Thursday, August 26, 2010

? will be able to get the studio, but I can record "interviews" fir the show next week.


Anonymous said...

Let's generate some blogging here

I'm not a fan of Victor Davis Hansen. He is one of these new neo-con historians at the Heritage foundation that speaks of war like it's a game and it's noble.

Nationalism is alive and well here in this country. Look at the zenophobes who make up the tea party. The mess with the community
center near ground zero in NYC. The
illegal immigration debates etc. etc.etc.


Folk said...

A lot of the Ron Paul folks in the tea-partiers are very much opposed to war, Ron Paul himself has said that if for no other reason we need to stop the war machine because it's making US broke. 'sorry folks, we have to slow down on torture, murder, and telling the rest of the world what to do because we just can't afford it.'(I guess you gotta remember who he's talking to but it still seems pretty cold to me)

There is a popular willful ignorance of the facts about 9-11, and the assumption that most all muslims hate america and are terrorists was one of many misconceptions that popped out of that ignorance. The new Muslims-only club in NY is a perfect opportunity to have that debate publicly and settle it.

I think people are pissed because foreigners are increasingly taking US jobs but illegal immigrants are actually the least of that problem. The biggest problem with our jobs is actually due to the policies of Globalist scum like Clintons, Bushes, Gore, Obama, etc, steadily selling US out to foreign interests.

Anonymous said...

It's a community center that will be open to the public. It's not even on ground zero but about 4 blocks from the site. (You know that there is actually a mosque a block away from ground zero that has been open for 40 years? Hey you got strip joints around that area also. Wonder why no one is bitching about that?.)

As far as foreigner's or non white people taking jobs?. I think that the country is getting much more diverse in culture and the type of people that are here and well it just really piss of a lot of so-called real americans." I want my country back" Get over yourselves please.


Anonymous said...

I obviously haven't bothered to read too much about the whatever center in NY, it's not an issue to me.
I don't think the problem for most of the illegal immigration haters is skin color like you are alluding to. I think the problems most of them have is more about lack of good paying jobs for "citizens" and about people who aren't even from here using "our" resources and sending "our" money to mexico and so on.

I want my country back, but I want it back from the global interests because I understand that is where most of the big problems around the globe actually come from, they're purposeful and unavoidable in a "global" system. I want my country back from lawyers and lobbyists and marketers and Uncle MIC and the oversized, purposefully wasteful,greed and control motivated, redtape, corporate-commie-police-state fucking nightmare that just keeps on building here and abroad. I want my country back from corporate ownership, economic enslavement, repossessors, tax collectors and a slew of other oppressors... more and more of peoples outlooks and life experiences are being dictated by fewer and fewer people through fear and greed, this is going on all over the place. It's called the new world order, and it's infested all over the world of course, it's a big idea, sets of well thought out specific plans and orderly general directions toward the will of the few owning tracking and controlling the many, a specific directed chaos that is being increasingly set in our minds and on paper that will fuck you over or even torture and kill you for an extra buck or an extra piece of control and even laugh about it as long as it's done in an orderly manner and with enough other folks consent. It's about getting as many people as it can to accept highly observed and controlled environments, people with just enough of the right knowledge to complete directed tasks and play certain games to direct others. It's about building a world wide empire mindjob controlled by wealthy elites, directed by greed, eliteism, and the strictest of burocrasies. When I say I want my country back, I mean I want it back from NWO slavery.

Anonymous said...

In Africa, much like the States, there's often too much money involved to provide lasting help, it's too many conflicting games combined with the fact that if these people could take care of themselves, then a lot of games would change and many would be over.

Wanna screw up a lot of games and help people in Africa(or here too) immensely? How about "The Irrigate Africa Project"? Send in the peace corp and whoever else wants to help to irrigate and plant crops starting where the need is greatest. Teach villages how to grow lots of different stuff and how to make wooden irrigation pipes and how to construct their own basic machines so they can happily provide their own food, clothing, shelters and herbal medicines for their own villages.

They can go to space and build military bases deep underground and inside mountains and pump out new and amazing ways for people to kill each other all the time. I think that we can irrigate Africa!(or here) It would put a serious crimp in the pimp of various globalist interests, big pharma, war merchants, all sorts of game players. Oh, and fucking Bono, fuck that fucking guy and his buy red scam, that dude sucks. When the AG revolution hits Africa,(or here) the theme could be "don't feed sally struthers, plant a fucking tree!"

Folk out

New World Order-Big Idea!

Power To The People - Denis Leary

Anonymous said...

You need to do some traveling, Folk.

Anonymous said...

What might I learn from said traveling in regards to these subjects?

Folk in

Folk said...

That's what I thought.

Anonymous said...

During bad economic times a group or groups are singled out by the majority. The idea is that if we get rid of the blacks,spics,chinks then it will all work out. (Good decent white folk will have jobs)

I'm not disagreeing we need better paying jobs but get a CLUE!.

The tea party is something for nothing crowd. They want all the entitlements but don't want people who don't look like them to get those entitlements. They are manipulated by the same corporate bigshots that you are going off about. Useful idiots!!! You quote the bible,constitution and manipulate history to fit your wacky view of the world. (Glen Beck example!!!)


Anonymous said...

Do you think that you and the majority of americans are not manipulated by those same corporate bigshots? Do you actually believe that you are not a useful idiot in multiple corporate and governmental schemes? The man will try to co-opt any major movement, just look at the republicans and the democrats.

Who does this? "You quote the bible,constitution and manipulate history to fit your wacky view of the world."
Glenn Beck?
Fuck Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck is NOT the Tea Party no matter how hard he tries to claim it. And fuck the racists too, they are really just a few idiots. A whole lot of folks in the US of various skin colors are oppressed, overworked, underpaid, and taxed till it hurts and then taxed some more. If GB wants to be about civil rights, then I think people from all parties who wish to secure our voting rights should challenge him to help secure our voting rights by pushing to outlaw electronic voting.

America, Folk yeah!

Anonymous said...

I stand by my statement on the use of the bible,constitution and how some people use it to manipulate the populace to fit a world view. Some people?? People like Glen Beck,Sean Hannity and insert your rightwing reactionary talk radio type.

As far as the tea party well I'm not a fan. Why? Well I think a lot of people in that movement don't know what the hell they want or what they are talking about. If your part of the movement then I say good for you

We don't disagree that much. I just come from a left-leaning point of view and I believe in holding all politicals accountable
even people I like. (Your charged that I can be manipulated is weak cause I tend to be a little bit informed on the issues.)

You will always have power/elites. That is reality!!. The question is??. Do you get out and work in this process to change the system.?? A lot of times you don't win but you keep trying.


Anonymous said...

You said: "You will always have power/elites. That is reality!!.

Why? Can't we just have some wealthy folks? Is it really such a good idea to let such a small group of people control the whole planet? Is it even a good idea at all to give control over our lives to the coldest big-business bankers and lawyers on the planet?
It only seems unavoidable because so few people are actually trying to avoid it.

I vote but beyond that I personally can't get involved in the system itself right now. I do what I can by speaking my mind every chance I get, searching for solutions, and I occasionally support candidates when I find one that I like.

You're informed on the issues that you are led to be informed about. Are you informed about the federal reserve system and this merging global economy? What about rights to privacy issues? How about what's in your food issues? Or police state issues?

Libs everywhere seem to be foaming at the mouth over the tea parties. I'm not a tea partier, but I've been thinking lately, why not? I could go out there, hold a sign with something I feel is important written on it and get a little attention and discussion drawn to that issue, hopefully it lines up with some other folks there but if not oh well. I mentioned that to a friend and he said it sounds like co-opting the tea party and I think that is one of the biggest issues in this nation right now is this polarized enemy mentality towards each other. The tea party is so many different things to different folks. It's a lot of people that are pissed off, most about money, and it seems they're the only people that are willing to take it to the streets these days. If We The People let FOX and Obama-haters define that movement then I guess that is our own fault. What are you pissed about? Or even better, what are you passionate about? There are a lot of places where leftys and the patriot teafolks would agree, we could seek some of those out and hope for a real movement. I guess people just don't realize it or something but a huge majority of us is anti-war these days, yet we're still building the empire. What would the media do if Libs started showing up on mass at tea party events but instead of beefing, they found some common ground and went after some of those causes together? I think the answer is mainstream media blackout but there is pretty powerful alternative media online these days and it's hard to ignore millions of people.
So yeah, I say let's find some issues that we can agree on and "co-opt" the Tea Party Movement. Let's take a big messy movement all over the police-state money-mofia war-machine!


Anonymous said...

These are my thoughts on some major issues. Where do I fit into your left-right thing John?

The Economy -
The People: Produce goods. Buy mostly made in the USA goods.
The corporations: Break down into smaller companies.
The governments: Regulate big corporations and detur big government control at the state and local levels. Tax the heck out of imports. Stop trying to create local jobs at national levels and start trying to build national wealth at local levels.

Taxes -
The People: Demand local taxes only.
The corporations: Stop taking public money and tax incentives.
The governments: Stop giving money and tax breaks to corporations and cut waste.

Wars -
The People: Pass measures at the localest of levels to bring all troops from their locality home!
The corporations: Stop selling death, if people want to kill each other then let them make their own weapons!
The governments: Bring the troops home!

Health Care -
The People: Gardens and healthy eating education in neighborhoods and public schools.
The corporations: Stop being so damn greedy!
The governments: No mandated health care, more free clinics for the poor.

Illegal Immigration -
The People: Come to a consensus on open or closed borders, the games are hurting us as well as our southern neighbors.
The corporations: n/a
The governments: Deport all illegals for any reason or deport none at all.

Folk it

Anonymous said...

That would never happen, can't fix it if it aint broken. To some it is to others it isn't. The tea party reminds me of the mob mentality. It's sheep herd with a shepherd.

Anonymous said...

If you think it's cool to run around torturing, killing, and imposing our will on the world by force, then you are broken by any decent standard.

Anonymous said...

Of course not but how can you change anything when people are manipulated by their deepest desires and fears even when they do not know it and only see the world thru that filter. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Jiddu K. Oz.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Do whatever you want. Join up with the tea party. Knock yourself out but be prepared to reap what you sow!!.

You have power-elites!. That is a fact so deal with. The question?.Who is manipulating the message?. Is our citizens informed on the issues?. I say they aren't.

It's always been a class struggle in this whole game. You have the upper 2% claiming they are poor and getting suckers who are middle to lower middle class who votes against thier own. Tax cuts for the upper 2% somehow will trickle down to the rest. Yea, right!!!.

I wish I had something in common
with the tea party. I just like to
know if they are really conservatives then what are they willing to give up??.


Anonymous said...

I responded to you, John, but it's not here anymore for some reason.

Anonymous said...

In fact, all sorts of shit that I posted here last night is gone now. I guess that's my fault for investing so much time in one place and for not making a copy of course. Peace out.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to get posts to stick here lately, Blogger sux, fuck it, here:

Anonymous said...

Full Movie: Leaves of Grass

Anonymous said...

A new day is dawning

What we think and sense here and what we do right now is all that we can really control

Sometimes we forget about the present, the path we choose here & now

Sometimes we forget that the past is behind us even when we bring it along

Sometimes we forget where we're going, sometimes we even forget where we've been

Probabilities and possibilities are in the future, along with improbabilities

Life is behind us every step of the way

Life is present through every breath

Life is ahead of us like open doors

Sometimes we walk through the doors that are open and sometimes we seek out other paths and sometimes we make our own paths

Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination

Sometimes when we write things down they are easier to remember

A new day will come, this is certainty