Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where the jobs aren't.


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Anonymous said...


15 minutes into the clip: the Truth Comes out...

Anonymous said...

The crying Jew: who would have thunk it...


Anonymous said...

NBC Action News Investigation - Bannister Federal Complex

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The President will respond to a collection of your questions in a live YouTube interview at the White House next week. Submit now, and vote often.

Ask President Obama a Question

John said...

I saw "Sherlock Holmes" and I thought it was a terrific movie. I always enjoy any movie with Robert Downey Jr. cause i think he is a great actor.

I'm very willing to have a debate on the need for Affirmative Action and its role for today. I just want to hear white male's admit that they enjoyed their brand of AA since the 1970's. (Yes, I will get called a racist because I brought this up but I really don't like to play safe on this subject.)

Give me your best shot!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The reason we went to war against Iraq and soon to be Iran:


John said...

Would you kindly respond to me with a original thought and not something you found in a website that you think justify a position you take. Don't use "soundbites or internet quotes". Its a little weak.

Two ¢ said...

I don't really see how someone could argue against affirmative action fairly. It sucks, for example, when a black guy gets a job over a white guy who is more qualified, I feel that but...

I'm not someone who believes that sacrificing some little pictures for the big picture is always a good thing but in the case of affirmative action in the US, I think it's needed and I support it.
For the racists out there who like to bitch about so many minorities on welfare, I think you definitely should support AA. It cuts down the number of minority welfare recipients in both the short and long terms.
Someone who grows up and/or lives in a poor community is much more likely to stay poor for a great number of reasons. So when, lets say, Tyrone, gets a better paying job than he and the people in his community are used to, then his children will have a better chance at getting a better education and a better job even without AA, and so on and so on.

I think when these numbers get basically evened out, then AA will have fulfilled it's purpose and it should be slowly phased out.

Some links:
American History X - Affirmative Action Conversation

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


This is not possible!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, the self-proclaimed "leading news resource of Pakistan", a country that has been against India for decades, said it so it must be true.

Anonymous said...


"We plead with saner heads in Congress and the Pentagon to stop sodomization of our military and our society. Enough is enough."

View the video of Rabbi Yehuda Levin delivering this statement here:

John said...

This is a new thing? Gays in the military? Gays have always been in the Armed Forces in the history of our country.

Why don't you be a real christan and help feed,cloth and provide shelter for the less fortunate. But you can't because like a lot of so-called christans you deal in hate to cover up the fact that you might be in "the closet" or you are a just a person of hate and you justify it by using the bible to make yourself more superior.

Anonymous said...

Wow, not only does butt sex cause colon cancer, but now according to the Jewish person who wrote that article, it also causes earthquakes. I bet you gay guys just thought you felt the earth move. ♂♂ ☺

By the way there are also quite a few people out there who dis the Bible to try and make themselves feel superior.

What a wacky world...


Anonymous said...

Hey John this is where your ideals of forced egalitarianism fails:


Anonymous said...

Two cents: Next time you go to the doctor make sure you go to the AA one...


The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education estimated that if the top 10 highest-ranking medical schools in the nation dismantled their affirmative action policies and replaced them with strict MCAT cut-off scores, only 7 Black students would meet entrance requirements

Anonymous said...

To John what is an original thought? Have you had any? I highly doubt it.

It is odd that in California where whites are a minority AA is still in practice or take SA where blacks are super majority and whites are government mandated to be discriminated against. Even King was for AA meaning that is dribble judge a man by his character was just crap.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I think it's great that a good number of black students has the opportunity to go to the 10 best medical schools. They're there to learn and be one of the best. They have to pass all their classes and graduate on their own. I think they'd be qualified to be my doctor if they graduated from one of the top ten med schools, whatever race they are.

From that King article you just posted:
"Integration...is the welcome participation of Negroes into the total range of human activities...Desegregation is not enough; integration alone is consonant with our national purpose." -- "Ethical Demands for Integration" ,1963

I think Dr. King explains it pretty well here. And I think that he would be very happy to know that some Affirmative Action stuff is working.

That thing about
'some whites being government mandated to be discriminated against'
To me, that sounds like a broken piece of system that needs to be evaluated and possibly corrected.

As long as everybody still has to meet the qualifications for whatever job they're doing, then AA shouldn't make too much difference as far as quality of service in cases of doctors, emergency service workers etc..

2 ½ ¢ said...

Also, I don't think that education or employment, was what Dr. King was referring to when he spoke about judging someone by the content of their character. If you check the context of his I Have A Dream speech, he was talking about different races peacefully co-existing, more-so on an everyday human level. Being temporarily given preference for certain job or educational opportunities in attempt to offset past mistakes does not fit into the context of that speech.


Anonymous said...

Obama the liar: if he isn't lying then he is an AA fool.


Taxing the rich will be one of the hot political stories this year. It will also divert attention from a much bigger story: Sooner or later, almost everybody in America is going to pay more in taxes.

Anonymous said...

2 and a half bits:

You can't really sit there and tell me that it is evil to discriminate then make laws to discrimate against people that look like me not based on my content but the color of my skin. The sins of the Father don't cut it with me. Check out the following article: The author and others seem to be trying to lay some guilt trip on people that look like me...I say fuck them.


Anonymous said...


We are certain, had Dr. King known Gandhi's anti-black and other criminal activities, he would have distanced his civil-rights movement away from the name of Gandhi. We recommend the following:


Soon after returning from a trip to Moscow in 1958, Rustin organized the first of King's famous marches on Washington. The official organ of the Communist Party, "The Worker,- - openly declared the march to be a Communist project. Although he left King's employ as secretary in 1961, Rustin was called upon by King to be second in command of the much larger march on Washington which took place on August 28, 1963.

Illuminaughty said...

How terrible government can be:

An employer pays $107.65 to get someone who grosses $100.00 but only gets $92.35. So, the ss/medcare/caid taxes are actually ((1 - (92.35/107.65)) X 100), or 14.21%.

Talk about hating the poor. Feds already took 14.21% before you have to pay all your other taxes. In fact, if you work full time from age 18-65, or 47 years, you have to work 6.68 years just to pay off ss/me/md that few of us will get.

Basically, save America, shoot libs.

31¼ ¢ said...

It's cool if you wanna sit at a lunch counter or if you ever ride the bus you don't have to stand up or sit in the back. AA is about trying to better balance an unbalanced equation because it's the right thing to do. I read that article and I still don't feel guilty for "the sins of the father" or whatever. I don't have to feel guilty about it because I wasn't around in the slave and discrimination days. I don't have to feel guilty because I'm not a racist.
You on the other hand... well, I can understand why you might feel a little guilty when you read articles like that.

And yeah, taxes suck! If you wanna cut taxes, first cut waste.

31¼ ¢ said...

I don't know about the 'evils' of discrimination but life ain't fair, dude. It ain't right that some people are starving to death in huts, bellies all swole up, waitin for the red cross to bring em a bowl of mush so they can live to draw flies for another day; While some people are livin it up in mansions, with servants and private jets, rarely wanting for anything. Since the majority of people are somewhere in between those two extremes, let's look in there for reality real quick. AA's there for a purpose and it seems to be working. It still needs to be there until we get a little better balance of minorities comin up versus whites. If AA needs to be tweaked, then lets tweak it where its needed. Do you have an alternate plan to address this issue other than AA?

This is an observation. - With some things one compromises and with some things one does not.

Praise Jesus! I got a nice little pearl for ya from this discussion, thank you. - As you let go of your guilt, you will have less need for resentment. (Easier said than done, I know.)

Your resentment is like an anger response, it's a defense mechanism, defense against attacks from guilt that is not yours. You could trade your guilt for empathy or sympathy and the resentment can go to hell. It's not your guilt and it doesn't need to be your resentment either.

We still waste hella stuff and fight over land. We could be concentrating our resources on colonizing space instead. Plenty of room out there, and they're finding evidence of water on some planets. What would we be spreading out there though if we can't figure out the basics of how not to hate and kill each other and how not to shit all over our planet. You can divide humans into all sorts of narrow groups like races, sexes, width, height, guys with mustaches, chicks with mustaches, etc.. You are a part of all kinds of different groupings and you can choose to hate the ones that you are not a part of if you want to, but when you realize that you are grouped with many of those same people in other ways, it just seems kinda pointless.

cool shit

So anyway, how can all parties best be served with regards to AA? How can we have our cake and eat it too here? It's possible that's for sure. The less people getting the short end of the stick the better. I await your suggested solutions.

Anonymous said...

Kicks ass:


Anonymous said...

not bad

I like this:


John said...

Hey ".31"

Good post and your statements are well thought out and makes a lot of sense. (Thank God we have some folks other than Marcus that has something to say.)

Barnard Rustin left the communist party in 1941 over the fact that the American communist stop supporting the intergration and civil rights for black workers in the War industries. A.Philip Randolph and Rustin was going to lead a organized strike for better conditions until FDR signed a executive order banning discrimination in that industry. Rustin I don't think ever went to the Soviet Union at all. (a little hard since you have to get a visa to go into that country.)

Civil Rights support was strong in the socialist movement later on in the 1920's and 30's. It was part of the platform of Henry Wallace's Presidential bid in 1948 in the Progressive Party. The Democrats adopted that postion later on in the 50's and 60's.

So whats your point???? Blacks did move toward that side of the political spectrum.(big deal!!)

Those views in race relations are more accepted today. Thank God!!. Along with Blacks being republicans and libertarians. We all don't think alike but because of the so-called radicals we got the right to agitate and participate in the process. That just bothers you don't it??

Anonymous said...


I don't care if you wish to support Donald Duck but the fact is that the Soviet Government sponsored blacks to simply cause trouble for the US. No doubt some of the black leaders knew they were being used but hey you have to get support where you can find it. Now take King, the man was an opportunist pure and simple.


Hitchens goes on to say that
This does not in the least diminish his standing as a great preacher, any more than does the fact that he was a mammal like the rest of us, and probably plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, and had a notorious fondness for booze and for women a good deal younger than his wife.  He spent the remainder of his last evening in orgiastic dissipation, for which I don’t blame him.  (These things, which of course disturb the faithful, are rather encouraging in that they show that a high more character is not a precondition for great moral accomplishments.)

The entire self-definition of “the South” was that it was white, and Christian. This is exactly what gave Dr. King his moral leverage, because he could outpreach the rednecks. But the heavy burden would never have been laid upon him if religiosity had not been so deeply entrenched to begin with. As Taylor Branch shows, many of King’s inner circle and entourage were secular Communists and socialists who had been manuring the ground for a civil rights movement for several decades and helping train brave volunteers like Mrs. Rosa Parks for a careful strategy of mass civil disobedience, and these “atheistic” associations were to be used against King all the time, especially from the pulpit. Indeed, one result of his campaign was to generate the “backlash” of white right-wing Christianity which is still such a potent force below the Mason-Dixon line…

This last bit perhaps you have seen or heard:

King was a "flagrant plagiarist with a phony doctorate." This statement is simply true.  When the King Papers were donated to Stanford University in the late 1980s it became clear that "instances of textual appropriation can be seen in his earliest extant writings as well as his dissertation. The pattern is also noticeable in his speeches and sermons throughout his career," as King Papers editor Clayborne Carson put it. Large portions of King’s dissertation were plagiarized from fellow Boston University student Jack Boozer, among other sources.

Anonymous said...

Blacks can riot, kill people, demand all kinds of goodies but in the end the US is not likely to survive as a country in the next fifty years. The debt load is too heavy. Best get that 40 acres and a mule while you can.

40 acres and a mule was a practice in 1865 of providing arable land to African American former slaves who became free as Union armies occupied areas of the Confederacy, especially in Sherman's March. Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's January 16, 1865 Special Field Orders, No. 15 provided for the land, and some of the recipients received from the Army mules for use in plowing as well;[1] the combination was widely recognized as providing a sound start for a family farm.

40 acres (16 hectares) is a standard size for rural land, being a sixteenth of a section, or a quarter quarter-section, under the Public Land Survey System used on land settled after 1785.

Sherman's orders specifically allocated "the islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns river, Florida".

After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, his successor, Andrew Johnson, revoked Sherman's Orders. It is sometimes mistakenly claimed that Johnson also vetoed the enactment of the policy as a federal statute (introduced as U.S. Senate Bill 60). In fact, the Freedmen's Bureau Bill which he vetoed made no mention of grants of land or mules. (Another version of the Freedmen's bill, also without the land grants, was later passed after Johnson's second veto was overridden.)

By June 1865, around 10,000 freed slaves were settled on 400,000 acres (160,000 ha) in Georgia and South Carolina. Soon after, President Andrew Johnson reversed the order and returned the land to its white former owners. Because of this, the phrase has come to represent the failure of Reconstruction and the general public to assist African Americans.

Anonymous said...

How Your Biometrics Can Make Super Bowl Ads Better:

"Brian Levine is going to tell me what commercials I like without asking my opinion. He doesn’t have to ask. With the biometric toolkit developed by his company, he says that my own subconscious impulses will give it away. My heart rate, the sweatiness of my hands, and how I’m sitting in my seat will give me away.
While he set up an eye-tracker in Wired’s offices, I changed into the vest and T-shirt he gave me."


John said...

Gee where shall I begin? Should I
begin?. Icons at first are human beings who made mistakes and didn't live perfect lives. Dr. King wasn't perfect. George Washington wasn't perfect. Abe Lincoln wasn't.(Malcom X,FDR,etc.)

The progressive movement in this country has a lot of diverse influences. (Socialism,Christianity,and of course Communism.) We can say that the founders of this country were the first progressives.

$0.3125 aka pocket change said...



" When you see the roaming indicator, any calls you make or receive will be charged at the roaming rate. If your plan does not have any roaming minutes you will simply not be able to make or receive the call - no surprises on your bill! "

is that a joke? because I couldn't help but laugh

Illuminaughty said...

John = idiot

Anonymous said...

John I would agree with you in principle except for you point about King and possibly Malcolm X that is in the case of Malcolm X I doubt most people really know much about him other than what the media has tried to do to white wash his image. But in the case of the good King he has been made into Jesus Christ II. The media, the government what not has just about done everything they could to keep his image crystal white and clean.

Anonymous said...

My last point on AA is that if you are a white male and support programs that place you at a disadvantage based on nothing but the color of your skin then you are an idiot. Pure and simple.

John said...

You disagree with me about Dr.King
and Malcom X. I guess that is typical on your end cause they are black?? Hey did you know Jesus was a man of color??

See in your world, white men built this country so they are just so much better than someone of color. Yeah keep dreaming about
that logic. you need to make yourself feel good.

To "nutty",
I guess if I'm a idiot then I must have learned it from dealing with idiots like you.

pocket change said...

"You're an idiot and that's just the way it is" good point, man, you must've been captain of the debate team or some shit.
Automatically i can assume that your last point claimed to be "pure and simple" is thin because the politics of people are rarely "pure and simple."

I'll bet the slave owners were thinking along the same lines as you when they first freed the slaves. ('first they want freedom, then they want rights, then they want jobs, where does it end? If they get the same advantages as me, that puts me at a disadvantage. Dey Took R Jobs!') I saw the same line of thought in some black people who voted for Obambam just because he was black.

Those attitudes are ridiculous and it just makes us dumber as a society to go along with the team sports approach to politics. Like so many other things, AA is a 3-dimensional, multifaceted, issue that can hardly be adjusted or resolved for everyone's benefit with a 2-dimensional mindset. It's about much more than what's good for Team You or what's good for Team Them. How about considering what's good for Team U.S. a little bit?

Hey, that sucks that they took yur jobs, dude, keep tryin, you'll land a good one eventually. I'm a white man. I don't really think AA is too much of a disadvantage, one would assume that the number of minority hires as a result of AA is relative to population demographics. I see it as giving back the same advantage that whites have, the rights that they were supposed to have in the first place. I think the goals should be for everybody to come up, not just whatever groups I decide to associate myself with. Enriching Team U.S. society as a whole.

If you are a white male and you support freedom of slaves which puts you at the disadvantage of not being able to own other people based on nothing but the color of their skin, then you must also be an idiot pure and simple, right?. Why would someone give that advantage up? Perhaps because it's the right damn thing to do, for Team U.S.


Anonymous said...

Pocket Change: You go right on putting yourself at a disadvantage for some high minded purpose that you seem to find so laudable. Your points would have made some sense if I had been a slave owner or around at that time but no such luck. Slavery ended in the West for a lot of different reasons which we can go into if you want but to me what should have happened was that the freed slaves should have been shipped back to Africa and resettled much like Lincoln wanted to do with them. Freeing them has had knock on effects that we are still living with today. You are simply another brainwashed white male and no doubt voted for Obama as well. How is that change working out for you?
As the US becomes more diverse it becomes weaker and more difficult to manage.

Anonymous said...

Pocket Change:
I had nothing to do with enslaving anyone in this country so your point is silly really. Plus the slaves were not freed because it was the right thing to do a war was fought with over 600,000 white men dying for the decedents of a lot of ingrates. Lastly the last time I checked Team US was falling apart under a mountain of unsustainable debt fueled in part by a vast underclass of people disproportionally non white that for some reason seem incapable of being turned into productive citizens.

Anonymous said...


Without white men this country wouldn't exist. I am quite aware that they didn't build it by themselves but they certainly started it. It has nothing to do with superior, inferior, or globing onto the accomplishments of others...facts are just facts.

Jesus was a swath Jew...that cursed his fellow Jews so he is okay in my book.
Malcolm X was a hypocrite just like King; and both had a thing for white whores no doubt you do as well.

PocketChange said...

If you consider giving up an unfair, uncool, and unbecoming advantage, to be putting myself at a disadvantage for some high-minded purpose like the general advancement of society, then yes, you nailed it.

I don't blame you for slave owners, it's just that soulless mentality of not giving 2 shits about other human beings because of what they look like, that's ridiculous.

I think sending ex-slaves to Africa should have been an option open to them for sure. Slaves built this country at least as much as whites did and if they chose to stay here, in the place they were born, where they know the language, culture, customs, and lay of the land, their home, then who could blame em.

I'm all about some change but I didn't vote for Obambam, he's not a change that i can believe in.

Diversity, a weakness, not hardly. More difficult to manage, for sure but diversity in races, religions, and cultures, is what gives Team U.S. it's strength and encourages freedom. It's also what makes Team U.S. the capital of innovation in the world. Like electricity, telephones, computers, nukes, etc.. etc..

Like you said, the civil war was fought over more than just slavery but ending slavery must have had quite a bit of white public support in order to happen back then.

You stated a problem quite well, there is "a vast underclass of people disproportionally non white that for some reason seem incapable of being turned into productive citizens", while I heartily disagree with the 'incapable' part, this point of yours pretty much makes the case about the need for affirmative action programs. Bravo, 50 points to the KlanMan.(insert smiley face and/or gold star here)

If you can move some of the resentment out of the way, you may be able to help fix any problems there might be with affirmative action.


pocket ¢ said...

Anyone got 2 cents to throw in on this? I think the parallels are interesting.

Were some ancient 'gods' actually more like corporations?

If they found the ruins of disneyland a few thousand years from now, and didn't really know our history, they would probably think that it was a temple and some people used to worship mickey mouse. And with as many mcdonalds as there are everywhere, they could probably come to a logical conclusion that ronaldmcdonaldism was the predominant religion of our time.

"So really corporations demi-gods and gods. They even enjoy protections from the US Consitution in many cases."

Anonymous said...

Pocket the fool:

Your response in your opening statement just proves that you are a brain washed white male. In a twist you are actually stating that you think of yourself as being superior. This is a problem that whites like you seem to have that is trying to one up each other over who can be the most self sacrificing and get to ride the moral high horse. Many white dupes like you fought against White Rule in SA only then to run away once the Black government took over.
It you are that worried about people don't look like you why not trade places with a black Haitian. That way you could prove to your progressive white friends just how cool you really are.
You will have to prove your statement that slaves built this country as much as whites did. I am not just going to take your word. The Civil War was not totally framed about freeing black people nor did Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation have much to do with his desire to free black slaves.

I am not a KlanMan I was just stating the obvious. AA was not sold to the public as a quota system but is what you seem to be wanting here.
Stating facts has nothing to do with resentment. I have been employed for decades. You are just another
brain washed white progressive liberal whom doesn't really believe in what they say: another words you don't really think that non whites can succeed on their own without your personal sacrifice and groveling at their feet.

Lastly the bit about Diversity being great for Team USA then why is Africa such a mess after all it is the most diverse place on the planet: according to your logic it should be a Super First World place. Let's not forget that Germany was destroyed after WWII and in less than ten years it was back to number one in Europe; and even with it being split in two.

I will close by saying that you are a fool for supporting policies that puts you at a disadvantage on nothing more than you being a white male.

pocket ¢ said...

I'm not brainwashed and I do not think of myself as superior. I think that most people have some desire to leave this world a little better than they found it. This "moral high horse" that you speak of is part of our humanity.

I'd really rather not trade places with any color haitian, especially not right now.

'my progressive white friends' that's funny.
If you consider a progressive to be someone who leans towards progress, then yes, I am and I think a majority of people do lean towards progress.

My statement about slaves building this country is just an assumption though. It seems logical to me that when all this stuff was getting setup, they had plenty of free labor available and I'm pretty sure they used it.

From the cia world factbook on South Africa:
black African 79%, white 9.6%, colored 8.9%, Indian/Asian 2.5% (2001 census)
Not too diverse.
If you're talking about all of Africa, like dealing in whole continents, then I'd guess that Asia would be "the most diverse place on the planet".

Germany is alright but number 1 in what? slugbugs, beer & brats, death camps, poo-porn?

pocket¢ said...

Yaaaaay, It's story time
Let's say you(notaKlanMan) and I(Pocket¢) were having lunch, at E. Quality Delicatessen, and a waiter wearing a white hat comes to our table and puts half of your sandwich on my plate before he serves the food. He said it was because I was wearing a white hat too. Would it really be all that self sacrificing for me to give you back the other half of your sandwich? Would I really get to ride a moral high horse for giving it back to you? I mean technically it's my half-sandwich now cause it's on the plate that was served to me, so why should i give it back to you? Then also, do we let it go or tell the manager or kick the guy's ass or what? The dude must have been retarded or crazy or something for trying to take your half-sandwich in the first place. It was obviously yours as it was right there on your plate.
So we complain to the management and they say they'll give you some chips but that's it because the kitchen just closed and you and I would have to work something out on the sammie. And they weren't going to reprimand Corky the waiter either on account of they were scared of him for what he did to a regular customer named Chief who wore a red hat. It turns out Corky cut off Chief's arms and legs and then pretty much took Chief's whole sandwich, left him with nothin but stumps and breadcrusts. So, even though it puts me at the disadvantage of not having half of your food to eat too, I decide to give your half-sandwich back to you. But it looks like it broke into pieces when ol'Corky put it on my plate. So we work out a system to use a spoon, fork, and napkin to move most of it back to your plate. If part of that system isn't working right for some reason, like you were getting more of the meat and I was being left with more bread and cheese or vice-versa, then we could make adjustments to our system, like stop using the napkin and instead incorporate a butterknife and a sugar packet, whatever to make sure that you at least got most of your half-sammie back.

Then, after working together to fix the problem...

we could then enjoy our lunch even more while sitting out back of the diner by a campfire singing cuum-bi-ya with Corky, celebrating my wonderful giving heart and superiority in MY sacrifice of YOUR half-sandwich.

OR we could just eat and move on to other things and understand that it was your half-sammich to fucking begin with.

I pity the fool who trys to make simple things complicated


Mr.T makes his own affirmative action program

3 and a half minutes of your life that you will never get back, Click Here

Remember, drink drugs, stay in milk, and don't do school

Anonymous said...

You pity the fool that tries to make things complicated then you should pity yourself.

Anonymous said...


Saran Palin the Jew:

Anonymous said...


Africa should be the Super A Team according to Two Bits...

56 ¼ ¢ aka payphone change said...

Genetically diverse isn't exactly what I was referring to. I'm talking about different, as in: white, black, brown, red, slant-eyed asians, Christians, Buddahists, Muslims, Jewish, agnostics, vegans, vegatarians, rednecks, homies, vattos, punks, hippies, yuppies, and on and on. You know, diversity.

I guess sometimes, simple is in the eye of the beholder.

'U are brainwashed, liberal, progressive, white, male, idiot, fool...' Sounds like you got nothin. And, I know you are but what am I?

"If you're not somebody, then you're somebody's fool." _ Mr.T



Remember, small change adds up

Anonymous said...

Two bits when your change has no value then you are what you are...destitute. You go right on believing that diversity is strength and that you are putting yourself at an advantage by placing yourself and your kids if you have any at disadvantages based on nothing more than skin color. Now I understand that the downtrodden blacks in the US would have to be forced to leave this country at gun point so having gotten that out of the way then I will add that I would support a AA program based on income. This would still over cover non whites so you should be happy with that.

Anonymous said...

Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away every penny of his £3 million fortune after realising his riches were making him unhappy.

"I increasingly got the sensation that there is a connection between our wealth and their poverty," he said.

81 ¼ ¢ aka U.R.Change said...


Value is so often in the eye of the beholder.

I don't quite understand that business about forcing citizens to leave the country at gunpoint but I would absolutely love to hear about how an AA program based on income might work. If you're just talking about giving poor people a hiring preference, they sorta do that now. If a company hires someone on welfare, that company gets a tax credit in the thousands of dollars.* I'm sure it helps but not enough I guess. I'm also wondering if AA is NOT on a quota system, then how is it determined how many extra minorities are to be hired?

indians and blacks were put at disadvantages on purpose by white folks back in the day and some of those same disadvantages remain still. I think if people were on a more level playing field, then more people might realize that we can all win at the game of life by coming up together and more people might also realize that getting something does not necesarily mean it has to come from or cost someone else. Then AA programs now, would be an advantage to generations of all races of team u.s. to come. Also, who knows, You or I might father some minority children someday and then AA now would definitely be a benefit to them.

Any perceived disadvantage to whites IS based on more than just skin color. it's about the big picture and all that

Minorities start out at a disadvantage, some because their families were slaves and have been stuck in the ghetto for generations, and some just due to plain old bigotry. I concede that in a perfect world, there would be no AA programs. We're not even close though, I can see the need for action of some sort. I think the ultimate goal of programs like AA, welfare, and a lot of other things should be to eventually eliminate themselves. To do their jobs so well that they are no longer needed. Unfortunately, it seems that gubberment programs generally work the other way around, working hard to expand their bullshit and get bigger budgets and create more bullshit jobs, taking resources away from any semblance of a productive economy.

I'm at a disadvantage when I pull over to let an emergency vehicle pass. I get how important it is though.
Middle-eastern people are at a disadvantage at the airport. It sucks but I think they get why.
I'm at a disadvantage whenever I have to drive around those stupid round-a-boot things but I don't get all huffy puffy over it because I know they reduce auto accidents and save kids from getting hit by cars.
Men were put at a disadvantage as more women started working. They took our jobs
I'd like to put myself at just a little bit greater tax disadvantage by helping pay for english lessons for mexican-americans, so they can better come up and people can understand each other better in general.



* http://www.doleta.gov/business/incentives/opptax


Anonymous said...

Well, two quarters and a drum stick all I can say is wow. You should run for office you just about had me sold on your dribble but then I looked down and noticed the floor covered in spittle. I could take apart everything you brought up but what would be the point? You go right ahead believing in the Tooth Poof while the US continues to fall apart.

By the way I am not a Necon...I don't love Jews. To be a Necon you have to love Jews.

U.B.Change aka Buck O. Five said...

So you're holding back. Please, go right ahead and tear apart what you can, I'd like to learn from it where I'm wrong. The point would be to school me a little and I'll take with me your good points and spread the knowledge where I can when I can. Ya know, being small change, trying to make this world just a little better and all that.

I'd still like to learn more about your proposed AA program based on income. I personally won't be running for any offices any time soon that's for sure. I love jews but I'm not a neocon either.



Anonymous said...

There is no schooling you two bits and no change: Your mind is set in stone and frozen at absolute zero not really possible but in your case I think so.
As far as AA is concerned the fact is that once people of a particular group are given legal advantages they and their childens are want not to give up what have in essence become nothing more than entitlements. All you have to do is look at California to see that AA programs that benefit so-called minorities are still in effect even though the white population is just another minority in that state.
My plan would be simple really if you come from a family whose income is below the poverty level set by the Feds then you would qualify for help however if you couldn't do a particular job or if you couldn't make the cut at the school or do the course work bad day for you and that would be it. The problem would be that once you had been hired by say the government under such a program it would be difficult to fire you much like what we already have today. Ultimately I am not sure that any system would work when you have so many diverse groups all feeding at the same trough. Just another reason why diverse societies are so difficult to manage. The economy is a zero sum game.
Take out the 10-20 million illegals here in the states and you would suddenly have more opportunity for the millions of US citizens that are unemployed.

Since you love Jews, please move to Israel.

John said...

"Blah Blah Blah". Gee can you racist get a new bit?? It's the fault of Jews,Blacks,Mexicans. Why don't you look into the mirror first??.

Bucko said...


Anonymous said...

John nothing I have said is racist in the least just pointing out the reality on the ground as I see it. Calling people racist is losing its power, The US becomes more and more like the UN every day just a bunch of divergent groupings of people trying to get what they think is their rightful piece of the pie. The only thing that pulls them together is their hatred of the West aka represented by the 'white male' or the 'man'. And it is no different here in the states the only thing that keeps diverse groups here from mauling each other is their hatred of 'white males'. You can call me paranoid or whatever you want to call me but all the isms you can think of in a sociological sense make their living attacking dead and currently alive white males. I do make a distinction between Jewish males and white males in that most Jewish males especially those in positions of authority or the media go out of their way in attacking white males while pretending that they too are white males but then are first in line to hide behind hate crime laws and hate speech laws that is playing the Jew Card.
The US has serious structural problems to resolve and guess what there is no time to resolve such issues what with the country being swamped by unsustainable levels of debt. We are on our way to 2nd World Status if we are lucky 3rd World Status if we very unlucky. We will know the end is coming when overseas bases have to be shutdown. Austerity is going to be forced on the US which means that the vanishing Middle Class is going to be slammed and the entitlement programs are going to have to be slashed. If this plays out we will see just how cohesive this country really is.

Anonymous said...

Hey Two bits and no change this is for you...you have been called out by this fool:


Reply to first part is cute:


Anonymous said...


John said...

You are a RACIST!!!. Don't try to use "word salads". Don't try to claim your speaking a certain truth
that you only know!.

Your a typical "Angry White Male" that is out in about. You don't like the fact that the President is "black". You don't like that the country is getting more diverse and that you need to play the blame game. You blame the "Jews,Blacks,Mexicans,Liberals,
non-liberals who think you are full of "BS". You don't say anything original. I've heard all before. Your "schitck" is nothing new!!!

Get over yourself!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No I am not typical at all...pointing out that as the US becomes more diverse it becomes harder to govern...how is that racist? I doubt that more than a handful of people here in KC have read books like Hitler's War or Inside the Third Reich or say, Beowulf by Heaney or the Bell Curve. You should stick to the subject matter and explain how the US is supposed to dig out of the Debt Hole she is in. Let's dive into that bit of subject matter and see where it takes us. Let me clue you in on something, I didn't vote for McCain or your guy....I voted 3rd choice. I am a libertarian but that doesn't mean that I can't see where the country is headed. I know how we can fix the country we will tax Bill Gates and his evil ilk at 100 percent that should solve all the problems here. You seem unable to grasp the obvious that this experiment here seems to be failing. The election of Obama has simply brought things to a head. You don't really know what many white people feel about the system here. It might surprise you what many of them think. Do I wish to see our first biracial president fail not really but I will close with this how would you fix the US?
The US is becoming just like Brazil. Five plus trillions on the Great Society Programs...what do we have to show for it...baggy pants?

I will add this I can't be a racist, John. I have said it before that black people are the Superior Ones. They only do things if they want to otherwise they have a free ride. You can put that in your beef stroganoff and then have your hearty meal.

Marcus said...

So, reading books like Hitler's War, Inside the Third Reich, Beowulf, and The Bell Curve have shown you how to fix this country? That begs a question I don't want to hear your answer to.
I don't understand why you hide from the label "racist". You are, in fact, a racist. Even the excuses you give as proof that you're not racist are racist. You believe groups of people are better than other groups of people based on heritable traits beyond their control. Race is obsolete.

John said...

Anonymous or Russ,

What in the "blue hell" are you talking about?? What does reading Hitler's War,Inside The Third Reich,Beowulf,and The Bell Curve have anything to do about the problems of the USA? WTF??? I guess you would like this country to be like Nazi Germany?? You can setup laws to take away private property,restrict movements of certain minorites and then kill them??

How would I fix the country you ask?. Well I can't by myself. Unless I want to be a dictator?. That would be so easy. But I would stop "trickledown" economics because it doesn't work. I wouldn't cut taxes in a time of war.(You have to pay for it.) Who did that??? Bush did. I would work to reform the banking system with market controls that would protect the consumer. (Seperate real-estate banking from the stock market which got us in the mess we are in now. Thanks to Republicans and some Democrats.) I would push for a reform of the healthcare industry which involes either a strong public option/exspansion of medicare. With the goverment I would change the "fillibuster" rules in the senate.

The New Deal and built the middle class. Yes it did. It built the "TVA and Hoover Dam" projects which added energy power in those regions of the country. It created jobs!!!!! Not Goverment but private sector jobs!. It help win World War II and contribute to the economic boom of the 50's.

"The Great Society" also created jobs. It wasn't perfect. No program is but it did give education and job training to folks who did go on to contribute to the economy in the future.

I like some libertarians. But the libertarians have always reminded me of a girl who you know would put out. She always deliver but you don't want to take her home to meet the parents. To many people like Bob Barr and Ron Paul keep hanging around with the Republicans. (exp. CPAC,other Conservative events) but do thier views really matter to them? NO!!!.

Anonymous said...

Well now, Marcus I added the reading list after I finished my first draft response to John only to highlight the fact that I am far from typical. Sorry that your comprehension skills are a bit lacking.
As far as fixing the problems here in the US I don't think that it is possible to fix all the issues that we face. Market forces will do the dictating. Think that the US is immune to such pressures just ask the Ottoman Empire what happened to her.
Lastly, while race may be somewhat nebulous at the edges it is real enough. It is like the Third Rail of Science: touch it and you die.

Anonymous said...

So trickle up economics does work. That is take money from people that have no money and that would be the bottom half and somehow that will solve the problems we have. As far as the wars are concerned neither of them have been much of a drain on the system here since the GDP here is around 14 trillion dollars and both wars have been going on for 8 plus years at a cost of around 1 trillion dollars. I was no fan of Bush so you can hang him if you want but he certainly didn't trash the economy all by himself. Part of what got us in this mess was pushing minority home ownership to people that shouldn't have been given loans; this partially forced banks to come up with ways to offload such risky loans to unsuspecting retirement funds etc in foreign countries. I don't blame it all on the Owner Ship Society goals of Bush, etc but that certainly played a part; but really I think the bigger blame was simply that the scheme was the only way to keep the system here stumbling onward since thanks to Nixon and his Jew adviser Kissinger China was opened up, though their continued buying of our debt kept the party going longer here than it might have otherwise happened. One can argue that there is a plan to form a One World Government and the only way to do that is by using to wealth of the West to make that happened though in the short run the people in the West will become poorer as the rest of the world catches up.
Most of the New Deal was thrown out by the Supreme Court. The Hoover Dam would never get built now it would be tied up in the courts for decades and sued to death. The Russians defeated Hitler we only played a bit part. The boom was only because Europe, and Eastern Europe lay in ruin along with much of Japan not to mention the millions of dead that were no longer competing against us.
We are facing the same problems that Greece is facing that is too many public jobs and too few private jobs with a large mass of people that really do nothing but suck at the public tit. The Great Society programs have created a vast army of uneducated rootless people that are even going to be more worthless as time marches on. You have this group of people vying for resources and then at the other end you have an army of retired parents of Baby Boomers soon to be joining their parents: this super group if you will also demanding goodies from the State. Something is going to have to give. And lastly you have the hungry Chinese that don't give a hoot about what progressives here or in Europe think. Hitler while a mass murderer no doubt was right about one thing a Nation has to have living space to survive.

Lastly in response to your healthcare points all I can say is won't work what with a 60+ obesity rate here in the states. Until you get a handle on that problem the healthcare cost here will simply keep going up and up and up this issues also revolves around the Boomers and the baggy pants crowd not to forget that we already have a doctor shortage here in the states that is going to get much worse over the next few years nor will be able to just keep trying to entice doctors from China etc to come here since they will be able to stay home and do better there than here.

When the US defaults on her debt all bets will be off.

By the way I am Jack...

Anonymous said...


Marcus said...

Fair enough, Jack. Aside from Beowulf (which is required in 7th or 8th grade), your reading selection shows you're far from the typical what? Far from the typical racist white guy? I don't think so, I would assume those books are required for one of that sort.

I had meant that racism is obsolete.

Anonymous said...

Marcus, I have met a few white males racist in my time and I can assure you that their reading skills aren't that great how about Critique of Pure Reason or the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, or Clausewitz, or Engines of Creation? I could go on but what would be the point? You can believe whatever you want.
But to your last point racism is not obsolete we see it played out here everyday of the week.
You might be one of the Enlightened few but I can assure you that Chinese are highly racist as well as most groupings in this country. If racism wasn't a factor in this country then why the need for so many Civil Rights organizations and so many laws to force people to be fair to one another?

Marcus said...

Just because you say that chinese people are racist doesn't make it so. My grandmother isn't racist but she is chinese. Racists are racists and they are out of date, holding onto some old fears based in ignorance, which is why I call them obsolete.

"...why the need for so many Civil Rights organizations and so many laws to force people to be fair to one another?"

Because people are selfish and greedy, not necessarily racist.

Mild said...

Mild's Documentary Movie Reviews

Updated Weekly!

Links to the actual reviews at bottom of post.

(coming within the next 2 weeks: Reviews for "Kymatica" "Default: The Student Loan Movie" and "How Weed Won The West")

Anonymous said...

Marcus: I suppose I should have said some Chinese people are racist but I was thinking more about the people still living in China from what I gather they are very racist.
Nor is racism based just totally on ignorance after all why should people that might think like I do go out of our way to help people that diametrically oppose our world view?

I think this will illustrate what I am saying:


As to your point about greedy and selfish just what would you have people do...live in poverty so that everyone can be equal. You reveal yourself to be a communist. I pay at the highest tax level one can at my income level while millions of others pay nothing what with subsidized housing, free health care, free food and free education. And yet you would accuse me of being greedy and selfish because I have to work six days a week to just hang on and that I should cheerfully turn over more of my income to people like you. Perhaps you should look at one of the core groups that voted for Obama and how fat they are being gluttonous.


This last one is ironic to say the least that is the religious factor of said grouping since I believe you said you are an atheist.


just a bit for fun:


Another important factor is Chinese people have little contact with Blacks. What they know about Blacks are mostly from media and movies. Furthermore people usually only hear and remember bad things. So they already have a prejudice before they know a real person. This can be changed once they know you. But some Chinese people, especially some of the elderly, can be very traditional. It will be hard to change them


Anonymous said...

Marcus this is for you: China will soon over take the US unless a miracle happens.
Hitler was right about the Asiatic Hordes being a threat to Europe...of course he totally missed the threat posed by Islam.


In many [Asian] countries, ethnic divisions are institutionalized, with strict laws governing what one race can and cannot do. In largely homogenous Japan, it’s extremely difficult for a non-Japanese to become a citizen even if born there. In Malaysia, an affirmative-action program gives preference to Malays over the country’s sizable Chinese and Indian populations in everything from university places to government contracts. In Pakistan, Punjabis, the dominant ethnic group, are favored for key positions in the powerful military and civil service. Government leaders argue that these kinds of measures help maintain harmony. Maybe so, but it is a superficial harmony that reinforces stereotypes and hinders the creation, in the long run, of genuine tolerance and understanding.


Anonymous said...

This is too funny.


Illuminaughty said...

marcus = gay

Anonymous said...


I think that the truth will not set people free. People just don't want to know.


Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...


Ron Paul had best watch out...he is on the list.
If you don't support the Jewish state you want to toss Jews in ovens. Question Global Warming you want to toss Jews in ovens.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It would be so cool to see stuff like this in the city. Like, big garden boxes on rooftops and in vacant lots maintained by scouts and various volunteers.


Anonymous said...


John said...

Jack,Russ,Nutty or Whatever you call yourself now.


It really diminish things that you say that actually sound reasonable. That is the norm I guess on this blog. It really is a vent point for the "wackout rightwing,racist" that need to vent out thier little insecurites about what they think is wrong with the world.

I just wish Mike Justice would post something new. But I know that if he does then the blog will always go back to what I put in CAPS.

John said...

Jack,Russ,Nutty or Whatever you call yourself now.


It really diminish things that you say that actually sound reasonable. That is the norm I guess on this blog. It really is a vent point for the "wackout rightwing,racist" that need to vent out thier little insecurites about what they think is wrong with the world.

I just wish Mike Justice would post something new. But I know that if he does then the blog will always go back to what I put in CAPS.

Anonymous said...

John you should be careful walking around your glass house you might break something. I am not ranting but you certainly seem to be doing so instead of countering any of the points I have made all you can do is try and shoot the messenger...typical liberal way of doing business.

I would at least have the decency of not stepping over the body unlike your peeps no doubt many of them core Obama voters:


Anonymous said...

Hey John this is for you:
You should really quit ranting you make yourself look weak minded.

Anonymous said...

You again John:



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No wonder Haiti is fucked up.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"The Technocracy Study Course, written by Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert in 1932, established a detailed framework for Technocracy in terms of energy production, distribution and usage. According to Scott and Hubbert, the distribution of energy resources must be monitored and measured in order for the system to work -- and this is the key: monitoring and measuring.

They wrote that the system must do the following things:

- Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy

- By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load

- Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption

- Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used

- Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual. [Scott, Howard et al., Technocracy Study Source, p. 232]

In 1932, such technology did not exist. Time was on the Technocrat's side, however, because this technology does exist today, and it is being rapidly implemented to do exactly what Scott and Hubbert specified: Namely, to exhaustively monitor, measure and control every ampere of energy delivered to consumers and businesses on a system-wide basis."
- http://www.rightsidenews.com/201003038899/energy-and-environment/smart-grid-trojan-horse-of-the-new-world-order.html

Anonymous said...


“He said, ‘How’s it going?’” Blattman recalled. “I said, ‘Nobody’s talking to me.’ And he says ‘That’s because you’re an old white guy.’ And that stopped me in my tracks.”

Anonymous said...

A 100-year-old ex-secretary who lived in a tiny cottage leaves behind a stunning surprise.


+ said...

Hey Mild, I like the movie reviews. I think it would be pretty cool to hear them on the radio.


Anonymous said...

Hey John this is for you:
It is funny the US is broke but we must protect Jews at all cost.


In response to the controversy over Israel, Campbell said he'd voted against a $30 million increase in aid to Israel because it would have taken money from an aid allotment for Africa. He said that the Jerusalem measure in 1990 had been introduced by a Democrat as a way to embarrass the George H.W. Bush administration.

Anonymous said...

"So, this is a growing trend, this "hatriot" movement, of people who believe it's patriotic to hate the government. It's troubling. And we should really all connect the dots. This guy may be an outlier in some instances, but it's a sign of a growing trend that should be a real wakeup call to all Americans."


Anonymous said...


All for not since fifth column elements have opened the flood gates to Europe:

I salute my brothers and sisters from across time and space.

Anonymous said...

Some interesting "hatriot" chatter about 9 minutes in...


Anonymous said...

So this pentagon shooter guy thought 911 was an inside job, why does that make him part of a "hatriot" movement?


Anonymous said...

AA pick: The US is doomed!


Anonymous said...

This guy is great:


Anonymous said...

"The president of the Detroit school board, Otis Mathis, is waging a legal battle to steer the academic future of 90,000 children, in the nation's lowest-achieving big city district.

He also acknowledges he has difficulty composing a coherent English sentence."

Ain't that America!


Right on, this guy is pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

great show


The Green Laboratory said...

psst psst... hey you... yeah, you with the teeth... come 'ere real quick www.thegreenlaboratory.info

"The goal would be to basically establish a huge leaderless mob of do-gooders working on many different goals from many different angles in many different ways. People could participate as much or as little as they want." -

John said...

The Teabagger's are a cult!!. It has a lot of people that really believe in some dumbass things.

A lot of them aren't patriots because a lot of them think it's ok to destroy the federal gov. or any type of control from the state/local goverments. THEY ARE

bruce said...

Hi there, john, some questions about your post...

Are your statements about the tea-people referring to something specific or are you just expressing your general dissatisfaction with the movement?

What dumbass things do a lot of tea-people believe?

So why do you think tea partiers are 'THE DEBIL' or whatever?

Also, if you wouldn't mind, would you please post some links to places where you get your information?


Concocting Tomorrow -

Anonymous said...

311 - Creatures

Anonymous said...

It is funny that for years people like JOhn said that Americans were politically lazy and now that we have our first God: President Obama people have taken to the streets but in John's case the people are the wrong color. John is a straight up racist.

Marcus said...

I just watched a video from College Humor on YouTube called "Internet Bridge Troll"... says the exact shit alot of the idiots on this blog say. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Marcus I don't think you are an idiot. You shouldn't knock yourself that way.

Pointing out that the US is headed for 3rd World Status is not trolling. The US debt is out of control. The only way out is to take all the wealth from the wealthy and confiscate everything but after all when you have no Majority in a Democracy you have Communism or a failed state, and since Jews were instrumental in creating Communing; and now that they control this country it is obvious were we are headed.

Marcus said...

Jew talking to me? I don't know why jew think that the people of judaic faith are behind everything. It's like jew see them everywhere trying to lock jew up or restrict jew from the guns jew keep. Jew might want to calm down, drink some jews, maybe take a nap and I think jew will feel better.

Anonymous said...


hitler's dick!

John said...

Hi Bruce,

Bill Mahr had a great New Rules on his Feb 19th or 26th show "Real Time" about his thoughts that the tea parties are cults and not grassroots movements. Check it out on HBO.

You know that most tea parties are backed by "Freedomworks" which get funding from big pharma/oil companies?? The 9/12 org that Glen "Lonesome Rhodes" Beck pushes get funding from NewsCorp,Freedomworks?? Yes, this is grassroots organizing? NOT, more like "ASTROTURFING". Sources: Rachel Maddow Show,Thinkprogress,Time,Newsweek.

Where was these people when "W" ran the war debt up of the budget??? Where was these groups when democrats and republicans deregulated the banking and financial industries??.

Most political campaigns push someone as the savior. It was done with every presidential election and with 2008 it wasn't nothing new. "THIS IS NORMAL WACKJOBS!".

You have every right to protest what the President is doing. I will defend your right to do it. I wonder if you would defend mine?. I don't care what color someone is
who protest against Obama. I have the right to call you out. So deal with it.!!!!

I guess the word you meant to type in is "devil" not "debil"?

I don't write ebonics nor speak it.

Anonymous said...

Mahr is a Jew which makes his views suspect to say the least; maybe you should have used John Stewart the other Jew. It is funny that when white people begin to wake up and organize Jews like Mahr start sweating. If the Tea Party members were say 95 percent black wonder what Mahr would be saying then? You know it is ironic that the NBA is like 90 percent black but I never hear progressives say that the NBA needs more diversity meaning too many black players.

Are you still on the war debt that averages like 100 billion a year in an economy of 14 trillion dollars per year. It is not the war that will push US over the financial cliff it is SS running out of money a program that Johnson raided to pay for his war and the Great Society leaving behind IOUS. Medicare etc. And the tax cuts that Bush put in place for the wealthy that pay most of the taxes in the US...what is your point. The bottom 50 percent pay about 3 percent of the taxes in US. What part of the US financial juggernaut that is unsustainable don't you understand? The problem has been in the making for decades.


Anonymous said...

You know Marcus I think you should seek help you have become unhinged. Your dribble was sort of funny. I will give you three points out of ten.
Jew on this if you can:


During his original 2002 campaign, Emanuel "indicated his support of President Bush's position on Iraq, but said he believed the president needed to better articulate his position to the American people".[10] One of the major goals he spoke of during the race was "to help make health care affordable and available for all Americans".[10]
Moskal also charged that Emanuel had dual citizenship with Israel and had served in the Israeli Army.[35] Emanuel did not serve in the Israeli army, but was a civilian volunteer assisting the Israel Defense Forces for a short time during the 1991 Gulf War, repairing truck brakes in one of Israel's northern bases with Sar-El.[36][37] Emanuel brought together a coalition of Chicago clergy to denounce the incident. He recalled, "One of the proudest moments of my life was seeing people of my district from all backgrounds demonstrate our common values by coming together in response to this obvious attempt to divide them."[10] Moskal's comments were denounced as anti-Semitic by Kaszak.[35]

emanuel was born in chicago, illinois to jewish parents.[4] his father, benjamin m. emanuel, a jerusalem-born pediatrician, was a member of the irgun.[5][6] his mother, marsha smulevitz, was the daughter of a chicago union organizer.[1] she worked in the civil rights movement and owned, briefly, a local rock and roll club.[5] she is now a psychiatric social worker.[5] the two met in chicago in the 1950s.[1] emanuel's older brother ezekiel j. emanuel is an oncologist and bioethicist, and his brother ari emanuel a hollywood talent agent.[7] he has an adopted sister, shoshanna, 14 years his junior.[5]

This is what is father was a member of: Change Jew to white and you would have the KKK. Your God Obama's right hand man's father was a member of the KKK.


The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. According to Howard Sachar, "The policy of the new organization was based squarely on Jabotinsky's teachings: every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state".[2]

Anonymous said...

Yeah Marcus I am crazy: Two of your God's closet advisors both Jews.


On November 20, 2008, Barack Obama named Axelrod as a Senior Advisor to his administration. The role is similar in status to that of Karl Rove in the George W. Bush administration or the role of James Carville in the Bill Clinton administration. [26] His role includes crafting policy and communicating the President's message in coordination with President Obama, the Obama Administration, speechwriters, and the White House communications team.

Anonymous said...

The NWO/Federation protection racket:

“ The trouble is Earth. On Earth there is no poverty, no crime, no war. You look out the window of Starfleet Headquarters and you see paradise. It's easy to be a saint in paradise, but the Maquis do not live in paradise. Out there in the demilitarized zone all the problems haven't been solved yet. Out there, there are no saints, just people - angry, scared, determined people who are going to do whatever it takes to survive, whether it meets with Federation approval or not. ” - Benjamin Sisko(ST-DS9)

“ Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation...You know, in some ways you're even worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious. You assimilate people and they don't even know it. ” - Maquis operative(ST-DS9)


Anonymous said...


And yet that plain fact is that in modern America, Jews are the biggest winner among ethnic groups. Although only two percent of the American population, Jews make up about 35 percent of the Forbes 400 wealthiest individuals. (That percentage is from after the financial bubble burst in 2007-2008, so it likely reflects a long-run baseline.)

Anonymous said...

Jews may have overplayed hand:
Read some of the comments from Progressvies: hahaha

Marcus said...

I've become unhinged? I was never hinged to the idea that jews are to blame for some, most, or all the problems in this country. Do you know that there was another country that did that? They were wrong then and you're no more right now.
So far as your post (I assume) about Rahm, I don't like the guy either and Obama should never have brought him on. Does that mean jews are ruining the country? It seemed pretty fucked long before Rahm and Obama got there. To lump Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, and every other jew in Hollywood or sitting in a bank together is too ridiculous to comprehend. It doesn't seem you have a grip on reality at all. Please, don't have children.

Illuminaughty said...

Marcus....jew are so gay.

John said...

Good response Marcus on your most recent post. I'm amazed at the "hardon" that the racist have with the BLAMING the Jews crap that seems to come up a lot on this blog. It does get old and it diminishes real disscussion on issues that matter. I do wish that Mike Justice would do a little cleaning up on his blog. I guess he has more important things to do like trying to figure out the next great coverup.

bruce said...


Ebonics evolves faster than plain english and I like to try and keep up with it. Mainstream phrases like "chill out" & "what's up" started out ebonicly, though, the word "debil" would probably be more like Moronics. I misread the end of your earlier post, I've got a friend who tries to tell me lately that when most anything bad happens its the devil, so it was on my brain i think.

I got questions too. Like, where were the big opposition groups when they passed the NAFTA-type stuff that sells-out our economy?
And, Where are the big groups opposing all the recent school closings? That's just retarded to choose to spend our money blowing people up halfway across the world, instead of on the education of our people here. Seems pretty bass-ackwards to me.

It sounds like you checked out the finances and stuff and I plan to look into that further, thanks for the info. I've evaluated the tea party movement on my own a little bit and have determined it not to be a cult in my opinion. What has your own evaluation turned up about it's cult status? Do you agree with Ol' Bill after thought and/or study? Or do you just take his word for it and 'Project Mockingbird' that shit?
This is my favorite cult test: http://www.orange-papers.org/orange-cult.html

Bill Maher gets paid to have extreme views like Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh types do. Those types seem to get more and more extreme with age and their time in the spotlight. They play with our civilization like a it's gang war, following whatever the people with the same colored handkerchiefs are doing and ridiculing most all of who they see as their rival gang's actions. They just seem to have it set in their minds to oppose the other guys without much actual thought. It takes all kinds to make the world go round, if we didn't have followers, then the leaders would only have one person to lead I guess.
"Selling out" and "Buying in" could be considered polar opposites yet they so often mean the exact same thing.

vid - The Boondocks- Ann Coulter spills the beans and fuks with crabcakes

vid - Ann Coulter wants Jews 'to be perfected'

Oh jew-hoo, Jack-guy! I'm sure that there are plenty of non-jewish people who try to run the whole world too, so I just can't buy into your Jew-World-Order crap-trap.
Look Man, you are just like, stuck, in jew-hater mode. It seems to limit your vision quite a bit. You got anything interesting unrelated to jews? I do, check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Rogozov

Anonymous said...

"Postal Service Dropping Saturday Delivery? Not so Fast"

"It wasn't until 1996 that our NAFTA neighbors in Mexico adopted DST. Now all three Mexican time zones are on the same schedule as the United States."

Anonymous said...

2nite is when we travel 1 hour into the future so remember to adjust your chronometers

Anonymous said...

Marcus I really doubt that you are much of an Historian but I can't blame you no doubt you went to an AA public school.

Believe what you want isn't that the great thing about America. Now I know that people like you would throw people like me in jail for not marching in lockstep with you but eh get over it...will you? I take it that you didn't read the progressive ramblings on Huff web site about our ties to the Jewish State.

God save us all if the Jews attack Iran or they get us to do their dirty work for them. If they attack Iran and Iran fights back we will be in another Jewish War.

PS I really wish old white guys were in charge of the US and Europe but I just don't see it.

Anonymous said...

Ok John here is a simple question for you: How would you improve the education system here in the states?

Leaving aside the fact that the US has spent trillions on the problem.

My guess is that some kids are just too dumb to be educated.

Anonymous said...

This is what you look forward to Marcus:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I thought I was bad and these are so-called progressives.

Anonymous said...


sad sad sad

Hey John what you waiting for:

Anonymous said...


Palin the Jew

Anonymous said...

Marcus this is for you:


Anonymous said...


http://www.free-tv-video-online.info/movies/2003 and earlier

please, enough already with the jew stuff

Anonymous said...

Mozart ok not really:

Black power baby:


Anonymous said...

New Bill Seeks to Ban Consumer Access to Dietary Supplements:

Open Wi-Fi 'outlawed' by Digital Economy Bill:


"One officer said he felt compelled to fire his gun in the air to disperse an unruly crowd in California. Others said they felt wary about being flanked when working crowd control. And others said after seeing the hardships ordinary Afghans and Iraqis lived with, it's hard to care about complaints over pet droppings."


"Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals"

Vladmir Putin forging ahead with vision of Eurasian empire:

Anonymous said...


John said...

Well you might quit blaming the teachers for problems with education because they are overworked and overwelmed
by issues outside the classroom. We have dropped a lot of money on education but maybe we should push that money on raising teacher pay with rewards for teacher performance to student performance.

Before you call the kids stupid you might want to look at the adult population because that is where the problem is.


Thank you so much for the explanation on ebonics. Gee, I just feel so much smarter from your explanation. THANK YOU!.

I have been a fan of Bill Mahr ever since "DC Cab and Politicaly Incorrect" days. I love the show "Realtime" because I think Mahr is one of the most honest people out in the media about the newsmaedia,politics,sex and religon. His views are honest and he makes the establishment real uncomfortable. You want to say him and Limbaugh are the same?? Whatever you say.

bruce said...

I haven't paid much attention to Bill Maher for several years but last I checked, he was a hardcore supporter of most anything Democrat, and he opposed stuff just because republicans supported it. He is kinda funny though.
Sarcasm aside, I do hope you'll give ebonics a chance. :)
vid - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/17/bill-maher-on-the-year-in_n_324524.html

Anonymous said...

What a classy guy: so tough...


Anonymous said...

Hithcens rolls over Maher just shows that Maher is not that bright.


Voodoofreak35 If there is one thing I do not like about Bill Maher, it is his bigoted support of Israel. I am an atheist. Bill Maher never criticized the Zionist movement while trying make fun of those orthodox Jews in his Religulous. Those Orthodox Jews are the ones who WANT TO MAKE PEACE with the Arabs, yet Bill Maher thinks they are crazy? 3 days ago

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is too ironic: I would explain why that is but then it wouldn't be that funny.


Anonymous said...

Bye bye, Vickie, Ford designs new Police Interceptor model:


Anonymous said...

Top That

John said...

Mahr on his show has republicans on and has tried to bring in republican guest, but I guess they don't like to get challenged with follow up questions. The same is true with the democrats who appear on his show. Mahr's views have leaned to the libertarian side but his views tend to be left in practice. But hey whatever float you guys boat. (just as long as I'm not in that boat with yall :)

Anonymous said...


Future of US...

Anonymous said...

Double the amount teachers make, reduce class size, I doubt that it would make that much difference in some cases. Problem is that some students are just stupid. No amount of money is going to change that.

Check this out:


•Each year Washington spends more than $9,500 per student, more than at any time in state history, adjusted for inflation.

•This amounts to $237,500 for a classroom of 25 students for a nine-month year. Even if the teacher's salary were $100,000, all the rest would be available for administration and special programs.

•As it is, less than 59 cents of every education dollar reaches the classroom.

•Over 35 years, the number of students grew 25%, while the number of public school employees grew 77%.

•The majority of public education employees are not classroom teachers.

•Public schools may not hire just any qualified person to teach. Only people holding a state-approved certificate are allowed. None of the 5,000 people being laid off at Microsoft can teach in a public school, although private schools will be able to hire these talented individuals.

•Less than 36% of 8th graders have achieved grade-level proficiency in math and reading on the NAEP, the national "gold-standard" for assessing student achievement.

•About one-third of public high school students fails to graduate from high school.

•Over half (52 percent) of students entering community or technical colleges have to take remedial math, English or reading courses to catch up. 37 percent of stduents entering our two-year and four-year collegs must take remedial math or English courses.

Teachers salaries:



Check this out:


Blue Springs (zip 64015) public schools spend $4,819 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $6,058. There are about 16 students per teacher in Blue Springs (zip 64015).

What is the difference between Blue Springs and Washington State:
I will leave the obvious unstated.

The US doesn't have generations to fix the low achievement of so many students and their dumbass parents.

Anonymous said...

Check out the following:

We spend huge sums on non white students and we get little for the trouble:
Norway and Denmark are small countries and at least 85 percent white though that is chaging by design: why people in those countries want to have dysfunctional society like US is beyond me.


b said...

I submitted my review of Lenexa at www.bestplaces.net
I wonder if they will publish it??
It's 100% true based on my own past experiences.

Low Crime But...
...At what cost? If you drive through Lenexa late at night, unless you are driving a newer vehicle, you are pretty likely to be pulled over by police officers to explain yourself. They have license plate scanning cameras attached to their police cars that read the license plates of every car they pass on either side of the road, so if you have unpaid parking tickets anywhere, they will take you to jail. If you stay at a hotel in Lenexa, the police will likely be reviewing your phone call records and will pay you a visit if you make too many phone calls. The police will even come calling on you for information if you have a family member with tickets, and even ask to search your car/hotel room for them. Lenexa has video cameras at most all major intersections. A pretty safe place to be for sure, just make sure you make enough money or you may not enjoy living there. :)

It does make sense to me that the police state would advance more quickly in Lenexa since they have ample resources to implement it.

Anonymous said...

"Repo men remove body organs from transplant patients who default on payments. Based on the novel `The Repossession Mambo' by Eric Garcia."


Anonymous said...


Marcus said...

I think we should bury Kansas with sand and superheat it to turn it to glass and send it to North Korea as a gift, like one of those little scenes in a glass ball that you can shake every so often and just look at.

Marcus said...

11 year old boy finds E.T.!!!

Check it out, is it real?

bruce said...

Ha! I love The Onion

John said...

Am I missing something?

Sampling a medium size city on its spending on education that deals with diffrent issues from a
state that is funding educational
programs. Sorry, What's your point?

Washington state has numerous school districts that deal with diverse issues that are in each school district. Examples: social economic issues of taxes,test scores,learning enviroments. Again,
what's your point?.

The issue is that parents have to be involved in the education of thier children. Go to school board meetings,parent-teacher confrences,
involvement in school activites. Be involve is one of the keys to improving our education system.

Anonymous said...

Well John try and blow smoke about this issue all you like but the fact is that the US has spent buckets of money on education here in the states and continues to do so while at the same time tossing chunks of cash at schools that are underperformed most of them filled with non white students. Hard core liberals like you will say that we need to spend more money the article about the KC desegregation plan showed that a fifteen year illegal effort to help basically black students was a failure; you and your progressive friends are like someone who is insane expecting different results doing the same thing over and over again. The US doesn't have generations to try and fix this problem. How are uneducated basically illiterate parents supposed to get involved with their children s education?
All I have ever seen is as schools become more diverse: code word for less whites, the overall education level drops.

Anonymous said...

As to the question are blacks smarter than whites I would to have to agree since whites spend large sums of money supporting non functional blacks at the expense of not only themselves but there children as well. For example black males in US live an average five years less than white males but black males are at the top of the dysfunctional scale as far as lifestyle choices are concerned, and yet somehow this mean old KKK society goes out of its way to keep black males alive.

The study that someone linked to on here has many flaws in it I have seen it refuted elsewhere but hey look it up yourselves. This issue tires me.

Since white people stole all their goodies from black Egyptians and since black Egyptians enslaved people I want my fucking reparations from blacks. Pay up John.


Slavery in ancient cultures was known to occur in civilizations as old as Sumer, and it was found in every civilization, including Ancient Egypt, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, Ancient Greece,[4] Rome and parts of its empire. Such institutions were a mixture of debt-slavery, punishment for crime, the enslavement of prisoners of war, child abandonment, and the birth of slave children to slaves.[5] In the Roman Empire, probably over 25% of the empire's population

Anonymous said...

Should have said their instead of there...

Anonymous said...

Hey Marcus you hate of white people is noted. Your call for genocide would make Hitler proud.

Anonymous said...


Marcus said...

Hey, some of my best friends are white or pink or translucent, whatever it is "you people" are ;).
Is Kansas the capitol of white people or something? I was expressing a dislike of Kansas in general and thinking we could make lemaonade outta that lemon.
Shouldn't you be out kicking disabled people while you fling ones and fives in their faces as you yell, "I'll decide what you get!!!"? Get back out there, man, before you're to sick or old to do the lords work.

Anonymous said...

Marcus you have become unhinged. I would suggest seeking help immediately.

The needs of the "people" far outweigh the ability of any society at this time in history to succor those needs.
You should be thankful that you live in the horrible evil KKK US of snakes.

Anonymous said...

Just ordered this book even if it is written by a Jew. No doubt being Jewish protected him from the Heat.


Marcus said...

"The needs of the "people" far outweigh the ability of any society at this time in history to succor those needs."
LOL, well, Obama may fuck up alot but, at least you're not in charge.

Anonymous said...

False-flag terror, martial law, military takeover... Some Alex Jones documentary?
No, it's just Star Trek:



Anonymous said...

I doubt that Obama is in charge either, Marcus though I will give him credit as being even more divisive than Bush was.
You just don't get it do you Marcus? The US is coming close to losing its tripple A credit rating...of which you probably know nothing about. The US is in serious trouble money wise. Obama may ignite a Civil War in this country especially if the economy goes keeps going down.


Marcus said...

A civil war? Look, Chicken Little, you can run around hysterically yelling about how the sky is falling but, I've got real things to worry about, things that aren't fantasy, and your fucking crazy shit is just going to make you and whoever listens to you an easy meal for the foxes.

Anonymous said...

This is not an original idea but it's an important one. To fix our economy, we need to impose higher tariffs on imported goods, reduce nafta/cafta all that, and start producing our own stuff again. I'll take my Nobel Prize now please.

Anonymous said...

Marcus, this is for you:

No one but you is being hysterical here. Millions of people are waking up to the problems that we are facing here in the US. I know that being an extreme liberal like you the answer is simple just tax the greedy rich...they can afford it.
Next mission on the Obama Express make legal millions of illegals...talk about stirring an hornets nest.

And by the way Marcus the real problems that I deal with day to day I doubt you could handle.

Anonymous said...

This is what China thinks about trade sanctions or tariffs on them:
China has the US by the balls and they know it. Could we start making TVs here again? Maybe. Where would we get the skilled labor from...gang bangers? LOL.
The only way it would make sense to make TVs here would be if robots built them to compete with low Chinese wages which would result in few Amercian jobs being produced. What we have done to thrid world countries by dumping free food on them the Chinese have been doing to us by dumping cheap goods on us destroying our industrial base in the process.


Anonymous said...

Let the hate flow down the valley like torrents of ill will.
Hey, John what say you?


Anonymous said...

David Dukey stinks, I didn't even watch that vid but the China article was interestiing.


"But if the United States does decide to impose tariffs on China, Chen said, American companies operating in China, which account for more than 60 percent of China's exports to the United States, would surely be hurt the most." --Sounds like a good idea to me, bringing the jobs back here, oh yeah!

"Chen said if the U.S. actions were geared toward decreasing America's trade imbalance by limiting imports, it wouldn't work. Perhaps imports from China would decrease, but that wouldn't mean that Americans would start producing goods such as telephones and televisions again. 'That production isn't going to return to America, that's just not practical,' he said. 'Globalization has changed all that.'"

This guy's got huge balls and as a "free" human being I am very much offended and i'd bet that others are too. So this asshole says that it's not practical for the US to produce things huh. Maybe they'll swallow that line of shit in China where they still heavily censor the media and internets but not over here Mister Commerce Minister.
Well Mister Chen, it would actually be quite practical to produce our own stuff again... that is if more Americans told you to take your globalization and stick it up your pu pu platter! There are lots of US citizens who need jobs, who don't want your globalization, citizens who don't want to be dependent on China for anything but good general tso's chicken.

This guy wants the US to export military technology like satellites and blackhawk engines to help balance trade, yeah right, it would barely make a dent in the trade imbalance and since China has a massive military, the US would not be smart to give their armies more tech. This guy is saying that his country will keep producing consumer crap for the US and the US will keep giving them nothing of value in return and that's the way it should stay. That sort of thing is not really good for either group of peoples in the long run. I don't believe for a second that Mister Chen has the best interests of the US or the Chinese people in mind. So on behalf of many US citizens and The "People's" Republic of China, I say: Globalize this dick mutha fucker!!! Dey took our jobs!!!


Anonymous said...

This American system of ours, call it Americanism, call it capitalism, call it what you will, gives each and every one of us a great opportunity if we only seize it with both hands and make the most of it.
-- Al Capone





Anonymous said...

Chen was right in what he said. The US needs China more than China needs the US. In 10-20 years China will be far ahead of the US as we sink into 2nd world status or worse.

As far as the Duke clip is concerned your loss since it was about AA and how only 22 percent of whites are enrolled in Harvard. Go figure.

Now go back to sleep...

Marcus said...

You know, we can go the competitive (USA!USA!) route like we've been doing and get into a "trade war" with China. They would win. Maybe, with help, we could beat them militarily (what sane person wants to find out?). Is there any other way?

bakey said...

I agree that China would win a trade war and that military action is crazy. There is another way in my opinion, just let the chinese be chinese I guess. They can do their thing and we'll do ours. I don't really see a need to beat them at anything.

You're talking about the future like it's set in stone, it's quite limiting. If we're just doomed then I might as well just go back to sleep.

China may be "ahead" of the US in 10 years, but only if we continue to participate in the policies of Chen and other globalists. It's a fact that we have the ability to produce our own stuff again in the US. I don't really see how China needs the US at all. Like for what? The US ain't puttin rice on their tables. The US is mostly just giving China a bunch of hotair for their time and sweatshop labor. The more we advance into globalism, the more the hotair cools and the economic balloon deflates. I think it's time for the US to start opting out of globalism. It's time to start getting things in order so the US can get by on it's own and declare bankruptcy. Just say to China and other nations, "Sorry bout that hotair debt, we're gonna kinda do our own thing for a minute and we'll get ya back later with something of actual value when we get above self-sustainable again. I don't see why most countries can't produce their own basics, like the things that are most commonly used such as food, clothing, shelters, cars, electronics, etc. The bulk of that stuff needs to come from right at home or we'll get trapped in a system of nations being dependent on other nations for their survival and/or maintaining lifestyles.

Once everybody is so tied to everybody else by economics, then the logical progression of that is a world government to tie everyone with one code of behavior. Then humans could become so connected by bullshit that they have lessening goals, dreams, aspirations, and real connection to each other. They would just run the same ratrace like everybody else, having increasingly limited knowledge and skillsets, becoming increasingly unable to relate to each other on a real level, more connected to the fakery of the economic and legal structures that would be put in place should humanity continue on this counterfeit path.

I've been studying success lately and it seems that it pretty much breaks down to knowledge, wisdom, and attitude.

This dude had to drop out of the presidential race twice so that he wouldn't win.

Do you think donald trump said "well i'm probably not going to make any money but i'll play the corporate real estate game anyway"? No way, I think he said "i'm gonna make this paper and that's all there is to it."

The Ron Paul campaign was a beautiful thing. I don't know if it was a pride thing or what but winning was not one of the goals though the campaign was an overwhelming success in many ways. The spreading of awareness and organizations and increase in numbers of free-er thinkers was quite successful. Imagine if more grassroots campaigners were actually in it to win it. Imagine how much bigger the ripples would have been.

We can embrace failure by knowing that we actually gave it a good run. It can be okay to fail, but not if we plan to fail. I'm okay with chasing an improbable dream and actually playing to win it. The more people that are chasing that improbable dream, the more probable that dream becomes.

bakey said...

When I was a teenager I was so sure that nothing like this would ever actually happen:
"Since 1996, fourteen states have enacted laws that allow the cultivation of medical marijuana and protect patients who possess medical marijuana (with their doctors' recommendations or certifications) from criminal penalties: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. Nine of the thirteen did so through the initiative process. Hawaii's law was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2000; Vermont's was enacted by the legislature and passed into law without the governor's signature in 2004; Rhode Island's was passed into law over the governor's veto in 2006; New Mexico's legislation was signed into law by Governor Bill Richardson in 2007; and on January 18, 2010, Governor Jon Corzine signed New Jersey's bill into law. In mid-December 2009, the United States Senate passed an omnibus appropriations bill that removed restrictions on the implementation of a marijuana initiative passed by District of Columbia voters in 1998; President Obama subsequently signed this bill into law on December 13, 2009." - http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/node/54

John said...

Slavery wasn't the invention of whites. It has been around a long time as indicated by sources like "Wikipedia" and other online sources. WTF is your point???

Sometimes reading some of the postings in this blog. I get the feeling that a lot of you just write things crazy cause you need to get a release. Some of you just can't make sense of your world. So you blog just real stupid "crap" about race,inteligence and a need to think. "Gee I'm White I'm a victim." or "I'm smarter cause I'm white and I'm just so much more superior than everyone else. I do pity most of you.

Anonymous said...

Keep your pity to yourself and your attempts at Psych 101 evaluations. You basically have addressed no points that I have made making it seem like you can't refute much of what I have written on here.
Plus you need to look beyond the surface. Why do you post on here? I am a solider in a culture war you figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Bakey I enjoyed reading what you wrote not bad though I think it is too late for the US to go back only because it would take a huge effort to retool and open new modern factories. Where would the US get the money for such plants and where would we get the people to staff such plants? I know that the Demo nuts want to legalize 10-20 million illegals maybe they could be trained for such jobs but as I stated before new factories would not need that many people since most of the work would be done with machines unless we went all the way back to manually intense industries but then who would you get to work in such sweat shops? Most people in the US are simply too use to not expecting that they will have to work hard; too many of them have become use to a lifestyle that is way beyond the wealth of the country to keep providing to them. I know that liberals like John would say just tax the wealthy they can afford it and then scream how greedy they are if they make a fuss. I am all for taxing wealthy people...let's take all their wealth and see what would happen. Can anyone say Cuba.
The future of the US is gong to be Brazil. Lots and lots of uneducated poor people; a very small middle class and an plutocracy in control. The US has been living on past achievements. The bill is coming due.
What will the US look like the day after she defaults on her debt? Not sure really. But I doubt that it will be pretty.

baker said...

I'm feelin most everything you just said. I think it'd be impossible to make sense of this world though because this world just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
FYI, as far as I can tell there is only one racist-type person that posts here.
I post here mostly for the interesting exchange of ideas, I get to learn and think a lot.
The racist guy says he is a soldier in a culture war. I prefer to play soldier in an info-war. What do you fight for, john?

Baked said...

Thanks, some of your posts sure do get me thinking but the racial posts tend to discourage rational thought though, intentional or not.
When you say: "I think it is too late for the US to go back only because it would take a huge effort to retool and open new modern factories", what I hear is: "screw that it's too much hassle". I can't think of a better hassle to have in this economic system. Gradually raise tarriffs and production should gradually come back over here. Then there's the construction aspect, somebody's got to build the factories and supply the made-in-USA building materials and equipment. Then more people would have more money to spend on more crap but it would be made in the USA crap. It'd be like a booster-shot for the economy, independence, freedom, quality of life, etc...etc...

"Where would the US get the money for such plants..."
- We have fake money, we can create and distribute it how we want. And to bring up a good point that is often made in paragon radio programming, there always seems to be enough money for wars. I think we should stop invading other people's shit and use some of that money here.

"...and where would we get the people to staff such plants?"
- Well MTJ pretty much covered that one with the blogpost that we're currently commenting on. Finally came back around to that. =D I guess it's time for "Where the jobs could be".

There's plenty of workers; workers that could eventually work less hours for the same relative pay if our economy was a lot less dependent on other economies. And happier workers would likely produce higher quality crap too, so that we would have plenty of crap that doesn't wear out quick and we would need less crap produced overall.

"I know that the Demo nuts want to legalize 10-20 million illegals maybe they could be trained for such jobs but as I stated before new factories would not need that many people since most of the work would be done with machines unless we went all the way back to manually intense industries but then who would you get to work in such sweat shops?"
- Actually seal up the border and legalize all the illegals that are already here, I think that would be a good start. Sweatshops wouldn't happen here anytime soon, americans are too spoiled to put up with that kind of thing right now, just good jobs for good people. The paper-pushers could do light factory work too, since they don't even push much actual papers anymore anyway.

I don't think that taking all someone's wealth is cool but taking enough so that everybody here lives at least above poverty levels sounds good to me.

"What will the US look like the day after she defaults on her debt?"
- The US will have to get on payment plans with the other economies or something but US could have the basics of our lifestyles covered within our own economy and then all that fiat debt means shit to US. The US could produce lots of food and shiny crap for export to pay the other economies back with over time.


John said...

Hey Baker,

I guess I believe in me. I also think that this is a country with noble intentions that has made mistakes but has been a beacon for other countries to follow. I'm a free-thinker.A center-left registered Democrat with a real fierce independent streak. I hope this answers your question?


I have answered some of your crazy post with facts and logic. You choose not to recognized or just go into another racist rant on something else. I was a history
major in college so I tend to know what I'm talking about. When I don't I'll admit it and get educated on the subject.

Your a soldier in the culture war?? Really Anonymous?? Really??
That is so Bill O'Reily,Laura Ingram,Glen Beck or insert a so-called patriot who says they are a patriot cause they have a talkshow.

Culture Warrior!!!! Please !!!

Anonymous said...

American economy in trouble? Here's a fucking brilliant idea. While we're at it, let's legalize and tax drugs, too.

Anonymous said...

...and prostitution.

beeroo said...

I'm with ya there, Marcus. I think churches that make big profits(pun not intended) like that should be taxed on their income too. Legalization and taxation of drugs would take care of a lot of problems. I don't know about prostitution though. That would mean that more people would use hookers and the diseases would be much more prevalent in the general population. I don't wanna have to be like: Alright, I'm about to score with this chick, now I just need 3 rubbers, crab shampoo, and a dental-dam.

Marcus said...

Legalizing prostitution would make it safer for all involved, I think. Also, it might help cut down on rape and molestation. Hell, just legalize prostitutes for priests and see if they stop doodling the little ones. How'd you know it was me, Bruce?

Anonymous said...

John: I don't support Neocons I don't know why you keep trying to put me in their camp. I don't support the Jewish state. There are many wars going on here in the US...I am involved in one that is obviously over your head.

You say you were a history major in school...meaning that you didn't get your degree. You should have studied Black History...you could have easily been hired at Harvard with such a degree.

The US is filled with people that have been raised with the idea that they are owed the lifestyle that they have become accustomed to.
I think the the US is in serious trouble that is the financial time bomb that has been in the making for decades is about ready to go off. I really hope that I am wrong and your new Lord and Savior Obama can save us all.

Anonymous said...

The Churches do a lot: tax them and many of them would be forced to close. They provide many services for people in need. People that attend services by and large give far more than most liberals.

Anonymous said...

Well now, Baker, you spent some time throwing out some good red meat so I thought it would only be stand up to respond to your words. Your first paragraph has merit but once again it would cost a huge sum of money for such projects though I do know that some older factories are being retooled for so-called green tech. I mean even Obama is throwing the Nuclear Energy Industry billions to try and build some new plants here; even though the cost associated with such plants is staggering not to mention the fact that we have lost much of the skills to build such plants here. It reminds me of the Chinese being called upon to build high speed rail here because we don't have the infrastructure to do so anytime soon.
I mean you can't just take a laid off paper shuffler and say here go work on the new rail lines being built. Trying to train such people might take years adding to the cost and to a program that is only going to have a short build life. I am just not seeing a bunch of uneducated gang bangers or crystal methheads eagerly waiting in lines to be trained for such jobs assuming you could even get them to show up on time. I suppose we could just let all the illegals do such jobs; but then if they are legal problem solved.
I think the issue is really that we let Kissinger and others like him use the US to open China which enriched his brothers at the expense of American workers. It is true that we got cheaper products and less pollution here but the cost has been high. The real solution will be for the US to start closing US bases overseas and commitment to defend everyone against everyone but this will result in the total loss of confidence in the US dollar. Can the US survive sure but countries like China etc will want hard stuff for the things that we won't be able to make here thereby at least for the short run turning the US into a second rate power or worse.
I am glad that you are so optimistic. We know doubt need more optimism.
I will end by saying that this country is a Republic not a Democracy meaning that when you say that the wealthy should pay more you have just moved the US into the morass of a Democracy; meaning that the majority rules so that the small numbered wealthy will simply be taxed out of existence. I know that hardcore progressives salivate at the prospect of making the evil rich give it up for the so-called greater good but at some point the rich will decide to get out of town. At that point if it comes we will see if people like you let them go. I have no problem taking all of their wealth but remember once their wealth is consumed the government will have to go to the next group down the food chain until in the end there is nothing left.

Marcus said...

Please, do close all the churches. Tell the 200 or so kids in Wisconsin that the pope allowed to be raped how much the church helps. Oh, wait, they were deaf- do you know how to sign it? I think it's just a one-fingered gesture.

Anonymous said...

One doesn't really know how many were raped or not many no doubt are just looking to cash in.

John said...

I don't care if you are a neo-con,conservative,libertarian or whatever. The fact is you used the term "culture warrior" to descibe your struggle. Question? Against who or what are you struggling??.

As far as my education. I do have a degree so your "lameass knock" doesn't fly with me.

The deal is you rant the rightwing talking points that is delivered on talkradio from the usaul suspects. (culture warrior and all that "KAKA".)

Go and jerk yourself a soda and get a grip!!!!

Marcus said...

Catholicism is dead.

Anonymous said...

Catholicism is not dead. The attacks on the Church contiune and no doubt will go on but dead...don't think so.
You should become a Muslim, Marcus you would fit right in.
It was the Church that kept Europe from being overrun with Muslims, Marcus. And now people like you cheer on the fall of Europe.


Anonymous said...

I don't rant the Right Wing radio talking points: let's just say that liberals like you don't represent some of my viewpoints: so the Demo Nut Party is one that I couldn't join. The only thing that binds the Demo Nuts together is their hatred of conservative white males.
When we are gone people like you will turn your hate against each other much like what happened in Yugoslavia and other such places where the center gave way to the forces fighting it. Hell without us we would have to be invented.

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