Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where the jobs aren't.


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Anonymous said...


Got to get with the program...I am sure that someone like John supports this and our racist President.

Anonymous said...


Illuminaughty said...

Damn democrats.

Anonymous said...

The secret formula to make an obama revealed - Its just Bush Light with a commie twist

Anonymous said...

Our racist President was put in office by a liberal guilt ridden media meaning white, but controlled by others; then pushed over the edge by guilt ridden whites and the bad economy that was made that way by other powerful people belonging to one particular tribe; and some guilt ridden alturistic whites.

The racist in office should never have been made President.

Anonymous said...

guilt ridden for what?

Anonymous said...


John said...

The employment numbers are bad and with time it will get better. I think President Obama's policies of jobs are slow to taking because of a lack of confidence in the economy. I see signs that things are improving.

1) The stock market is improving.

2)Unemployment claims have dropped.

3) The stimulus is working as far as creating jobs.

Certain areas in the country has higher unemployment numbers but I hope that with investment in technology the employment numbers will pick up.

Its funny how my comments have got under the skin of a few people in this blog. Its also funny to me that some people call President Obama a racist but can't bring up a statement in which he has made that is racist. I don't support everything that President Obama has done but it would be nice if crtics would quit relying on talking points they hear from talk radio and deal straight about issues they have.

Anonymous said...

To John:

How about this one " White peoples greed in a world of need "

He lumps all Whites together...


Anonymous said...

To John: Tech destorys jobs for the most part...


Friday's numbers were quickly used by both Democrats and Republicans to further their arguments about the value of stimulus. Each job cost $248,000 to create

Anonymous said...

Today I am thankful for family and friends and a big fat turkey dinner.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hitler's revenge:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is black friday. Be careful of stampeding animals.



bru said...

I found that daily-mail article that anonymous just posted quite interesting as well as saddening.

Anonymous said...

I don't find geriatric moaning about the good ol' days interesting or sad and calling it Hitler's revenge is silly.

Illuminaughty said...

A Spike Lee Democrat is a racist angry black male who, ironically, plays the race card quickly and frequently. This type of democrat is, by now, over forty years of age, uses the phrase "four hundred years of oppression" frequently, and blames Reagan for his own failures in life.

Has John gotten under the skin of anyone who comes here regularly? I highly doubt he has received anything other than pity from those who come here.

Anonymous said...

Where the jobs are

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those old people just need to shut up and enjoy the old country buffet and be glad that they still have that. So what if they struggled and fought for the betterment of future generations only for the youth to piss on their sacrifices by giving their nation away to foreign powers such as the EU. That's not sad at all. It's not like that could ever happen over here or anything.

Wait, what's that? The North American Union? That's just some kooky conspiracy theory. People who look into facts about stuff like that are just conspiracy nuts. A bunch of big, fat, doo doo heads.


b said...

da dook uu dur!!! lol

Anonymous said...

The Loving by XTC
cool pictures

Bruce said...

I'd love to see these guys on the presidential ticket in 2012. I don't agree with all of their views of course but they would likely be better than the usual partisan choices in my opinion. And don't worry, Mister Anonymous Racist Guy, they ARE white so i hope you will consider giving them your support as well. Thanks.

Their stands on the issues and other campaign media:

Speaking with Bill Clinton about foreign policy

On Immigration

On Animal Rights

On Public Safety

Serving The Community

On The Campaign Trail

Petitioning Door To Door

Their Roots

Just Some Music

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


The Jews are new Gods.


Anonymous said...


This figure was reported in The New York Times on March 3, 1991 and was based entirely on the wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and just recently released. According to this figure, of those dead, 38,031 were Jews. These records state that the total of all persons who died in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 were 403,713. To repeat: a total of 403,713 persons of all races and religions was officially recorded to have died (of all causes. typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period. Of those 403,713 a total of 73,137 died at Auschwitz. Of those 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews.

No this can't be...why would Jews inflate the number killed? Oh crap...I could get arrested for posting this in Europe or Australia or Canada. Coming to the US soon enough.


Marcus said...

You don't have to hate jews to be against U.S. support of Israel, you piece of shit christian (that is not John). You disgust me.

Anonymous said...

Whoever it is they are obviously not Christian.

Anonymous said...

So there really are holocaust deniers out there. Hey Notjohn, You might like the Boondocks. It's an awesome animated show and they say the N word all the time so you'd probably love it. Check it out, for real.

Boondocks 1st Episode

Marcus said...

It is a christian, Bruce. They come in all flavors and it just happens to be the fecal sort. I thought I had made that clear.

I think it would have difficulty understanding Boondocks but I'm sure it's simple mind would love Boondock Saints.

Bruce said...

Boondock Saints is a pretty cool movie. I don't like it's message of course but those guys definitely do NOT represent Christians either.

Boondock Saints full movie

Marcus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marcus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ARG (Anonymous Racist Guy) helping Jews:

Amy Goodman interviews a former Israeli minister

What a guy!

Marcus said...

The disease you share is religion, your symptoms differ. MAybe all they need is a nice Christian Side Hug (don't let your genitalia touch, though).

Bruce said...

Get real, Marcus. Your "big-bang theory" is just as much magical bullshit as anything else that you might consider to be as such. Nobody knows exactly how anything is able to exist or exactly how it came about. It's important to almost always still have some questions.

I don't get into organized religion much but for those who do, enjoy. My Bible tells me to do my praying in private. It also tells me that if i get together with others for worship then GOD will be present as well. Both are good practices in my opinion. People will hopefully always differ a little about their beliefs. A gift of manyness.

Faith is not a disease, it is an essential part of life. The will to go on and move forward through adversity and uncertainty is vital even in your evolutionary theory.

Life is a wonderous miracle. In Christianity, the miracle of existence is explained to me. I still have some questions and that is as it should be in my opinion.

Sometimes religions can enrich and improve lives. I am far from perfect but having Christ in my life makes me a much better person to be sure.

I can only speak to my "religion." My "religion" does not tell me that i can be a mobster, kill and extort people on a daily basis, say 10 hail marys, leave something in the collection plate and it's all good, like some do though.

May GOD bless You, Marcus!

Anonymous said...


One big love fest: All Hail Brother Love, Obama...the Love God that was to bring us all together

First second and third chorus:

Yes we can…
Yes we can…
Yes we can…

Obmama the most divisive President in US history!

God, BLess you Tiny Tim Bruce...

Anonymous said...

I love you Marcus, you are so erudite and suave. You and others like you would have no trouble tossing people like me in gas chambers. You sir, are the real evil along with most people of your ilk. Your finery cloak lined with lead awaits you in Hell.

Marcus said...

How ironic it is to tell me to "get real" as you go on about your imaginary friend. Just because you don't think people are christians doesn't mean they're not. What you're doing is called the No True Scotsman fallacy. You call the Big Bang "magical" because you don't understand things very well- mystery is not the same as magic. YOU are the one that believes in magic and that is a symptom of your disease. I couldn't care less about what you think your religion is, fact is it's a crutch for your mind. You don't need your crutch as much as you think you do, you can walk without it. As a matter of fact, while you might be shaky at first, throw away the crutch and maybe you will be able to run. Then you'll be experiencing life. Then you will make sense when you speak.

I don't want to hear your excuses for it, don't have your god bless me- I despise the deity in your book and if you would take the time to learn what it is, you would too. I know what you're saying when you say, to one you know is an atheist, "may god bless you"- you're really saying "Fuck You". So, right back atcha, christian of the vaginal sort.

Marcus said...

I can only hope it offends "anonymous" to know that I don't take anything it says at all seriously due to the fact that it is completely full of shit.

Bruce said...

Please don't misunderstand me, Marcus. I really do hope that GOD blesses You. It was not meant as a "fuck you". In a way i guess it was a bit of a taunt though and i'm truly sorry for that. I really should have never said that in a taunting manner ever.
I understand that you may have been treated badly by some Christians in the past and i am truly sorry for that as well, and i imagine that's why the mere mention of GOD pisses you off so bad.

The "deity in my book" does not even exist in your world, therefore "what it is" is whatever individuals believe it is in your world.

As long as there is mystery, then you could not possibly know for a fact that there is no GOD, that truly is willful ignorance. I could sort of understand an agnostic, but to say that you know for a fact, to pretend that you can prove that negative, is is just beyond me. You often speak things like disease, mind crutch, despise. I'm sure that you have something nice to say every once in a while, you might try it a little more. Try feeling the positive vibes flow through and from you and release them into the world around you. It's a nice feeling and can help with your physical health as well. You don't have do it all the time of course but you don't have to be a Grumpty-Dumpty (i just heard that term today, i thought it was pretty cool) like Arg is either.
Are you really walking, or running for that matter? Or are you weighed down by betrayals from the past and anger and pain and loathing?

There is great wisdom that exists in religion/spirituality. Like when you forgive others it releases some of your burden as well. There are a lot of things that i could go into but you'll probably just ignore it all anyway because you don't like where those messages come from; which isn't always a bad idea but evaluating the facts with our own minds can help us to grow as i'd bet you are already aware. I had a teacher in grade school who was kinda mean to us kids sometimes and a lot of us did not like her, we sure did learn what she had to teach us though. About multiplication tables especially, she was a smart lady though highly impatient.

I keep hearing my cousins in the other room watching saturday night live and one of them is repeating every single thing she finds funny right after they say it on the tv. It reminds me of a hypnotist or something.

Anyway, I hope that you don't mind if i continue to keep you in my prayers. (not a taunt, but a serious request)


P.S. - "christian of the vaginal sort" ha ha ha, that was pretty funny for real!

bru said...

So, Arg, Do you like sports?

Marcus said...

I do mind if you keep me in your prayers. Don't bother, please. Why do you even call yourself a christian if you're just cherry-picking the bible? You all pick which bits you like and twist the rest. I'm not interested in the gentle approach, it only seems to encourage the lunacy (although you folks love to feel persecuted, too). Tyson asked Dawkins a similar question, I side with New Scientist on that one. You should also refrain from guessing at my past. I am angered by the influence in places where it has no business (which is everywhere but your closet). You're always questioning where the blame for 9/11 lies. Religion, the same disease that is in your mind. I hope you rid yourself of it.

Bruce said...

I'm sorry if i offended you by guessing at your past. I just can't imagine another reason why someone would hate "religion" so much.
If you're talking about the mainstream argument in regards to 9/11, that the derka derkas were brainwashed by Islam into doing what they supposedly did, i can sorta see that. I wish i could remember where i heard/read about this but in the way back, there were some soldiers in training in some rathole desert. They were individually drugged and taken to a place with tons of women and food and drink to live it up for a night and told that it was heaven and if they were loyal to their commanders, fought well, and gave their lives then they would come back there and it would all be waiting for them when they died. It was an interesting story really.
You could blame religion for the world's problems and perhaps make a good argument for it but i believe that it's more a lack of caring for and understanding each other than anything else.
I don't intentionally "cherry-pick" the Bible but i don't have it memorized yet either. I am always open to correction from the KJV Bible. There are some things like parables that need to be taken a step beyond literally though, in my opinion.
I read the article you cited about prayer so i will be leaving you out from now on. I mean it when i say that too so don't trip.
I thank you for your intentions to rid me of my "crutch" but i love "my crutch", i am more useful and less self-serving with it, and i enjoy life much more and would not give it up for all the oil in Baghdad or 77 virgins or whatever.


Bruce said...

Hey ARG, I generally like hard rock and reggae music the best. I guess you wouldn't really get into reggae much though. What types of music do you like?

Anonymous said...

Gift Of The Seagull
by Munda

A lonely seagull flies the winds
Majestic... soaring...gliding wings
A single screech sounds from the sky
Come fly with me... come here and fly

My spirit floats to be a part
I feel the beating of its heart
My soul, one with this bird of sea
Now knows the meaning to fly free

I feel the winds caress my soul
And soar the streams without a goal
My being trembles of delight
A treasure I received tonight

The seagull's flight of soaring high
The gift of what it means to fly

Look Within
by WhtDove

There is so much beauty in
This wondrous, blue rose
If only we could capture it
Within our very souls

If we could take its beauty
And apply the glow within
Search a little deeper
In the soul beneath our skin

Take what it does stand for
And shed its love abroad
Don't hide the glow within you
But share the love of God

You know you can't touch beauty
Without it rubbing off on you
And spreading it to others
In the kindness that you do

There lies within each one of us
The beauty like this rose
When it's used in touching others
Then its beauty overflows

Sometimes You Have To Choose A Song
by Gail
Rain . . .

Softly falling down . . .
each drop a symphony of sound . . .
as it hits the tin roof . . .
tap . . . tap . . . tap.

It can sound just like a sad song with a slow beat . . .
the kind that makes you daydream . . .
and feel sad and sigh . . .
as you think of what might of been or could be in your life.

Or maybe it is a happy song that brings back sweet memories . . .
tender thoughts and special smiles . . .
thinking of someone who makes your heart beat faster . . .
and your laughter ring with happiness and joy.

Or maybe it is a love song . . .
with sweet and soft lyrics . . .
tender and romantic and sensual . . .
that makes you think of dancing in the rain.

Only you can decide which song . . .
is the one you are hearing . . .
which music soothes your soul . . .
and which song you want to sing along with.

Sometimes, you have to choose a song . . .
and the choosing isn't easy.

Illuminaughty said...

Marcus is gay.

Anonymous said...


Burn baby Burn...

Anonymous said...

I say we all pray for Marcus and his swift departure from this veil of tears.
I call on Wooten to spite funnier than smite the churlish smug unbeliever, Marcus.

God Bless, Marcus. I will ask people I know to pray for you.
Now go forth and sin no more.

Anonymous said...


Get ready for the brown flood...hold onto your wallets.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Doctor Who.


Anonymous said...


Only the brave need open this door once thorugh it you may not find your way back.

Marcus, you should probably keep playing with your toys.


Anonymous said...


The ADL is a $50 million a year fund raising hustle that promotes extreme far-left politics under the guise of “fighting antisemitism.” On their website, the ADL boasts that their involvement in getting the Supreme Court to ban prayer in public schools is their “greatest accomplishment.”

Marcus said...

Is it insanity or severe retardation? I'll be able to tell once one of you jack-asses starts talking in tongues.

bru said...

Hey Marcus, take your anti-religious hate-mongering and shove it up your big gay ass. Is that hypocritical enough for ya? Cause i could do better if that's all that you can understand.

Bruce said...

To: ARG/Hess

You're not much for small talk i guess, okay.

Why do you so often post stories about black on white violence? You've got to realize that there are way more stories about white on black violence in the past. And white on natives violence and white on Japanese violence and white on Jews violence, and white on india violence, and white on aborigines violence...

Instead of bitchin about the mexicans, how about you support, encourage, and/or initiate change in their situations down there. Like agricultural programs or energy initiatives. That way they won't have to come here to get what they need for themselves and their families.

Have you never been in need of anything? Have you never gone hungry? Have you never suffered at all? Have you never gotten your ass kicked or had your possessions forcibly taken or been locked in a cage and treated like an animal? Do you understand what it is and how it feels to have pain inflicted on you by another human being?
Whatever our skin color, heritage, social or economic backgrounds are, we are all human beings. We all feel physical and emotional pain and hunger and sadness. If you've ever felt any of these things then you must have some idea of how bad it sucked for you. It sucks for everyone else too. Why would anyone ever purposefully inflict or wish those things on someone else? How could someone possibly think that because somebody is different from themselves that they do not feel it? Have you ever felt compassion for your fellow man?

Whatever the numbers and the whos were about the holocaust, the fact remains that it DID happen and a whole lot of human people endured suffering, death, and deliberate torment at the hands of other human people. Barely conscious, barely understanding, mind-fucked, meth-head human people, but these aggressors were people nonetheless. How they could do such things is beyond me, i can't even stand to see an animal suffer much less a human being. I imagine that they rarely if ever actually felt anything. Almost soulless creatures, and i mean that in a humanity sense not necessarily a religious one.

An anecdote about Meth-heads. It's possible that i used to buy really good herbs really cheap from a hardcore meth-head. Anyway, he used to inject the stuff A LOT. One night he was trippin on some serious paranoia and fear. He was SO certain that the DEA had guys crawling around inside his house that he begged my friend to shoot up the walls. He did. My friend and i had a laugh about it later but i sure didn't go back over there anymore.

I honestly don't know why you post the things that you do but i'd really like to know why, if you are willing to tell me. Please.

Marcus said...

Bruce, that's already where I put my anti-religious hate-mongering? How could I get it in your face, otherwise? Tell you what, you shut up with your bullshit religious talk and I will have nothing to speak against.

bru said...

Hibbbity bibbbity abbbitty bobbbitty gobbblty goo.

bru said...

Mr. Arg, Bah-humbug!

Anonymous said...



Listen To The Rain

Anonymous said...

by Dennis Arthur Dames

Reclined, the body...... See More
while the mind moves briskly in solemn meditative visions
Tranquility, the moving factor...
as the world around, becomes obsolete for awhile
The sights are inward, and the sounds too...
seeing repose- hearing music of love
The calmness that is fenced in, fuels a soul in temporary salvation...
free from all ills and external forces;
resting peacefully... aloof of all conflicts
A tranquil gateway to a place of absolute peace...
where all inhabitants are related and share a common purpose;
love, joy, smiles, hugs, kisses and eternity forever
Prayerful and free to the end of time...
as miracles of heavenly proportions are the order of the day
No sickness to worry about, no bills on their way...
a place where tranquility resides and praises are sung
No wars to contend with- no poverty exists...
Stress defeated and believing hearts victorious
Tranquility is knowing God;
the unconditional urge to live on his estate
It's the due respect to the creator...
the one spirit of genuine endlessness
Tranquility is the road to redemption...
delivering the faithful from uncertainty and chaos
A calm environment produces good fruits;
untouched by invaders and influence
Tranquility for life...
the doorway to deliverance and emancipation
It's embracing and worthwhile...
Tranquility, the wisdom of the ages...
The gift- not to be denied


Anonymous said...

I love questions, do you?

Have you ever had a thought, that you couldn't quite pin down where it came from?

Have you ever had feeling, and did not act on it but later wished that you had?

Have you ever understood something, that seemed like it should be beyond your comprehension?

Have you ever had a dream, that seemed so real you could taste it?

Have you ever wanted something so bad and when you finally got it, couldn't figure out why you wanted it in the first place?

Have you ever run, barefoot through the mud in a thunderstorm?

Have you ever gotten on a city bus, and just rode it to wherever it takes you?

Have you ever watched the sun rise, and felt grateful just to be alive?

Anonymous said...

If Marcus farts in the woods... Does it make a sound?

Anonymous said...

illuminaughty is hetero

Anonymous said...

Bruce this is for you:

The pardon was from........hahaha


Hess of the SS

Anonymous said...

An update to the last update:

Hess of the SS

Bruce said...

Hess of the SS, is it? With a name like that it's going to be really hard for me not to hate you.
I suppose i'm going to have to agree with Marcus on this one, You are an "it". And i'm just gonna call you "Art" (Anonymous Racist Thing)

The SS Men

And Marcus, i realize that nobody's perfect and all that, but IT (Art) is NOT Christian!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those links were funny...made my day. Thanks for taking time to find them...must have taken you awhile and some thought.


Anonymous said...

To Bruce:

First strike:


World War I
Haber played a major role in the development of chemical warfare in World War I. Part of this work included the development of gas masks with absorbent filters. In addition to leading the teams developing chlorine gas and other deadly gases for use in trench warfare, Haber was on hand personally to aid in its release. Notably, future Nobel laureates James Franck, Gustav Hertz, and Otto Hahn served as gas troops in Haber's unit.

Hess SS

Bruce said...

rudolph hess, yea, zeig hile and all that, woohoo. fritz haber, what a guy. Heroes of yours?

Seriously though, What's your deal with all the nazi and racist-type posts?

So, do you think those nazi guys just got a bum rap or what?

Illuminaughty said...

Bruce...isn't Marcus an angry little gaytheist?

bru said...

"gaytheist" that's funny :)

Marcus is okay in my book

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


John said...

Thanks Marcus for the kind words.

I find it funny that some racist little bastards post things in my name but are to gutless to use thier own name. I don't appreciate
that move but of course I'm dealing with some real intelectuals. NOT!!!!!

To you Holocaust deniers: The Nazi's kept really good records of all the things they did to the Jews and other groups they didn't like. I have encountered idiots like this and you really can't deal with morons who don't recognize facts. (Just like neo-cons) I've read David Irving and the rest of these idiots and none of them knows what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Bruce that clip brought a tear to my eye. Thanks. Haber was a Jew that was the funny part as well as the guy partially responsible for Zxlon B that was later used on some of his relatives.


Hess SS

Anonymous said...

John: then I take it that you are an expert maybe you could list some peer reviewed articles you've written on the subjects of Jews being gassed or some books and articles on the War of which you claim to be an expert.
It should be simple for you to match your output to the idiot Irving.

Anonymous said...

No one should be sent for jail for believing that the world is flat.


At the end of the one-day hearing, Irving was sentenced to three years' imprisonment in accordance with the Austrian Federal Law on the prohibition of National Socialist activities (officially Verbotsgesetz, "Prohibition Statute") for having denied the existence of gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps in several lectures held in Austria in 1989. Irving sat motionless as Liebtreu asked Irving if he had understood the sentence, to which Irving replied "I'm not sure I do" before being bundled out of the court by Austrian police. Later, Irving declared himself shocked by the severity of the sentence. He reportedly had already purchased a plane ticket home to London.

After the sentencing, Liebtreu told the audience that "The court did not consider the defendant to have genuinely changed his mind. The regret he showed was considered to be mere lip service to the law".

On 28 February, Irving once again questioned the Holocaust, asking "Given the ruthless efficiency of the Germans, if there was an extermination programme to kill all the Jews, how come so many survived?" He claimed that the number of people gassed in Auschwitz was relatively small, and that his earlier claims that there had been no gassing at all had been a "methodological error". According to Irving, "You could say that millions died, but not at Auschwitz".[211] Within hours, the Austrian government reacted by barring Irving from further communication with the media.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

The Holocaust Industry
Main article: The Holocaust Industry
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering was published in 2000. Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism."[16] He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland, moneys which then go to the lawyers and institutional actors involved in procuring them, rather than actual Holocaust survivors.[17][18][19]

The book met with a hostile reception in some quarters, with critics charging that it was poorly researched and/or allowed others to exploit it for antisemitic purposes. For example, German historian Hans Mommsen disparaged the first edition as "a most trivial book, which appeals to easily aroused anti-Semitic prejudices." Israeli holocaust historian Israel Gutman called the book "a lampoon," stating "this is not research; it isn't even political literature... I don't even think it should be reviewed or critiqued as a legitimate book."[20] The book was also harshly criticised by Brown University Professor Omer Bartov[21] and University of Chicago Professor Peter Novick.


Finkelstein also had his supporters however. Raul Hilberg, widely regarded during his lifetime as a leading expert among Holocaust researchers,[22] said the book expressed views Hilberg himself subscribed to in substance, in that he too found the exploitation of the Holocaust, in the manner Finkelstein describes, 'detestable.' Asked on another occasion if Finkelstein's analysis might play into the hands of neo-Nazis for antisemitic purposes, Hilberg replied: 'Well, even if they do use it in that fashion, I'm afraid that when it comes to the truth, it has to be said openly, without regard to any consequences that would be undesirable, embarrassing.'[23]

It is odd that the Jews get such an appointment...whatever happend to Separation of Church and State?
Where is the Christian czar or Muslim czar?


Hess SS

Anonymous said...

Bruce, your love and compassion as inspired me...here you go...enjoy the clip.


John, "All I wanted was the chicken I paid for...they didn't have to beat me up."

Bruce said...

Umm, right on i guess.

I don't know if you're just playing mindgames or what but i'll still just assume you're being straight up.

If the jews do play or overplay the victim card, it's because the nazis dealt it to them. Whatever the case, nazis and violence suck ass and i just can't be nice to you anymore. I truly do wish you well though.

Bruce said...


I think i'm gonna ease on down the road for now. I thank you all for your bits of kindness and i apologize to all those i offended. I'm gonna do other things for a while that have little to do with politics, conspiracy, revolution, news, etc... My pleas for civility will now cease, so please go ahead and go back to hating each other or just talkin shit or whatever it is that y'all do, it was really nice of you to indulge in my odd, nutty, mindset for a time. I'm going to submerge myself in nature and creativity for a while and perhaps i'll find whatever it is that i'm looking for.

I'd bet that this freeform chatting about whatever was no big deal to y'all but it was huge to me for whatever reasons. It was a wild ride for me to be honest and open, unfettered. I want you to know that You have all effected my journey in a profound way by interacting with me on this little blog and i thank you truly.


Understanding realities that i could not comprehend

Dressing wounds that would not mend

Picking sores that i could not heal

Feeling things that i could not feel

Seeing sights previously unseen

Dreaming new dreams with information gleaned

With new insight i wander on my way

I live to love for another day

Bruce (gaping vagina) :)

I Love This Song

Anonymous said...

I love the gleam on a shaved white head,
I love the silence from a minority that's dead.
I love my militia and our long hard guns,
Give us another black candidate for president and we'll see who runs.
I love shallow trenches filled with dead jews,
tortured and murdered given numbered tattoos.
I love my Lord Jesus and He loves me back,
We both hate 9/11 and we'll get those jews for their cowardly attack.
I love that my country is lead by the cross,
You'll love it too or you'll pay the cost.

Marcus said...

That seems honest, at least.

I think it meant either,"led by the cross", or ,"lead with the cross" (I like the latter, it's more accurate). Sick shits.

John said...

I've never claimed to be a expert on the subject of the holocaust. I love history and have read a lot of World War II books. (Stephen Ambrose,Rick Atkinson, Alan Bullock and Cornelius Ryan are very credible sources.)

Who would you consider peer reviewed?? Other holocaust deniers?
I will be happy to look at data that is fact checked out. Someone who is a historian shouldn't have a bias on the info they present.

The big arguement is that Adolf Hitler didn't know the holocaust was going on??? The numbers are pushed up and that people like Eli Wiesel are making money off the holocaust. Yeah Right!!!! Hitler didn't write a book "Mien Kampf"
where he blamed the Jews for losing the first world war. Hitler didn't know that the concentration camps was killing jews,gypsies,homosexuals,etc.. I'm sure he found out about what was going on and tried to stop it. He got detail reports from Himmiler about the SS efforts to settle the east with aryans and get rid of those nasty jews. (Wannasse Conference??)

The historical fact is out on this subject but the fact is the Nazi's kept records of what they did.

Anonymous said...

John: that was nice and long...the last bit I think I will push you over the cliff with.

Maybe you could list all 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis: you know, names, dates, time of death etc. It should be easy for you to do so since as we all know those Nazis kept such detailed records.

Lastly then I take it that you are ok for sending people to jail for believing that the world is flat?

A list of David Irving's books:


And you have nothing...
Perhaps you would be kind and show the order given by Hitler to kill off the Jews or where he said that he wanted to do that in his first book. Either or both should be simple for you to produce.

Watch the movie Inglorious Bastards: that sums up the strugle.

No doubting just posting the follwing in Europe would get me arrested.


Hess SS

Anonymous said...



Marcus said...

Here is a real conspiracy society doing their best to bring this country down.

Anonymous said...


Yes we can!

Anonymous said...

To Marcus:

Less than 2 percent of US population.


When the new Congress debuts in January 2009, a record 45 Jews will take the oath of office: 32 in the House of Representatives and — regardless of the outcome in the still-contested Minnesota election — 13 Jews in the Senate.


The Real Cost Of US Support For Israel
$3 Trillion

Hess SS

Marcus said...

I'm all for ending our financial support of Israel. I was going to ask if you thought that jews were the only ones in support of Israel but, then I remembered, you're Hess SS and you're retarded. So, I really couldn't care less what you think or even if it's in your power to think (the odds don't look good). You are obviously making friends on this blog with your bullshit, noone speaks against your ridiculous posting except me. I guess I'm the crazy one. Follow the fear mongers like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck and you end up blaming the jews eventually. The problems won't go away if you kill all the jews, shitheads!

Anonymous said...

Marcus you are amusing in your own simple way. Your hostile responses to my postings reveal much about your authoritarian nature. You would no doubt woefully shake your head as you shoved me into a gas chamber all the while saying, "It is really for your own good, Hess. I am the enlightened one, you are a throwback."
You seem to have much in common with these folks…


Hess SS

Marcus said...

A hostile response is what people like you should get wherever they go, Hess SS. The First Amendment says you can say all the dumbass shit you want but, I don't have to like it and you can bet your ass I would support the prosecution if you ever took action.

Anonymous said...

Brudogg back in the day with a mini-mullet ha

John said...

When you use the movie "Inglorius Bastards" as a source or bring it up in a serious conversation about the holocaust. You have no clue and how the hell does anyone take you serious???

Wasn't Rudolf Hess considered a traitor by the Nazi's??? (Gee I would think you would sign off on your postings "Goering SS" or "Himmler SS"?)

I don't support locking someone up for writing or saying something offensive. I think it was Louis Brandies who said "sunlight is the best disinfectant". I understand the Germans are sensitive about this issue of hate speech but I don't support the law.

I don't have any records of each name of the six million jews who died at the hands of the Nazi's. Those totals are taken from records kept in archives from concentration camps,the Ghetto, and train schedules from deportations to death camps in the east. (Also oral histories from survivors.)

Hitler never wrote and order to deal with the final solution of the jewish question. But he instructed Himmler to deal with the problem which led to the "Wannasse Confrence". Hitler knew what was going on with the jews. (That was confirmed at the trials at Nuremberg)

Now Hess, you didn't win anything. I know the game you guy's play. You quote racist books from discredited people who also have a agenda.You claim you are vindicated because you read something that fits your world view.

Anonymous said...

John: If I have to explain the contextual subtext of the movie Inglorious Bastards then that would indicate that you are just stupid.
I found it amusing to sign off using Hess. He took whatever secrets he had to the grave.
That you couldn’t come up with six million names shows that you are a fraud. Were Jews killed in the war? Of course: how many? I don’t know and neither do you.
And now David Irving is a racist…a man that was respected until he wrote Hitler’s War; a book that was taught at West Point.
Lastly I wasn’t trying to win anything I leave that to you and other pompous pseudo intellectuals.

The issue isn’t whither Hitler was a nice man…he wasn’t or that he didn’t order the deaths of people…he did the issue is do Jews use the Holocaust as a Moral Hammer to squash people that get in their way?

Hess SS

Marcus said...

"...the issue is do Jews use the Holocaust as a Moral Hammer to squash people that get in their way?"

WTF- you've got it backwards. Whether or not you're trying to win is questionable, but you are playing games.

Anonymous said...

What word comes to mind...? Up...oh what is that word? Um...ty...not sure...I think upty. Not quite close I think.


Anonymous said...

Marcus it must be tough being a walking legend in your own mind. I deem it such an honor that you would feign to converse with little ole me; however I must say that I am playing no game but that I am a foot solider in a war that is being waged in the West; and you being so brilliant will have no trouble figuring out what I have said and didn’t say.

Perhaps I misspoke or was a bit too vague or maybe you really couldn’t cut through the fog of my thought processes, but many Jews do use the Holocaust the Jewish state of Israel or the power of Jews here in the US and the West in general.
I have talked to many Christians and their support for Jews comes from what is stated in the Bible about Jews being the chosen peoples of the Jew God even though they collectively rejected his son and helped have him killed. That last bit has always struck me as a over-the-top disconnect of Biblical Proportions; however I know that many of them believe that when Jesus comes back to establish his Kingdom that the Jews will recognize their error and proclaim him their Lord and Savior; but in the meantime the Jews use the Christians like faithful lapdogs.


Hess SS

John said...

Gee "Hessy", I'm sorry you have to explain the subcontext of the movie "Inglorious Bastards" to me.
The thing is it was a sendup to the movies made in the 1960's and 70's about WWII. (Kelly's Heroes,Anzio,The Dirty Dozen) but more importantly it was alternative history. (gee I wish it would have went down like that but it didn't!!!!)

Now Hessy, Jews were targeted by the SS in sweeps in the west/east during "Barbarosa" (invasion of the USSR). Before the war anti- jewish laws were passed by the Nazi's to strip jewish business,property and restrict even times jews can shop or go out. I don't have to produce a record of the victims of the holocaust to you. Again those records are found in historical archives by the current German gov.(Funny you won't deal with Wannasse?? Why not???? You won't talk about Goring's testimony at Nuremberg in 1945?).

I will try to check to see if Irving's books were taught at WP before Hitler's War.(I think your wrong about this.)

Seig Heil!!!

John said...

I was wrong about David Irving's book "Hitler's War" not being taught at West Point. According to Amazon Books: "Hitler's War" has been used as a reference at West Point.

I still stand by what I wrote about Irving and Holocaust Denialers.

Anonymous said...

John, I have to hand it to you Hessy has a nice ring to it; hope it didn’t tax your brain cell to come up with that play on the name Hess. Aren’t you a clever little boy? Leaving the train station on to the next stop:
To me the context showed that the Nazis Hierarchy was at war with their Jewish counterparts that is, for control of the country and to a lesser extinct Europe herself. I will let you figure out who backed the movie. Actually I think the Jews come off more vicious in the movie; and the part showing the only black man in the film giving his life for the blonde Jew bitch was touching but so real in this world. There was also the interplay of Jews pretending to be German which I think served many of them well making it hard to know how many dead Jews really were dead after the war or how many of them were absorbed into the Soviet Union. The American in the movie was obviously out of his league a metaphor for the US being in the war in the first place.
I never made any claim that Jews weren’t targeted and killed. I am just not buying the six million, figure that we are told all the time.


Hess SS

Anonymous said...

It should be obvious that this situation makes all estimates of the numbers, both of total populations and especially of the numbers of Jews, at the best only informed guesses. It opens the way for tendentious calculations. A perusal of the literature shows that the large unknowns led to much carelessness in the use of figures. The same author, in a number of cases, gives different figures for the same item on different pages, as though a variation by some thousands could not add anything to the errors already involved. Every calculation has to have what the U.S. Bureau of the Census workers call a "residual" item, or a figure to strike a reasonable balance between the very probable numbers with which you start. For example, in 1939, the probable changes due to "normal" births and deaths, the probable number dying from various abnormal causes, and the probable number still surviving. This residual figure opens the way for all sorts of manipulations.

You spoke of the archives but again no actual numbers or even some links I mean after all that is one of the coolest things about the Net you can easily find stuff: click here – click there and bang there you go.
But then you have had nothing published on the war. You have read a few books big deal and watched a few documentaries. Yawn.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

John I will have to get back to this later. My replies got nuked when computer locked up and I hadn't save text file. I will have to rewrite what I wrote and the links I provided.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

Marcus for you:


Hess SS

Anonymous said...

"The issue comes in when you choose something white because you think it's better," Underwood said. "And then you never date a black woman or a woman of color or you never sample the greatness of the international buffet of human beings. If you never do that, we got a problem."


Anonymous said...


Whatever happened to separation of Church and State?

Anonymous said...

Tiger Woods I don't understand why you just want to bang white females when there are many hot black females in the world. What is up with rich black guys or half black guys only wanting white females? Do they think a white tryophy wife or girlfriend is going to make them white too?



Illuminaughty said...

Its always about race with racists like the blog idiot. Call his penis a racist so you sound as stupid as you are.

Speaking of blog idiots, Dumb aSS (aka Hess SS) is giving John a run for his money. The white power people are, literally, the biggest losers in America. Even the heterosexually-challenged like Marcus outnumber you people. Just admit that you are a socialist and I'll be happy, Dumb aSS

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Illuminaughty, I don’t know if I should feel elated by your comments or if I should go hide in some corner. Posting news stories on a blog like this and then weaving them together to form a tapestry of love is what I do best. It is our unitary President that has helped me to try and bridge over the racial divides that makes our country a modern version of Babel.
It is easy to toss dribble grenades but maybe you would be kind enough not to try and kill the messenger but address the message.


Speaking of winners: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, where is the diversity? This cannot stand; calling Dr. Department of Justice, I NAACP demand that you do something.



Illuminaughty said...

Dumb aSS...the "message" has already been laid to rest. Now, we only have the messengers left.

Are you or are you not a socialist, Dumb aSS?

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Ill...I decided to shorten your name...you don't mind...um...no didn't think so.
The 'message' is like a virus...all of you have been infected.


As to your last question...no I am a http://www.thefreedictionary.com/nihilistic

Hess SS

Anonymous said...



Just picture me seven years ago, in 1983. I'm at the press conference of the West German magazine Der Stern , in Hamburg. I've been smuggled in disguised as a reporter for Bild-zeitung, which is the opposition newspaper groupin Germany. I was very familiar with the Hitler case: I'd spent twenty years of my life studying the story of Adolf Hitler. I'd built up a personal card index on his life -- about 30,000 index cards -- and when they told me that they were about to publish the Hitler diaries, I knew it was phony! So Bild-zeitung [1]said: "Will you come along disguised as our press correspondent and attend this damned press conference and blow it up for them?" So I went along. I was the first one at the microphone, and I was the first one to have the chance to ask the people at Der Stern certain questions. I said right out: "Thediaries are fake -- the Adolf Hitler diaries are fake!" They'd spent nine million deutschmarks on them! And all the German historians had said they were genuine. Eberhard Jackel had said they were genuine, so they must be genuine -- but they weren't.

In Irving’s book Hitler’s War just the introduction would have been enough to get him in trouble. I am surprised that he got it published at all. For instance on page xvi “When I challenged Speer in private at a Frankfurt publishing dinner in October 1979 to publish his original memoirs, he replied wistfully that he could.”

I have read in fact I just stumbled across my old copy of Speer’s book and certainly at the time I read it which was decades ago I had no idea that it might have been tampered with along with other such books. John you can call Irving all the names you want but I doubt that you ever talked with Albert Speer or any other real Nazis.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...



I have seen that but reading through it again I noticed no mention of a plan to gas Jews. I must have missed that bit. Maybe you can point it out.


I don’t see the part about gassing six million Jews, John. Maybe you can point it out for me.

Hess SS

John said...

I'm getting real tired of dealing with the "ignorant racist crowd" that seems to be a part of this blog.

Some of you idiots have a real issue with men of color dating white women. I know a couple of interacial couple's who are committed to each other. Somebody seems to be jealous??? What's wrong?? Did your white girlfriend dropped you for a "brother"?. "Get over it!!"

You "float out" websites that I will checked out but again you seem to like to use evidence from other anti-holocaust so-called scholars.

You want me to list all the six million that died. Well Hess, if I have to do that then you gotta list the actual totals and give me names and dates to. (I don't think you can do it.)

You really betrayed yourself with your explanation of the meaning of "Inglorious Bastards". German Jews served with honor and distinction during WWI. They were a important part of German society even before WWI. (you seperate them as not being German enough and the fact that the Nazi's was fighting a sort of holy war against jewish influence in Europe. "Antisemitism?" YEA!)

You call the girl a "jewish bitch".Not a "bitch but a jewish bitch".(Antisemitism? YEA!!)

The Brad Pitt character "Lt. Aldo Ray" was a crazy american but the last time I checked from my so-called limited knowledge of WWII the Allies Won. The USA came into WWII unprepared for War with the Axis powers but after a few issues (military and politicaly) the allies took care of business.

Your antisemitism seems to come out when you get going about that film. I just really don't take you real serious Hess.

"Sunlight is the best disnfectant"

Anonymous said...


As to your first point it is simply the irony that many black men seem not to find black women that attractive or in essence they want to be white males. Making an observation doesn’t make one a racist. I realize that women follow money which would explain some situations but certainly, I don’t think all.

I find your comment about Irving to be strange since you have written nothing on the subject i.e. WWII while he has written at least 30 books on the subject and speaks German; and actually talked with real, breathing Nazis; while you of course, have done nothing.

Your next point is silly since you believe that six million Jews were killed: the burden of proof is on you not me.

Your last point shows how stupid you really are. The Jews you speak of weren’t German enough otherwise Hitler wouldn’t have been able to rally public opinion against them. I suppose I shall have to try and explain my point again. One ruling class fighting another ruling class is that simple enough for you?

The girl in question was a Jew, a bitch, and a fucking whore, no other conclusion can one draw from watching the movie. That she suckered a black guy in the movie to kill himself for her just proves how manipulative Jews are when they use black people like they use others for their ends.


Yes the Allies won and Great Britain lost her Empire. Churchill was an ass. America became an Empire with the help of (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) but is now in decline while China rises in ascendancy.

Your quote from a Jew...couldn't you think of one own your own:
You quote a fucking Zionist...you are pathetic. You must be a Neocon...


Brandeis married Alice Goldmark in 1891, and they had two daughters. Part of his personal life was his commitment to fellow Jews. He became a leading Zionist, supporting the attempt to develop a Jewish nation in Palestine.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

A black racist speaks out:


John said...

Damn Hessy, you are a angry little redneck!!! What's wrong?? Did your wife,girlfriend or boyfriend leave you for a brother? Boy you make some big time assumptions about attraction between a man and a woman.(I grant you that sometimes folks get together to get their "freakon".)

I don't care who is attracted to who. I don't freak out when I see a black guy/girl kissing someone white. (Damn that is a big problem that's killing the country??) But it really make you real angry?? Yea Hess your a racist!!!

As far as Nazi's,Jews and movies: I'll just say that again I never claim to be a expert on WWII. I don't care if Irving has written numerous books and did interviews with nazi's. The fact is he is a wrong on his conclusions about the war. (He speaks German "Whoopedo")

You hate Jews. Like a lot racism/bigotry its not really based on anything but your own personal issues. (you fell in my trap cause I quoted a Jew to see if you went into a rant about him being jewish?? "Hook,Line,Sinker")

I'm done with you!!!

Anonymous said...

John: Neocon

You are done because you lost. You are the one with a morgue temperature IQ. Your responses are borderline psychotic and certainly retarded. You are right that it is in essence pointless to have a conversation with you; like most liberals you are brain dead. Your progressiveness that you extol as a virtue is only confined to the quark of your echo chambered mind.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...


A house divided can't stand.

Anonymous said...


These people can be given Welfare Jobs where they watch TV all day...this will do wonders for the US competitiveness.

John said...


You are a legend in your own mind.
And that mind is real small.

To make it easy for you I guess I'm a "liberal".(even though I consider myself a "center/left moderate") Funny I don't deal in hate like you and other wacko's do on this site.

I don't consider a political belief to be a mental illness. (Gee where have I heard that before?? Savage,Hannity etc..) Those beliefs can be changed with evidence and reason.(two things you don't deal with to well "Hessy")

Merry Xmas

Anonymous said...

John can't you be more original since I already likened your mind to a quark which is damn small unless you want to go String Theory. Your positions that, is political ones would certainly place you more in the modern liberal camp than the conservative bivouac. You can sparse it all you want but you would be classed as a modern day liberal.
It is true that I have listened to (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Savage_(commentator))
But take him with a grain of salt since he is a Jew and a manipulator of his mainly white male Christian audience. He plays his own mind games. Nor did I call your political belief system a mental illness I just said that you like most liberals are brain dead much like this woman:


Her responses remind me of many people that would regurgitate the lie that six million Jews died. In fact I have heard people like her calling Climate Change skeptics deniers just like people that believe that our government had something to do with 9-11 being likened to deniers because when you start digging into conspiracies you run into a lot of Jews.




Several prominent Jews, including America's leading Reform rabbi, Stephen Wise, were among the founders of the NAACP in 1909. Joel Spingarn, an English professor at Columbia, became the NAACP's chairman in 1914 and served off and on in that role until his death in 1939. His brother, Arthur Spingarn, headed the NAACP's legal struggle; he drew upon the expertise of Jewish legal scholar Felix Frankfurter. The head of the American Jewish Committee, Louis Marshall, argued on behalf of the NAACP before the Supreme Court. Kaufman points out:

[Martin Luther] King's top white adviser was Stanley Levison, a Jewish lawyer whom the FBI believed was a communist agent but whom King relied on to handle his finances, edit his books, and give counsel during some of the crucial crises facing the movement The president of the NAACP and one of King's top contributors was Kivie Kaplan, a retired Boston businessman who -- personally and through friends -- gave hundreds of thousands of dollars, often after a hurried phone call from King or one of his lieutenants. Over at CORE, James Farmer's top fund-raiser and a key speech writer was Marvin Rich, later succeeded by another Jewish civil rights advocate, Alan Gartner. Jews made up more than half the white lawyers who went south to defend the civil rights protesters. They made up half to three-quarter of the contributors to civil rights organizations, even to the more radical organizations, like SNCC. (pp. 85-86)

John: Now I understand why you quoted a Zionist. I guess embracing a Jewish racist is not a problem for you.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...


Marcus said...

What's the point, John? You're dealing with an antisemetic crapogandist. You might as well try and argue with a whistling teapot.

John said...

Hey Marcus, I agree with you. I'm really wasting my time with this idiot. Anything I write just doesn't sink in and its getting old when I'm repeating myself.

Keep fighting the good fight because the real war on terror is the war against "stupid people".

Merry Xmas

Anonymous said...

Marcus: Perhaps you would be kind enough to point out the errors of what I have stated if you can't do so then no doubt you will acknowledge that you are full of hot air nothing more nothing less.


From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Expanding on their notorious 2006 article in the London Review of Books, the authors increase the megatonnage of their explosive claims about the malign influence of the pro-Israel lobby on the U.S. government. Mearsheimer and Walt, political scientists at the University of Chicago and Harvard, respectively, survey a wide coalition of pro-Israel groups and individuals, including American Jewish organizations and political donors, Christian fundamentalists, neo-con officials in the executive branch, media pundits who smear critics of Israel as anti-Semites and the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, which they characterize as having an almost unchallenged hold on Congress. This lobby, they contend, has pressured the U.S. government into Middle East policies that are strategically and morally unjustifiable: lavish financial subsidies for Israel despite its occupation of Palestinian territories; needless American confrontations with Israel's foes Syria and Iran; uncritical support of Israel's 2006 bombing of Lebanon, which violated the laws of war; and the Iraq war, which almost certainly would not have occurred had [the Israel lobby] been absent. The authors disavow conspiracy mongering, noting that the lobby's activities constitute legitimate, if misguided, interest-group politics, as American as apple pie. Considering the authors' academic credentials and the careful reasoning and meticulous documentation with which they support their claims, the book is bound to rekindle the controversy. (Sept.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

Hey John you really shouldn't fight against yourself. The only thing that you have proven in our exchanges is that you are stupid.

I asked you for a list of the six million Jews killed in the War...you couldn't provide it. I asked for an order from Hitler calling for the death of six million Jews you couldn't provide it. You made the claim that Irving was basically an idiot but yet you have published nothing on the War; then you had to admit that Irving's book Hitler's War was used as a reference at West Point until it was pulled by Jewish pressure. You asked for proof that Obama was a racist I gave that to you but then you didn't respond to that.
Anyone reading through this thread focusing on our exchanges would have to say that you did rather badly.
It would seem that the guy you voted for isn’t doing all that well: but then after all he was an AA pick.
I noticed that you didn’t refute my assertion that you are a racist after all you didn’t back off from the Jewish Supreme Court Justice you quoted who was a self proclaimed Zionist. It is like I have said before, most black people like you are racist. This also illuminates why you would vote for a racist president.
‘White folks greed in a world of need.’



Hess SS

Anonymous said...

Marcus the racist this is for you:

Change all the words of black to white and you would be screaming racist, but since your President subscribed to this philosophy no doubt you would also embrace it.

If McCain had went to a church that taught this stuff you and your racist buddy, John would have had a Jewish cow.


Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System, written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee, chaired by the late Vallmer Jordan in 1981.

Pledge Allegiance to All Black Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the Black Value System.

Hess SS

Marcus said...

HessSS, the projectionist, I would rather debate the social and economic ramifications of Spongebob going into it's 7th season with my niece than read anything you have to say about jews or nazis. I wish I lived in the world you do, where no holocaust happened and Hitler was just a misunderstood author. Unfortunately, reality plays too big a role in my life. Happy Hanukkah!

John said...

Good Comeback Marcus

Anonymous said...

Hey, Marcus that was funny and all but really maybe you should stick to talking to your niece about the social impact that Sponge Bob has had on the world since it is obvious that you know little about WWII, Jews, and Nazism. I never made the claim no Jews died in the war, that would indeed be silly…six million did not however, die.


Why should the Jews get all the fun?
You are too funny as you mentioned that reality plays too big a role in your life while you then bring Sponge Bob into the conversation.


Read the following Marcus if you can and you will see the lie of six million Jews killed still being told as if it was some magic number. Notice how the Holocaust is being used to demonize people that so called progressives don’t like.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

Hey John I hear the clicking of dead crickets, oh never mind.
But wait, I would like to join you in your fight against stupid people since so many of them like you voted for Obama.
Ready to play a game, John:




This last one just cracker’s me up…


Hey John if that was your wife, no offense.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

Just to add not only was that vid funny as hell but then reading through the comment section I was struck by just how much of a divider Obama really is. I never really thought I would live to see the US break up but now I am not so sure. He is going to go down as the worst President of the last hundred years; our first AA President and a failure to boot.

Hess SS

John said...

I voted for Obama and I have been somewhat disapointed by what is going on in Washington. But, I'm not really surprised by the mess that we have. The process is disfunctional because we have a really stupid electorate that listens to talk radio,believe in silly crap like 9-11 was a inside job,the holocaust never happend and jews and minorites is destroying the United States of America. These "retards" vote against thier personal intrest all the time when they listen to idiots like "Beck,Limbaugh and Hannity".

As far as worst president's. Ever heard of George W Bush??

Anonymous said...

nine eleven was an inside job

Anonymous said...

John and just what are their personal interest? Are you saying you voted for Obama because he would do stuff for you or that you thought he would bring the country together? If the latter then he has failed in that mission: I know many whites that voted for him that have now regretted their decision. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t have won. Most likely Hillary would have.
This article is for you:


You see John you can take all the wealth from the wealthy and that still wouldn’t be enough to feed the Welfare Beast. The needs far outweigh the ability of the society to supply the relief. Many of the white liberals that voted for Obama want the US to solve all the problems in the world: there aren’t enough of us to do so. We have millions of people here in the US that are dysfunctional and are unlikely to be made productive no matter how much money we throw at them.

As far as Jews destroying the US they are remaking it to what they want it to be with them in charge of course. They pit all the different groups against each other…divide and conquer. The only group, they really fear are white Christians and they will do whatever it takes to keep them divided.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...

What Jews really think of Christians:
If this had been done at some Synagogue the Jew Media would be sounding the Clarion Call to battle and the federally funded Department of Injustice would be out looking for the perpetrators of such a vile act.

Hess SS

Anonymous said...


Illuminaughty said...

Russ SS...all that studying and all your words lose value entirely with your black and jew hating.

John said...

Neo-cons,rightwingers are so predictable in the logic they used.

Voting against your intrest is pushing for tax cuts for the upper 5 to 10% and being "stupid" to think it "trickles down" to the rest of us.

Voting against your intrest is not thinking that the healthcare system is in trouble and need to be fixed. (Fact: Diabetic care will double and perhaps triple by 2035.)

Voting against your intrest is not realizing that we need a energy policy that will get us off the "tit" of foriegn sources.Investing in alternative energy and "green"jobs.

My intrest deals with all types of americans. Gays,lesbians,trans-gendered,black,white,mexican,christans,non-christans,athiest,diest etc..

The only "haters" out are the one's that think its the jews out to get us. When we are our own worst enemies.

Illuminaughty said...

Oh, John. Every time you write something here, you prove yourself worthy of your title, the blog idiot. The word is interest, not intrest. If one can't even spell, should their thoughts be entertained? Does the previous post even display thought? No. At least ignorance is bliss, John.

Marcus said...

Trust me, AlumniNotty, folks like John and I do not live in bliss. The corporations run the media and the media run the people, add in the lobbyists the corporations send to Washington and you can see exactly why this country is fucked. Take this bullshit health insurance bill that we're getting stuck with. If our worthless corporate run media had kept on Obama's ass, like they were created to do, maybe he would have stuck to his campaign promises a little better. Maybe we would have the Public Option he promised. Instead, all they can talk about is what the retarded teabaggers are saying or other equally worthless shit (I can't stand watching it anymore so I only get clips of, what I hope, is the worst they're doing (which is still alot)). I think Single Payer [universal healthcare] would have been a revelation to alot of people about how we don't need corporations (especially the health insurance companies). When profit controls how you act, which is how shit works in America, doing the wrong thing is too easy.

John said...

Very good post Marcus,

Your right on about what is going on about the debate on healthcare reform and the overall tone and content that has been put out by our newsmedia.


Thanks for the correction on my spelling of the word "interest". I was a little bit rush for time when I posted my entry.

Now "Nutty" I think my point was really understood by rational people that cares about the future of our country.

Hey "Nutty" when are you gonna write something with a point?

Illuminaughty said...

Correction: When GOVERNMENT controls how you act, which is how shit works in America, doing the wrong thing is too easy.

Government monopoly health care will bring the lowest quality at the highest price. That is the essence of a monopoly. Monopolies bring the lowest quality and the highest price. Monopolistic competition, however, brings the highest quality at the lowest price. The previous two statements, brought to you by macroeconomics 101 with respect to supply markets, put socialism/libism to sleep.

Your endorsement of government monopoly health care is the result of ignorance. Don't take my word for it. Get a macroeconomics 101 textbook to cure your ignorance with a knowledge pill.

Marcus...if John wrote a 2-page paper with Microsoft Word and hit F7, do you think his computer would explode?

Anonymous said...


But Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution. He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful.

Anonymous said...





What is wanted from some people with the Health Care reform is equal health outcomes...not going to happen.



This is nothing more than give me my 40 acres and a mule:


He said his health care effort will benefit blacks, noting that one in five doesn't have health insurance -- almost double the general population.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Geert Wilders receives summons: a sledgehammer blow to the freedom of speech

This what is coming to the US: no other way to make a society like our work.
1 hate crime laws
2 hate speech laws
3 shut down sites you don't like as well as speech you don't like.



According to ADL’s thinking, the healthcare bill’s intention to continue to murder possibly tens of millions of babies through taxpayer-funded abortions cannot begin to compare with the alleged murder of six million of “God’s chosen people.” So imbued are these Jewish racists with their Talmudically induced delusions of superiority over the lowly “goyim” that it is also considered highly inappropriate for Gentiles to compare the slaughter of over 100 million Gentiles as a result of Jewish communism to the genocide of six million Jews. (See, Jewish Activists Created Communism)

Jews are the enemy of free speech and free socities.
One set of rules for everyone else with them in charge.

Marcus said...

"Correction: When GOVERNMENT controls how you act..."

I would ask who you think the government is supposed to take orders from, then I would ask who you think they actually take orders from. I'm not one of the folks that thinks my healthcare should be a for-profit business, so I guess I'm a communist scumbag.

Anonymous said...

Marcus in a perfect world you might be correct but even in England and Canada with so called free health care if you have money you can still go to private clinics or leave the country if you have to.
The problem in the US is that too many people make no effort to take care of themselves. I have two friends that had triple by pass surgery they paid nothing for it since it was paid for by you and me from the taxes we pay to support the medical care for ex military people. And after they almost fell into the next world they went right back to their bad habits no doubt figuring that the government would be there to bail them out if need be. There are simply not enough dollars to give everyone what they want. Close the military down, take all the wealth from the wealthy and it still wouldn’t be enough.
This article illustrates my point.


However, it takes 14 tons of dry weight bugula from the ocean to extract only one ounce of purified bryostatin.

Anonymous said...

You push people they push back:


Anonymous said...

Another reason why health care cost are out of control in US. There is no way that this guy will ever pay back what it cost to save him.


Anonymous said...

Ron Paul gets spanked by a fake Republican:


Anonymous said...


Illuminaughty said...

"Obama says the grants will create 17,000 cleantech jobs. Well, get out your calculator. $2.3 billion for 17,000 jobs equals $135,294 per job. (And that’s not including the eventual interest on this deficit spending). Those green jobs had better pay well over six figures to justify that expense."

You really want green "jobs?" Libs are idiots.

Russ...go away.

Anonymous said...


John said...

Investment in green jobs will create a new economic source,new technologies that will produce more jobs.

It seems to me that people that push for investment in green jobs are a little bit ahead of the curve.

I would like to see this country invest in better infrastructure for our energy needs.(high speed trains,power sources that are energy efficient.) Its a investment in our future and america needs to start building things again like we used to.

John said...

What does Pete Carroll's hiring as head coach of the Seattle Seahawks and Scott Hall/Sean Waltman's jumping into the fray at "TNA Wrestling" with Hulk Hogan has to do with the "New World Order"?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Green jobs are smoke and mirrors since such jobs destroy other industries like coal, oil, gas etc. what people like John don’t mention is the high drop out rates that exist in the US despite spending trillions on trying to fix the problem. The US is sliding into Second World Status and quite possibly Third World Status.


Anonymous said...

For those of you that think Cuba is such a great place:
It reminds me of what the Demos promise here in the states: vote for us and we will give you stuff by taking it from others.


If 2009 was a year of expectations, of changes that never came, newly arrived 2010 only promises more sacrifice, more cuts, more demands, more vigilance, savings at any cost. And at this provecta age we've arrived at, we could certainly stand a few dreams and hopes. Even if just to save them for later.

Anonymous said...

These articles show why people like John should stick to knitting and quit drinking at the Demo Pool of Koolaid Lies.



The central finding of the study is that -- treating the data optimistically -- for every renewable-energy job that the government finances, "Spain's experience reveals with high confidence, by two different methods, that the U.S. should expect a loss of at least 2.2 jobs on average, or about 9 jobs lost for every 4 created."

Anonymous said...

Green Jobs: some of these are interesting to say the least.


The US is simply turning into Brazil.


Mincy recommended, among other things, increased funding on programs aimed at less-educated Black males. "Reversing the employment crises among young less-educated males will require money, patience, a multigenerational perspective, and policies that are responsible and reasonable," Mincy said. "My thinking on how to move forward relies heavily upon the experience of welfare reform.... The employment crisis among less-educated Black makes is no less serious a problem."


In 2000, 44.2 percent of Hispanic young adults born outside of the United States were high school dropouts. Hispanic young adults born within the United States were much less likely to be dropouts. However, when looking at just those young adults born within the United States, Hispanic youths were still more likely to be dropouts than other young adults (table 3).

Most of these kids have no work ethic and no desire to better themselves but then again why should they when they have the Democratic Party keeping them on the Slave Plantation of Handouts taken from guilt ridden white liberals. But with the low white birth rate it will mean less white liberals born that can be made to feel guilty for things they had nothing to do with. There is a Wall of Shit coming this way in about 20 years assuming that the US last that long.

John said...

It is amusing to me when I read post from people who respond to my comments how somehow race comes into the issue. Lets be clear and lets "get real".

This country made a investment in the 30's when it built "Hoover Dam"
and "TVA"(Tennessee Valley Authority). That investment created jobs in building those projects. (it created sources of power/energy that built business's
that made things,brought power into homes for working americans,and created the economic boom of the late 30's into the 50's.)

Another example? The space program. Investment created jobs which contributed to creating technology that the general public uses today.(microwave ovens,freeze dried foods,cell phone,video processing and Tang).

These examples came about through goverment investment but its benefits contributed to the free market outside that original goverment investment. (The Free Market!!!!!!!)

At no time I mention anything about Cuba nor anything that dealt with race. I seem to think the future can be bright in this country. I don't think a "shitwall" of hurt is comming.(Sounds like someone is listening to Glen Beck???) I think that this country will come together if we go back to creating and innovation.
It takes vision something that a lot of people on this blog doesn't have.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I Love Tang!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I brought up race because it is germane to the discussion that is looking out over the next few decades and seeing where this country is headed. You mentioned the space program and the benefits that it brought to the country but then you should perhaps look at the demographics of that time. Most of those inventions were created by white males and Jewish males just a fact of life. And before you try and throw a racist spanner at me for my comments I have simply stated what is an obvious fact that I doubt you can dispute with any vigor leaving aside the small number of non whites that made significant contributions during those times; unless the drop out rates of all students here in the US and more so called minority children start performing at high levels the US will continue her slide down into Second World Status soon to become Brazil II.
You didn’t really address my point that so called Green Tech will destroy other older industries meaning the destruction of millions of jobs. The US is on her way to a financial Waterloo.


Unfunded obligations
The U.S. government is committed under current law to mandatory payments for programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. The GAO projects that payouts for these programs will significantly exceed tax revenues over the next 75 years. The Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) payouts already exceed program tax revenues and Social Security payroll taxes fully cover payouts only until 2017. These deficits require funding from other tax sources or borrowing.[46] The present value of these deficits or unfunded obligations is an estimated $41 trillion. This is the amount that would have to be set aside during 2008 such that the principal and interest would pay for the unfunded commitments through 2082. Approximately $7 trillion relates to Social Security, while $34 trillion relates to Medicare and Medicaid. In other words, health care programs are nearly five times as serious a funding challenge as Social Security. Adding this to the national debt during September 2008 of nearly $10 trillion and other federal commitments brings the total obligations to nearly $53 trillion.[57]

Anonymous said...

microwave ovens,freeze dried foods,cell phone,video processing and Tang).



Freeze-dried coffee was first produced in 1938, (NOT during time of Space Program)




Notice that all of these things you listed invented by white males except maybe for Tang that was developed by a private company not NASA.

Anonymous said...


John said...

You are "Racist". My post wasn't about anything to do with race. It wasn't germane to anything.This gets old because it seems that we get into this "BS" about what race is better.
As far non-white contribution to the space program. I'm sure that black aviators like "The Tuskegee Airman" if given the chance would have performed well in that enviroment. I'm also sure that we got some missle/jet tech. from the Japanese who was developing a fighter jet, similar to what the nazi's had at the end of World War II.(the fact is minorites didn't contribute to the space agency because of "racism" not the fact that they didn't have the skills.)

I'm sure that there will be lost of jobs if "green jobs" are implemented or come in play. New tech. will replace old tech at some point. I won't dispute that at all but we as a country have always adapted and we will again.

Let me clear up something about inventions from the space program. Your right about freeze-dried foods.(I stand corrected because I'm a intelectually honest person and I don't give a "FUCK" about what race invented what.)

Education is important in the big picture. Non/whites believe that and have always worked to pass that down to the next generation. The deal is that we are all in this together and the focus should be on that instead of divisions which you and other "racist" try to "stroke".

John said...

Gee I did a little more research on Nasa's contributions to freeze dried foods and I was right. Yes, in 1938 Nestle invented the process but Nasa conducted exstensive reasearch and made improvements to food processing for it Apollo missions. (This according to Nasa's website on tech from the space program.)

Also while they didn't work for NASA. These inventors contribute to our space/air programs. (David Crosthwait Jr. expert on heating/cooling and air ventalation. Emmett Chappelle made contributions to medicine,biology food science and astrochemistry and USAF Major Robert Henry Lawrence Jr.; First black astronaunt and member of air force's manned orbiting Lab. Mae Jamison: first balck female astronaunt.

Anonymous said...

Two year warning seems to have gone to waste now where else was it that people were warned years ahead...


Anonymous said...

Well, John all that was nice and neat about freeze dried foods being pushed by NASA but I really doubt that we wouldn't have had the same results leaving aside what the Apollo Program cost. It is much like the black people you posted: no doubt nice contributions to society but if they had never been born I doubt that my life would be any different than it is now. Take Bill Gates out yes that would have had an impact or even Steve Jobs though he is a Jew.
Or how about John Carmack...local boy. You will have to look him up...

Face it John, take out all the contributions by black scientists and my life would not be much different than it is now take all the white guys out and your life would be radically different.

Let's see if you are honest enough to admit that...

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for "black people" you wouldn't even exist.

Anonymous said...

You might have a point by making certain assumptions that may or may not be accurate therefore the burden of proof is on you. The challenge I hit John with is easier to make then the one you tossed out on the table.

John said...

Reason,Logic and Accountability just doesn't exist in your world.

It's amazing that mathematics,philosphy,medicine,banking had its origins in non/european
settings.(In fact when these and many other advances was happening your descedents was still in caves.
Just kidding) Not in your case.

My point about the black inventors that I listed is that they contributed someway to our technical development. That development aided the space program and other technical advances.

You are truly a legend in your own little mind. Whatever I try to say or write will not sink into your head. In the big picture we are all in this together so I leave it at that.

Chiefs Fan said...

This blog discussion is turning into Redstate.com.


Anonymous said...

Sorry dude, but I am cursed with a logical mind. I am not drawn to false prophets like you seem to be. What am I supposed to be accountable to? Me, family, friends, country perhaps but not to the whole world; I am not going to bother arguing the finer points of the origin of things since I am well aware of the contributions of other cultures to the world scene. The proof is in the pudding really. I don’t see millions of whites trying to flood into non white countries but I certainly see the latter happening.
You know nothing about my descendents so spare me the pocket change insult. Someone like you who happens to be intellectually bankrupt would be the first to say that we have to respect Ancient Cultures even those living in caves. You simply show your true colors. I have never made a claim other than being a student of History.
What did the black female astronaut contribute? Other than being a black female and the first one in space.
I have seen things that would blow your provincial mind to bits. I have plumbed multiple dimensions in my mind while you sat around masturbating to the History Channel.

For people that might be reading this I give you this for food to chew on.


Anonymous said...

Here is some red meat for you Bill:


Anonymous said...

The US unemployment rate is about 17 percent with millions of people unable to find work including some with advanced degrees and yet we are soon going to be forced to absorb millions of illiterate, superstitious peasants whither they are brought here to the US or we are forced to rebuild there entire country. Think of the boondoggle this is going to bring to the lawyers here in US. Haitian: “I want a lawyer, man. You filthy rich, greedy Americans came here, built me a new house, gave me, clothes, food, free medical, but I stubbed by toe on the edge of the shower stall. You owe me.”

The country is heavily corrupt. Every year much of the humanitarian aid is pocketed by officials.


Chiefs Fan said...

Hey anonymous I don't care much about Haiti to be honest. I'm sorry those people had to lose so many but Haiti has been through serveal hurricanes and a few US military invasions and I never cared then so it would be disingenuous for me to pretend otherwise, Plus I can see a Samolia like situation with US forces in Haiti. Of course thats not what main stream aka PC media wants you to say or here.

Heres a good article http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/01/14-13

Anonymous said...

Read between the lines:


Anonymous said...

This female was an obvious AA pick.

Jemison graduated from Stanford in 1977, receiving a B.S. in chemical engineering and fulfilling the requirements for a B.A. in African and Afro-American Studies.[4] Jemison said that majoring in engineering as a black woman was difficult because race is always an issue in the United States.[11] "Some professors would just pretend I wasn't there. I would ask a question and a professor would act as if it was just so dumb, the dumbest question he had ever heard. Then, when a white guy would ask the same question, the professor would say, "That's a very astute observation.'"[11] In an interview with the Des Moines Register in 2008 Jemison said that it was difficult to go to Stanford at 16, but thinks her youthful arrogance may have helped her.[12] "I did have to say, 'I'm going to do this and I don't give a d**n.'" She points out the unfairness of the necessity for women and minorities of having that attitude in some fields.[12]

Jemison obtained her Doctor of Medicine degree in 1981 from Cornell Medical College (now Weill Medical College of Cornell University) She interned at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center and later worked as a general practitioner. During medical school Jemison traveled to Cuba, Kenya and Thailand, to provide primary medical care to people living there.[13] During her years at Cornell Medical College, Jemison took lessons in modern dance at the Alvin Ailey school.[8] Jemison later built a dance studio in her home and has choreographed and produced several shows of modern jazz and African dance.[1][10]

Jemison also took several small art objects from West African countries to symbolize that space belongs to all nations.[1] Also on this flight, according to Bessie Coleman biographer Doris L. Rich, Ms. Jemison also took into orbit a photo of Coleman—Coleman was the very first Afro-American woman to ever fly an airplane. (Tragically, Coleman died after falling from her Curtiss Biplane in 1926.)

John said...

Dr. Mae Jemison sure accomplished a lot of things. She went to Stanford at age 16,got her B.S. in chemical engineering and went to medical school got her medical license. (The above biography which was lifted from Wikipedia is accurate but I'm trying to get why Dr.Jemison is a AA?? She seemed to earn everything that she worked for.)

It seems that we have a lot of angry little children who haven't really done anything in thier lives. So what we do is attack other people's accomplishments or take them as our own.

Talk about being weak!!! But isn't this is what the so-called master race is about??

Illuminaughty said...

To Russ, every employed black person is an AA pick.

The interesting thing, though, is your final comment there, John. Let's take a look at it.

"Talk about being weak!!! But isn't this is what the so-called master race is about??" What is your intended meaning here, John? Bashing whitey again, are we? Please explain this comment.

John...Joe Biden referred to Obama as a clean and articulate black person. Of course, this means Joe Biden believes there is such a thing as a dirty and inarticulate black person. Obviously, as you have stated, you are a black person. Obviously, as you have demonstrated, you are inarticulate. My question to you is: do you think Joe Biden would perceive you as a dirty black person?

John said...

It's weak that some "moron" would question the credentials of someone like Dr. Mae Jemison as a product of AA. She has unique abilites regardless of her sex and race. I'm sure that she inspired other people to get into the space program,regardless of background,race or sex.

I don't know the Vice President of the United States. I look at his statement about Obama as trying to articulate what his historic candidacy meant to whites in this country. He misspoke and he apologized. (I moved on. Why not you??)

But I guess you want to feel safe in your ignorance. You call me a racist and I haven't made a racial comment other than talking about the need to pull together.

It's always racist like you that bring race up. I don't. I moved on about that a long time ago. Its just that when I comment on it and call a lot of you idiots out you come at me.(This isn't Mike Justice. Better remember that!!!)

Anonymous said...

Well, John I never made any claim that the woman in question was stupid or that she didn't earn what she strived for; however having said that I do think it is more than likely NASA took into account that she was a black female and that was enough to give her a slot even though the first time they turned her down but maybe that was before they knew that she was black.
As far as the Master Race comment you made it is obvious to me that black people are the Superior People on the planet. If they live in the West they get freebies all the time for just being black. They have thousands of Civil Rights Organizations pimping for them and if they are struck by a Hurricane or earth quake money rolls in. They don’t have to take any personal responsibility unless they want to. The following will illustrate this point:


Anonymous said...


Limbaugh told his listeners: "To some people, banker is a code word for Jewish; and guess who Obama is assaulting? He's assaulting bankers. He's assaulting money people. And a lot of those people on Wall Street are Jewish. So I wonder if there's – if there's starting to be some buyer's remorse there."

I have always taken it for granted that Rush Limbaugh does not like Jews. Racists and nativists never like Jews. In fact, Jews are, for them, the symbol of what is wrong with liberal democracy.


Limbaugh has particular reasons for not liking Jews. They are overwhelmingly Democratic and they are liberals. The most prominent feminists (Betty Friedan and Bella Abzug) have been Jews. The most significant fighter for gay rights, Harvey Milk, was a Jew. The New York Times is owned by Jews. Barney Frank is a Jew. Hollywood is Jewish. In fact, most of the liberal institutions in this country are, let's be honest, heavily Jewish.

Anonymous said...

A chicken and an egg lie in bed. The chicken smokes a cigarette and smiles with satisfacton. The egg frowns and mutters " well, I guess we answered that question"

Marcus said...

I think we all understand that you don't like jews and think every other race feeds on white flesh. We get it, you can shut up now. It must be frustrating that the closest you can get to "white power" is the "White Rain" (FYI it's not the 'reign' you're thinking) scented shampoo you use on your shaved head.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marcus, cute response for an intolerant liberal: oh by the way you are supposed to capitalize the word Jew. What I have posted about Jews comes from what other people have said that may or may not reflect my own views of them. As far as every other race feeding off ‘white flesh’ (by the by interesting word usage that might indicate that you are a cannibal or that you are into porn featuring white females; now if I used the term ‘Jewish flesh’ no doubt you would be calling me a hater) but the fact is that I have made no claim that white people are superior as I pointed out black people are the superior ones; though I will say that Asian are way smarter than whites on average after all Japan did join the Axis. And Jews have their special place at the head of the table at least for now.
You see, Marcus, I fully understand and admit that what I believe might be wrong, might be crazy, might be that I am a lunatic but in your case you are the one with the closed mind. I am the heretic, you are the true believer. Let’s see if you are smart enough to figure that last bit out.
Just saw Sherlock Holmes the new movie, liked it well enough you should go and see it; reminded me of Plato’s Republic.
As for your last comment it was sort of funny but if I had said, Black Rain you would call me a racist and insensitive.
For your enjoyment Marcus:


From Publishers Weekly
The provocative argument that underlies this idiosyncratic, fascinating and at times marvelously infuriating study of the evolution of Jewish cultural and political sensibility is that the 20th century is the Jewish Age because "modernization is about everyone becoming urban, mobile, literate, articulate, intellectually intricate.... Modernization, in other words, is about everyone becoming Jewish." A professor of history at UC-Berkeley, Slezkine plays a delicate game here. Knowing that his grand statements are more metaphorical than supportable with historical fact, he maps out a new history of Jewish culture over the past 100 years in four radically diverse but cohesive chapters. In a history of Jewish group identity and function, Slezkine depicts Jews as a nomadic tribe that functions as a promoter of urban cultural and economic change.

John said...

Good Post Marcus,

Its always good to read a blog entry from someone that has a brain.

Marcus said...

I do plan on seeing Sherlock Holmes, but I like to wait until someone uploads a DVD copy on the internet so I can watch it free- because I'm a fiscal conservative. Aside from your jew hating, it seems like, if I follow your logic, AA should be scrapped. Guess what, alot of people agree with you (including black people). I don't know how well you understand the need for it in the past, regardless of IQ, but I think it was created in the American ideal of equality at an important time. Fortunately or unfortunately, too much money flows through it now to just hack it off, I think. If it's such a big issue for you, hide your hate, you may get more listeners (maybe change your venue, as well).

Anonymous said...

Hey, Marcus, for a moment I thought you were talking about Obama hiding his hate...never mind.

Here you go:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sherlock Holmes 2009


Anonymous said...

Seems that people are waking up to the facts...


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