Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where the jobs aren't.


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Anonymous said...

Hey John this is for you:
Hey say thanks to your Lord and Savior Obama for keeping these jobs here in the US.


Marcus said...

Holy shit. Literally. You, seriously, just referenced the crusades as something good about catholicism? Well, I suppose I shouldn't be too suprised to hear such bullshit from a self-proclaimed "culture warrior"...

I should be and am an atheist. You should be one, too. Islam is just as bad... hell, their prophet was a goddamned pedophile.

beeroo said...

I really don't think that legal prostitution would cut down on rapes or molesters. Those people would probably use an escort service or call a chatline if they wanted to get laid. Rapists are like power freaks or something and molesters usually got diddled themselves. I don't think that legalizing prostitution would make it safer in the long term. Even with regulation, it would spread more diseases. I wouldn't fight against legalization of it but I wouldn't fight for it either. I don't see why priests can't get married. If priests could get laid like everyone else perhaps it would cut down on their perving. I don't really understand Catholism anyway though. For all I know it could be like the southpark episode:

Some numbers:

That "so-long solar" story was sad.
I'd rather see more wind turbines and solar panels than more nuclear plants; clean, free, renewable energy without the 3-eyed fishies.

I guess you'd have to educate the gangbangers and provide drug treatment to the methheads who want it, but there are plenty of under/unemployed folks who don't fit those categories. The way they break work down into small tasks in most factories, it doesn't usually require much training unless you're building heavy industrial stuff.

I agree, we do need more optimists.
Creativity, Love, and Optimism may just save this world from ourselves.

beeroo said...

I generally don't like scripted bullshit "reality shows" but I found this one very interesting:

Anonymous said...

Marcus watch this video not that hard to find for free then get back to me. I am happy that you are an atheist. I am not. I like believing in something bigger than myself it gives me an anchor in society. Hitler was an atheist at least privately so you are in good company. When men were being butchered at the siege of Stalingrad I am sure that the few atheist involved in the savagery took comfort in nothing more than a Morpheus belief in progress and human enlightenment. Stalin another mass murder who was also an allay of the US killed millions all in the name of the social good. Your beliefs Marcus don't give succor to weaving windows, or anyone else for that matter. The problem with you Marcus is that you decide what is good and bad; and of course that can change from month to month meaning that really you consider yourself to be God. You are the incredibly dangerous one.


b said...

A Rabbi, a Priest, and an Atheist were the leaders of a community. One day they were figuring how to spend the community's extra money. The Rabbi said, "lets draw a circle on the ground and throw all the money up the air, whatever lands inside the circle will be God's money." The Priest said, "how about whatever lands outside the circle will be God's money." The Atheist said, "how about we just throw all the money up in the air and whatever God wants, He'll keep."

Marcus said...

Wrong on all counts in your post, so I won't be watching your misinformation video. Please, go educate yourself. I would try, but I'm the devil.


Anonymous said...

Marcus you are funny the video is historically accurate account of what happened at Malta.
This is what the hour doc is about I think it was put out my History Channel or something along those lines:
The Knights of Malta
At the end of 1522, the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent had forcibly ejected the Order of the Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem from their base on Rhodes after a six-month siege. Between 1523 and 1530, the Order lacked a permanent home. They became known as the Knights of Malta when, on 26 October, 1530, Philippe Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Grand Master of the Knights, sailed into Malta's Grand Harbour with a number of his followers to lay claim to Malta and Gozo, which had been granted to them by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V[2] in return for one falcon sent annually to the Viceroy of Sicily and a solemn mass to be celebrated on All Saints Day. Charles also required the Knights to garrison Tripoli on the North African coast, which was in territory that the Barbary corsairs, allies of the Ottomans, controlled. The Knights accepted the offer reluctantly. Malta was a small, desolate island, and for some time, many of the Knights clung to the dream of recapturing Rhodes

You are just silly. The man you support bringing us down:


Anonymous said...

You should educate yourself about the savagery of what went on for the battle for Stalingrad Marcus. But eh you obviously are uneducated and proud of it.


Marcus said...

Do you want me to post instances of christian terror? I could and you know it. The church has a long history of hiding molesters in their ranks to avoid punishment for them. I can understand your avoidance of the issue being a member of their organization yourself. I won't be joining your pseudo-history lessons because you are fundamentally wrong about too much shit for communication to be effective.

Anonymous said...

Marcus you are just an idiot. I don't belong to any organized religion. Suck on your liberal tit of illusion. You progressives are about what feels good...no logic...just emotions.

Go hug an endangered plant...

I have some simple questions for you Marcus:

Was Stalin a atheist?

Hitler? Mao?

Your hate fest for Christians is noted.
Do you hate Jews as well?

Marcus it must be a real burden to be so enlightened as you walk among us simple folk. How do you do it?

If Europe had fallen to the Muslims there wouldn't have been an Enlightment...God, Marcus you are fucking stupid as a box of rocks...sorry rocks...

b said...


I don't get it. It's like you make a couple intelligent points, then you go right back to trolling for angry responses like an idiot. It sounds like you two might actually have some common ground if he hates Jewish people too.

This one is just for you:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly Explodes Over Illegal Immigration

Richard Dawkins stumped by creationists' question

Anonymous said...

Well B that was funny not really seen it before...the person that thought that up should be taken out and shot.

As far as Mzrcus is concerned I just get tired of people like him. I can't help that such people are so closed minded. He has a relgion but he is too stupid to know that.
Progressives have a set of beliefs that if challenged they throw out the word racist, homo phobic, trailer trash etc much like an old time priest from the Middle Ages trying to cast out demons.

Educate yourself if you dare...or just remain a sheep:


Anonymous said...

Oreilly is a fake conservative.

Marcus said...

Oh, now progressive is a religion as well as atheism... FFS. How do you know that there would have been no enlightenment? You don't, yet I'm the stupid rock because I don't have your crystal ball and I don't pull bullshit out of my ass. There is a parellel with your religion (though you cowardly deny affiliation) and that is assumption. You assume there is a god because you are apparently too stupid to think otherwise, there is no evidence of ANY god described in a "holy" book. There is no evidence of ANY god once you attempt to describe what a god is. I'm done coming to this blog if there is never going to be an update and all I ever see is bullshit posts by ignorant asses. And, Bruce, maybe you should look a little more into your creationist video of Dawkins being "stumped", like all their other shit, it is a lie.

Brudogg said...

Study: Law Officers Struggle To Readjust After War - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124532170

"Since the day his officers gunned down two pet Labrador dogs and handcuffed two innocent people for hours in a drug raid in 2008 at the home of the mayor of Berwyn Heights, Prince George's County Sheriff Michael Jackson has clung to what seems like a preposterous notion that his men did nothing wrong." - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/18/AR2009111803872.html

"...the fact that more than half of the county’s SWAT deployments were for misdemeanors and nonserious felonies. That means more than 100 times last year Prince George’s County brought state-sanctioned violence to confront people suspected of nonviolent crimes. And that's just one county in Maryland." - http://reason.com/archives/2010/03/01/45-swat-raids-per-day

"David Pyles hadn't committed any crime, nor was he suspected of having committed one. The police never obtained a warrant for either search or arrest. They never consulted with a judge or mental health professional before sending out the military-style tactical teams to take Pyle in."


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Marcus you should quit coming here because you add lttle to issues being discussed here.
I am not affilated with any religion my belief is based on personal encounters with God that someone of your ilk will probably not have the opportunity to experience.

Lastly, as far as pulling declarative statements out of my ass I have just posted articles published in the main stream media and then commented on them or you might say that I drew a picture from the information put forth by the media pieces.

“Communism begins where atheism begins…” (Karl Marx)


Marcus said...

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and let this be the Justyou Files. You left out an interesting part of your quote mine, not that I would expect anything more from someone like you.

Anonymous said...


John said...

Catholicism isn't dead. It needs a reformation. It needs leaders with the courage to stand up and say "We have members of the clergy who commited crimes and we will not protect criminals nor people who enabled the issue. We will look into the issue of celibacy and see if it is realistic in today's world." That would be nice
if that would happen.

Anonymous said...

John: I am sure that some of the stories are real but I can't help but think that some people are simply looking for a way to cash in.
Look at it this way, bring up bad acts of Islam and progressives immediately bring up the Church. Like it or not the Church is at the Heart of Western Civilization. It gave Western Man a direction in his life: Secluarlism just doesn't have the right flavor since it really is built on quick sand that is on the idea that if it feels good then do it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marcus this isn't your soul mom is it?


"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." — Margaret Sanger

Anonymous said...

"Woman shot and killed by police in Prairie Village.
I see all this fighting over basically the same stupid shit on the net. In the meantime, the Prairie-Village-SWAT team couldn't subdue one crazy chick with a knife without tasering and shooting her to death. This is real crazy shit that happened right here in KC!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Welcome to thought control:


John said...

"I'm sure some of the stories are true." "I can't help thinking that some people are looking to cash in." Really? I mean Really???

This is just weak!! The Church has a issue with preist using altar boys as sex objects. The current Pope knew about instances where this happen and he "swep it under the rug".

Has the church made a impact on western civilization?. Yes it has. Most have been positive. But I refused to ignore things that religon has done that has hurt the development of the world.

It is a fact that religous beliefs have hurt the growth of science. It has promoted racism,colonialism,sexual abuse of the weakest, and stopped intelectual growth. This goes for all religous organizations. This has never been a Europe vs everyone else issue. Let's get real about it1!!!.

V said...

Attention Citizens:
Your politicians are not crooked.
Your police are not out of control.
Your money is real but cash is a pain so take your microchip, soon everybody will be doing it.
Keep your TV on so you won't feel alone.
Don't pay attention to anything but the mainstream.
If you wish to debate something, please limit yourself to the standard issues like race, religion, and partisan politics.
Don't bother your elected officials with petty concerns about taxes or freedom, they're smarter than you, let them handle it.
Stand up for the status quo by not getting involved in the system because its working out so well for everybody.
And remember, do not question authority, people involved in corporations and government can do no wrong.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hopefully the US will be too weak to do much about this:


Bruce said...

I'm going to publish this somewhere, any suggestions where?

Should The US Postal Service Cut Saturdays? Perhaps They Should Just Cut The Crap?

My most recent visit to the USPS Office:

I show up at the post office a couple minutes before it opens and there is already a short line at the door. Then they open up the doors and let us in and we wait patiently for the lady behind the counter to remove her "next window please" sign so we can do our business. After about 10 minutes goes by, the postal employee informs us that it will be at least 10 more minutes before she can help anyone because her computer wasn't up yet. No rushing around or apologies, just like that's the way it's supposed to be or something. So I come back a half hour later and I'm informed that she can't cash my postal money order right now because they don't have a hundred bucks in cash and she's not sure if they will later either, she said it depends on if someone else buys a money order, again just like that's the way it's supposed to be, she politely tells me to go to a bank. I thought for a second that maybe it was a safety thing about not keeping too much cash on hand but the 3 inches of bullet-proof glass that she had to strain to hear me through shattered that notion.

So, if I had the same experience at Kinkos... Wait nevermind, because those things wouldn't happen at Kinkos or UPS Store or any other business that expects to stay in business. That's a big part of the problem right there, common sense things are apathized, like being ready to serve the customers when the doors open and being able to actually provide the services that are offered.

I would like to see the postal service keep going strong but it's going to need some reform and I don't believe that cutting back services should be the place to start.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A Jew would never be snakey


B said...

Bless you

OMG! What a bunch a hater bastards! Why do these people wanna poop on their parade?


I guess it will make it easier for the tea-partiers to distance themselves from the "nutjobs" now though.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting:


I wonder what the profile of hard core poor Obama supporters would look like?

Anonymous said...

That is interesting.

At first glance, it looks to me like this is a group of people standing up for what they believe is right without fear being their primary motivation. But... perhaps they are afraid of losing their advantages. It seems to me that a lot of people don't think that bad things can actually happen to them until they do happen. I'd say that in some ways, the Tea-partiers are way ahead of the game as far as Repubs go.

It made me a little sad when I overheard people talking about how Obambam would be bringing the neighborhood up pretty soon. I think that's mostly the job of the neighborhood, not Mr. Obama.

I imagine that the profile of a hardcore Obambam supporter would be someone looking for a hero.


Obama '08 - He's Super, Man!

Obama: Born On Krypton


Personally, I'm with Tina on this one. It begins when we can see beyond the Thunderdome

ServoAni said...


Anonymous said...

Black Privilege


Anonymous said...


John said...

I imagine a so-called Obama supporter is passionate,true believer and somwhat "hard headed". I got news for you guys. That's the norm for people who are ideologs. (liberal,conservative,tea-baggers or some of you bloggers on this blog.)

The NY Times did a great article on who the tea-baggers/party folks really are.

I guess it is okay to be passionate but be informed of what the hell that you are mad about and be "CONSISTENT"!!!

John said...

Will Justice actaully talk about something tonite??? Will he have a point???

Anonymous said...

This is for you John: I don't know how much clearer you want it.
'They' play both sides...was the war in Iraq about oil? I doubt it.



John said...

I agree with Joe Klein about the neo-cons jews. I think Dan Levy's article was well done and made great points about a internal struggle between jews in Israel and in the United States. So Whats your point?.

Hell I think the neocons are crazy and don't have a clue on the role of diplomacy.

Gee I have this feeling that your view is well diffrent then mine??.

Gosh I just can't wait for your response on this.

Anonymous said...

The US capitol seems to be in Tel Av-vi. If President Obama backs off from supporting Israel over Iran then I will have to rethink my position. The US cannot take a chance on letting Israel atack Iran nor can we afford to do it for her. I doubt that Iran would hold back if attacked. A false flag operation is coming. Even if Iran gets nukes it would be stupid for her to use them agaisnt the Jewish nuke armed state.

Lastly what I see it that Jews voted 80 percent or President Obama and that they are well represented in the so-called Republican Party as well. It would seem that they have all their ducks lined up. Am I being anti Jewish or am I just stating a fact.

You no doubt have heard this before: Just all a coincident that it was Jews that brought Nixon down.


If I say that white males make up 90 perecent of all serial killers (not true by the way) no one would call me a hater of white males. But if I said that 90 percent of all heads of Media are Jewish good God I must be evil.

Marcus said...

You fucking jack-asses live in a little bubble called the Midwest on the shiny buckle of the bible belt and you think you have the rest of the world figured out. Unfortunately for you (fortunately for the rest of us) you're completely wrong about almost every single thing.

Anonymous said...

Lexx - Higgs boson

Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [1 of 3]

5,000,000 ¢ said...

I'd like to see the statistics that prove 90% of all media-heads are of the Jewish race/religion. If you can prove it, then I don't believe that statement by itself is racist.

When I was in a jail in southeast kansas, there was a really nice old guy that used to come once a week to preach and pray with those of us who wanted to attend. The old man wore a freemason ring and during one of his closing prayers he talked about how important it was to support Israel no matter what. My friend got really pissed about him injecting his political beliefs into a prayer, I thought it was pretty uncool too.

The "who's" doing what is important, but not as important as what is actually being done. It seems the NORML-type people didn't worry about "who" was oppressing them as much as how to change things so that they will not be as oppressed. I think there will pretty much always be people who try to take advantage of and control others. We gotta concentrate more on what's being done and how to change it then on who's doing it if we want real change. Successful examples: weed-smokers, anti-slavers, anti-segregationists, real-id-opponents, etc, etc...

Denver 420 - 4:20 2010 Rally Civic Center Park - Massive crowd puffin at the Colorado State Capitol building!!!

Anonymous said...

I was making a comparability about the 90 percent figure of white male serial killers which you will note I said was not true:


Anonymous said...

Marcus I have been out of the US several times and I read foreign news daily not to mention listening to the BBC on a regular basis. Your hatred of Christians is noted.

Two percent of population:





This last bit, oh I know I just made it up: Look out Iran the Jews are coming for you...that is their dupes in the US are.


Obama assured Hu that he was “sensitive to China’s energy needs” and would work to make sure that Beijing had a steady supply of oil if Iran cut China off in retaliation for joining in severe sanctions.

Anonymous said...

Marcus I was just begining to think that you were right that is that I was just seeing too many shadows when this turned up:

This is from the ADL or Jewish Power Group that helped push hate crime laws here in the states as well as pushing for hate speech laws.


And then we have this moron: She isn't your girlfriend is she, Marcus?


Marcus said...

There's nothing wrong with that report and ACORN is gone. You are seeing too many shadows.

Anonymous said...

Obama the racist:


Illuminaughty said...

So, let me get this straight. It's ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE that one man lies about his place of birth...when being the most powerful person on earth is on the line. However, it is VERY POSSIBLE that Bush and whoever else planned and carried out 9/11 for all the bullcrap "reasons" that "9/11 was an inside job." To me, that's partisanship perfected.

Anonymous said...

9-11 wasn't an inside job like someone setting explosives but certianly there may have been people in governments that had an idea that it was going to happen but did nothing to stop it. Say you have a friend that tells you that he is going to rob a bank...you keep his confidence to yourself and he robs the bank. Should you be held accountable?
Or say you goad your friend into action. The last two are what I think of a higher probability than what you posited.

Marcus said...

LOL, AlumniNotty, I think that alot of the people that don't buy Obama's birth certificate don't buy the 9/11 story, either. Also, alot of the people that do buy the birth certificate don't buy the "inside job" story. Your partisan ship is sailing the same course as the Titanic or maybe it's more like the Pequod.

Illuminaughty said...

Marxuth...I took no position on those two "stories" so your point about partisanship does not apply. Its just a matter of measuring likelihood or probability. Then again, we've already established that you've never taken/studied Prob and Stat 1 so its most likely over your head. So, take off your Che Guevara t-shirt and get a job, you lib.

Marcus said...

Actually, it was you trying to make a point about "partisanship perfected". I was simply pointing out that you sound like a deranged one-legged captain hunting a certain half-white half-black whale (and I don't mean Shamoo). I remember your little probability of life comment, do you recall my response?

Illuminaughty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Illuminaughty said...

Yes, I made that point.

Your video "response" refuted nothing. It actually endorses its opposing view. The narrator's premise is faulty. He was refuting a claim that the universe was ideal for human life. That claim was never made. The claim is that earth is ideal for life. Then, he used a statistic to say that the universe is not hospitalable for human life. That same number statistic endorses the concept of a rare earth. Even I could see through that bullcrap. Try better youtube philosophers to do your thinking for you.

The numbers dont lie. 1 human happening by chance is impossible. Two humans happening by chance at the same time who are male and female is more than 1 in (impossible X impossible) or (1/(impossible)^2). So, your blind faith in nothing is at least impressive with respect to your level of devoutness in the face of statistical data.

Marcus = gay

Marcus said...

Coincidentally, he has videos about evolution and about how the sexes emerged... they will correct your faulty ideas on those subjects. Also, you really suck at statistics and probabilities. For example, how do you get "impossible" as one of your data points? I know I asked you that before, I'm hoping you might answer this time.

John said...


Being smart and having a clue really causes a threat for some people in this blog.

I find it funny that the person that your dealing with has to bring up your sexual Id. Marcus=Gay!! Gee, is that it? I guess he showed you.

Keep up the free thinking.

Marcus said...

It's difficult to argue with someone that is so inaccurate about everything, including their insults. It takes someone more patient than me.


Anonymous said...

Marucs isn't gay here is his wife or girlfriend...what a stupid fucked up liberal white female or she might be a Jew...but stupid is as stupid does:
God, this has to be one of the dumbest females on the planet.


I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self-sufficiency. I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world, and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people. Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my brother’s behavior, I’m grateful for the experience. It woke me up, made me understand on a deeper level the terror that my sisters deal with daily. This in hand, I feel comfortable in speaking for Haitian women, and for myself, in saying that we will not be your pawns, racially, politically, economically or otherwise.

Marcus said...

You really should feel ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

The female in question is on your side, Marcus what is the big deal?
She put her story out for people to comment on. I can't help she is a stupid, liberal female.

Marcus said...

I used to play a game with my little brother when I was around 8 years old. "That's my car" if I thought it was cool "That's your car" if I thought it was shitty, same thing with girls. It was stupid and mean and I stopped doing it way back then. I think you should be ashamed that you still play such childish games. Also, I think you should say what you really think about the woman from the blog. You're already anonymous, whay not say what you mean? What exactly is your issue?

Anonymous said...

I did mean what I said and the is that she is a typical white liberal dumbass female...she might be Jewish but they usually get others to do stupid things for them.
You are funny being the moralist and all. I thought you were a atheist. In an atheist world anything goes.
To me the ironic thing about this stupid female is that she really thought she was down with black folk; that she was with them in their fight against the evil white man. When she told the guy raping her that she was a Malcolm X scholar that must have went over like a lead balloon.
White liberal dumb shits like this female are far worse than racist. People like her endanger others because of her risky acts.
Now if I was real nasty I would wish that she gets aids from the guy but even I am not that nasty and evil.

Marcus said...

Unfortunately, I don't have the skill or patience to teach you about ethics and morality. I can say that you christians have it all fucked up. All you need to do is believe in Jesus and ask him to forgive you (which he always does) and you got your "golden ticket". That is not ethical by any stretch of the imagination.

Do you feel the same way about our female soldiers who are raped by the people that are supposed to be watching their back? Should they just come home and let the rapists do the fighting for us? Does her skin color make that much difference to you? Or is it the color of her rapist? And how was she endangering others? Is a woman who gets raped in a park endangering others? Your inabilty to live in the reality that the majority of us live in is what perpetuates and exaggerates many problems we have. I wonder who is more dangerous between you and the rapist. We can lock the racist up for his crime but you're protected by the 1st Amendment to slink around spouting your shit at impressionable minds. I hope you change for the better.

B said...

Former US nurse charged with aiding suicides via web:

"Mr Melchert-Dinkel from Minnesota allegedly posed as a female nurse, instructing people in suicide chatrooms how to take their lives.
He reportedly admitted helping five or fewer people kill themselves."

"The criminal complaint filed in the case in Rice County, Minnesota, said Mr Melchert-Dinkel had told investigators that he encouraged 'dozens' of people to commit suicide for the 'thrill of the chase'."

That's one sick fucker!

b said...


ServoAni said...

Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking:

"He concludes that trying to make contact with alien races is “a little too risky”. He said: “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”"


ServoAni said...

What to do in case of first alien contact poster

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No one asked you to teach me your here today gone tomorrow ethics, Marcus. Being an atheist means being your own God meaning that your sense of right and wrong depends on how you are feeling on a particular day.
As to my being a Christian of which I am not at least in the sense of how you might view such a person I do like believing in a Higher Power that you can call anything you want. In fact in a world that is much too dark, it is nice having an anchor in a world of illusion bubbling on the membrane of quantum
charm. I have plumed multiple universes in a sea of infinite possibilities and have seen things that few others have or will ever see.
What the heck are you foaming about our female soldiers? The dumb liberal white idiot was and is no soldier. She no doubt hates the US military and blames all of the world's problems on the US and white males not gay ones though. Such fools endangers others because they go into areas that they think they are welcome in but then put themselves at risk causing others to perhaps risk their lives in trying to save such fools.
Do you even have a clue as to what you write, Marcus? I live in the real world every day paying my taxes to support too many people that don't do much of anything except produce children they can't afford. You called the rapist a racist. You are just too funny, Marcus. You prove time and time again that you are the evil one. You would have made an excellent Nazis camp guard.

Obergruppenführer, Marus.

Anonymous said...

This girl has a nice voice...


Anonymous said...

I sent this to MTJ via email.

Give me claytons email please. I will prove to him the only thing south korean was involved in, its involvement included thier shipyard used to build that oil rig. Transocean bought it from Hyundai who built it and sold it on the open market to Transocean who is renting it to BP. I.E. Hyundais was the primary investor and then sold its product. GET IT!!! South Korea are not owners of that rig, nor their homebased company Hyundai.

Further note i am still looking into the monetary attachment of Hyundai and how it effects S.K. monetary loss or gain.

BIGDOG living in your mind rent free...lol (limbaughs line not mine but funny as hell)

Anonymous said...

Money Quote:

"The semi-submersible rig was built in 2001 by Hyundai Heavy Industries Shipyard in South Korea."

Monetary situation with Transocean:

"Transocean Executes 5-Year Contract for Ultra-Deepwater HHI Drillship
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - Transocean announced that a five-year contract has been executed with a client for a previously announced ultra-deepwater newbuild drillship equipped for drilling in up to 10,000 feet of water depth, upgradable to 12,000 feet of water depth."

Seemingly it appears that the only effect on S.K. financially would be if people cancelled billion dollar contracts and S.K. wouldnt recieve their taxes rom Hyandais profits.

So far no contract concellations have taken place. So exaxtly how is it suppost to effect S.K. according to claytons article?

BIGDOG...Im here clayton where are you sir?

Illuminaughty said...

MTJ = Xerxes sympathizer

Marcus = gay

John said...

South Korea had nothing to do with the horrific oil spill in the gulf. We really don't know what happen so I find it a little bit funny that some of us have to use the conspiracy theory angle.

I have always said that people that deal in conspiracy theories most of the time dont know what the hell they are talking about.

Keep bringing it Marcus!! Your a lot smarter and ethical than a lot of these so-called moralist any day. "racist right-wing jackasses"

Marcus said...

Thanks, John. Surely his words in that last post say enough. He's scoured the multiverse [insert Uranus joke] and returned to talk shit on a trauma survivor and blame jews for everything but the unenviable size of his pecker. Stick a fork in him...

Jon said...

We don't really know what happened with the horrific oil spill in the gulf but I somehow know that South Korea had nothing to do with it. Conspiracies are dumb because everybody knows that when something bad happens there couldn't possibly be more than one person in on it, groups of people can only do wonderful things. Gee, these skeptics don't know what the hell they are talking about.

Keep bringing it, Marcus, oh yeah, that's it!! You're so smart and ethical!! You can scour my multiverse, and we'll spend a lot of time on Uranus!! Stick a fork in my left-wing johnass, cause I'm done, hot & ready!!

Anonymous said...

Marcus you are so clever. What are you ten?


Anonymous said...

Hey John don't you have a candle you should be lightning to your savior, Obama?

I mean Americans should be so thankful that we have the smartest man in History running the country.

Keep it up:

Further information: Race and crime in the United States
As of 2008, a statistics report which surveyed all persons arrested for offending, stated that of the crimes surveyed for which the identity of the offender could be determined, 69.2 percent of all persons arrested were white or Hispanic, 28.3 percent of people arrested for offending were black or black and Hispanic; and the remaining 2.4 percent were of other races. After arrest, 45.1% of violent crimes and 17.4% of property crimes nationwide were cleared by arrest or exceptional means.[11] As of 2008, statistics report as that of 16,277 murders, 10,568 were committed by males, 1,176 were by female, and 4,533 were committed in which the offenders sex was unknown. Likewise, 5,334 murders where committed by white offenders, 5,943 were committed by black or black and Hispanic offenders, 273 were committed by offenders of other races, and 4,727 murders were committed by offenders whom race is not known. [12]

Anonymous said...


Check out the total percentage of non whites getting goodies that number is higher than the white number only the fact that there are more whites in the country can libearls say that but soon whites will be just another minority and then non whites will outnumber whites on welfare.

Anonymous said...

Race, Crime and Justice in America
The Color
New Century Foundation
Oakton, VA 22124

Second, Expanded Edition
Major Findings
• Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.
Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder,
and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely
than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and
Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of
the population that is black and Hispanic.
Interracial Crime
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving
blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Fortyfive
percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are
Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against
a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes
against whites than vice versa.
• Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
• Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs.
Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
• Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139
to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39
• Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are
three times more likely.

Life is so dull. We need even more people of such high moral character...I mean John is just not carrying his weight though I am sure that Marcus helps as much as he can after he arrives in the short yellow bus.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what percentage of black and Hispanic peoples are in each of these cities?
A direct cause of out of control health care cost in US.

Should I dare list the ten leanest cities and then post the percentages of black and Hispanic peoples in those places? Nope that would be racist.



B said...

So, giving "goodies" should hopefully help minorities back up to the same socio-economic status as whites and reduce minority crime, right?

Anonymous said...

Live Justice Files Chat:


Anonymous said...


ServoAni said...


John said...

Racist Dumbasses!!!!!

B said...

Well, John, that's something we can agree on.

Hey Racist Dude,
This attitude of "certain people just suck and that's all there is to it" is pretty retarded. The truth of the matter in my opinion is that certain people got screwed generations ago and the negative effects on their progeny continue still. I'm mostly white but I have no "white-guilt complex" about the atrocities of some of my ancestors, I didn't have anything to do with all that. I see a problem and I see some solutions in place that seem to help like Affirmative Action.
I've known some damn decent, smart, non-criminal, non-world dominating people that are minorities and jews so if your point is that "they just suck" then it's retarded, pointless, and you really need to lay off the quantum reality shifting and get out in the real world a bit more.
You don't seem to like welfare(handout) or Affirmative Action(handup). You can bitch about minority crime and minority welfare and jewish supremacy all day but what solutions do you propose? Cut off welfare? Fence off the ghettos? Put all jews in camps? What's your general direction here? Seriously, Please, where are you trying to go with all this race-related jibberjabber that you plaster up?

Marcus said...

Turns out that the real "pure blood" homo sapien sapiens weren't the folks that left Africa. Racism is sooo fucking dumb, must be a trait ancient Europeans picked up from their neanderthal mates.

Marcus said...


Illuminaughty said...

that's funny. racism is dumb and then the use of racism. marcuth, you and john should date, if you arent already. I guess the empirical data hurts after all.

Marcus said...

Lol, that's being a speciesist, if anything- Having neanderthal genes myself gives me something like a pass especially when used in conjuction with, what us humans call "humor", don't you think?

John said...

I agree with you. I don't blame white people for past ills against minorites. I think racism is one of the ills that is so stupid and just real counterproductive. It's great for blogs,conservative talk radio because it allows these moron's to vent. I have always been a big picture kind of guy.

My last post had nothing to do with race. It dealt with what happend in the gulf with the oil spill and something I heard on the justice files which I had to respond to. Now, somehow the response to me was this big stat listing of %'s of blacks/latino's crime stats,lack of intelect and other crap. (Funny "The New Century Foundation" is a website for white supremist's that some idiot decide to use.) Had nothing to do with my posting on the oil spill.

You are right on "B" about trying to come up with solutions other that it's to many latino's and black's in the country. These idiots don't want to deal with solutions because they really don't have a clue. They repeat talking points from conservative talk radio and pull stats from racist websites that are most of the time wrong or just made up.

Again, I'm a big picture kind of guy so I tend to try to find solutions instead of blaming other people for problems or my own shortcommings. (That's at you "NUTTY")

Anonymous said...

Made up stats:



The 10 states with the highest obesity rates are:

3.West Virginia
8.Indiana (tie for 8th)
9.South Carolina (tie for 8th)


As of 2008, Mississippi has an estimated population of 2,938,618[1]. Mississippi's population has the largest proportion of African Americans of any U.S. state, currently nearly 37%.[citation needed]

Anonymous said...

Hey B:

Put this in your pipe and smoke it:
Europe didn't take that long to recover, maybe we should move all black people back to Africa and help them out for say ten years and then be done with it.


World War II casualty statistics vary greatly. Estimates of total dead range from 50 million to over 70 million.36 The sources cited on this page document an estimated death toll in World War II of 62 to 78 million, making it the deadliest war ever. When scholarly sources differ on the number of deaths in a country, a range of war losses is given, in order to inform readers that the death toll is disputed. Civilians killed totaled from 40 to 52 million, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war.

Anonymous said...


Neanderthal cranial capacity is thought to have been as large as that of Homo sapiens, perhaps larger, indicating that their brain size may have been comparable as well. In 2008, a group of scientists made a study using three-dimensional computer-assisted reconstructions of Neanderthal infants based on fossils found in Russia and Syria, showing that they had brains as large as ours at birth and larger than ours as adults.[10] On average, the height of Neanderthals was comparable to contemporaneous Homo sapiens. Neanderthal males stood about 165–168 cm (65–66 in), and were heavily built with robust bone structure. They were much stronger[vague], having particularly strong arms and hands.[11] Females stood about 152–156 cm (60–61 in).[12] They were almost exclusively carnivorous[13] and apex predators.[14]

Anonymous said...

Hey John is this good enough for you?

Notice how Hispanic number was rolled into the white total...

Further information: Race and crime in the United States
As of 2008, a statistics report which surveyed all persons arrested for offending, stated that of the crimes surveyed for which the identity of the offender could be determined, 69.2 percent of all persons arrested were white or Hispanic, 28.3 percent of people arrested for offending were black or black and Hispanic; and the remaining 2.4 percent were of other races. After arrest, 45.1% of violent crimes and 17.4% of property crimes nationwide were cleared by arrest or exceptional means.[11] As of 2008, statistics report as that of 16,277 murders, 10,568 were committed by males, 1,176 were by female, and 4,533 were committed in which the offenders sex was unknown. Likewise, 5,334 murders where committed by white offenders, 5,943 were committed by black or black and Hispanic offenders, 273 were committed by offenders of other races, and 4,727 murders were committed by offenders whom race is not known. [12]

A 2008 FBI Uniform Crime Report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, Whites represented 65.2% of persons arrested for rape, Blacks represented 32.2%, with American Indians and Asians ranking just above 1%. "Hispanics", "Hispanic-White" or "Hispanic-Black" was not specified into any specific category.[13].

Anonymous said...

To John more made up stats:
Hey John why do we need more fat people?



If Americans continue to pack on pounds, obesity will cost the USA about $344 billion in medical-related expenses by 2018, eating up about 21% of health-care spending, says the first analysis to estimate the future medical costs of excess weight.


Black and Hispanic young people in the study were twice as likely as whites to be overweight or obese, even when the researchers took into account other risk factors like inactivity and poverty.

Oregon is 90 percent white. It also has a high rate of breast-feeding, and some research suggests that protects against obesity.

B said...

Hey Racist Dude, no thanks, I like to smoke the good shit.
Perhaps we could send white people back to europe while we're at it.

Chew on this:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey B: I have no problem with going back to Europe. They will need more people in the future.

Do you think that black people would be complaining if they weren't allowed to come along?


New Orleans is considered the unhealthiest city in America, according to a new study released by Bert Sperling's BestPlaces and multivitamin-maker Centrum. The Centrum Healthiest Cities Study is the first-ever comprehensive "health report card" of the 50 largest metro areas in the U.S. that’s based on key factors including health status, nutrition and exercise, plus mental health and life balance, which also contribute to overall well-being

Anonymous said...

Hey B if white people weren't sacrificing themselves to try and solve others problems they would be able to concentrate on helping poor whites.

Anonymous said...


Hey Marcus your brother?

Marcus said...

My brother...


B said...

Hey Racist Dude,
You call it "white people ... sacrificing themselves to try and solve others problems"
I call it "Imperialism"

This should put a smile on your twisted face: http://fifcolumn.blogspot.com/2010/05/new-double-death.html

Illuminaughty said...

Hey, John... the word is shortcomings. Talk about irony.

Marcuth... LOL...we're right ABOVE Mexico. I see the apples dont fall far from each other or the tree. LOL...the "black man in America" line. Obviously, like you Marcuth, your brother didnt take or study macroeconomics 101. Allow me to teach your family.

When illegals come here, they drastically INCREASE the supply of labor where the demand for labor rises only slightly. This raises unemployment and lowers wages hurting the poor the most. Furthermore, they are limited to low to no skill level work so they drastically affect the low to no skill level labor market. So, if you are against the immediate deportation of all illegals, you are for the lowering of wages and raising of unemployment for the people with the lowest skill set/education levels. My question to you and your brother: why do you hate uneducated Americans like yourself?

Anonymous said...

1) The president of the ECB is a jew -- Jean-Claude Trichet.

2) The Chairman of US fed is a jew -- Benjamin Shalom Bernanke.

3) The previous Chairman of the US Fed is a jew -- Alan Greenspan. Greenspan is currently an adviser for Paulson (a jew) and Co., the hedge fund involved in the current Goldman Sachs (a jew firm) fraud case. He is also an adviser for the British Treasury.

4) The current Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a jew -- Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

5) The current president of the World Bank is...not a jew -- Robert Zoellick. But he was previously a managing director of.. yes, you guessed it...Goldman Sachs.

The two previous presidents of the World Bank were jews -- Paul "The Warmonger" Wolfowitz and James Wolfensohn.

6) The US Treasury Secretary who pushed trough the $700 billion 2008 bank bailout bill was not a jew -- Henry Paulson (no relation to the Paulson hedge fund). But, once again, he WAS previously Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of...Goldman Sachs.

7) The treasury Secretary during Clinton's administration was a jew -- Robert Rubin. He had previously worked for 26 years at...it gets a bit repetitive...Goldman Sachs. He is currently one of Obama's top economic advisers along with Lawrence Summers who is oddly enough...a jew.

Anonymous said...

Hey B, I am not a racist like you seem to be...the intent of the piece you posted is certainly racist.

This is for you:


Anonymous said...

Hey Marcus, the guy in the clip that is your black uncle is an idio; the AZ law is not racial profiling. The cops can only ask your status after they have stopped you first and then they have a hunch that you are illegal. If you get stopped and you are legal and feel that you have been targeted you can sue the state.
I am not at all surprised that you are uniformed on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Hey B you look good, nice wife and daughter. Love that house...


Marcus said...

FFS, go read the fucking thing yourself, it's called SB 1070 and it clearly says they can pull you over if they think you're an illegal.

Marcus said...

Furthermore, in this country, you're innocent until proven guilty and not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

Marcus you read the bill:
Maybe we should be checking your status.


Anonymous said...

Obambi losing Jewish support then wham he picks a Jew for the High Court but not just any Jew one that clerked for the black racist Marshall. Why is this important? Once hate speech laws are introduced and then challenged she will side with hate speech law authors since it will be illegal to say anything bad about Jews or the Holly Hoax.
She will easily be confirmed...


Anonymous said...

Hey John not your kin, hey?


B said...

Hey Racist Dude,

The intent of the piece I posted is certainly NOT racist but I had a feeling that you would see it that way. It was a dis on Oprah and KFC. Oprah gave KFC such a strong endorsement for being healthy, she even gave free KFC meals to a ton of people and then they come out with what is probably the most unhealthy product on the fast-food market. That's the thing about exploring different realities, until you can escape from your own reality, it can be difficult to see into others'.


I found this picture of you but don't worry, I won't give away your secret identity

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey B that was a nice picture though I must say that it turned out better than I thought it would.

For your enterainment:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

instantaneous translator of human speech:

John said...

It's funny how I just stir up you idiots who seem to throw out a lot of useless stats.

What's your point on the obesity rates of the top ten states?? We (black folk) eat a lot of bad things?? You get no arguement from me. Have you floated by Walmart lately?? I see a lot of fat white people/and fat people in general. So WTF is your point??.


Your ignorance is astounding to me. Your right wages are being decrease but it's not just because of illegals. Big corporations have been rigging the game on that before undocumented workers ever became a issue. The white-middle class is the new "N's on the block". People like you have been convinced that minorites are your enemies from the likes of Limbaugh,Beck and your little white supremist websites.

Nutty, you and your buddies seem to live in a fantasy world where you really think the color of one's skin sets what you will be like later on in life. (You call me and Marcus uneducated?.)Dude Grow UP!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey John how can you determine if you have a problem without stats?

The fact is that white people are spending too much money trying to save fat people like you when we have enough problems of our own to solve. Sooner or later white people are going to be forced to say no.
I would like to get into the issue of welfare and break it down by race and which group pays the bulk of the taxes in the US.

The enemies of white people are Jews: for instance the new Jew on the Supreme Court.
Jews are dying to bring hate speech laws here to the states. The real fight is between Jews and whites though whites have been losing since the 60's.
10,000 years of human history versus Marx and his New Man. I think History will win out and the US will implode along with Europe. It is just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Hey John this is for you:
The white race is dying out maybe you can get the Chinese to cough up the food.



Clayton said...

What to say About The Justice Files......

I wonder what you say and what you mean can be two different things at the same time depending upon your point of you, that said.....

What do I have I have to say about the 'rapist' from the Waldo area, burn in #$^@*&^% hell. It is people like you that contribute to the destruction of mankind. Imagine what his childhood must have been like to be able to have that frame of mind to stalk and rape women. However though, some men are born that way....

I have to say I was a little leery at first when meeting Anthony, but it was a very positive experience. I didn't really know what to expect from him. I typically tried stay out of his and Michael T's conversation's in the past, because I felt as though he might attack me and I feel as though in many ways Anthony is above my pay grade. Though give me some more time and I will improve. Anthony is a very interesting kat, I must say, I'm glad to have met him....


Recently there was a proposal of a Rapid Rail system by Mike Sanders an Executive from Transystems, an engineering firm. This proposal uses existing rails that are currently underutilized. I had thought of the crazy idea of retro fitting metro buses to run on the tracks to transport people. Technology similar to the rail trucks that clean the tracks which can run on the tracks as well as pummel their way down I-435. I think though that my plan is a little hair-brained, due in part that Transystem corp. is wanting to use real rail cars which would be a substantial gouge to the tax-payers without a real guarantee to see a return on investment. My idea would cut Transystems budget in half, and help save tax dollars. Though the question still remains are consumers ready to make a change to have cleaner air to breathe.....?
But the real topic: How will the current oil spill effect out Grandchildren's

It was a great show as usual I had blast hangin' with Michael T......


Illuminaughty said...

"...Michael T's favorite topic: 9/11." - Smurfette. LOL LOL LOL.

Clayton...you believe we were put here by aliens and in random North Korean attacks on oil rigs not owned by South Korea. Enough said.

John said...

I enjoyed listening to the files on 5/10/2010. I thought the "evil genius" brought the pain on a lot of you righwing wacko's who feel real comfy in your talking points you get from conservative talk radio.

Tony is a good guy. Mike and you are good guys but you don't stand up to a lot of these ignorant clowns that call up your show. Sometimes you can't be nice with idiots like Russ and Jerry. This is the problem with KKFI. They don't want someone with strong opinions that will take on the rightwing clowns that do talk radio in this town.

I still don't get the point about race and obesity???. Americans on the average eat to much and need to exercise more. That is the main lesson that needs to be applied. As far as everything else?? WHATEVER!!!!!

B said...

I've had some thoughts on Mass Transit for a while now but making busses into trains, that's awesome! They could even switch back and forth as needed like if a bus brakes down they could switch it to a train car until they have time to fix it. It would be a tough sell though.

One obstacle to rail is the bus drivers. Every Bus Operator that I've talked to about light rail(only 3 actually) is against it because they seem to think that they might lose some of their jobs but they'd still need people to operate the trains so I don't really get it.

When Chastain's light rail thing passed not only did the politicos not do it, they didn't even try to make it happen. (I voted for it even though the gondola thing was hella gay.)
I think a major factor that was missing from previous light rail proposals was corporate sponsorship. To get something big like that pushed through it needs lots of lube. Our politicians are in the habit of getting something in return for their support whether its legal bribery or trading favors or whatever, the system as is, needs to be lubricated, usually with corporate lobbying, marketing, and cash, to make big things happen. As long as some big corporations can profit immensely then it can go through no problem.

What companies would design and build the tracks and do the conversions and how could they keep making money off of light rail? I think if you can answer those questions then your idea, with the help of lots of people and a clever "green" ad campaign, could be a reality. I think Tran5ystem5 would have to be cut out completely though unless they would still be content with half at this point.








Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Under the New Hate Speech law Act of 2012 you are under arrest for posting this link. Your punishment is to read King Omamis' little red book of tropes.

Anonymous said...

Well Clayton. Where is the recognition for your error about the Kremlin article and your behaviour. I have asked MTJ to send me your email and guess what no response from either one of you.Im not suprised. I'll just put another notch in my belt....lol

I know you were expecting my phone call i heard it in your voice at the beggining of the show.

Got any new information you want to post about ths NK attack on our oil rig?

Exactly how was this attack suppost to hurt SK economy?


BTW i know you are ignoring me. Let me makes this real clear to you.

I would have handle this thru email but:

I dont give two shits less that you so-called saved my job or helped save my job. Sorry your more ignorant about these things and how selfish can you be. I was paying another carrier to do half my route. Meanwhile Nancy and her team did the other half. If you were part of that equation with nancy then i thank you. However if you want to throw it up in my face like i owe you somnething for doing your job as an employee, of the star, then GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!


B said...

I'm not real yippee about this chick but in context, this sounds reasonable to me.
"I. Section 48 encompasses a very narrow category of
speech that is unprotected under the First Amendment.
A. This Court has recognized that some categories of
speech lack First Amendment protection, because the
speech has little or no expressive value and causes serious
societal harms. Whether a given category of speech enjoys
First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical
balancing of the value of the speech against its societal

B. Section 48 does not reach any speech that advances
the exposition of ideas. By its terms, the statute is limited
to depictions of illegal acts of extreme cruelty, and it expressly
exempts any speech with serious religious, political,
scientific, educational, journalistic, historical, or artistic
value. The resulting narrow category of material includes
crush videos, in which women in high-heeled shoes slowly
crush animals to death. It also includes videos of dogfights,
hog-dog fights, and cockfights—bloody spectacles of vicious
animals forced to fight to the point of exhaustion or death.
Such images are far removed from the free trade in ideas
that the First Amendment was designed to protect." - http://www.abanet.org/publiced/preview/briefs/pdfs/07-08/08-769_Petitioner.pdf

Hey Racist Dude,
some twisted dehumanizing shit for ya:

Anonymous said...

Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty. - Stanislaw J. Lec

Anonymous said...

After 40 years, $1 trillion, US War on Drugs has failed to meet any of its goals:


Anonymous said...

This site lets you browse every vote in the U.S. Congress since 1991:


Anonymous said...


ServoAni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ServoAni said...


Anonymous said...

John the bigot speaks imagine that...

How does it go?
Obama nice tie: what you mean? bigot.
I just mean he speaks well.
I dare say that most conservatives are way better informed than your average black Obama supporter.

A John is this is your sister?


Anonymous said...

He's gonna pop

Just breathe


Anonymous said...

The US has big problems but we must save the black man: I thought we were all the same.


Anonymous said...

fucking Jews


Anonymous said...


John said...


Do you ever have a point with your constant attacks on me??. I will bring up a subject and you and your buddies have to go with racial post at me that has nothing to do with anything.

B said...

John, I don't think it has any buddies.

Anonymous said...

B: that was cold, brother...I thought we were all the same.

Here is what your poorgressives friends are bringing to us next. No doubt John will love it.

Hate speech laws and then this:
See you all in the camp.


B said...

Damn, that was cold I suppose. What I meant was that I don't believe that there are any other race-baiters that post here.

Anonymous said...

I only speak the truth that people don't like it not my problem.

B said...


This is contrary to what many people will try to tell you these days but just because you believe something to be true does not make it so.

What people don't like is being insulted. The constant black & jew insults make it slightly difficult for me not to insult you.

Is this your arch-nemesis?

That last article that you posted I did find very interesting, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Read this, B then get back to me:


John said...

I don't mind opinions. I just listen to the one's that are informed.

I believe in "free speech". You fight speech you diagree with with more free speech. When someone take your free speech away from you then they lose what credibility
they have.

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