. "See how he wouldnt anwser my questions he must be in on the cover-up and that media guy is a government shill....etc. COWARD!!! you have ZERO evidence but you have NO problems demeaning others.
I dont think you watched the Sheen video. His challange was made to radio hosts like Limbaugh and Hannity and one called President to further an investigation. Maybe Sheen should pay for it instead of US taxpayers. In fact it would be cheaper if he hired his own staff and colloborated with others at MIT. BUT NO!!!! its all about vanity IMHO.
These guys at screwloosechange and myself are more informed on this than anyone of those hosts and the president inclusive. Oh and yes you also brudogg, no offense sir...:)
What exactly would the top officials know that we dont already know through the NIST report and the hundreds of alternate investigations by other groups like:
The insurance group that insured the WTC complex found NO!...ZERO! reason not to payout through their investigations. They are schwobbling over the amount.....well DUH!!! However, no insurance fraud was found, yet the taughted conspiracy of the Silverstein quote "pull it" came into play but the evidences show different. Wich was later explained and coloborated by the fire chief whom he was talking to. The pull it in question was the team of fire fighter at WTC7. How about the triage under Ingra Siangh that was asked to move further away from #7 BECAUSE IT WAS CREEKING AND GROANING AND ON FIRE. Fire chief knew it was about to collapse. Yes Ingra coloborated what the chief was saying hours before collpase and that timeline is well within the Silverstien conversation with the chief.
Are you starting to get the picture that these boofers are not telling you everything to make a determination on your own? Cowards and Idiots are deserved terms for misleading and lieing to the gullible.
How about different schools, repleat with scientific method of study and the creation of computer models of said event. MIT debunking many concerns from these boofers. Also to consider, the recent clip from Natgeo and Purdue university. Viewed by a caller named Bill who said he doesnt believe the building were demolished especially after viewing the Natgeo documentary.
How about professional demolition teams explaining how they know there was NO demolition of these said buildings and how the term pull it means the use of cables and heavy machinery to pull building walls over. These same teams that were involved in the cleanup found ZERO evidence of any type of detonation materials, nor of thermite wich leaves a distinct residue.
Siesmigraph readings show NO explosion of the magnitude needed to bring down these buildings happened on that day.
Real science showing that hot spots were not hot enough top melt steel taughted by all conspiracy theorists and i know you have heard Ben say it over and over again. How come he hasnt found this information. Cause the REAL BIAS is his and this info would correct his lies and that doesnt look good on his part (ooops the vanity thing again).
Brudogg. I know you are not as informed and i do consider myself to be well informed on this issue and not mention my profession as a structual steel welder and metal erector. Yes i have used thermite to weld railroad tracks. Get this it only took a spark to ignite that "rust"(thermite). I wonder brudogg since the collapse literally began just below the hole the planes left, how is it these fires never ignited the thermite or the demo charges?
Noting that these boofers originally said explosion brought it down since that was debunked, it went to thermite, then to nano-thermite, now to it was painted on thermite with shape charges....Hmmmmm yet no flame from the planes explosions ignited anything as flammable as thermite.
Now onto the elements within. Its very possible and we can agree on that. I can live with that.
Oh man the newest example for the brudogg to see. These boofers love to harrass people and call them traitors siting acts of treason. Please view this and you will see one example of the many.
Oh and another thing the 9-11 commision report has no bearing on what happened to #7 nor the dancing jews. Its was more about determining what failed that day and how to prevent another attack. Thier mandate was more about prevention and less into the structual part that came in the NIST report. These boofers are to ignorant and hatefull to understand the difference. The nano thermite report is not peered reviewed nor does it show anything conclusive, just speculation and unfalsifiable BS.
WeAreChangeLA confronts 911 criminal Richard Ben-Veniste
Paste that title at youtube my linky didnt work right.
Talk about the kettle being black.
I do have common sense and apparently so do you and so I think that's why we can agree that 9-11 was an inside job.
If you want to find out the truth about an issue, just look for the extremes and the truth is almost always somewhere in-between.
What are these human beings who have questions supposed to do when answers are being withheld? They tend to come up with their own theories and when debunked, move on to another theory.
The gov guys sure ain't talkin, except when they're talkin shit on people who question them.
"People who want to control you will try to make you feel stupid, inferior, flawed, and mentally incompetent for disagreeing with them."
I think that Rush Limbaugh would say whatever he thought was needed to help his "team" to "win" You might find this useful Bigdog if you are still playing teams. Frank Luntz Republican Playbook -- Searchable Text-Version
and Sean Hannity is in the same boat, thinks his shit don't stink, and wants to throw homeless people in jails.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson
That We Are Change LA video was awesome, thanks.
I think they handled themselves much better than this guy did:
The linky:) Youtube title September 11th street action! truther gets confronted part 1
(just so you know, that's gonna be my new word for a minute, I like that a lot. 'Linky')
BIGDOG: "These guys follow around senators, news anchors....etc; harassing them and when the script is flipped they dont like it."
- Brudogg: I guess nobody really likes to be harassed. Gov guys however, are supposed to be accountable to we the people but they sure aren't acting like it when it comes to 9-11.
BIGDOG: "I dont think you watched the Sheen video. His challange was made to radio hosts like Limbaugh and Hannity and one called President to further an investigation."
- Brudogg: We must not be talking about the same Sheen video. I was referring to the one currently at the top of MTJ's blog, the same video that we are having this discussion in the comments section of. The one titled 'Charlie Sheen's Video Message TO President Obama'
I watched it yet again and I heard him say 'Mr.Pres' a billionty times and I heard the words 'radio hosts' 'hannity' 'limbaugh' zero times.
BIGDOG: "These guys at screwloosechange and myself are more informed on this than anyone of those hosts and the president inclusive. Oh and yes you also brudogg, no offense sir...:)"
- Brudogg: I do understand that You, the loose change guys and the screwloosechange guys are more informed on conspiracy theories. I don't get as deep into that stuff as y'all do, no offense sir...:)
BIGDOG: "When these people dont like what they are hearing, or not hearing, the break away to a private moment on camera with their cronies for a finishing touch of. 'See how he wouldnt anwser my questions he must be in on the cover-up and that media guy is a government shill....etc. COWARD!!! you have ZERO evidence but you have NO problems demeaning others.'
- Brudogg: Dude...
BIGDOG: "The insurance group that insured the WTC complex found NO!...ZERO! reason not to payout through their investigations."
- Brudogg: The evidence was gone - - what was left for them to investigate?
BIGDOG: "They are schwobbling over the amount.....well DUH!!! However, no insurance fraud was found, yet the taughted conspiracy of the Silverstein quote "pull it" came into play but the evidences show different."
- Brudogg: Mr.Silverstein benefited greatly and therefore would be a logical suspect. - 'Cui bono ("To whose benefit?", literally "as a benefit to whom?", a double dative construction) is a Latin adage that is used either to suggest a hidden motive or to indicate that the party responsible for something may not be who it appears at first to be. Commonly the phrase is used to suggest that the person or people guilty of committing a crime may be found among those who have something to gain, chiefly with an eye toward financial gain. The party that benefits may not always be obvious or may have successfully diverted attention to a scapegoat, for example.'
BIGDOG: "Wich was later explained and coloborated by the fire chief whom he was talking to. The pull it in question was the team of fire fighter at WTC7."
- Brudogg: Why is building 7 not mentioned anywhere in THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT?
BIGDOG: "How about the triage under Ingra Siangh that was asked to move further away from #7 BECAUSE IT WAS CREEKING AND GROANING AND ON FIRE. Fire chief knew it was about to collapse. Yes Ingra coloborated what the chief was saying hours before collpase and that timeline is well within the Silverstien conversation with the chief."
- Brudogg: Okay, sounds good to me.
BIGDOG: "Are you starting to get the picture that these boofers are not telling you everything to make a determination on your own?"
- Brudogg: I do get the picture that the gov people and The 9-11 Commission people are not telling us enough to to make an accurate determination on our own. I think that us "boofers" are putting out what we believe to be true.
BIGDOG: "Cowards and Idiots are deserved terms for misleading and lieing to the gullible."
- Brudogg: I guess those terms could be used to describe someone who misleads and lies to the gullible. People like, W, maybe.
BIGDOG: "How about different schools, repleat with scientific method of study and the creation of computer models of said event. MIT debunking many concerns from these boofers. Also to consider, the recent clip from Natgeo and Purdue university. Viewed by a caller named Bill who said he doesnt believe the building were demolished especially after viewing the Natgeo documentary.
How about professional demolition teams explaining how they know there was NO demolition of these said buildings and how the term pull it means the use of cables and heavy machinery to pull building walls over. These same teams that were involved in the cleanup found ZERO evidence of any type of detonation materials, nor of thermite wich leaves a distinct residue.
Siesmigraph readings show NO explosion of the magnitude needed to bring down these buildings happened on that day.
Real science showing that hot spots were not hot enough top melt steel taughted by all conspiracy theorists and i know you have heard Ben say it over and over again. How come he hasnt found this information. Cause the REAL BIAS is his and this info would correct his lies and that doesnt look good on his part (ooops the vanity thing again)."
I know you are not as informed and i do consider myself to be well informed on this issue and not mention my profession as a structual steel welder and metal erector. Yes i have used thermite to weld railroad tracks. Get this it only took a spark to ignite that "rust"(thermite). I wonder brudogg since the collapse literally began just below the hole the planes left, how is it these fires never ignited the thermite or the demo charges?
Noting that these boofers originally said explosion brought it down since that was debunked, it went to thermite, then to nano-thermite, now to it was painted on thermite with shape charges....Hmmmmm yet no flame from the planes explosions ignited anything as flammable as thermite.
- Brudogg: I'm not saying I agree here, but I won't disagree with you on ANY part of these particular statements. I don't know if the buildings were demolished or not but it sure looks that way to me. As long as questions remain unanswered by 'officials', theories will abound. I don't really get into the architectural and engineering stuff, though. I'm not an architect, or engineer. However if I did, I would be more inclined to listen to 882 architectural and engineering professionals, than some angry bloggers who like to make fun of people who may or may not have mental problems. There are people who think that aliens did it and/or that the planes were actually holograms but I'm not a ufologist or a holographist either.
BIGDOG: "Now onto the elements within. Its very possible and we can agree on that. I can live with that."
- Brudogg: I'm glad that we can agree, but I can't live with that. It bothers the shit out of me. It really doesn't bother you? Perhaps it should. Instead of focusing on who's responsible, you'd rather focus on who isn't responsible?
BIGDOG: "Oh and another thing the 9-11 commision report has no bearing on what happened to #7 nor the dancing jews. Its was more about determining what failed that day and how to prevent another attack. Thier mandate was more about prevention..."
- Brudogg: So you're saying that a real investigation wasn't done. I agree.
BIGDOG: "...and less into the structual part that came in the NIST report."
- Brudogg: And that 7 years after the fact, a structural report was made. I agree.
I think that demolition investigation is progress but it's still not a full investigation. They claimed to know who done it by the end of the day. They seemed to have the Patriot and the Homoland Security Acts all ready to go before the attacks even happened.
BIGDOG: "These boofers are to ignorant and hatefull to understand the difference."
- Brudogg: I agree that a lot of people have strong feelings about 9-11 and that these feelings tend to cloud their judgment. However, I think that strong feelings about this matter are quite appropriate but often misdirected.
BIGDOG: "The nano thermite report is not peered reviewed nor does it show anything conclusive, just speculation and unfalsifiable BS."
- Brudogg: If this is the case, then I believe it should be throughly examined by professionals in that field.
I know that this shit can seem scary sometimes but I also know that it will all work out somehow. There are some good people in government and more are getting in all the time. I think that things will get better. I just try to do what i think is right even though i screw that up sometimes. I can't just do nothin.
Thanks for the linky, Marcus. I like this video:
"Don't Worry Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin
I love me some Al Green:
"Everything's Gonna Be Alright" by Al Green
I gonna try and get some sleep:
"Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins
If anyone wants to take a more active role in doing whatever it is that You believe is right, this site could be a great place to start:
(Apparently these guy don't actually 'support corruption' but I sure did feel stupid for a minute.) :)
Please Clicky Here
Okay Bigdog, I did some Sheen research. I quit listening to The Alex Jones Show years ago. Too much hate and bullshit for my taste. Still, he does sometimes put out some accurate info. Someone couldn't do what he does and not run into a real-deal conspiracy eventually.
- Sheen wants to debate MAINSTREAM MEDIA video
The View discusses 9-11 (sound is very low)
Wow, talk about gullible. These chicks seem to think it absurd to even imagine that a gov would attack it's own people.
Operation Northwoods from the ABC News website
- not debunked
Operation Northwoods actual documents from the gov:
- verified (rebunked)
Bin Laden NOT wanted by FBI for 9-11
TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge
Clues Alerted White House to Potential Attacks
This is Your Brain:
emotions, instincts, input, throughput, output, cognitive thought processes, moderation, listen, observe, evaluate, understand
This is Your Brain on too much Mainstream Media:
"all sports should have two opposing teams" "republicans are always right" "democrats are always right" "tic-toc tic-toc" "that person is stupid and every single thing they say is wrong" "that person is smart and everything they say is right" "tic-toc tic-toc" "they're offensively killing people, that's bad" "we should offensively kill people, that's good"
This is Your Brain on too much Alex Jones:
"They're all out to get you" "get out of the false paradigm and get into the real paradigm" "tic-toc tic-toc" "the goverments hates you" "the government loves you" "tic-toc tic-toc" "they're christians" "they're devil worshippers" "tic-toc tic-toc" "they want to kill us" "they want to protect us" "tic-toc" "they're offensively killing people, that's bad" "we should offensively kill people, that's good"
Any Questions?
Two young guys appear in court after being arrested for smoking dope.
The judge says, "You seem like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a second chance instead of jail time. I want you to go out this weekend and try to convince others of the evils of drug use. I'll see you back in court Monday."
On Monday, the judge asks the first guy, "How did you do over the weekend?"
"Well, your honor, I persuaded 17 people to give up drugs forever."
"Seventeen people? That's wonderful. How did you do it? "
"I used a diagram, your honor. I drew two circles like this: O o. Then I told them that the big circle is your brain before drugs and the small circle is your brain after drugs."
"That's admirable," says the judge. Then he turns to the second guy. "And how did you do?"
"Well, your honor, I persuaded 156 people to give up drugs forever."
"Wow!" says the judge. "156 people! How did you manage to do that?"
"Well, I used a similar diagram," the guy says. "I drew two circles like this: o O. Then I pointed to the little circle and said, 'This is your asshole before prison....'"
"A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said, "I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one. The grandson asked him, Which wolf will win the fight in your heart? The grandfather answered, The one I feed."
- As told in 'Women Who Run With the Wolves' by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Brudogg: I'm glad that we can agree, but I can't live with that. It bothers the shit out of me. It really doesn't bother you? Perhaps it should. Instead of focusing on who's responsible, you'd rather focus on who isn't responsible?
Ummmm... i believe i was refering to us agreeing and me living with we sorry you misunderstood me.
Do i have any challenges with details on certian aspects of 9-11 like Able Danger and whatnot? Yes i do. Our secret service people dropped the ball and those who are informed know it. Those who wish to use it as a 'gotcha' claiming the government knew exactly what would happen and when, and/or perpetrated it, is a farce. Well im sorry Brudogg but you admitted the government was one of the victims in these attacks, by your definition of inside job and you agreeing with me on this shows how much BS these boofers are willing to expouse. In fact your level headiness on this matter is showing and most boofers dont have this of wich coincides with the below statement.
Brudogg: I do get the picture that the gov people and The 9-11 Commission people are not telling us enough to to make an accurate determination on our own. I think that us "boofers" are putting out what we believe to be true.
If you boofers are putting out there what you believe to be true. Then what exactly do you have to verify those beliefs?? Just say without accusations of treason, and without vitriol for the governments investigations and by other professionals and science. How is it you continuelly deny no investigations happened.
Just come right out and say i dont like the answers they are giving me and i havent a real verifiable reason why, its just i dont like the government. Atleast i could understand your dislike.
Imagine this. The same machine you want to investigate 9-11, is the same machine you dont trust to investigate....Nice web you weave sir. What webs we weave as we practice to deceive.
Interesting dichotomy you have pingeon-holed your mind to. In fact they did investigate and so did many other institutions and professionals. Your architect and engineers to name one group, some 800 of them over 8 years, have signed on and some have been proven to say i have not signed up for this remove my name and some have been proven not to be A&E's. In fact how come only 800 out of 800,000 in the world have signed on for this?(numbers given are to be my numbers without exageration but somewhere near) I could pull the exact numbers but you get the point. The point is the majority of A&E's do not agree with anything these boofer A&E's are putting out there.
Care to explain this??
The rest of your rebutals ties directly into the dichotomy your are presently in. I can see there is no explaination relevent that would help you. Just remember one thing about all this. You are defending people who have ZERO credibility amongst their peers and one professor lost his job at a University for his so called scientific paper that none of his peers would agree with and his University wouldnt back him up on it either....go
If i dont answer all your questions its because i dont consider them relevent until you can sanely explain the above comments concerning the quagmire you have put yourself in, just like your boofer cronies.
BIGDOG, First of all, just because you may or may not be smarter or more educated than myself, does not mean that you are always going to be right about an issue in which we disagree. Secondly, I'm not comin at you with controlled demolition theories. That's somebody else, not me.
Bigdogg: "Ummmm... i believe i was refering to us agreeing and me living with we sorry you misunderstood me."
- Brudogg: I know what You meant. Hence my statement 'I'm glad that we can agree'. What I can't live with, is the FACT that some person or people, high-up in our gov, had something to do with it and is getting off scott-free. You don't seem to even care about who that was/is.
I didn't define what an inside job is. Many others more educated than myself, have though. Inside job as defined by princeton: some transgression committed with the assistance of someone trusted by the victim
We agree that 9-11 WAS an inside job!
Bigdog: "Imagine this. The same machine you want to investigate 9-11, is the same machine you dont trust to investigate...."
- Brudogg: Please point out where I said the gov should investigate itself. I believe that I already made the point that the gov should NOT be left to investigate itself. If You want to see a liar, look in the mirror. Independent Lawyers, Judges, Detectives, PIs, and maybe even a reformed criminal or two, would make a good commission to investigate this crime in my opinion. Not the gov.
Bigdog: "Nice web you weave sir. What webs we weave as we practice to deceive."
- Brudogg: And YOU're gonna call ME a liar? You don't know me. If I'm decieving anyone at all, I'm decieving myself. I truly believe what I'm saying is true. I could be wrong about some stuff but I'm not a fucking liar! You need to stay the hell away from The Alex Jones Show for a while before YOU accuse ME of a damn thing!
Bigdog: "In fact your level headiness on this matter is showing and most boofers dont have this of wich coincides with the below statement."
- Brudogg: Thanks. I listened to Ben(who is apparently one of my "boofer cronies" yet I've never even met the dude) comment about the effects that The Alex Jones Show can have on people so I stopped listening for a while to test it out. It seems he was right about that one. Just look at the traits quite often exibited by those in his following, those who agree AND EVEN those who don't. Paranoia, anger, fear, hatred, and major polarization to name a few.
Bigdog: "Just come right out and say i dont like the answers they are giving me and i havent a real verifiable reason why, its just i dont like the government. Atleast i could understand your dislike."
- Brudogg: I'm not an anarchist. I don't dislike the gov. I distrust many of the people who try to run it and for good reason. Are you actually telling me that you trust lawyers and polititions?
Bigdog: "Interesting dichotomy you have pingeon-holed your mind to."
- Brudogg: You're the one wrapped up in some sort of dichotomy, not me.
Bigdog: "Your architect and engineers to name one group, some 800 of them over 8 years, have signed on and some have been proven to say i have not signed up for this remove my name and some have been proven not to be A&E's. In fact how come only 800 out of 800,000 in the world have signed on for this?(numbers given are to be my numbers without exageration but somewhere near) I could pull the exact numbers but you get the point. The point is the majority of A&E's do not agree with anything these boofer A&E's are putting out there."
- Brudogg: First off, it's not MY group because i'm not playing teams on this issue. The majority of Americans in general A&Es inclusive, have not even looked into this. The majority of americans would not accept that their gov could do such a thing even if they saw big-dick-cheney swallowing live puppys on the white-house lawn. The census bureau says that only 58% of eligible americans even voted in 2008. How many Americans do you think vote right down the party line? How many americans do you think actually research the issues? How many americans just believe whatever the flashing box that they arrange their furnature around in their living rooms tells them to believe.
Bigdog: "If you boofers are putting out there what you believe to be true. Then what exactly do you have to verify those beliefs??"
- Brudogg: For one thing, common sense. For another FACTS!
Like the FACT that the usgov HAS put together plans for attacking it's own before. Yes, they did at least consider it, and that is a FACT.
Operation Northwoods actual documents from the gov:
Another FACT is that 'We The people' have not been given access to the majority of Pentagon footage from 9-11 that DOES exist, and none at all until 5 years later and they had to be sued in order to get that.
Another FACT is that arguably the most powerful military force in the world, knew that an attack was on the way, yet did not defend it's headquarters.
Another FACT is that there may be evidence that Usama was responsible for 9-11 but 'We The People', including the FBI, have not been allowed to see that either.
Another FACT is that 'W' has been proven to be a liar to 'We The People' before and on several occasions.
A few examples of Bush lies -
Bush acknowledged he lied about Rumsfeld, but media refused to call him on it.(btw, I saw this one live on tv and recognized it on my own without reading about it anywhere.)
Bush Admits Lying to the Press video:
Another FACT is that the gov guys had means, motive, and opportunity.,_motive,_and_opportunity
Another FACT is that the gov guys (ahem - cheney, haliburton, etc) and the gov itself (ahem - homeland security, military industrial complex, etc) did benefit highly from the incident whereas the countries that were invaded as a result, did not.
'Defendant - The person or entity against whom a civil lawsuit is filed, or, in a criminal case, the alleged perpetrator.'
'Reasonable - The justification that a particular solution to a problem is within logical estimates'
'Doubt - the state of being unsure of something'
'Beyond a reasonable doubt (criminal cases)--for a criminal defendant to be convicted of a crime, the prosecutor must prove her case to the point that the jurors have no reasonable doubts in their minds that the defendant did whatever he is charged with having done.'
Usama is a terrorist asshole, of this I have little doubt but I don't believe for a hot-second that he could have pulled off what happend on 9-11.
I know from my many experiences in courtrooms watching trials that if I was on trial for an incident, and I was proven to: have lied; withheld evidence; had motive, means, and opportunity; knew about it and did nothing to stop it; and benefitted from the incident in question, then I would most assuredly be convicted of the crime in question.
Bigdog: "If i dont answer all your questions its because i dont consider them relevent until you can sanely explain the above comments concerning the quagmire you have put yourself in, just like your boofer cronies."
- Brudogg: Consider dees nuts, Bigbitch!
There, I showed you how I can be just as hypocritcal as you and everybody else on this planet. Can you step-up and be a bigger man than me about this and not resort to personal attacks? Or is that all you've got is personal attacks on "boofers"? BTW, I've never personally even met anyone else that I know of who believes that 9-11 was an inside job. I don't have "boofer cronies."
Now I have shown you FACTS. Will You please show me some FACTS that prove Usama/al queda did it? Where's Your FACTS?
Now WAKE UP, come with some FACTS, or go lay down!
Bruce (big fat liar)
PS - I still got love for ya, but I admit, I got pretty pissed when you called me a liar.
Please click this linky
Please clicky this one also
This is a pretty good one
Facts and allegations are two totally seperate issues one is proveable(fact) and the other is assertions without proof(allegation). Something you and your cronies have yet to realise. Your Northwood example is interesting because it in no way says the government perpetrated 9-11 but you allege it does. Guess what it doesnt and ill explain why.
Note to self: He still has yet to free himself from boofer conundrums. Yes This is so much fun.
So onto Operation Northwoods (O.N.) and the FACTS about this plan. Heres a little burp.
March 13th, 1962 Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, presents a proposal to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, named Operation Northwoods.
The document proposed staging terrorist attacks in and around Guantanamo Bay,To provide a pretext for military intervention in Cuba.
You allege, because one man proposes a way to decalare war on Cuba and BTW it NEVER happened. That in some random way, sheds the light of collaboration on the higher ups concerning 9-11-2001. Yet somehow O.N. is tied into "they planned the attacks on 9-11-2001 in 1962 or the model thereof shows guilt and O.N. does prove my allegation of collaberation, to be fact". NO SIR YOU ARE WRONG AND YOU ARE SERVING THOSE THAT PERPETRATE THIS LIE. This is NOT A FACT showing proof of guilt, it is an allegation based on a past proposal, by a single man and, did i mention was REJECTED by those officials in charge at the time.
The interesting dichotomy is this: By your take and within the realm of your common sense the 9-11 attacks were rejected by the officials of today. So within your reason and assertion, you just admitted that the 9-11-2001 attacks were not collaberated by the US gov but was rejected. OOOOOPS!!! another dichotomy you have painted yourself into.
This allegation you boofers throw around out there, does not constitute guilt on the governments part, of wich you agreed were the victims of an inside job.
Im still waiting for a sane explaination, not some boofer cronie website link, ones that i have reviewed and still find ZERO credibility in waht they consider as facts, by means of serious allegations that have yet to be proven. Linked by you and not thoroughly read and thats obvious. "Means Motive and Op": The presence of these three elements is not, in and of itself, sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt; the evidence must prove that an opportunity presented was indeed taken by the accused and for the crime with which he or she is charged.
Ok ill wait for your proof once again.Oh wait thats right we just agreed that the 9-11-2001 plans of attack were rejected by todays officials....OOOOOPS!!! my
The interesting dichotomy is this: By your take and within the realm of your common sense the 9-11 attacks were rejected by the officials of today. So within your reason and assertion, you just admitted that the 9-11-2001 attacks were not collaberated by the US gov but was rejected. OOOOOPS!!! another dichotomy you have painted yourself into.
"OH BUT BIGDOG the 9-11 event happened"....yes it did. Yet the burden of proof lays at the feet of assertions, isnt that interesting.
BIGDOG (in waiting)
BIGDOG: "Facts and allegations are two totally seperate issues one is proveable(fact) and the other is assertions without proof(allegation)."
- Brudogg: I'm still waiting to see your proof that Usama/al queda pulled off 9-11.
BIGDOG: "Something you and your cronies have yet to realise."
- Brudogg: I already told you, I don't have "boofer cronies" but recently I've been considering finding some truther friends.
BIGDOG: "Your Northwood example is interesting because it in no way says the government perpetrated 9-11 but you allege it does."
- Brudogg: Actually, my statement was: 'Like the FACT that the usgov HAS put together plans for attacking it's own before. Yes, THEY did at least consider it, and that is a FACT.'
BIGDOG: "Guess what it doesnt and ill explain why. Note to self: He still has yet to free himself from boofer conundrums. Yes plural.... lol This is so much fun."
- Brudogg: I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. BTW, you didn't explain shit, You just lied on me AND the gov. Operation Northwoods was drafted by the joint chiefs of staff, not just one man, but a group of the most powerful men in the usgov. Which you would have known if you would actually do your own research.
BIGDOG: "So onto Operation Northwoods (O.N.) and the FACTS about this plan. Heres a little burp."
- Brudogg: Excuse you.
BIGDOG: "March 13th, 1962 Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, presents a proposal to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, named Operation Northwoods. The document proposed staging terrorist attacks in and around Guantanamo Bay,To provide a pretext for military intervention in Cuba."
- Brudogg: True.
BIGDOG: "You allege, because one man proposes a way to decalare war on Cuba and BTW it NEVER happened."
- Brudogg: I'm not sure if that's two or three lies in one sentence, who are You working for dude? ;)
BIGDOG: "That in some random way, sheds the light of collaboration on the higher ups concerning 9-11-2001."
- Brudogg: What it does, is tell me that the joint chiefs of staff have in the past, proposed a false-flag attack on their own people that were stationed at gitmo. It could make one wonder how many other false-flag attacks were planned by GROUPS of the most powerful military leaders in the usgov.
BIGDOG: "Yet somehow O.N. is tied into 'they planned the attacks on 9-11-2001 in 1962 or the model thereof shows guilt and O.N. does prove my allegation of collaberation, to be fact'"
- Brudogg: Another lie out of YOUR mouth. -My words:'Like the FACT that the usgov HAS put together plans for attacking it's own before. Yes, they did at least consider it, and that is a FACT.'
BIGDOG: "NO SIR YOU ARE WRONG AND YOU ARE SERVING THOSE THAT PERPETRATE THIS LIE. This is NOT A FACT showing proof of guilt, it is an allegation based on a past proposal, by a single man and, did i mention was REJECTED by those officials in charge at the time."
- Brudogg: The "single man" part is a LIE perpetuated by YOU. I never said that it proved guilt about 9-11. Once again, -My words: 'Like the FACT that the usgov HAS put together plans for attacking it's own before. Yes, they did at least consider it, and that is a FACT.'
BIGDOG: "The interesting dichotomy is this: By your take and within the realm of your common sense the 9-11 attacks were rejected by the officials of today."
- Brudogg: First, how did you even come up with this?
Secondly, evidence of past misdeeds is quite often admissible in court as modus operandi.
BIGDOG: "So within your reason and assertion, you just admitted that the 9-11-2001 attacks were not collaberated by the US gov but was rejected. OOOOOPS!!! another dichotomy you have painted yourself into."
- Brudogg: Please explain where I ever said any of that.
BIGDOG: "This allegation you boofers throw around out there, does not constitute guilt on the governments part, of wich you agreed were the victims of an inside job."
- Brudogg: I agree that Operation Northwoods does not constitute guilt, but it does build towards the overall case of inside job.
Of course the gov was a victim, the pentagon had the shit blown out of it on one side. I don't believe that anyone disputes that.
BIGDOG: "Im still waiting for a sane explaination, not some boofer cronie website link, ones that i have reviewed and still find ZERO credibility in waht they consider as facts, by means of serious allegations that have yet to be proven. Linked by you and not thoroughly read and thats obvious."
- Brudogg: Yeah, you sound real sane, dude. It's quite obvious to me that you have not throughly read my posts or the associated links.
BIGDOG: "Means Motive and Op": The presence of these three elements is not, in and of itself, sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt;"
- Brudogg: True.
BIGDOG: "the evidence must prove that an opportunity presented was indeed taken by the accused and for the crime with which he or she is charged."
- Brudogg: True. Means, motive, and opportunity is not by itself, enough to convict.
BIGDOG: "Ok ill wait for your proof once again.Oh wait thats right we just agreed that the 9-11-2001 plans of attack were rejected by todays officials....OOOOOPS!!! my"
- Brudogg: First, when did we agree to this? Secondly, please show me where the gov had plans of attack concerning 9-11 because I'd REALLY like to see that.
BIGDOG: "The interesting dichotomy is this: By your take and within the realm of your common sense the 9-11 attacks were rejected by the officials of today. So within your reason and assertion, you just admitted that the 9-11-2001 attacks were not collaberated by the US gov but was rejected. OOOOOPS!!! another dichotomy you have painted yourself into."
- Brudogg: I admit that I can be rather dense sometimes, so please explain to me what the hell you are talking about when you make this statement.
BIGDOG: "OH BUT BIGDOG the 9-11 event happened"....yes it did. Yet the burden of proof lays at the feet of assertions, isnt that interesting. BIGDOG (in waiting)"
- Brudogg: Again, since you're so sure, I'm still waiting on your proof that usama/al queda did it. There's got to be at least some proof out there. Go fetch.
"Evidence/proof beyond a 'reasonable' doubt that the person charged actually committed the offense. Notice that the burden is not beyond ALL doubt, only beyond REASONABLE doubt"
"Operation Northwoods was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by then-Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer"
"The documents show 'the Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up and approved plans for what may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government,'"
"To be convicted of an accessory charge, the accused must generally be proved to have had actual knowledge that a crime was going to be, or had been, committed. Furthermore, there must be proof that the accessory knew that his or her action, or inaction, was helping the criminals commit the crime, or evade detection, or escape."
Operation Northwoods:
Operation Mongoose:
Bay of Pigs:
I'm betting that there is more a whole lot more evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that gov guys did it, then there is on Usama/al queda.
So please, come with FACTS, NOT BULLSHIT LIES! And not words put in my mouth.
I double-check and sometimes even triple-check the FACTS that I put out. So when you call me a liar without cause, I tend to get a little pissed about it.
I really trying to understand this.
So You are putting words in my mouth, lying, and acting like an immature jerk, ON PURPOSE?
Bruce (truly confused)
Besides an apology and wishing you well, there's only one thing I can do for you at this point.
I apologize for my jerkiness and I wish you well.
How to Destroy the 9/11 Truth Movement
Brudogg: I'm still waiting to see your proof that Usama/al queda pulled off 9-11.
Using your reasoning, without alleging a thing. Although the government has alleged Ladens involvement in 1993 and 2001 least we forget the 1998 embassy bombings. We are not using my reasoning, we are using Brudoggs.
Hmmm...who was responsible for the attack on WTC in 1993? Any ties to Al Queda? Yepp! tried it once, try it again.
PDB stating Aug 6 2001: "Bin Laden determined to strike in US."
Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Laden implied in U.S. television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America."
A column wrote by Al-Qurashi(AQ lieutenant) in the biweekly IT mag called Al-Ansar, first refers to past Islamic battle victories as proof that the tactics of "the Mujahedin" are successful.
"Al-Qaida takes pride in that, on Sept. 11, it destroyed the elements of America's strategic defense, which the former U.S.S.R. and every other hostile state could not harm. These elements are: early warning, preventive strike and the principle of deterrence."
Then 'the first tape'(Dec 1 2001) released by Al-Jazeera of Laden admitting his involvement. Some said it was a fake. Laden said killing citizens was un-islamic leading to the assumption the video was staged. Laden quoted before tape release on Oct 16 2001: "I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle."(LIE!!!) Second tape noone disputes is bin laden and he admits to 9-11 on oct 30, 2004.
Then his latest entry Sept 14 2009:
Since it is now known that Bin Laden's occasional rants do not trigger terror cells, hint at imminent attacks or sway public opinion here, the tapes' value to him is merely to thumb his nose at the U.S. for failing to nail him for 14 years, experts say.
"It's proof of life and that his organization is still viable," said Bin Laden biographer Peter Bergen.
Bin Laden's latest tape renewed his offer of a "method to resolve" the conflict - demanding that the U.S. pull the plug on its support for Israel, which he accused of using "pressure groups" to "occupy" the White House.
Bin Laden's money quote: "Is your security, your blood, your children, your money, your jobs, your homes, your economy and your reputation dearer to you than the security of the Israelis, their children and their economy?" Bin Laden said.
Hmmmm.... i thought he said that back in 2001 that: "Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle."
Who needs a video...his own words show his guilt and a classic example of a lie. While trying to mock obama he admitted back in 2001 his reasoning for not being involved in 9-11 was killing of innocents prohibited under islam and we all know thats a lie.
Giving Brudogs mindset, Laden is guilty.
Interesting facts, thanks.
Hey MTJ and Clayton. Just because i wanted to make sure you two wasnt somehow trying to imply something about the word BOOFER? I looked it up as slang. It was like you two was afraid i would say somthing wrong.
In my time boofers were drug attacks who have smoked or snorted so much shit in there lives that they have gone crazy. Yet one could argue they was already stupid.
The slang dictionary also pointed out it means nigga, nigger, anal sexual males black or white ass raping each other, clam boofers when two females do lesbian things with their clams, boofer is a all encompassing word IMHO and after further examination.
In my terms a boofer is 'a dumb mother fucker for sucking that glass dick' and a bad thing for me if that dump button wasnt working properly and you didnt want me saying something offensive, thats why, "no no you got to go remember" was
BTW i would have said it just like 'that' and would have said mf-er for proper radio...hehehe
Schoolhouse Rock - No More Kings
Schoolhouse Rock - The Preamble
WOW! -
Pirates and Emperors - Schoolhouse Rock there two pps in propper?
Ouch -
Guy tests out dog shock collar:
Do you know what time it is?
The Declaration of Independence states quite clearly:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness:
Our very lives are being put in ever increasing jeopardy with every new country we invade or interfere with. Our liberties are going down the drain with every illegal executive order and unconstitutional law. Our ability to pursue happiness is constantly being crushed by the devaluation of our currency and shipment of our jobs overseas.
What can you do? We can't do everything, but we can do something. There's a million different ways to contribute, there are many front-lines in the peaceful struggle to keep America free. An hour a day, or even an hour a week. Every little bit of effort helps.
"Do something or support corruption by doing nothing!"
This message is brought to you by someone who is not doing much, but is doing something.
Google Marks Gandhi's Birthday on it's home page
A little bit of good news
New 9/11 inquiry squashed: Truth Quest stopped by City Hall:
Please remember to visit the screwloosechange blog for the latest hate-speech.
(They love it when you post video links in the comments sections of cute little puppies, babies, unicorns and rainbows.)
The Playa Hater's Ball
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